Summer Games Done Quick 2019 Thread
NEXT: Breath of the Wild
LATER: Majora's Mask
Summer Games Done Quick 2019 Thread
NEXT: Breath of the Wild
LATER: Majora's Mask
cute neps
Thank God that garbage is over. Now on to Zelda.
please explain his shirt
Post cute cat edits
I have never played a Nep game, which ones are garbage that I should avoid? I see that they released a VR game that looks meh and some RPG version.
he likes chicks with dicks
Majoras mask is gonna be comfy as FUCK
we have actual trannies in this thread. remember to ignore them. without attention they end up fucking off
>ywn be this chad
no way in hell i’m making it through botw and mm. i genuinely like mm %100 but it’s at such a shit time for me. let’s see how long i last
No homo but I would pound their bussy uwu
>dark souls 2 all achievements "speedrun"
lmfao the madman
Is that Kate Jenner?
That is assuming we ever get to it.
>only based runner of the event
>is from central Europe
every time
central eu > eastern eu >>> northern eu >>>>>>> western eu
dark souls dude looks like a white Twomad
Are the setups in between games way slower this year?
He got away with murder lads
Is that Prize Goblin's fursona?
Ram is cute
Wait, 35 mins for BOTW? How the hell?
The entire series is garbage gameplay-wise to be honest, Compile Heart is terrible at it. The one I enjoyed the most was Four Goddesses Online since it wasn't like the mainline games and it was still very clunky.
They were clearly intimidated by his dominance.
That's like the absolute basic level of attitude. I guess he stands out apart from other runners who are literally autistic
It's a tranny shirt
slavs are born shitposters
SSS!!: PunchOut!! (Wii)
SSS: Big the Cat / Super Bomberman 2 / SMW (race) / Dark Souls
S/S: Split/Second
SS: Rygar / Titanfall 2 / Mort the Chicken / Glover / TRAG / Pac-Man World / Star Fox 64
S: Streets of Rage / Alien Soldier / Chasm: The Rift / RE2 / Divekick / Shrek XL / Last Action Hero / Nex Machina / Dead Rising / Remnants of Naezith / Metal Slug X / Metal Slug 3 / Chip and Dale / SMB3 / Invictus / Grand Poo World 2 / Banjo-Kazooie / MM2 / Tetris Effect
A: The Hobbit / THUG 2 / Marble Madness / Ranger-X / Half Minute Hero / Bloodstained: CotM / Super Mario Sunshine / Silent Hill 3 / Nuclear Throne / Starcraft / Jumper: Griffon's Story / TMNT 4 / Ristar / Cave Story / Minecraft / MM11 / MM3
B: DMC / Spyro / TMNT 3 / Zombies Ate My Neighbors / Metroid / Castlevania: SotN / Metroid Prime / Skylar and Plux / Kirby Air Ride / Kirby 64 / Ape Escape / Crash Bandicoot 3 / PunchOut!! (arcade) / LoZ Randomizer / Furi / C&C / Sonic 3D Blast / Koumajou Densetsu II / Sly Cooper / Diablo 2 / HL / HL 2 / Rockman 4
C: Sonic Generations / DKC2 / LoZ: Minish Cap / Final Doom / Bwaster Master / Solomon's Key / Jackal / Contra 3 / Ninja Spirit / Castlevania / Perfect Dark / Slipstream / Pokemon Crystal / Splatterhouse / Sylvester & Tweety / Clustertruck / Dark Souls 2 / Gauntlet / Mario Kart DD / Hyper Light Drifter
D: Portal 2 / Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland / Outland / Contra / STFU / Timespinner / Castlevania: PoR / Prey / Uncharted / Monster Boy / Textorcist / Deltarune / Hylics / Laffy Taffy / Boogerman / LLB / Looney Tunes / Rhino Rumble / Aero the Acro-Bat / Octopath Travler / TAS Tetris
F: SMB2 / Ducktales 2 / We Love Katamari / Catlateral Damage / Castlevania DOS / FE Fates / KH3 / Quake / TAS MKWii
ZZZ: Borderlands 2 / LoZ: LBW / SMG 2 / TAS Celeste
Ω: Metroid Prime 2
Wrestling shit.
