Actiblizz falling apart

is this legit?

Attached: blizzard in shambles.png (1901x2506, 743K)

Am OP, can confirm super legit

good if true. I hope sony is next.

I wish it weren't so. But it probably is.

how did Blizzard get away with ripping off warhammer so blatantly?

Not true; I can confirm that there is no rule against mentioning XIV in the company, nor are you discouraged from doing so. Many people play XIV.

its clearly fake once it hits "sleeping under desks."

On their own none of these bulletpoints sound implausible, but the fact that one random employee allegedly has such an extensive knowledge of every single game within Blizzard is more than a little suspicious.

Games Workshop didn't care back then. Their mistake, they got a lot more litigious now that they learned they can lose--and lose hard.
Sort of like how Blizzard was such a nice guy but when they rejected Icefrog so he got hired by Valve to make Dota2 Blizzard went insane with jealous rage and all their EULAs were rewritten specifically to claim ownership over shit modders do so they don't lose out in another DOTA2 situation ever again. Of course if they had JUST hired Icefrog and he wouldn't have gotten hired by Valve, and ASSFAGGOTS would've made Blizzard even richer than WoW!

You can find devs tweeting about playing XIV, it'a fake

Nobody is gullible enough to believe an anonymous post on Yea Forums right?


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I have seem bad CGI from 20 years ago that is less fake than this.

I believe it. bet EA and Ubisoft are the same

Anyone who's been a Blizzard fan knows this is true, the company is spiraling into extinction.

Hey guys, I just got fired from Blizzard, so now I will reveal some behind the scene truths.

Things have been kind of bad since the mobile Diablo reveal, and also funday thursdays where they release grizzly bears in the office. All of us keep our spirits high though, and I was working on Overwatch 2, which is now a Autochess clone. WoW 2 is also in development, and we're bringing back the original developers, while streamer legends like Sodapudding gets to consult so it will be the best game!

dota sucks
hots is better

icefrog got so mad be became firefrog

Attached: cat-funny.jpg (650x594, 74K)

It's a huge corporation. if its "falling apart" theyll just have another wave of layoffs and hire a bunch of new people from companies theyve heard of

the fact this is the closest thing to shade shills can throw at it indicates its completely valid.

People talk. Its quite easy to know the ins and out of any organization if you listen to the right people.

Roflmao, if you believe this shit, you have to be retarded

How gullible can you be

btw this is Trump speaking, not going to post proof, but things are really bad up in my house atm

go sleep under the desk blizzdrone.

this man is a destroyer.

>roflmao how do you do, fellow goys
>keep buying game
>consume don't think
>nothing is wrong here
I wonder who could be behind this post.


That was before they implemented The Rule. Anyone who has mentioned it since then has received severe punishment, sometimes physically.

I can tell you have never worked a real job in your life. Take a smoke break, people talk a lot on those. Youll learn all sorts of things, but I take it youve never worked for a corporation so you get your powerful knowledge from reddit.

oh no, you caught me. I am the jew living in your closet, you tinfoil moron.

do you believe your local meth addict when he tells you to suck his dick because itll make you rich too? no evidence or proof, but he said it so it must be true!

Haha I am one of you fellow 4channers! Didn't you see my epic roflmao meme and use of exclamation points to show how excited I am to post here!

That guy sounds too angry and invested to be lying about it

Fuck off with your reddit spacing. You're an obvious shill.

As for what's going on in most of the games? Really I have no idea because I don't work in development.
I do know that there are layoffs and downsizing in customer service, but I don't know the reason. It's mostly the temp workers being dunked, and I assume it's to do with labor laws in some attempt to hire people for less money.
I know I sure as fuck didn't get any ultimatums on accepting lower pay.
Can confirm there are retards who are in jobs they aren't qualified for, trying to shunt work off onto their co-workers. That's hardly news tho.
Oh! The artist outsource is happening, that's true. I don't think anyone's fired over it and being replaced though, just that ATVI wanted more artists.
Literally every game we have in development has a white man in it so unless there's some other product I'm not aware of (which to be fair is quite likely) it's unlikely that people are hype to work on a game with no white men.
Diablo 4 did not go into "sudden urgent production". Literally nothing at this company goes into "sudden urgent production". Not even the fucking photocopier.
I expect that if Brussels and the WoW team both put a policy in their pipeline on the same day, The EU would get it enacted live faster than WoW would.
The line about there being "Two 10.0s" is technically correct but misleading. We start developing a bunch of stuff ahead of time. You probably know that Emerald Dream's been in development since literally Vanilla release. Which one gets sent out first isn't necessarily set in stone.
Classic team are NOT the happiest employees in the company lol. The happiest employees are the ones that DON'T have a mass of angry retards screeching them about nonissues.

leak games pl0x

This fucking website learns about games before I do.

Actually I live on the moon, we don't have reddit up on my moonbase. Sorry no pics, trust me

Any juicy game dev workplace tidbits you can share then?

