Did you fall for the CRT meme?
Did you fall for the CRT meme?
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Bloodstained maybe should have looks like this. just saying.
details show up so much better in the bottom screen. top is garbage, pure trash
bloodstained should have used this style of castlevania too, not that stupid shit biting off of metroid
I’ve got my ps1 and ps2 hooked up to a CRT only because I don’t have enough slots on my 4K tv. Honestly makes for some real comfy gaming
How come CRTs just look so good? It's incredible. The technology never should have been abandoned.
never and I grew up with that shit and generally like lo-fi aesthetics
sotn was always just a watered down super metroid with more items
>Boomers and Zoomers alike will never know the simple joy of playing your Pi emulation through a real CRT with less-than-original-hardware latency
it's the glow
modern screens don't do it and photos don't capture it properly
Can LCD ever compete?
Actual boomers don't fall for this nu-CRT shit. Real boomers have accepted that modern high-res IPS displays are superior.
This reeks of zoomer faux-nostalgiafaggotry
>boomer zoomer autism
underageb& get out
>looks all fuzzy and messy for no reason other than "hey, remember when tv used to look like this?"
yea, i'll pass
>TLC screen
literal garbage.
b i g t i m e c o p e
You have to incredibly close to the screen to discern those details. Also, the right image has been fucked with filters.
thought that was dracula X pictured, nvm then
The people who claim CRT is should still be used are the same kind of people who say "SOUL vs SOULLESS" shit.
>using a camera to take a picture of a refreshing display
take a screenshot you fucking retards
enjoy not even being able to see all the pixels because of fucking ugly as shit scanlines.
>he fell for the LCD meme
sacrificing everything for space. Truly sad.
>the right image has been fucked with filters.
that's how all LCDs handle non-native resolutions. You don't even own the real hardware.
those lights come from the camera
they come from the panel actually. All flat panels have light bleed. Inherent to the technology.
If there's one time thats most important to see, it's when there's nothing on the screen. Way to blow them the fuck out, based CRT user.
I want /vr/ to leave. Now.
I'm not an autistic robot that uses numbers to choose my set.
I play the game on original, intended hardware for maximum nostalgia and soul. Video games are for feeling, not bragging, loser.
>he can't afford an upscaler
If it's visible when there should be no color, it's impacting all times when color should be present. That is self-evident.
Does anyone manufacture new tubes?
yes theh are peak comfy
i wish i had a trinitron
My 4K LG OLED C8 shits on that CRT, try not being poor and buying a TCL panel
You're gonna need a new one in a couple of years. Unless you really like the color yellow.
>Consumer fag has to purchase confidence
/vr/ is always here, we never left
>not having the duo rx controller with your duo rx
>i bought a pawn shop monitor
>why is it so shit
>300 lines of motion resolution
enjoy your expensive blur-o-vision.
Gorgeous crt, what are the chances of finding one of those in Vietnam?
>dude just spend more money, that'll fix the inherent flaws in the technology that nobody has been able to fix
good thinking Samsung employee.
these were peak crt
zoomer detected
They're not uncommon in Japan, since you're so close I imagine they aren't impossible to come across. Couldn't hurt to take a trip to see if you can find one.
>dude just spend more money
Yea, you know those fancy CRT's that you like, they were several thousand dollars on release. meaning tens of thousands today. Fucking dumbass zoomer who clearly didn't even live in the era falling for retarded memes.
I recently played SOTN and its such a mess of a game.
Trip to Japan? Would be expensive, I don't get paid much here but I'd rather be as far away from my family as possible.
>playing old games
Get with the times gramps.
Sorry I can't understand your incoherent babbling. Try breathing slowly before raging any harder. Don't tell me you fell for the 1440p meme as well? I never even spent more than 20 bucks on a CRT.
Yeah and glad I did, literally the only way top play classic shit
>x isn't uncommon in Japan
Everything's overpriced in Japan.
Just a thought on the best place to find them. Due to how near you are however they're probably floating around your country in a decent number.
There are a few games that incorporate CRT scanlines into their art, meaning that the game looks "right" with proper lines applied.