Beat you to it, but glad others were watching. TAKE NOTE!
wtf is up with this faggy cartoon dragon
why is there a cartoon dragon on screen?
Is Kumiko's anime any good, I got turned off from watching it since it seems to have like 3 seasons and 4 movies which usually screams "endless cashcow to be milked" to me.
That is to give people time to donate to whatever stupid incentive they feel like thinking up.
>rewatching bawks RE2 run
>carci in my recommended
Yeah, he hasn’t been banned. YET. why would they admit it now when they can do it a few weeks later when he’s back in his homeland?
>hating us britbongs
nah its true we suck at games
Why is the GDQ mascot so terrible?
Isn't Poland easter europe?
i love you
Have they ever run Touhou shit? Feel like that'd be easy donation bait.
uhh sweetie it has been agreed that dark souls was at least SSS+++ tier?? correct that mistake right now
Fuck I want to fuck that thing
how long until he takes the gloves off and rubs his sweaty palms all over the prizes?
This greasy fucking prize goblin is the most professional person in this whole organization, God bless
>This fag keeps almost breaking shit and already broke the Hylian Shield
Who /uncut/ here?
Also Sent should be required to take a shower before every prize segment.
>can't enjoy the current runs because I'm stuck at 99.90% map completion in Bloodstained
Fuck you IGA.
>Ram and Rem meeting an user from Yea Forums
>they didn't confront him about the F-bomb
>recolored amiibos
How good is the Majora's Mask run?
Who and what did they do?
Because GDQ is terrible.
>still awake at 5:07am
where did it go so right?
Is Sent high?
They could have done a bit better.
He is not banned, it just so happens that he will misteriously not be approved for any other run he submits in the future
I want to pat their heads.
why did everyone involved with prizes started using gloves?
this is not incidental, there must be some reason
did someone get tranny aids?
Hahaha, did he really?
She's great though
After looking at the homemade prizes, they probably just found some tranny on Deviantart to draw their mascot for them. They can't afford better because they pocketed the rest.
Not gonna lie
That's a cool dragon scroll
kinda want it
>literally yelling "KILL ALL NIGGERS" while three-shotting Artorias
>actually touching his fucking hair
>already broke the Hylian Shield
Hello girls. Would you like to have engage in coitus?
said shit and fuck on stream and dabbed on the advertisers
It's the mascot
>based Patty commentating
It should be bretty guud
probably can’t help but huff his own grease fumes desu
>Said hell, goddamn, ass, shit, and fuck
>Made a condom joke
>Made a joke about murdering babies
>Said "the FAP ring"
>Said "Take him from behind" as a joke
>Shot Gwynevere right in her tits after saying amazing chest ahead
>finished the glitch exhibition by switching the character's gender back and forth and then intentionally crashed the game with no survivors
>DIDN'T get banned
This man is pure alpha.
I like Phil so I think it's pretty good
They don't want Sent's greasy hands on everything
They made everyone use gloves so it didn't seem like they were singling him out
Actual wholesome humour
On what? His on grease fumes?
remember when a tranny ran BOTW with an amibo?
Yes someone post the clip of it, one of the metal balls on the back came off
At least these sketches are better than ProtoMagicTranny crossing his bare legs on stream
About to donate. Wish me luck on getting my dono read!
I became retarded for a sec
no its central
ah fuck it ill go to bed. gnight and enjoy zelda lads
a loose nut keeping the strap held on fell off, it wasn't broken.
I'm going to sub guys. I want to chat. xD
Whats bizarre about this is that they got dozens of artist that would do the work for them but they picked one that trannies hate
Oh my god, they’re using this “technical difficulties” thing to execute the Souls guy onstage as a lesson to anyone who swears on stream.
