Now that Tifa has been denuded of any and all sex-appeal (regardless of what size you think her breasts are...

Now that Tifa has been denuded of any and all sex-appeal (regardless of what size you think her breasts are, the shitty outfit redesign and boring/bland model are pretty garbage), can we all admit that Rikku is now the biggest sex symbol in Final Fantasy? After so many years being the runner-up, it's her time.

Attached: We won, Rikku-bros.jpg (906x895, 178K)

It would be Fran or Lightning instead

Rikku isn't even top ten

Tifa also has a decent backstory and actual personality, which I really doubt Rikku has.

The big titty goth gf from FFX is the best
Second best is Faris from V because I like reverse traps

>and actual personality
>>actual personality

Go to bed, Toriyama. Just because you spent millions trying to push her as the new face of the franchise and failing, Cloud (male) is still the face, doesn't make her a sex-symbol. She'd need to have an actual figure first.
Largely forgotten in a forgotten game. Rikku has been formally recognized as a FF sex symbol in the past, Fran never has.

Rikku does have a decent personality, especially in X, but we're talking sex symbol status here, not story.

>Big titty goth
If you don't even know her name, then she's not that great a symbol. Also, she fucks dogs.

>decent backstory and actual personality

Attached: wojak.png (388x413, 5K)

The Honey Bee Inn already has a better girl-cloud than Lightning

>Download Final Fellatio

Brother loves sharing flowers!

Attached: 20190629_005112.jpg (1072x684, 510K)

Attached: Liquid Sex HD.webm (1440x1080, 1.7M)

Yuffie vs Selphie vs Rikku, who is the best girl?

Rikku was always the one people drew and cosplayed as the most.

Very close between Rikku and Yuffie. Selphie would be improved with some more outfits and porn and being in a better game.

It was good times. Every cosplay chick using it as an excuse to wear a bikini to an anime con. Those were the days

We can all admit that Rikku should be stoned to death for being a wicked heathen slut

Attached: 1547258709319.gif (500x340, 988K)

Given fanart, it wIll continue to be Tifa regardless of her "nerf", and she will only become more popular with the remake.

Wasn't rikku 15 in the first game and 17 in the second?

Attached: tifaovertheyears.jpg (5020x3172, 3.43M)

>Largely forgotten in a forgotten game.
Even though 12 is commonly considered to be one of, if not the, best final fantasies

By contrarians nobody gives a fuck about


Attached: tumblr_mwn7vlS8z31shsc0mo2_250.gif (245x326, 1.14M)

>largely forgotten
XIV is the biggest MMO in the world right now, and the a new expansion has Frans literal outfit.

I'm surprised this bait doesn't have more (You)s.

I'm not shocked a waifufag fails to recognize the best gameplay

>admit that Rikku is now the biggest sex symbol in Final Fantasy
>a filthy al-bhed
no brudda

Attached: 1542450686000.jpg (1920x1080, 1.2M)

Size looks the same to me in that last picture.

>That concept sketch from 97
Now THAT's how you do a goddamn sports bra!

Attached: Tifa_Early_Sketch.jpg (895x905, 191K)

So it's literally never possible to find her appealing sexually cause she is never seen when old enough to consent

>anyone over Yuna
Shit thread for shit tastes

Attached: Yuna.full.1916977.jpg (742x1050, 607K)

Cope and seethe and strawman all you like, we both know it's true and FFXII was a fucking utter travesty delivered by the guy who did FFT.
FFXII is the number one choice of people who hate every other game in the series lol.

that first sketch is honestly my favorite. I am a sucker for raw/rough sketches of characters.

You're an absolute faggot. Tifa looks amazing. Fran is the best and always will be. Again, you're a faggot.

Attached: 1558378945316.gif (320x240, 954K)

That's the only reason anyone has thought of Fran in the last dozen years though.

>The original sketch she has less than size d
>Everyone throwing a fit over nothing

>Boring plain Jane cunt

Actually, since she outright explains to Tidus in the game that 'kids our age' (she was 15, Tidus 17) got married and had kids in Spira due to the constant threat of generations being wiped out by Sin, it's very possible.

Attached: Rikku surprised by my intention to breed her like a rabbit.gif (500x250, 1.52M)

>FFXII is the number one choice of people who hate every other game in the series lol
Not 1 or 2 or 8?
more so than anyone who thinks Rikku is good for anything than being a living onahole


>hating on 1
stupid zoomer, kys

explain why anyone would hate FF1

FF12 Zodiak Age was just released on several platforms. I loved it on PS2, so I got it again.

I think of Fran every time I see Chewbacca, which is way more often than I see Fran

Society pushing you into things before you are ready doesn't change human mind development

I still like tifa
I never liked her for her looks

I said this OP is a faggot.

Attached: 1559944534542.jpg (568x441, 33K)

And yet all that will be thrown out the window once we start trying to colonize other planets, perhaps one of the most ambitious tasks our species will ever undertake. People will be encouraged to breed as early and often as possible once the infrastructure is up and running.

Tifa will always be undefeated because she has sex appeal looks and a waifubait type character. The final fantasy portal app has polls all the time and tifa will top any global results pertaining to this kind of thing e.g. valentines.

I meant to say 2

Based. The other retard user doesnt get it.

Attached: Shockmaster.jpg (294x218, 19K)

Nope. All fan art of nuTifa looks like shit.

Aeris had more of both aspects.

And greater sex appeal, at least for me.

Attached: Earisu.jpg (3681x4281, 3.31M)

I'm a huge fan of ZR and Tifa's redesign is absolutely unacceptable. Her chubby bare legs were an essential element of her design and now she looks like an imbalanced sticc that belongs in Twewy or some shit

Never meant anything regarding quality, just quantity.

Attached: Dese eyes.gif (500x230, 737K)

more like that nose
Wakka is right we must purge the (((Al Bhed))) before they undermine Spira any further


I wanna mosey on up into Tifa's vagina without a condom

Better dead than al bhed

Attached: 62234962_619684381883870_6623516787990331392_n.jpg (828x488, 56K)

ffx rikku was the best thing since ff7 period. the fact they made her into a titcow in ffx-2 was an abomination

>Fell in love with friends GF because she looked 1:1 like her
She was a FUCKING WEEB, and she married a god damn TINY DICK JAP

yuna a shit
its even canon

We all know Wakka was sorely tempted to commit heresy

Attached: FFX_Rikku_Wakka_Eternal_Calm.png (1920x1080, 2.94M)

Those who are tempted yet refrain are infinitely more virtuous than those who were never tempted at all.

He only refrained because he spotted the hidden camera just in time.

Yevon works in mysterious ways, praise

Is life extra hard when you're this delusional?

I don't think so

Attached: dd76n8q-55846e9e-2575-41fa-9839-5b492ef21dda.jpg (800x1132, 817K)

No, Cindy is

Attached: Final_Fantasy_XV_Cindy.png (1440x809, 1.24M)

I heard she fucks cars

Attached: cidney.png (658x569, 676K)

you heard correctly


>This thread, especially OP

Attached: FC46B145-4A85-4446-9F30-8BAA789BA27A.png (182x82, 4K)

Boy Dissidia fucking hated tits, didn't it?

>human mind development
people back then started having kids at 12 and working to feed a family at 8
