What are you playing on your 3DS/Vita/Etc.?
Handheld Thread
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Nothing rn but I just bought a Vita off reddit, getting hyped to hack it!
My nephew trashed my Vita a few years back and I still miss it. Handheld gaming is comfy.
>My nephew trashed my Vita
Disown that kid.
my 3ds is acting up pretty bad. the circle pad is constantly moving diagnol down right, and the touchscreen doesnt work at all. i literally bought dragon quest 8 3 days ago and im fucking pissed off that my ds decides to break
Just murdered the 7th labyrinth's boss in Etrian Odyssey Nexus, taking a small break to eat some motherfucking bananas before going to the new stratum
Atelier Escha Plus on Vita and Persona Q2 on 3DS. Also NSMB2 with my sister.
Thinking about getting a switch but giddamn is that thing +games and accessories expensive as fuck, botw is still 50 bucks. Probably gonna get a hackable one from Ebay
That's the only sane thing to do. Being a legit consumer on Nintendo platform is asking for a dick up your ass.
I dont understand why people accept this, I can buy a game on steam or ps store for a correct price with tons of sales throughout the year if I don't want to buy it day 1 but on the switch the same games are sold at a higher price and Nintendo is stingy as fuck regarding sales.
Have you seen the price of the RE origins collection on switch? Its absolutely retarded and I still have to ditch 60 bucks for a proper adult hand sized controller
>off of reddit
Good now go back.
Pay the premium for portability and it being on a Nintendo device. It's shit.
>What are you playing on your 3DS/Vita/Etc.?
Xenoblade on my N3DS, an occasional round on my Switch.
I also have a MHFU playthrough that’s been languishing. Though dunno if it’d be better to stick through it or git gud at an easier entry of the franchise and try to return to it later.
Taking a break from my Vita to play stuff on PC for a bit. Also, AX is next week so no time for games for a bit.
Nintendo has been shitting blood for ages that PSN/Steam "devalued" games. Yes that's the phrase they use to describe natural price drop that occurs for 5 year old games. Nintendo's model is never going below $60. Switch is a handheld with console prices everything. The handheld reduction is gone. Their games are now even more expensive than other console games. Even 5 year old Wii U ports.
minish cap
MGS3 on Vita, haven’t touched my 3DS in ages now
Genuinely been stuck trying to think of a guildname for 3 days, guildmember names come like water but guild names are like mud
I'm playing Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon on my DS and Muramasa Rebirth on my Vita. Once i'm done with them i'm moving to Persona Q 2 or replaying FFVII on Vita
My 3DS is basically a Pokemon machine now. I basically spend all of my time trolling anyone on there with meme teams. Especially since about 50% of the player base is running a bunch of hacked shiny legendaries that they have no idea how to use
Express Service
yeah it's stretched but it doesn't look that bad
Etrian Odyssey.
That is why I have no shame in pirating all of their stuff.
They're fucking nuts, trying to act like video games need to retain premium price forever. They truly are the apple of video games
I recently bought UM after i realized that SwSh was going to be garbage, I've already logged over 70 hours, cutscenes are a bit annoying but were not quite as bad as expected
I may have some mixed feelings about some aspects of Etrian Nexus, but holy shit does it have the absolute best girl of the entire series
fucking gross
9 characters only, I would have named it Sound of a Star if I could fit in a shitload of characters.
I was considering the name of my EOIV guild (Ruin) but that doesn't sound right now. EO2U/1U was just food names.
Was trying out Justitia but it feels more like a character name
Man I wish I wasn't so autistic about names
I really, really didn't need to see that.
Just woke up, sat in bed playing aria of sorrow. Vita emulation is peak comfy.
That's why i have at least two fixed guild/base names and about 8 fixed character names for these kind of games, years of playing XCom UFO Defense forced me to adjust my naming skills in order to survive
MHP3 & Mahjong Fight Club on the Vita, and Dual Destinies on 3DS. After I finish SoJ I'm planning on reading Higurashi on the vita.
MHXX, I'm too late to the party I guess, but at least I'm enjoying it plenty.
Persona Q2 and my second playthrough of Catherine full body
I had some, but they either are too contextual or just don't seem right for this guild.
Does it have a backstory?
Not until I make the guildmembers, and their names are always super easy to make.
I am currently trying to go through Fire Emblem Warriors on my New 3DS XL. I had just completed Ocarina of Time 3D and loved it. I never got to complete Ocarine of Time of N64 so this was a great second chance for me. I also actually liked the graphical enhancements.