>Sent knocked the PC over
*hands them an issue of Comic LO*
>Turn to page 128 please, and imitate what you see.
how motherfucking hard is it to set up a switch
its been like 20 minutes of my cunt fuck
would you recommend me watch the majora's mask run or the chrono trigger run
I can't do both
They ran koumajou densetsu Thursday
>tfw watched 15+ runs
>only 3 were above C
Fuck me I missed dark souls as well. Just to make it in time for the obligatory zelda run that drags for 4 hours too long.
Threadly reminder that Médecins Sans Frontières:
>provides medical supplies and treatment to ISIS fighters
>provides food and water to known terrorist cells
>provides food and medical aid to migrants attempting to illegally enter foreign nations
>personally commits illegal human trafficking
>exchanges food, water, and drugs for sex
Let's break 2 million this GDQ!
Also, RIP Prize Goblin
what the fuck happened I looked away for not even 5 minutes
Watch underage shitters give you free replies because having fun is cringe and bluepilled.
Yeah, also running it before it was optimized and it was a fuckin disaster because of that.
Someone will post a webm of it, he was twisting something at the back like an autist for no reason and a bolt/nut broke off
welp time to mute
It ends tomorrow, tranny.
Chrono Trigger
Go to bed user
He was literally just turning it around to show the back.
neet life lad
ooof nice
holy shit im bored already
>calling out the tranny
>Americans still butthurt because ISIS fighters can receive medical treatment more easily than them
The absolute state of the United 56% of AmeriKKKa
Don't you dare, wait until ESA to dono because at least it'll get read there.
Oh boy, I can't wait to see them just kill Ganon! Excellent "run"!
>Said hell, goddamn
Is saying those words no longer allowed in murica? What the shit?
Was it worth a shit? I'm not even that into it I can't into bullet hell but it'd be fun to see someone who was good at it.
>we're having tech issues
>this has never happened before
Greetings from Germany!
Dark Souls is MA15+ right? if you're not old enough to play it then you're not old enough to watch someone else play it on stream. Parent's responsibility.
>zelda run
>bunch of soi bois
surprise suprise
Wait for the webm and get btfo'd faggot, he messes with the back with his fat fingers and it breaks off
BoTW was an average game at best.
100% is good. Lots of tricks and interesting glitches. Plus you get to see all the sidequests for the masks, and everything is routed so well they only have to reset time like 3-4 times iirc. First 15 minutes are dull, though.
oh boy here we go with a zzzzzzzz run
isn't it eastern?
eww french
Don't forget the SS officer there to keep them in line
Link's heavy breathing...
Rent free
Unconfirmed reports that this guy was asked to leave and these webms were buried in the last thread. When they cut back to the crowd cam he was gone.
Okay, now this is epic.
They try to keep the stream family friendly. That said no one is getting banned for saying that, this place just likes to lie and overreact.
>from dark souls to this
kill me
Already ruined.
this is gonna be a choke run ain't it
how do speedrunners fail this clip
I can do it casually in less time
>a zzz run
>they don't know
Of course this runner sucks so who knows
>Any% BotW
Most people don't care, but the GDQ staff banned someone for an entire year for joking about Owen Wilson and Air Canada.
yeah nah i'm out
>choking on the first trick
so who is the muscle in this tranny infested cespool?
who kicks you out if you do something bad?
do both
You're right. It was also a bad Zelda game with no music, 4 "dungeons" and like 5 different types of enemies.
Someone plz make a gif of the guy button mashing LMAOOOO looks like he's beating off
i saw it happen hes gone
shit run
>2 minutes to actually start the run
If only they got rid of the first cycle.
Then zfg can run the game again
welp, time to see if this run is even close to being worth that sperg out that happened because of that tranny runner when it first released
If you weren’t such a helpless tard you could go find it yourself in a previous thread.
