FFXIV Shadowbringers

How are you enjoying the expansion, user?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Kino and smooth so far.

Only been levelling GUB
>66 now
>Continuation experienced in HoH
Holy fuck
Transforming skills and charged skills are two of the best things they've added in sb and shb

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I didn't get there yet. I'm level 67, ninja, on MSQ named The Limits of Our Endurance. Leveling is too slow.

I haven't paid attention to a single second of the game's story or lore or any of that gay shit. I just like clicking stuff.
Clicking is still fun.


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>Glowy teal eyes
aw shit is Hydaelin in there?

Aside from roughly 20 minutes of DDoS earlier today, the EA has been completely smooth.

I'd like to hear from the clowns talking about raubahn ultimate in ShB and whatnot.


w-what is she doing?

Post mini minfilia

There's no way Standard Step potency doesn't get nerfed. A 1000 potency AoE every 30 seconds seems a little out there. Things just melt in 60 dungeons with two DNC's

What did they mean by this?

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Trash should always melt in dungeons if your party arent dummies

Scholars fairy finally unleashing her full power makes way more sense after seeing what she is competing with when you kill Titania.


>get home from work
>finally get in after 1k+ queue
>pop fantasia
>logout but have no character data
>spend an hour relogging to try and get it to work as other people said it can
>say fuck it and wait in queue for world visit system
>finally get in after another hour
>world transfer and proceed to log and race change
>low pop queue, get in instantly
>been waiting for over an hour to get back to my home world to actually play the game
>by the time I get back I'll need to sleep for work in the morning

I made a lot of mistakes...

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I can't even log in right now. DDoS still going on?

what is this face trying to convey

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Don't think so? I'm on Famfrit though so we have low world pop and we got in about 30 minutes after the DDoS started. Just finished Titania.

stupid question but wtf do i do with stat materia now? trade 5 in?

That is the face of a size queen being surrounded by tiny cocks that can't pleasure her as well as Thancred can.
Just look at the utter disdain she has.

How the fuck do i unlock secret of the lily? I'm pass the required level

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Playing through the first 5 hours of shb really made me realize just how fucking dogshit stormblood was
it's like night and day

Why are mods deleting threads?

Yeah they really phoned it in. The writing was just straight up bland and boring. The ONE thing they had to make you care about was freeing Ala Mhigo and they couldn't even do that.

>Every other job got a few new skills for 70-80
>SMN get one (ONE) new action at 72 which just transforms two other actions into higher damaging versions and then nothing (NOTHING) until level FUCKING 80. THAT’S 8 LEVELS WITH NO NEW ACTIONS

Why does SE have a fetish for fucking over SMN and SMN specifically?

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I can log in but I can't see my character and it keeps on telling me there's a queue with 1, which is strange

They're blizzard symphatizers or they are paid off by blizzard to delete them.

Stop fucking up my plans.

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I would be but no sub unfortunately until the hype and novelty is worn off.

blonde anime girls


I instantly nut when I logged in and press disassemble and Drill.

Everytime I scroll past one of these threads, I always read it as Shadowniggers.

>Fantasia new race
>Log in and out all day with almost no login queues
>Still grinding away on 3.X MSQ
>No real issues besides the DDoS

Pretty good so far.

>hate Minfillia because she was always kind of boring and I never played 1.0
>she goes away in HW and essentially gets made into a better character because she's no longer around
>never deal with her in SB
>Shad turns her into a little girl
>automatically a better character and more interesting.

>The beaners in California forget my chicken when I order from Dominos
this state is getting tiring....

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I stopped at 74 1/2 after getting into the forest. I neglected my roulettes so I could have gotten to 75 easily. Oh well I can do the rest tomorrow.

Who /GNB/ here?

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Whats the rush? There's literally no endgame content right now


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>guy wearing a choker
Goddamn anal loving boyslut

i leveled both DRK and gunbreaker to 74, just so that i could better compare them before deciding, and although im having fun with DRK, they are basically the RDM of tanks
rotation is 123 + dark arts MP dump, once meter reaches 50, use big skill, literally 5 buttons
meanwhile, gunbreaker has got all sort of shit, rotations and skills to use plus a lot of utility
nevertheless, DRK is still fun, in case you were worried about that, its just kinda braindead

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DRK is not fun, retard The fact you try to say it' fun compared to GNB makes me think you're an autistit.


they fucked, right?