So if you look at OPs pic, you see the overall picture without the lines looks overly saturated. In the top pick the stones and top tower look turquoise/green, in the bottom thanks to the lines, it looks more stone/grey-ish colour. the clockface looks disgustingly piss yellow top, but has a pleasing golden tone to it at the bottom. The gradient from red to yellow also looks much nicer in the bottom pic,
HOWEVER scanlines are a FLAW and saying otherwise is retarded. It's just that some games calculated in the flaw and some don't.
Usually text/numbers/small shit suffers from scanlines.
Guess I'll check ebay japan and see if they ship here.
>literal seething poorfag
What part are you in? I saw CRTs every now and then in Hanoi
O stilll hce my crt from the '90s
>There are a few games that incorporate CRT scanlines into their art
yeah, every 240p game, so almost every game made before 1998.
>scanlines are a FLAW
No, they're just a trait.
>Usually text/numbers/small shit suffers from scanlines.
No, they benefited and techniques such as half dot were invented to improve clarity which LCDs ruin.
Good comparisons.
I never really got what people meant by the "LCDs are horrible when it comes to representing Black color right" or whatever, until I compared a couple of PS1 and PS2 era games where the dark lighting was pretty important for the aesthetic of those games, and everything looked way too bright and washed out on my LCD compared to my CRT.
Anons please help, how do I buy a new PS2 in 2019?
Well, yes LCDs always have the issue with deep blacks, but it also heavily depends on the LCD, dumb expensive "gaming" monitors are pretty decent with blacks, but if you get a giant walmart TV that somehow only costs $70, then you will have these HORRIBLE lighting splotches and notifiable uneven shit.
they're like 300-400 on ebay. Most PS2's work just fine and back up loading evades any issues with disc drives.
Why do you want a new one? Buy a fat PS2 and hard-drive adapter then install HDD loader and you can play every game without worrying about your laser.
You can also play PS1 backups but those require actual discs.
Thanks, it's going to be important to document how the technology works or else it'll be lost to time and people think half baked emulation like crtroyale or crtemudriver are accurate representations.
No, unlike most of you I'm old enough to have actually grown up with these mammoth shit boxes. Despite the fact that they may very well suit retro gaming, I'd rather not play on a 200lbs 28" space heater.
I just though old PS2s would be in fucked up condition, good to see there’s a market
>he can't even lift
>thinks he has to move a monitor every day
you know how I can tell you're underage?
not using a composite crt shader to emulate the half pixel technique that old console games relied on
Where do people find these monitors? I've got an old as fuck $40 walmart monitor that doesn't do it.
I work at a retro game store, we get at least 2 or 3 PS2s a week, maybe one in every 15 has problems, usually not reading CD games. Most are just fine and read games quickly.
>I'd rather not play on a 200lbs 28" space heater.
You're not fucking holding the TV when you're playing the game,
I mean, I guess if you zoom in the top example 30% more, it might look exaggeratedly worse.
I'm also certain that picture was saved as JPG at some point, because there is clear JPG artifacting going on, decreasing the quality further.
I've used CRTs for my entire life and never stopped, so I wouldn't say that I fell for a meme.
For a single reason, yes.
if the image was a png the LCD half would look even worse.
Mother fucker I grew up playing vector man on one of these pieces of shit. I defended CRTs until plasmas finally worked out screen retention. Since that moment, there has always been a better quality picture available. Only a complete retard would argue this.
You don't say?
Actually no. JPG artifacts "blend over" certain things in order to save space. This usually is very visible in "same-y" parts. If you open his original picture, you see heavy artefacting around "PREV" and on the top between the bottom buttons, (as well as near all the bottom writing)
However,the scanline pic has lots of different colors very close together, which works against jpg "bleeding". (If you look at his picture, the same places in the bottom pic don't seem to have any artifacting at all.
plasmas are great. everything since plasma has been garbage
Since you missed it: the point is sharper pixels hurt readability because the assets were designed for a CRT.
Hm? I just explained to the guy who didn't think it was .jpg that it clearly was .jpg at one point.
My Panasonic plasma finally ate shit so I recently moved on to a 4k lcd. The uneven and washed out blacks are no where near as bad as they used to be, but i can still see imperfections every now and then. I used to be really artistic about this shit, to the point of spending 5k on that Panasonic. I'm trying to just let it go.
Can the switch play on a CRT?
Thinking of picking one up but I don't have any "modern" display everything screen wise is from 2007
I used crt monitor until around 2012. My tv is samsung crt untill 2017 when it decided to shit itself.