>already cheating
Off to a good start.
Where the poverty chat? trihex is hosting some faggot
I want to FUCK that dragon
no its central
It's a touhouvania and the guy was melting bosses before the bullets really started flying. It was alright.
>he can't even do the fucking scopeclip
who is this nobody?
CT all day
this run is going to be full of execution errors isn’t it
Ok, that was pretty cool.
What the fuck? Are the words "hell" and "goddamn" not even family friendly?
Quick rundown
This guys fucking accent is killing me
don't be a fag
I am going to sleep. See you tomorrow. I gonna miss you all, trannies included.
supersaiyanlilb is his other poverty chat
based kerillian poster
please post more
Down with the thiccness.
i thought it was eastern?
They're also the ones who hate trannies.
This German guy lmao
why are German accents so autistic?
The german guy sounds like Uter.
hows your friday night anons.
it's assuming my facial muscles can keep my eyes open
>sckhxied clipping
guys I ate too much of the pizza and now my stomach hurts
It's great, because I'm here with you.
no its central
playin ffxiv
Follow some of my advanced techniques.
>6 hours of Zelda
Nope. See you guys for Bomberman.
haha yes.
Whenever I hear a European accent I have to ask myself, did they really spend all the money to fly to the USA for a week long event where they play like one game for a couple hours?
And so could you to "attempt" to prove me wrong dipshit :^)
I'm down for this, I wanna see that new jumping-off-bokiblin-heads glitch
>Leetle fleek to ze zide
That accent is comfy
feels good to see scottish accents represented in hot rule34
please post more of the wutelgi
love you user
Germans are the most unfunny people on earth.
Pretty good. Gonna run to the liquor store real quick to get something for the majora's mask run. Gonna get comfy. Hopefully the run doesn't suck ass
i was sure it was eastern yurope
What do we think of Link?
>playing the game in fucking spanish
Pretty good, going to find some slut to erp with after this run and blow a week's worth of cum. I hope tomorrow has some good runs too, the Dark Souls one was amazing.
This is the most underwhelming gdq yet. Can't wait for the next one!
Playing Stardew while watching.
actually based
So why are they so far behind schedule even with a run being cut? What went overestimate?
well come on, it's not like he said nigger or faggot in a private dm or something
he is precious
nope its central
based remi bro
They meet up with their speedfriends and drink in hotel rooms and shit. It's a holiday basically.
Based retard
I'm not as drunk as I'd like to be but I'll get there. That Dark Souls run was incredible
french accent is only tolerable if you're a milf
>that btb
is this guy just pulled from the crowd or something
tas bot funny enough
>incoming 5 hr zelda run
guaranteed to fall asleep 30 minutes into it. kinda excited.
Yeah fuck this run watch this shit instead
I am an MtF trans person and i really do apologize for how toxic our community is. If you meet a trans person, please judge them individually. We aren't all crazy...
Tech crew went over estimate
This guy sounds like such a stereotypical german
the german and the gay dude are pretty good commentators though even if i don't find it enjoyable
Stalling for incentives.
>it's an amerilard tries to guess the language episode
stop making early thread you fucking weebs
>Link space program
its not eastern?
I'm not gay but I'd totally cuddle the fuck out of Link
it's french you retard
And they do it cause it is the shortest language for dialogue
i missed it, where can i watch it?
Why do anime girls have fangs?
Post benis and bussy pls
I want to play this but I have no friends and it looks like the kind of MMO I need to interact with people to enjoy.
I hope the runner is good. I really want someone charming.
that was real fuckin neato
I'll judge you by your looks. Better be more than passable.
not even, it was just a cap for the screw. any greasyboi would have made the same mistake.
This. I pretty much don't call myself transgender, because I don't fit in with how the community generally acts and thinks.
no its central
I missed the start, why are they playing in italian?
Grinding materials and shards in Bloodstained.
I never watched this run and I find it interesting. That jump was very flashy. For 35 minutes, explanations are great.