I do not work in gamedev so no.
I can tell you about people wanting refunds for products they never fucking purchased tho. That's always a top cringe.

Are PC users the most retarded usually?

>made Diablo much less grimdark
>retconned the Overmind into being the good guy all long
>Overwatch made a character gay when their stock started dropped
>WoW playerbase at alltime low
>Reported Starcraft shooter made in Overwatch engine cancelled and resources redirected to Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4
>hundreds of employees laid off
>Diablo Immortal

Of course it's fake, stupid! Why would you think it's real?

post some horror stories, this shit is always comfy

There's no way in hell FF14 has more subscribers than WoW. Stop fall for misleading SE PR statements.

Have a dark version

Attached: dark mode.png (1901x2506, 498K)

>don't think
>he says unironically while believing in an unsubstantiated larp

You dumb as fuck bro.

If that post was true in any way, he would have revealed something that could be confirmed. Like the shitshot that was the most recent WoW patch. But nah, he didn't. Wonder why? HMmmm. Hm. Hmmmm.

>Actually I live on the moon
You're not even using moonspeak. I find this hard to believe.

Hopefully. Jizzard is one of the worst.

Oh! Here's one! Did you know there are people who unironically report to us that someone was disrespectful towards themselves and their group of friends, and get uppity when it turns out that no we're not going to dunk another paying customer for the sake of their temporary salt?
We've taken to telling people that "we are looking into it and will take the appropriate action, thanks for your report". When it turns out that appropriate action is NOT banning someone for saying "esfand smell bad", and the player is seen later, you get some goddamn ree from people who think you shouldn't be allowed to say that.

>Are PC users the most retarded usually?
Lol no, the Mac users are worse. Many mac users literally cannot change their router's settings for some reason

>post some horror stories
The amount of people who tell CS to kill ourselves is quite high. At this point it's routine though. The real horror stories are people who don't even fucking try to do what you ask them to do and make up like 30 bloody excuses for not typing in literally 1 fucking command to see if it at least bloody works.

That part might be true desu, still conjecture at best though

it wouldn't be the first time someone has genuinely leaked something here from blizzard, but grain of salt and all that.

"Madam president" denied. Actual president goes on Yea Forums, exposed to "trap" thread, becomes the very "Madam president". Many such cases!

I have a game dev friend who's about to graduate from college with a meme cs degree and is 50k in debt. He works for a subsidiary of Ubisoft (think they're called red stone (?) entertainment) and I'm telling you right now what OP's pic says is not a joke. These game companies/corporations are completely soulless and abusive towards their employees to such a ridiculous degree that it's a surprise that many of these corporations haven't been facing multiple lawsuits. My friend got into the dev business only to pay off bills since he had experience working under an indie dev guy and now he looks more dead than ever before. I'm telling him to quit and apply somewhere else but no one has taken a chance on him and the meager 40k salary he gets there is too important to let go.

The actual jew living in my closet is very concerned that you are usurping her identity.

Cant you autists take a screenshot without the words being blurry when zoomed in? Jesus Christ


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Attached: railgrin.png (643x397, 190K)

you work in customer service lol
opinion discarded

This is bullying, I'll report you to customer service for this.

Very funny and not Reddit at all.

I’m in bed. Why the fuck would I be on my desktop reading Yea Forums? You seriously read Yea Forums at a desk? Unless youre a dumbass who bought a laptop?

Lol cope.
>You seriously read Yea Forums at a desk?
Bet your ass I do bro! I got 2 monitors, so I can browse Yea Forums and also play games.

>Why the fuck would I be on my desktop reading Yea Forums?
>why the fuck would i be using my pc the way 99% of people use their pcs?
No, you're right. Some people are special. Shine brightly you crazy maverick you.

You bought a second screen to browse a chinese knitting forum? Instead of a ultrawide for better gaming?

No wonder you try to gatekeep phone posters, you’re mentally challenged

the main issue is the point preceding "sleeping under desks" is bullshit because diablo 4 was developed entirely by china.

anyone else from asmongolds stream ? LULW

he doesnt know. lel

Screenlet seethe and screenlet cope!
Screenlet slowly losing hope!
Vision blurry, eyes are strained!
Screenlet starts to lose his brain
Screenlet swinging from a rope!

anybody who is not a zoomer knows that Blizzard already died around 2005

I literally work at Activision in finance, the idea that anyone who hasn't worked there for 15 years was going to be let go is insane lmao

That's... insane literally anywhere.

>That's... insane literally anywhere.
Not at MediaMatters or any psyop that was literally created for a specific purpose and which then deviated from that purpose! : )

huge conglomerates like activision are terrified of touching anything in their finance department. so good on ya for lucking into one of those positions.