Afterward, I plan to go through Majora's Mask and then Bravely Default.
>What are you playing on your 3DS/Vita/Etc.?
I've been playing Dragon Quest V, Pokemon Black and Super Mario Advance 2 on my DS Lite. Also have Dragon Quest Monsters Joker for after I finish V, as well as Dragon Ball Z Legacy of Goku II
For PSP I have Dude Where's My Car to watch
Vita I am replaying the Sly trilogy and the MGS trilogy
>I also actually liked the graphical enhancements.
Bait post.
Atelier Lydie&Sulle. It's great. Sulle is extremely cute. It also looks nicer than Atelier Firis and the framerate doesn't drop like other Atelier games on Vita.
PQ2 and some luigi's mansion afterwards on 3DS
Recite them pls
I finally hacked my 3DS a few days ago.
There have been times where I've definitely regretted buying a 3DS just because I didn't end up using it much, but this has erased all of that.
I've got a 128GB SD card that is now 70% full of games.
Right now, I've been playing through Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy and I plan on going through the rest of the games. I've got a few other series in my sights too, like Fire Emblem, Etrian Odyssey, Shin Megami Tensei, and Dragon Quest in particular.
Dan Green (usually for main characters)
Stonehenge (archers or anyone who attacks at a distance)
Razgriz (healers and mages)
Southern (The Southern Cross if enough character space)
Jun Senoue (usually reserved for pic related in all Disgaeas)
Peso Muerto
Hayabusa (exclusive for ninjas)
Few patched Japanese games.
Valkyrie Chronicles 3
Grand knights history(not going to get very far)
Boktai 1+2(for sun, not language)
And a few other RPGs I cant pronounce or spell.
That's the true experience with nintendo hardware, when you finally hack them and are free from nintendo's bullshit pricing
Are you the Dan Green guy who names a ton of guild members variants of dan green
I knew it
nice colors
Finally gonna start this after years of hearing about how good it is.
EO3, getting creamed by Elder Dragon and Abyssal God
It's certainly be liberating.
It's making me actually want a Switch, which I didn't think was possible. based off the homebrew general and how convoluted hacking a Switch seems to be right now, though, it sounds like it's best to wait another year or so.
Battle Cats
>Handheld thread
>Self righteous thieves trying to justify why they're stealing video games
Every time
It's free. There's nothing to justify.
I'm trying to find a version of Minecraft for the Vita that hass less popping than the latest one. Like, holy shit ever since they added the Update Acuatic the game is broken as fuck because it has to load so many shit.
It tends to be free when you steal it.
Keep crying paypiggy
I think you're the self righteous one here trying to morally justify the money he spend on his purchases
Stay mad while i play all this free shit
>Reaction images
As expected of thieves.
so fucking what?
Prices just spiked on this thing a month ago, havent gotten it yet.
As long as you admit you're one of the great cancers to video games of the likes of Micro transactions, censorship or DRM, nothing.
>that much seething
cry more paypig
dude, just play pillarboxed. two black rectangles is not gonna kill you
Go watch some Totalbiscuit and cry about EA and Epic on r/gaming before giving them money like the pathetic little piggy you are
hacking a console does not automatically mean you're pirating video games. part of the appeal is that it just enables more control and cooler functionality of your hardware in general.
Is the Switch the successor for the 3DS?
Switch - SteinsGate Elite
Oh my goodness, the thieves are really butthurt over being called out.
Here, try and steal this (you) next
Yes it does, why do you think the homebrew community always dies or has people drop out? Because all people want to do is steal games via piracy. It's possible that hacking your system won't lead to piracy. But 99.99999 percent of the time, it's just people wanting to steal games.
Sorry bro but i don't think anyone who comes nightly to the same thread crying about the same shit has any right to call anyone else butthurt
>N-no y-you're m-m-m-maad!
I bet you speak in a grating monotone voice and spend your hours watching """Intellectual""" youtube content
Sadly yes.
The fact you're replying means you're butthurt,
I do enjoy earnings stuff, like your (you)'s, and it's great to know you'll always give them to me, meaning I don't need steal anything via piracy.
Feel free to show I can control your actions too by not giving me a (you) as well.
Persona 4 Golden and Super Mario 3D Land.
Pretty much, yes.
I think the 'Switch Lite' is going to be the future of someone who just cares about having a handheld though.