Yeah keep telling yourself it's only the South that thinks you're an abomination shit for brains
My fucking sides.
you're not changing anything. nobody here cares about your hot take nor were they going to donate anyway
you're avatarfagging and samefagging. you're doing this for attention. you have no actual commitment to a cause
shut the fuck up and go to sleep
Linklust is immoral.
Reminder that Zelda is a trans person. Look it up.
"Almost!" the run.
What are you guys on to stay awake
Motherfucker do I look like google to you?
Wow, I didn't think that would actually get more than 1 reply, but you really did get those (You)s. Have another, I guess.
kys transphobe
to appeal to a subset of anime fans
it's swedish you retard
>asking why certain games are played in certain languages
I'm gonna take a stab at it and say it's because it's faster?
>this viewer count
What went wrong?
Fuck off faggots
Link is a buff Chad
i think its eastern
vanilla coke
Oh yeah, just like how Samus is as well?
i know idiot
im still going to trannypost though
t. american
passion for videogames
The game is having a fucking stroke
Holy shit that glitch is amazing
>flying at 500mph while surfing on your shield
depends what does google look like, she cute?
>nintendo optimization
the power of the shitch
willpower. i'm going to pass out soon anyway. fuck 5 hours of majora
the entire main story has to be done solo save for the times when it has you do a dungeon. everything is done through duty finder too so you don't really have to interact with anybody ever if you don't want to
BotW VR when?
They restartet the stream which kills all the afk/sleep "viewers"
Oh noes the big bad mean mental retard told me to suicide, what am I to do
no narci desu
They had to stop the stream for a second
>People went to sleep
>And are missing this
>Streamer completely silent while still fucking every setup up
>Hanz won't shut the fuck up
Dark Souls runner left
The stream going down right before the run.
Super Mario Maker 2
Thats fine. I like to trannypost too because unlike most trannies im not afraid of some fun at my expense.
Man this announcer sounds retarded
post more
Based, Link is handsome and not faggy at all
it's boring
and also reminded me of cosmo (rip)
based brainlet
Its 12 in the noon lmao
these skips are pretty crazy
Americans have things to do on Friday nights.
running in circles on the ardougne roof top
when i first played this game i knew that the speedruns were going to look like this
it's amazing
Looks like botw run is quite a bit different these days
Nice. Will look into it!
Awww, we know you're not all bad.
Please, please read this article.
It's massive, but it's very important. I feel like it saved my life.
It's midnight.
Vyvanse and green tea
Can't start to play any vidya because I work Saturdays
I fucking hate my job
stream went down, kinda boring run with fuck ups already, and it's late on a friday night
Cute Link too
Why is their game in German?
I love how Aonuma lied saying you can totally just go fight Ganon at the start of the game and win. Gotta do at least some grinding.
THEY are gender queer, please use the pronouns they/them.
There's actually a legit speedrun strat involving switching to VR mode, not sure if it'll be used in this run though.
>bunch of setup
>stays on the block perfectly at high speeds as it rolls over
These are some good tricks.
why is this american guy overreacting to every fall damage cancel
literally the easiest trick in the run, all you do is press right on the d pad
>you're just brainwashed into wanting to be female
I guess the Jews got me when I was 5
Same, although I didn't expect the bokoblin jumps
Canada bro
Take a shot every time they say "Almost"
post pics of fuck off
you could if durability wasn't so shit
why are these user donations always so generic
user you shouldn't have!
americans are fake
what world
there's a free trial that lets you play until level 35 with no time limit. every job can be leveled on one character too.
Ah, a delicious meal. I am pretty hungry.
thats me! I dont remember donating!!!
why is the in game text in spanish?
Turns out idiots that incinerate their money are not very smart or creative.
You first. Are you cute?
