New Vegas has good writi-

>trained soldiers with modern-day firearms and explosives
>literal LARPers armed with football gear and machetes
Yeah, this is DEFINITELY a fair fight that wouldn't end in a total stomp for the guys that use GUNS.

Attached: ncr vs legion.jpg (1213x551, 226K)

have sex

both use guns. just one doesn't produce guns.

fallout never had good writing
it's all wacky r*ddit humor with talking ghouls and supermutants

>worlds most powerful military with top of the line technology
>A few rice farmers with outdated equipment
Also look at the Romans vs the Germanic tribes. Being better trained and advanced doesnt matter when you have poor supply lines, poor morale and no real impetus to continue fighting away from home. The NCR was overextended and civilian. Caeesar's Legion has no such overextension and no concept of civilian life.

Attached: vietnam war.jpg (620x349, 47K)

>trained soldiers

The game makes a big point of showing that a majority of NCR grunts are just hicks handed rifles and shipped out to die.

>it's another Yea Forumstards completely missed the point of the Legion thread

Attached: lindylookingatacomputerscreenwithconcern.jpg (1405x789, 276K)

Both use guns though? Nice thread OP you fucking faggot.

Attached: degn.jpg (374x255, 32K)

I was going to do a take down based on the image, but thank you for actually understanding what it is that caused the Vietnam to be such a fucking mess. Had the US been the Imperialist bastards they're made out to be, Vietnam would be infested with obese hapas.

>A bunch of green retards and hillbillies conscripted into a war to fight over something they don't care about
>A bunch of tribals beaten and subdued and trained to be killing machines who obey without thinking

>poorly trained soldiers with shit gear only fighting for a paycheck
>poorly trained soldiers with shit gear and enthusiasm

Attached: 1559410154156.png (669x718, 474K)

something something vietnam

But the Legion also use guns you fucking idiot

>trained soldiers

They literally have like two weeks of training then are thrown into a slaughterhouse with unreliable weapons while the legion are trained since birth for war and have zero fear for their own wellbeing

is this game even that good? playing it for the first time. the graphics somehow look worse than fallout 3 and it seems like a lot of the world is boring empty desert

Legion isn't poorly trained. Their low ranking guys are purposely used as cannon fodder but theyre extremely efficient at at

Geez, I wanna go back to crawling through copypasta subway tunnels.

the world in new vegas is very empty though i guess is has to be or else it wouldn't feel like a desert.

Meanwhile in Fallout 3
>Currently an unknown benefactor has hired the Talon Company to hunt down do-gooders.
>The reasons for this are unknown, but the effect is to keep the wasteland a lawless place where the guys with the biggest guns make the rules.

Attached: Talon_Company_Group_Shot.jpg (1440x900, 228K)

The map is definitely worse than 3 but the quests and writing make up for it and while he took it too far in PoE, Sawyer's balance autism was sorely needed to correct Todd's shit leveling design.

>the graphics somehow look worse than fallout 3
is this true?

Absolutely not

character models look worse

Who would win?
>the most powerful nation known to mankind, thousands of nuclear weapons, the most powerful military in the world capable of destroying the planet several times over
>a bunch of fence hopping mexicans
Yeah, this is DEFINITELY a fair fight that wouldn't end in a total stomp for the guys that use GUNS.

Attached: 1561660825979.png (1908x820, 1.37M)

Talon Company had practically 0 depth. Kind of a shame you couldn't even join them if you were evil.

It's designed like a tabletop RPG and meant to be played like one. If you don't like those then go play one of Todd's abortions.
>le "empty desert"
I hate this meme. If you don't like the feeling of being lost in a desert, don't wander into the fucking desert without a purpose. What are you expecting to be there? Try the intended story route if you want content, THEN wander around once you know how to not get lost.

The Legion had the technological advantage. Anti-material rifles, Ballistic fists, Thermic Lances, Super Sledges and tons of Stealth Boys to best use them. Low ranked scrubs just don't get access to it.

>uhhhh big hammer lol?



uhhh epic win? hello?

Attached: 64575367735.png (738x583, 362K)

Friendly reminder that the Legion ending with Caesar cured is the best ending. The Legion meeting, clashing with and conquering the West will lead to a fusion of the two cultures. The best of each will be distilled into a better, united society.

Attached: Legion_end_slide_01.png (1280x720, 1.28M)

Talon Company became a complete joke when on my third restart, I did all the positive karma stuff in the Vault, wandered outside and got attacked by a rabid dog, and then was beset by Talon Company yelling at me for being doing all this good in the Wastes. Harder to take things seriously after that.

>the West will lead to a fusion of the two cultures.
The legion has no culture. Literally 0. It is a giant army and not a society or culture. Caesar is a moron with a child's understanding of Hegelian dialectics.

yeah like how the real romans defeated all those barbarians with it's superior tech and aggressive expansion and is the only country in the world right now

Legion controlled lands are the safest and most peaceful. Merchants enjoy going through Legion lands because they know their goods will be safe so long as they themselves don't break any rules. Unfortunately we didn't get to see much of the Legion civilian culture, but assuming it doesn't exist is foolish.