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this is a horrible cutscene

>mfw healing is now boring as fuck
if things don't change I'm quitting. Literally just 211111111111112111111heal11111121111heal11111211111

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>Alphinaud is a SCH
>has an offensive Carbuncle
>gets Miasma 2 still

I also might have been seeing things but it looked like his carbuncle gets like a mini deathflare too

where do you actually think Pipin came from?
>implying they would ever actually tell anyone he's their biological son

I keep getting a free upgrade from clearing a dungeon at 71, does this continue for the rest? Didn't know they added this feature to the game.

they added this around Stormblood, applies to any Heavensward, SB or ShB leveling dungeon

It's been in for a while.

I'm sorry bro

>cutscenes after beating titania
holy kek

why the fuck would you transfer back to your home world?

For what purpose?


respect the content, no DPS


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where am i even supposed to enter the code in the mogstation? every time i enter it in item codes it says it's not valid.

>Gaius and Estinien meet.
>They just "hmph" at each other for 5 minutes straight.

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i think it's fun when there's a lot of damage going out, the fast cast changes on gcd heals are smooth as fuck

>Estenian remarks he was tracked down by a lalafell
>remarks that he is unsure she is a receptionist or a ninja
Based Tataru.

Anyone else finding it harder to hold aggro as WAR? It feels like even with defiance on my overpower just doesn't pull and hold aggro at the level it used to.

Holy fuck Titania trial roulettes are going to be brutal

BLM here, tanks have a tough time with initial aoe threat now

This librarian just keeps handing me picture books for children.

why do you think that is, user?

Wait, Minfillia was the one that got blowed up right? Why do these characters keep coming back from the dead with soulless eyes?

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Use butcher's block.

oh wait. Thanks Obama.

Anyone know where and how to get the other Lakeland aether current quests? I only have one so far.


That's because they're supplemented mostly with traits

>72 trait lets them Summon Bahamut after every DWT instead of every other
>74 trait gives them more Ruin 4s to use
>76 trait extends ruination to the same duration as the dots
>78 trait spreads ruination with bane

Though I do think they should at least have gotten like, Outburst 2 or something, 70 potency is fucking wimpy.

3 hour long alliance roulettes as tank

>mfw healing is now boring as fuck

it was always boring don't pretend having like 2 buttons less to press when DPSing is any worse.

Has anyone reach the final boss yet or at least second trial? I'm unsubbed but i want to look at the fight

>Elusive Jump no longer removes bind
>cannot be executed when bound

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>looks like a malnourished lanklet
>looks like THE same malnourished lanklet played by practically every other player
lmao, tell me yours have white hair next

I'm not enjoying SMN...

Did Alisaie always stand like a female Elezen?

Don't worry, I fapped and now the urge is gone. Now I'm a lion.

t. reddit


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Goddamn this should've been a different character. Minfilia shouldn't look this good.

Stop making me want to fanta into a male.

serves you right, bandwagoning cuck
enjoy the shed now that your broken job's been trashed

Magical futa

Estinein vs Raubahn, who win?

Did they really mocap strip dancer animations in Eulmore? At least Yoshi is spending money where it matters.
Anyways, Blufever image is complete now.

>Pitiful amount of new mgp stuff.
>No new pvp sets.
Y-yeah, cool.

FFXIV is the reddit MMO

>ninja is constantly using kassatsu moves now

it's weird having so many buttons to push. like i have two seperate rotations going on.

DNC at 60 is ok
when does it gets fun?

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>New MGP Hair is excellent.
>can't use on Viera
fuck this game

so you can't cheese mechanics that involve binds

It's a shame I never liked ninja before, it looks like it's one of the few jobs that's keeping some of the complexity.

>tfw lillies essentially are lustrate now

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So I played WAR through ARR, a mix of WAR, DRK and BLM through HW. Decided to try SAM out since idk what to play for SB.
I kinda liked it, especially with how DRK got gutted now. What do I do bros? Should I kill myself for even considering becoming a shit weeb?

it got more complex in SB with more timers and states to track, but some contrarian tranny somewhere will tell you the removal of one dot made it braindead


DNC is boring as fuck
>121212 maybe a proc and that proc can give you another proc
>same with aoe
>dance when it's down

I was expecting fun

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It still has its dot though, the "dot" it removed was slashing debuff. so it's not even a dot.

>suiton is finally useful outside of trick attacks


i want to watch, hope someone subs it

I find it fun, but that’s because I like being a buff slut that gives my masters damage increases and then maybe after the battle is over the other DPS and tanks will reward me with their big fat cocks!!!

>working saturdays

For the last time, Male Miqo'te are not gay!

Did Minfilia get lobotomized?
Awesome if true. She was insufferable before

It's aesthetically pleasing and that is what matters most. Being a support slut is the real reason to play it.

