Are you enjoying the new character

are you enjoying the new character

Attached: black-desert.jpg (1200x628, 183K)

What the FUCK is wrong with Japan?

They don't consider conventionally attractive characters a "problem".

is this game good?
i saw it on the sale

She's cute.

There's nothing sexual at all about OP's post. If anything, YOU'RE the one sexualizing a 10 year old girl for some reason.

Censored and had customization options limited for the western version.

Attached: xABT0ST.png (505x571, 224K)

I'm considering reinstalling BDO to play when I'm bored
should I? What do you guys think?

Attached: bdo.png (1920x1080, 1.55M)

And funny?

>lets just copy the Elin from TERA, just set the ear length to max.
Japs are creatively bankrupt.

It's a soul less korean game though

These things happen.

Attached: 1a32f99b87abdc0be10598e0d078adc3.png (1260x1680, 1.58M)

TERA or Black Desert? Which is better?

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Can she wear sexy lingerie?

Yes, but can you fuck them?

I'd say TERA is more like a traditional MMO. It's been out far longer than BDO so it has years worth of content while BDO is still fairly new.

And BDO plays more like an action RPG mixed with MMO elements

try both desu, they're both free anyway so see which one you like more.

I started this game and I cant figure it out. Do I have a "stash" to deposit things? Is there an easy way to locate vendors? ... ARE there vendors?

That's Korea you dumb fuck

yes. yes. yes.

Can you elaborate?

Look for Storage Managers, in Velia there's a deer-guy on the wharf. Vendors are everywhere, if you're in a town you can find the blacksmith or stablekeeper the easiest.

Do people still play Tera?

so is this game good or just loli bait