Eh, they're going to come out with some more 'handheld' appropriate systems for people who want a proper handheld. I don't really see that as being an issue.
if it looked bad I would, but it looks fine like this and I get to use the entire screen
Oh look, you managed to make the most retarded post you've written this week, i gotta admit sometimes i thought you were a serious person who actually felt passionate about this shit, but nah you're just a little retard seeking attention, i should've known better
You can have my (You), play with it as much as you like, you clearly need it
In a way that's ok so Nintendo and 3rd parties don't split their attention between two systems and we end up with shit like all the Japanese devs avoiding WiiU for 3DS and WiiU dying with just a couple decent exclusives.
What if I just like custom themes, or want to be able to take screenshots? Believe it or not, there are a lot of cool things you can do with a hacked 3DS that don't involve piracy.
I hate to break it to you but (you)'s are not a form of currency and do absolutely nothing outside of alerting someone that their post has been responded to, the fact that you care about obtaining attention points on an anonymous website confirms what a drooling autist you really are.
Imagine the Switch being the only Nintendo console in the market and it getting only watered down ports.
The fact you're still giving me (you)'s shows you're obsessed and can't stop since you're actively looking for my posts. Very sad that you just can't admit you're entitled and want to steal games via piracy.
Dude just wants the last reply. I didn't bother to hack any 3DS (almost all my games are long RPGs on physical carts) but I think you can see that he's just wanting to be the last post.
imagine feeling the need to white knight for a gigantic video game developer like Nintendo.
Is it worth buying the DQ games on DS and 3DS for some of the expensive prices they are going for? Worth upgrading from a 2DS to N2DS XL? How are the etrian odyssey games and where do I start? and don't tell me Persona Q/Q2
If you're a fan of the series and want the true experience, yes.
Come on user, Nintendo is OUR friend. I thank them every day for giving us the Switch and I want to suck Samurai's dick as he made Smash Bros alone.
start with EO4, then whichever looks the most interesting. Pick the hardest difficulty available.
Reminder Nintendo has reaffirmed they don't censor 3rd party games like Sony does and the localization process was completely redone from last gen.
I'm looking for a few game I can put on my 3ds for my 14 year old cousin to play while I visit the senpai. I got a hacked 3ds so I can put on anything but looking through the catalog I'm kinda lost. I'm only there for 10 days so it should be short games like mario but I honestly don't know what else I should put in. I got DK, some marios, Detektive Pikachu, Kid I,Wario Ware, bunch of Gameboy games. Anything else I might have forgoten? I myself am playing DQ 7 on it right now.
Honestly between a 30 dollar censored game and a 60 bucks uncensored but inferior port, my choice is easily made, fuck nintendo prices
>How are the etrian odyssey games and where do I start?
Very gameplay heavy dungeon crawlers with minimal story and you draw your own map on a grid with icons to place on and shit. They're pretty cool since even on regular battles you're constantly using your classes skills and if you try to be brave after running out of MP you're usually fucked, every single loot acquiring from monster or from the field will become a piece of equipment or item, so you always have something to expect when you reach a new floor and they are usually quite expensive and you have to equip 5 motherfuckers with them so money becomes such a precious resource you actually have to think 4 times before buying a revive or a medicine from the shop, the game has some great synergy going on with all its systems and get really addicting
Start with either 3 or 4 since from there on the series keeps gradually introducing some QoL changes which makes it hard to come back
You can't censor games if you don't get any games. Thanks for your master move, Nintendo.
Radiant Historia
After seeing the new art I decided not to bother with the 3DS port
Deception IV the Nightmare Princess
replaying ace attorney games.
Hail Planeptune
lil nigga would probably like Smash
honestly, just hack that shit.
super easy to do. nintendo is not making any more 3DS games and the prices on cartridges are only going to continue to go higher.
How is emulating on PC?
I've never tried 3DS emulation, but it seems like it's hit or miss still: emulation.gametechwiki.com
nice healthy cum
Have sex
Shave your arm you hairy ape
I'm playing through Superbeat Xonic and Project diva f2nd on my vita. I've never played rhythm games but they are extremely fun.
The last thing for my 3ds is playing the Phoenix right game. I just finished up Etrian Odyssey 5, completing my etrian backlog.
Any good Dungeon Crawlers for vita?
Freedom Wars. I really wish this game would get a sequel on console. It's pretty cool.
MHXX. I played a lot of X/G back when it came out. Still mad that only the Switch version of XX got localized.
>Still mad that only the Switch version of XX got localized.
I have yet to play it, but the English patch that someone made seems pretty decent. I mean, sure, an official english version would be nice, but this is a pretty good alternative.
have you tried playing online much?
that's kind of the one thing I'm worried about as opposed to playing another MH.