It's already out on netflix, isn't that one just a remake but in movie form?

is the most boring ranged dps

I'm creatively bankrupt and can't make good characters. What do people think of this lion? I was going for a Scar inspired look. Voice 4 seems pretty good too.

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>Not working weekends
Boomers need to get gassed

I don't know let me make a fucking character in the game I just bought and I could tell you.

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Why would you buy a game without playing the free trial first?

this. You can play half of ARR for free.

FFXIV is shit why did you listen to trannies?

>they actually make Y'shtola being blind relevant
>it lasts a total of 2 minutes before it doesn't matter anymore

I guess that's more than I was expecting.

its average, at least its not your typical white fur blue eyed anime/fursona
maybe go with stronger shade of green on the eyes and slightly darker fur

>going on a trip with colleagues
the absolute state of weekendkeks

What's a good way I can get a glowing orange DRK weapon?

Do you think Thancred ever just told her that being ravaged by him was a completely normal thing to do?

but male miqo'te are not gay, Hrothgar are

>warriors get a hammer

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Thanks, I darkened up the skin a bit but I'm maxed out on green more or less. I don't mind looking generic. Better a regular lion than some furaffinity sparkledog.

>patch it up
>log in
>unable to obtain character data
>login queue +1k
I almost want to just get that free transfer to one of the Crystal's ded servers and get a less painful queue. I will just play something else while I wait.

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when you get in just world visit the deadest server

Gotta make Nomura's retarded decision to give a character a hammer relavant somehow.

so hows DNC? haven't heard anything about it

not as fun as mch

My datacenter is Aether. Every server here is a congested hell.

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Okay so what job DIDN'T get fucked by the expansion?

Crystal doesn't have ded servers. Literally every world is full

boring so far

A lot of fun apparently.


But then I don't get my FC exp buff.

Congested hell is a good thing in an mmo

selfish chads

Probably partially because everyone is going there to spam make new characters to test it out

Black Mage
Red Mage

>level 72
>literally no place to level up besides lakeland fates
holy shit this is so annoying WHY DO QUESTS GIVE ZERO XP

So how is machinist now? How does it compare to a Bard?

Never played one before because most people always said they hated how it played

Reached rich city(Because who cares about alliase) and enjoying it for now
Direction, design and story are all great
Merchant being killed right away really set the tone for a whole expack

World Status says that Crystal still have preferred servers, even though they are all locked (I guess "preferred" status isn't updated in real time).

It is extremely fun and is designed to be the selfish dps of the Ranged role (we'll see if it actually puts out the damage though)

eh, probably the worst ranged dps

wait, you're saying mch doesn't have to be babied by at least 5 jobs and situated next to a datacenter to be barely playable anymore?

did they change sam at all? is it any less brain dead?

>Tank the first dungeon as DRK
>Healer actually has to heal me
This sucks

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Yeah bro they really gutted it. Before I was doing 3211111111111132111111111113211111111111, it was so big-brained and complex!
Fuck Yoshi-p honestly

oh i thought they were healers. do they have some buff utility? i already played RDM as my main last expac.

I play DRK and everybody else's enmity meter is virtually invisible because they're so tiny.
WAR can't be much different.

>negativity in the dojo

>Heal the first dungeon as any healer
>Tank is taking ogreloads of damage even on small pulls and damage mitigation
The fuck. This PLD had 405 omega and I believe BiS with eureka gear and was getting hit like a half naked tank in extremes

>healing is legitimately boring
>no new healer to make people pick healer
This is going to be terrible after 2 weeks as tank. I can't imagine how bad DPS queues are

It won't get any more complex than this. 60 to 70 is literally just another proc you get to press twice a minute and some buffs. 70 to 80 is the same shit but without actually being a proc.

I double and triple pulled in the 71 dungeon as PLD and it wasn't too bad

Had to help with Clemency a bit though

Why does Summoner still have Physick? It heals me for 1.5% of my max HP per cast.

>queue for dungeon as literally any role
>get like up to 4m exp each run
>if you somehow struggle to find a queue, get npcs because they're better than 90% of randoms especially since no one knows mechanics

Working as intended, healers should be healing and not dpsing :^)

Yeah enmity is a joke now,

Is it not an ability from his pre-class? It might as well not exist anyway.

they probably forgot to turn tank stance on as it's now a level 1 thing

>can only run a dungeon with a trust once

>DRG in pvp now

Haha holy shit how did they justify this bullshit

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>dancing was hardest quest for now

Tank stance does nothing besides increased enmity

That's not even a big gap. Why are MMO's so fucking bad?