CRT is fucking shit.
Same, my CRT randomly died on me as well.
Thank god tho, because I had TV running 24/7 and it actually cured me from TV addiction.
Bulk Slash
Not without any adapters or an hdmi port on your display.
CRTs only have good blacks when used in low light conditions. I think where most people get confused is when they hear that CRTs don't emit light in areas of the image that are black, they assume this means that the area must be close to pure black. What they fail to take into account is the fact that the colour of CRT's screen is the limiting factor, and that it is actually grey instead of black. So even though an LCD's "black" might be emitting light, in most lighting conditions it will actually be emitting much less light than the CRT's screen is reflecting, causing it to actually outperform the CRT. What most of these zoomers don't realise is that for a CRT to have better black performance than an LCD you actually have to treat it like you would a projector and use it in a light controlled environment. This is why when they take LCD/CRT comparison images they'll usually do so with the lights off. Of course this isn't very practical for every day use, and these same people will typically use their CRTs with the lights on, and in their ignorance, will actually believe they are getting better blacks than with an LCD. Even with an LCD sitting right next to them for comparison, their simplistic belief that "CRTs have better blacks than LCD" will cause them to completely ignore what they're seeing with their own eyes. Post purchase rationalisation after paying an exorbitant amount of money for the CRT will likely also contribute to their delusion as well.
CRTs don't have perfect black levels either. LCDs have largely caught up if you get something high end
Is there anything more pathetic than zoomers touting their "aesthetic" CRTs all the while exclusively using composite?
>that unblended dither on the right ground
in case you're really clueless and not just baiting
>CRTs don't have perfect black levels either.
outside of glow effect on high contrast edges, it's as perfect as it gets as there's no constant backlight behind the entire screen.
Only lcds with self-illuminating pixels (oled/microled) can compete and neither tech is mass available on market, unlike shitty common backlit lcd or crt back in its day
no, since i'm old enough to have grown up on crts, and mostly remember them for failing randomly and how badly we all wanted to get away from them and get to digital display technologies that reproduced images 1:1.
What model?
composite was the staple back in 320x220 era consoles and some britbong computers, so it's ok to use it if going for ''muh aesthetic'' meme
>people unironically brag about growing up pre-2007 now
Do you really think 12 year old zoomers are the ones buying CRTs?
I've seen some LCDs with better black levels than some CRTs, honestly.
your about to get watered down with piss if you dont take that back
such as?
I found a PVM for free one time and it was worn out or something so it didn't have perfect black levels. I got a more recent LCD tv too with a certain kind of dynamic contrast feature and as far as it can tell, it has better black levels than the CRT. I think the more significant benefits of CRTs lie elsewhere than black levels.
21 years old zoomer here, I got a small 35cm one for my SNES that was gathering dust, it's been fun to replay some of my old games, and I have a pal coming over to play Secret of Mana next week.
My only issue is that it's still plugged in RCA, I'm a baguette so I'll look around for a cheap peritel cable. Still better than my PS3 that's plugged in VGA tho
I fell for the OLED meme.
>it's as perfect as it gets as there's no constant backlight behind the entire screen.
The screen itself is not black. This means the amount of light reflected by a CRT is typically more than the combined transmitted and reflected light of an LCD.
Australia is cool
dynamic contrast is the worst fucking thing ever - it reduces intensity of backlight, yes, so the black glow isn't as noticeable, but it also washes away all the white bright pixels.
>it has better black levels than the CRT.
it physically can not (unless you compare it to a 40yo shitty tv with insane phosphorus ghosting.
Crt has perfect black levels because nothing is lighting up those blacks from inside. Lack of light is as black as it gets.
>and it was worn out or something so it didn't have perfect black levels.
PVMs typically have even worse blacks than consumer CRTs. I guess because they're intended to be used in dark editing rooms instead of peoples sunny living rooms.
what game?
lcds reflect light as well. In a lit room both techs provide adequate picture (lcd even wins because it' brighter)
It's the dark rooms where lcd screws the pooch hard
It's either Cotton 2 or Cotton Boomerang.
>lcds reflect light as well.
Yes, I said this in my post. The point is that the combined reflected and transmitted light of an LCD is typically less than just the reflected light of a CRT.
>pay more for an inferior product
Who's that stup..