They are just swollen
this but swap alcohol for psychedelics
a sense of hopelessness and maybe some sugar
I want to use her butt as a pillow platonically
hey dude thats dope, i hope some day people can stop being whiny faggots
just remember not to appease people that would cut your head off if it was socially acceptable
>Invoke orbposting
Immediate loss of rank
They don't read the good ones because gotta keep it family friendly. At best someone snuck in a "my wife's son" and someone on the couch giggled.
also money laundering
The 1st Zelda was the last good one ever made.
user, look. I know. You owe it to yourself to read it. I was MtF in high school, being preyed on by one of the communities people like to meme about. It's not an article about Jews or conspiracy shit, it's serious corruption stuff that you should care about if big pharma worries you even a little bit.
anyone have pics of announcer?
i used your credit card
>crowd sleeping already
where you get that picture of me?
Japanese uses characters so there's less text to show, making it faster.
Why's the dialogue in Arabic?
>can't tell spanish from polish
I'm not reading, but I'm gonna take a shot in the dark that it's some attempt at "converting" people like us back to "normal".
The neps are cute but what do they have to do with SGDQ?
SGDQ is a womxn-respecting shithole that would never allow adorable and humorous Lowee candidates to remind the fleshbags that flesh ages, wrinkles and spoils.
what are you now? an honest-to-god boy (male)?
No u
yeah just pressing one button in like a 2 second window, wew great job runnerguy
I'm playing right now!
What job do you main?
How did he manage to get on the couch?
im nsa
dont tell the other posters
>flying a tree into the church
holy shit
Why is the onscreen text in gay?
You can't because you have to get the glider first.
>that destroyed church
Is that a Dark Souls reference?
post more cats
I wasn't the user you replied to before fyi
I don't care about the "LGBT community" (cult). I know I need to transition though.
I don't want to be too far off topic tho, so this is my last reply.
>every runner for BOTW agrees that the run shouldn't be at GDQ because it isn't optimized and has barely any glitches, as well as being a boring run right now
>some faggot decides to submit a run anyway and then runs it at GDQ
>botw speedruns
this is going to be the best jump in the entire run i know it
i keep secret and you don't post more pictures of me
you baited me with cute lowee neps
looks like a man is about to strangle her
Why the fuck is the text in wingdings?
these apps are getting good. i didn't scroll down far enough to see the hand and thought "she" was kinda cute
Did they explain why they're using French?
Fuck off
Oh I thought you meant right after the plateau
When does this game come to PC?
it's faster you fucking retards have you ever watched a speedrun before
How did the community react?
It's a speedrunning marathon, why the fuck do you think they are using it
so this is the power of the switch...whoa
i played SCH all through 2.0 and 3.0. started playing WAR the most in 4.0 and now i'm planning on playing GNB for the new expac.
>not touching the ground once between the plateau and hyrule castle
now you will watch speedruns whether you like it or not
Please don't tell me you chopped off your weewee fren.
Yes. I was always male. It's very easy to forget when you've got daily reinforcement coming from your only "friends." i hope this wasn't a deflection aimed at minimizing what i went through
hate the boobs
I fucking love botw any% now it's so ridiculous.
Xiv is one of the most solo-oriented MMOs on the market. All matching for dungeons and stuff is automated, you can have all classes on one character, and you can basically do everything solo and have the full experience.
I heard in the last expansion they even added an option to have an AI party
>the perfect height at the end of that massive flight sequence
>paragliding across Hyrule at Mach 1
Bananas again.
at least this guy isn't using amiibos like the tranny
How could these racists just chant a white supremacist dog whistle right on stream?
this guy's actually getting a lot of good luck on second-third try approaches compared to a number of other runners choking hard
oooooooooooh banana!
>posting anime
Why is this post in retarded?
There's no way BotW 2 will be like this. Definitely a lightning in the bottle type of deal.
I'm a gay person that's indifferent to trans shit but at a glance this seems like a load. Why the fuck does every portion of lgbt get so territorial about having their own "spaces"? All this fighting with each other is fucking stupid
>banana lame
Is this game worth playing?