Is it strong? Wasn't it already a melee with easiest accessible burst?



where can you turn in the new cracked cluster equivalents

They should make Crystarium a tomestone city. I don't want for this city to be dead.

>all cooldowns are gone
>specially largesse

let me guess you play WHM

how do we fix dancer?
>worst damage of all dps
>boring as fuck

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>healers have to heal more
>no they don't

which is it

So, who's got the hot story spoilers? What's The Tempest?

What is the name and context of the Solus trial?

I mean the tank needs to use their cooldowns.

I have no issue going Adlo -> Aetherflow -> Whispering Dawn -> Chain Strat -> Bio -> Art of War -> AoW -> Lucid -> AoW etc and occasionaly weave in a Lustrate.

Let the fairy heal, Dawn is on a 60 second cooldown, might as well use it as a ghetto regen.

So is SMN finally not fucked at the start of an expansion?

assize plenary tetragramaton asylum lilies benison on top of your usual fuckload of HoTs and Cure II that refills 75% if a hp bar now
srsly I did it with a shit DRK who pulled wall to wall earlier and still spent most of the time DPSing

playing tank and healer are the most boring shit in gaming

any footage of the 77 trial or the final boss?

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>Felt squishy as a tank
>Thought it was just me sucking
>Switch to healer
>Tanks are taking hits really fucking hard

What the fuck?

So AST's Play button is bugged right? That thing is unresponsive as hell and clips with fucking Malefic.

Put the world transfer up. 40+ minute login queues are not good enough still 1700+
??? seriously, at least for the people wanting to go from populated to an emptier world.

Day off work is a rare thing i dont have time for this bs...
Literally zero reason for me to have bought early access at this point.
Dont make me refund it.

oh so it wasn't just me

I'm enjoying the story way more than stormblood holy shit.
Why is Solus always so fun to watch, and his theme is so good

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You didn't buy early access. It was included for free with the game.

Should I play this game?

You should try the free trial in a week and see for yourself. You basically can't right now if you're new. The servers are congested as fuck and they prioritize paying customers for log in queues.

there's a free trial

yes get the trial

I'm enjoying story and atmosphere way more than anything in last two years

Yes buy it immediately.

Fuck no. It's for butt licking degenerate gay men. Remember that after you are in the free trial and you see gay catboy twink #1,546,673. You're gonna be like "Yea Forums did warn me".

>level gated on Lv72 MSQ
>can't do the Dwarf role quest if I'm a melee DPS
At least that fucking bloom filter is gone.

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Wait, seriously? Wow, fuck that. Glad I didn't resubscribe for this shit.

The fact that the WoL gets more input on cutscenes as useless as it might be is such a nice touch. And I can't stop feeling uneasy everytime we get some rest and when I look at my character expression after clearing a dungeon, shit is gonna hit the fan really bad I know it

that's wrong though?

I think you can really tell that they didn't put their heart into the SB story. It was something that needed to happen to progress the story but they obviously wrote that story like it was a checklist and you can tell that the xaela bits were the only parts they were really interested in writing.

Stormblood made me question if I was done with the game, that shit bummed me out hard.

They probably did it so queues wouldn't be fucked for people who want to do it with people since if you could just run a dungeon with a trust repeatedly, why bother waiting for people at all.
Which begs the question, why bother?

you can do a trust as many times you want you retard

shes so cute

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Bard feels...ok?
Wish they didn't take away the crit buff on the songs.

Playing with the AI is frustrating and I like playing with other people

So we’re all in agreement that Shadowbringers story is peak kino and the class designs weren’t nearly as bad as B*lance Discord niggers were concern trolling about?
I think if the raid turns out fantastic this is gonna trump Heavensward launch in every single way.

This is how miqo'te nurture their young. I'm really liking the new lore in this expansion.

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have characters always yelled and grunted when taking damage from high places? i didnt recall and im having a laugh seeing people rain from the sky and scream as they land on the cristarium

SCH feels really awkward.

Does anyone have any more pictures of Minifillia?

Is it true that the NPCs just do this mechanic perfectly?

It feels weird, like it's missing something. That something obviously being Straight Shot, but at the same time Refulgent being as often as it is is amazing and Barrage's secondary effect is also amazing.

>get to her expecting her to be disgusting and would probably hate her
>she ends up being based and a good girl

Yeah all the doom posting about MCH being even worse was some bullshit, MCH is really fun

Something about the audio seems more noticeable. Is it not just me?

They've definitely done something to the sound.
The noise for mounting is really loud. Especially if it's a whale that bought the Fatter Cat.