I've been playing it with the English patch. Dialogue is still in moonrunes, but everything else is in English and is well done. I haven't tried the online play yet.
>Dialogue is still in moonrunes
ahhh, well it's not like MonHun was known for it's compelling dialogue anyways. from what I've heard, XX is the best MonHun on the 3DS so it seems like a decent trade-off.
It's okay, depends on the game.
>hacked 3DS with 256gb SD
>hacked Switch with 400gb SD
>hacked Vita with 256gb SD
>hacked DS with 32gb SD
It's crazy having like 500-1000 games that are portable. I love it. Handheld master race.
Is Sushi Strikers worth my rime?
how far did you get in EO5, super boss clear?
Kino Icarus uprising
where can i learn how to hack a switch
I'm a man, why would I shave my arm lmao
the homebrew /vg/:
too bad it's physically a pain to play.
might have to revisit though, because I do remember enjoying it. I also remember really liking the multiplayer too.
Been emulating Apollo Justice on Citra (on a laptop so it's ok for the thread), so far it seems much easier than past titles but still enjoyable. I'm at the last trial of the second case.
Always heard about that, happened to me the first two times I played it. Never again afterwards, because it's not. How using your left hand for 1 button and stick can be a pain when your right hand only moves across a screen?
>hacked Switch
is a hackable tablet only for 170 bucks a good price?
I hacked my 3DS and threw a ton of games on it, but now here's the dilemma: with the option of choice, I cannot decide what ONE game to play and just keep bouncing around different ones.
Also, any Vita friends ITT? I don't know guys, I really want to get one. I really, really like how sleek they are and how they look. But the thing is, I don't even know what games I'd throw on there. Maybe emulators for handheld. I have a 3DSXL with homebrew on it but it's so bulky and not comfy for in-bed use, ya know? Also, PSViTa model 1 or 2? I think I read 1 has the OLED screen, but the 2 redesign is quite nice. Also, isn't storage a big problem with the Vita proprietary memory cards?
it's been a few years since I've played it, so I honestly don't even remember what it was like at all. at any rate, they made a special fucking stand for the game, so it was clearly not considered to be the most comfortable of games to play.
ah, it's all coming back to me now that I'm looking at these images....
yeah, this game is definitely a pain in the ass to play without a stand.
it completely works against your anatomy and gravity because you have to stabilize your system with the same hand that's manipulating the circle pad. I remember using my pinky of my right hand to help keep the system stabilized.
sold it a few years back.
don't miss it.
ah, I know this dilemma well...
I'm trying to limit myself to one or two RPGs at a time, but otherwise I'm jumping around like a madman. it's gonna take years to play through all of this shit, so I'm not in any real hurry anyways.
Just bought FE Fates and do people still play MHG ?
I recently bought a new 2ds xl with devil survivor overclocked,warioware gold, space invaders extreme and strange journey redux. Really enjoying devil survivor atm.
Devil Survivor is awesome. I loved it so much.
I've got the 2nd downloaded on my 3DS but I have yet to play it.
Kinda wanna play through the first again before I do since it's been a while.
SMT IV is another great Shin Megami Tensei game, but it's not the tactical RPG styled game that Devil Survivor is. Devil Survivor series is a little atypical in terms of SMT games because they're generally dungeon crawlers.
I found my Vita recently it's version 3.6 I want to hack it but I don't know where to start
the homebrew /vg/:
there's a Vita walk through and post-setup stuff in the OP.
GBA, gradius galaxies, advance wars, and Minish cap have been pretty fun lately.
I think there's something on your screen if you didn't notice.
Have like 7 games left I want to play on my 2DS, thing is cheaply made and want to perserve it for as long as possible. Will I make it?
why wouldn't it?
I can't imagine a 2DS feels any cheaper than my fucking 3DSXL does and this thing has held up for 4 years.
Nah, sd2vita solved all the storage problems.
>3DS: Taiko no Tatsujin
>VITA: Taiko no Tatsujin
>Switch: Taiko no Tatsujin
Gonna start an Etrian Odissey game later.
The movement stick and pad seem extremely cheap
Im considering hacking my vita but I don't know where to get vita roms. The process seems pretty simple and looks fun desu.
PKGJ. You download the games from your vita ala Freeshop.
what case is that for the vita?
Ask me how I know your A1c is above 5.6
I wish there were a better way to organize shit that didn't involve making folders. Custom folders with art wouldn't be so bad, I guess.