>Run relies heavily on RNG
>Tons of complex and precise setup, all of which is new
This probably shouldn't have been run here, it makes the run look bad
This dude has the most stereotypical movie german accent I've ever heard.
no but I was goaded into taking out massive loans to pay for HRT
took out the loans, got so many internet hugs and contratulations, but something in my gut told me no, so i didn't go through with it and told everyone i don't think it's for me
the reaction was violent
I'm thinking of maining DRK for ShB, since it's finally getting buffs and Dark Arts is gone
>added an option to have an AI party
Yes, they did
Is Hyrule Castle an actual dungeon?
I thought it's already fully emulatable
It's looking pretty good so far, enjoying it.
his luck is decent so far
How much money did the HRT cost?
Did it have any permanent damage?
Not him, that article is actually in defense of people with actual gender dysphoria and attacking the cultural trending of it, using an evidenced investigation into the pharmaceutical companies that are bankrolling the movement.
Yes, the only one in the whole game
It was a good game, the music was atmospheric and fun, the enemies weren't varied enough, but they were still fun to kill. I mostly play PS4 myself, but I enjoyed the heck out of BotW. I don't understand why it makes people so damn salty.
how does he have such a large inventory already?
why is the text in chinese? i just don't understand
It's extremely easy to emulate and you can enhance it to blow the Switch version completely out of the water, anything from 60 fps to massive draw distance increases.
And yeah, the important part is that it's actually a good game as far as MMOs go. Even better if you played FF before for all that fanservice
>I didn't go through with it
You retarded, son?
They had a Minecraft run. Talk about RNG.
This isn't bad at all. Is this your first day watching?
this run makes me involuntarily clap
Broken 60fps that is only good for youtube videos and has tons of broken menus
Good on you for trusting your instinct buddy. It's amazing how they are called the "accepting" and "tolerant" group but only when you fall in line.
Fucked sleeping pattern
>he can't read cyrillic
>the g word
Kinda. There are a bunch of options to go through it, which makes it pretty interesting in my opinion
If you take it long enough, the only permanent damage it can cause is sterility.
>Talk about RNG.
Don't get me started on that "RNG" 10 obsidian in a chest, blaze spawner right next to the nether portal shit.
>gamer time
Wait until it's optimized
It was a boring game, especially when you compare it to other zelda games.
I played the whole game with it and never had issues.
i'm sorry i'm just really drunk right now and my reading comprehension is not so good
user I'm happy you're in a better place but I really need to hear the full story regarding that "reaction".
that run was fun as hell too.
The jumping and rocketing is amazing looking regardless of speedrunning, let alone it actually being utilized
Thank fucking god user
How old were you?
Can't you just replay these loans back with these money that you didn't use? I got no idea how american """health"""care works
they didn't read it
i'm pretty interested in ShB DRK. i liked it in HW but i wasn't too into how it played at 70 in SB. it looks like they borrowed some things from WAR which is cool.
Ah. I just saw a bit harping on about erasure and my eyes glazed over
Allegedly random seed but the first village chest he opened had exactly the items he needed and they never showed him generating the world so who knows
not him but honestly this is the only 3d zelda i like. i prefer the 2d zeldas
Naw, it really wasn't. It seems like a natural progression to me. I like 2D Zelda's more personally, but I still think it was a decent Zelda game. I mean, they can't just remake AlttP and Ocarina of Time forever ya know?
>the only bad thing is that it permanently destroys your ability to have children
>let alone that the drugs aren't FDA approved so dosages are administered by what amounts to a guess
>let alone the mental damage that can occur if at risk individuals (which most pre-hrt trannies are, depressed etc) suffer sudden hormonal shifts
yeah nah hormones are candy
They claimed it was a random seed but they didn't show him starting the game so....
The only way to get your donation read is by making a stupid fucking pun or meme.