>I literally work at Activision in finance
Ay how about expanding CS in Sydney AU

Holy shit blizzard just flew over my house

It's just the electricity company surveying to see what trees need to be cut near power lines, go back to sleep.
edit: Holy shit blizzard just flew over my house too

>Killing tracer's girlfriend and killing the entire point of widowmaker


No, this type of shit gets posted all the time when wow is dying. There was larp threads like this back when WoD was coming out and SC2 officially was killed

>is this legit?
i dont know but i hope so :)

people talk, but more importantly, corporate america and good information security are mutually exclusive

I'm in game dev (programming) graduating very soon, can confirm this is exactly how it is.

It's usually rougher for QA testers than developers, but sleeping under desks really does happen

Attached: ok kid.jpg (431x450, 70K)

cmon blizzdrones leak more shit

based dark mode friend

Attached: computer 3.png (429x410, 10K)

there's a literal ocean of laws in the US that would prevent such behavior, voluntary or otherwise. So unless you're third world shitskins, it doesn't happen.

I work with payroll all the time, there is no MASS firing incoming. There were a couple of layoffs that is normal in any cyclical industry like video games.

>reading shitposts in bed
>can't even read the text because gookmoot is a cheap ass

There are also an ocean of laws in the US that make contesting such behavior impossible for the layman. Do you really think a pleb can challenge the lawyers of a deep-rooted industry?

> voluntary

lol the state can do shit about you voluntarily doing extra work.

>sleep under desk, self-harm

no mention of Warcraft 3 remake

but all this bs about Overwatch 2

literally "My dad works at nintendo" tier

companies can pretty much force crunch especially salaried employees

do women really have to log their ovulation cycles anywhere else
that sounds far out there

Considering the number of trannies hired by the game industry these days self harm is quite possible. They were probably just dilating under the desk.

>when they hit the 35 wall and start to suicide in droves

Yes. Some Japanese companies do this. They also make women put their name in a queue to get pregnant. If you get pregnant before it's your turn the rest in line have to wait and you get A) Scorned by your coworkers and B) Potentially lose most of your maternity leave rights.

For the record, I'm just as disappointed with Blizz as anyone, but anyone who believes this, clearly has no idea what the fuck they're talking about.

It's actually quite possible FF14 has more subscribers, as keep in mind WoW's numbers are mostly driven by China and the rest of Asia, who don't typically operate on a subscriber system like the West does.
I doubt it's true, but FFXIV could in theory be doing better than WoW in NA and EU.

that they are hurting for money like square enix and ubisoft is very obvious at this point
those pointless remakes and wow classic is a good indicator

Santa Monica fag here. The personnel shit is close enough. They had space when they were a golden child prodigy. But big daddy kotick is laying the smack down.

It's fake
Jason from Kotaku already said Diablo 4 is a Dark Souls clone & it's just been shown to Blizzard employees outside of the Diablo team

OWL being a disaster will piss kotick off

he shilled it hard to big billionaires and business investors. CNBC says esports like once a day

>he doesnt know how to get the non mobile image
Back to veddit son

>japs don't pay women to not work and stay at home for years like swecucks do
BIG yikes, what misaginism and woman hatred. No wonder their video games have attractive women in them. Jap women would rise up and fight against this blatant hatred and oppression but they're chained to kitchen sinks.

The game was too tightly controlled and they killed the audience off by banning shit like pepe in every official channel. Even worse was when they started banning in game accounts for shit they said or did on twitch.

They tried so hard to make it a family friendly sport but forgot that even real sport isn't family friendly when everyone watching is piss drunk or high and screaming insults at the enemy team.

Fucking retarded and completely out of touch it was, the whole OWL fiasco.

What? By the sounds of that post they're chained to their fucking work desks even if it makes them old, childless and miserable. Japanese feminists are actually fighting to have MORE time at home.


I work for Blizzard and some of it is true but a lot is bullshit. The D4 part is ridiculous, we've already seen gameplay a year ago at show and tell, it didn't suddenly go into production after Blizzcon 2018. They experimented with other camera angles for Hades, but Fenris is not first person from what we've been shown.

Also, the plans for OW2 were a battle pass, not another box.

Your job is next on the chopping block, shill.


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I work for Blizzard as a fucking janitor and while I don't know much about the shit they're working on, I'm genuinely disgusted at how many bloody piss stains I have to clean under the desks.
Still better than being a janitor at a school

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It's as legit as you believe it is.

The exact moment blizz lost 30 billion in market cap

They're obviously in decline, but your pic related is just a fantasy that sounds probable due to confirmation bias.

'Reaper is gay' Fucking why?

Lol no. But I wish it was.

that's hillarious
Blizzard were the Vidya rockstars. massive successs with each release until diablo 3.
they had tens of millions of fans, their own convention and shit and now they are dead

>Diablo 4 is a first person game in OW engine

Imagine being so blind and hopeless as a company. Turning ARPG into fps. Devs will be blackmailed until they quit for ruining Diablo.