>numale anime poster
Someone tell me if CRTs have no actual pixels (because they use electron beam) why do any of them have a max resolution they can display?
This is only really true for monochrome CRTs. Colour CRTs have a pixel-like structure that limits the resolution.
>duuude those crts costed A GRAND
>What youre smart enough to use an old expensive monitor unlike us inceLEDS?
Absolute sweetie
Constrained by refresh rate. Electron beam can only be in one place at a time, can't go from one end of a hueg screen to the other quick enough to not look ass.
Why do people actually get mad about people liking old TV's? How does someone liking something as simple as a CRT TV negatively affect you?
I feel bad for you poorfags
they have a beam, lines and rgb phosphorus mask. Density of holes in that mask dictates perceived optimal rendering resolution
Here's a solid spoonfeeder on subject
Its like folks who use a retropie. I wouldnt give a shit but the fact they have to let everyone know they use one makes it annoying as fuck.
imagine being so out of touch with reality that you think this post is in any way an insult and not just a retard yelling and flailing his arms. leave Yea Forums you fucking loser.
*they don't have lines, but the beam works in lines
Holy shit OLED TVs have actual stars inside them?
>I-im not m-mad dummy
Absolutely seething, fuck off back to wewwit thin skinned cuck
I fell for the CRT meme in 1994 suck it nerds.
There's always going to be elitists when it comes to anything. There's no escaping that. But I assure you that the majority of people that like playing retro games on CRT's aren't snobby assholes about it.
Clouds are transparent on the CRT, they look like shit on the LCD
Blacks are better on CRT too, a bit crushed on the LCD
Bullshit. Raspberry pies emulation has a ton of input lag not to mention LCD displays added lag and games not being rendered higher than 240p without slowdowns.
because CRTs aren't covered by a layer of dull lifeless grey plastic.
Very true.
>Clouds are transparent on the CRT
They're not more transparent. They just have scan lines in them and the sky happens to be the same colour as the scan lines.
I never got rid of a CRT, it has a place.
240p content looks real good on 4k oleds. Just apply a nice 9x scale and leave filtering off.
Holy shit imagine actually being this retarded.
CRT Royale does the trick
CRT is a really bad meme on this place
I still remember getting my first LCD and how pleasant the screen was to look at
TCL's 6-series panels are actually pretty fuckin' nice. Their cheap TVs usually blow everything out of the water in their price range when looking at input lag and color representation.
Enjoy your overpriced meme machine, though. I'm sure it looks nice when things aren't moving too fast on screen.
dude we are here constantly and have the best threads when we decide to flex
stay mad you fucking zoomer
>he doesn't have a crt tv
Why did SotN look so much better than Bloodstained that just came out?
Serious question, I just beat the real real real real final boss so I've seen most of this game's offerings. Nothing visually stunned me but SotN looks excellent to this day. Is it all nostalgia? Also why the fuck didn't BS have even one good song in it?
It's nice having an HD LCD, I like being able to move my TV by myself. It's not great for old games though.
Burgers have S-Video at best, what did you expect.
Jokes on you I have SCART.
They are VA by AUO or Sharp like Samsung but without awful response time
>The technology never should have been abandoned.
Do you know how CRTs even work
art style is bloodstained's biggest flaw, which is a shame since it's more important than people realize
at least it's better than it could have ended up
where's a good place to buy one
that is still better than play PAL lmao
The cables? I got from retrogamingcables.
The actual CRT? I got mine from a clinic that was shutting down, I wouldn't recommend trying to buy a Sony BVM or PVM. They a super overpriced now.
OLED sucks for gaming. VA is what you want, which is what all Samsung TVs are. Monitors are a meme. VA has great black levels with none of the drawbacks of OLED.
Garbage ass phone with its garbage ass upside down photos. My bad.
I play RGB NTSC on my TV, get fucked burger.
Yup. i watch vhs anime on it, and I play ps1/2 and emulated games on the wii. I switched TVs with my grandparents, used to have a hdtv but retro games looked bad on it.
pal60 > ntsc
>tfw crt market is now filled with boomers who think their composite-only trinitron is worth a couple of hundred dollars
How's your warped geometry going?
what the fuck is with her ears
Zoomers shouldn't have fallen for the CRT is money idea. The fools.
is that a problem?
thats a sex doll
don't talk about user's daughter like that