I can respect that. Give it a read though, it's fucking foul what's going on with the movement. Human exploitation at its finest, setting up a crisis on par with the opiate epidemic.
Gonna ask in this thread. Is there a guide or list of stuff to do? The game seems massive so I wouldn't mind knowing what to do aside from the main story.
I was about to discard your opinion, but seeing as you're a fellow 2D-chad, I suppose I'll have to respect it.
In the end the tranny thing may end of causing more death and destruction than Heroin ever could.
this one is extremely helpful
The loans were through the bank, two of them in fact, there was a small court thing I had to do and argued temporary insanity which got me hit with some fines but it's being sorted. I was 16 when they got a hold of me, 18 when I took out the loans, 23 now.
Doxing, posting nudes everywhere, calling me a nazi, chasing me off of every platform I was on, going to any community where it seemed like I might be and "warning" people that I'm "transphobic" and harmful, phonecalls at night from spoofed phone numbers, depersoning me in general. Lost every single friend I had over the course of three nights and had to go through months of harassment and calls for me to kms.
thanks for this article user, really interested in this NGO astroturfing type of stuff, never even considered it would be this visible in something like lgbt politics
I wish trans people were more encouraged to embrace their femininity/masculinity and incorporate it into their personality without chemically and surgically damaging their bodies, or denying the reality of the body they were born with. Fuse it. Be the girl in the man's body. Learn and grow from the gift of the two perspectives you were given
Ram is fucking ugly.
>tranny took over the thread
Fucking hate you faggots.
What did you think of Skyrim?
what's with gannon and being a boar
>I was 16 when they got a hold of me
why is this legal?
Welcome to the nazi club fren
no way fag
Good game.
The first ganon was a boar monster.
You know they're starting kids on HRT at 4 years old now, right?
Being trans means not wanting to embrace your feminity/masculinity. This is like saying gay people just need to embrace their straight side, fuck off with this transphobia
>wake up
>5 hours
i sleep,literally,good night fagget
Blanc is Bland
4P Dungeons
8P Dungeons
24P Raids
4P Trials which if you've played WoW are like the lairs
8P Trials
Lots of professions which are more active than the usual mmo stuff, with abilities and skills and such
Golden Saucer
Public Events and world bosses
roguelike dungeon crawlers
lol, this is right-winger fan-fic
If botw only got an 85 metacritic score, would this board still be as salty as they still are?
You misunderstood, I meant embrace your femininity if you were born male, and embrace your masculinity if you were born female. You still have the perspective of the gender you were born as though, and that's a valuable thing.
i really wish it was, bud.
That's a weird way to spell perfect.
A bit, maybe. That game is average at every level and does absolutely nothing new, and yet people treat it as a revolutionary masterpiece.
This board can't ever let anything go.
This. People can still be tomboys and girlymen and not be total faggots about it.
I had a similar thing happen to me. Was just fucking around on twitter since I was lonely and ended up making a joke that got took the wrong way. Immediately echoed out without any context and people just believed it and blocked me. Got it sorted out which is how I found out people literally didn't even check or know what I'd said, just heard bigot and went nuclear.
t. pic related
so you think that both Breath of the Wild and Skyrim are shit games? What games would you consider good?
>This is like saying gay people just need to embrace their straight side,
I think way more people are at least a little bit bi than anybody wants to admit right now and everyone would be chiller if they could accept that
You say that like gay guys don't enjoy having sex with the occasional female.
I don't personally believe there is such thing as a "gay person" who is born only being attracted to the same sex. Gay people are made, not born.
Are you actually serious about Skyrim? I thought you were joking.
Alright, I'll toss out a few in no particular order:
N64 Zeldas
Monster Hunter 4 U
Most Castlevanias, both Metroidvanias and classic
Legacy of kain games
Ys games
Etrian Odyssey games
>Legacy of kain
poor man's zelda with good dialogue
It isn't a matter of belief, it's a matter of evidence.