I wish they made more changes to DRG, my hotbar haven't changed at all, just stardiver in heavy thrust window.

i can't tell if i like the drk rework or not

>Is it true that the NPCs just do this mechanic perfectly?
I didn't see how Urianger got across but Thancred does a dash over the pit and Minfilia takes her time and walks carefully. She didn't make it across before I dispelled the trick

I feel like the combat voices are quieter now

The doom posting was about buff alignment/meta viability.

I think it's the most fun class in the game now but it might be awful in comparison to bard/dnc in terms of how much damage it provides, we'll have to see.

>You'll never had a morbidly obese mystel mom to smother you with her girth before 10 tons of lard smothers her arteries.

Why live?

sch feels great with fastcast adlos now, their problem is energy drain

Most of free citizens are surprisingly very decent people
Guess they really didn't wanted another ala mhiggo shitfest where you hated people you help, even guy who considered aura a pet was pretty decent fellow

don't quote me but i heard Urianger just waits for someone to make it across and then just Aetherial Manipulations over to them

God damn I love this. Probably my favorite field theme.

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Sperging about meta and class balance in a mmo is fucking retarded. The only thing that matters is how fun the class mechanics are. Balance is going to get fucked and changed so many times through the expansion and that shit isn't going to matter to anyone who isn't a top 1% raider and even then it really doesn't matter.

>was pretty decent fellow
He looked and acted exactly like Ned Flanders.

why the fuck was everyone doomsaying DRK
the job plays really smoothly and it feels a lot better than SB

I love the more fantasy sounding music this expansion


>get to a new area
>solus just talks out casually and starts saying some bullshit
I fucking love Uncle Solus, bros.

it more boring, compared to paladin (probably the biggest winner of the patch along with Black Mage and Machinist) who just got flat out upgraded and improved


This game feels "faster" but runs seem to take a bit longer. The hell?

Damn, that's good.

>see Thancred jump across the pit
>think I can do the same and use my Hissatsu: Gyoten technique on the boss
>it doesn't work and I fall down
>embarrass myself in front of my Scion friends

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It's boring, I'm changing to gnb when done with the story.

sub 71 dungeons are all much faster

the 71 dungeon takes ages though


This expansion so girly, everything is pinky and white and feminine even the music, how do you faggots endure this shit...even the gook shit from SB was better.

darkness my ass, i want my money back!

Single target gcd heals are now all shorter than the gcd.

Gotta love when Soken tries something new. He knocks it out of the park every time.

Is she the only voiced Viera? I love their awkward accent

i have no idea if scandinavian (?) is the canon accent for buns, but now it is to me

No one complained about potencies of drk though. Everyone complained about it becoming yet another war.

>he doesn't know about the 6th zone

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I would be if there weren't a bunch of genuinely retarded new players clogging up the tank queues so I could level.
Instead I have to keep playing DRK, it's so boring now.
>1,2,3 over and over
>Can only do oGCDs when your mana allows
>Syphon Strike only gives 600MP, Blood Weapon doesn't increase speed anymore
It's so fucking DULL.

That ui is really nice. I need to fix my fucked ui

>weebs will defend this



>how do you faggots endure this shit

i like girly aesthetics

xeno and his gang just did innocence fight. it's a disappointment, everyone was bored with it

Does the npcs give you different answers depends on the one you choose in conversations? its a nice new touch



Idk. Duty roulettes seem slower now to despite everyone doing a shit more damage.
I'm mixed.
I loved how DRK was in HW and SB.
I'm a bit disappointed we're now somewhat like WAR. However I fucking LOVE WAR. but why would I play drk and not war?

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no, you can't

>If you play as a healer, you help alphi to heal worthless catboy

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>open trust menu
>start trust


He;s probably going to hardcore betray me but he makes every scene better.

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>play sb dungeons
>actually have to heal

this sucks

>WoL constantly stinks of the road
>This just makes her want more

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Post story spoilers, real spoilers

link to the video? I couldn't find it on his twitch channel

it was a livestream, you missed it

no they're still 79

Sorry, WOW, but I'm


are you implying that's not the case?

but you get ques so fast now

>had the perfect opportunity to age her up a bit this expansion
>didn't even bother

It feels weird not keeping up a selfbuff/Straight Shot on bard

>fanta to viera
>little male lala hits on me moment I fanta
>have /ss/ ERP with him
pretty good

I don't mind either way, more Alisaie is great. I just wish they'd stop trying to make me think she's gonna kick the bucket.

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Solus is a boss fight

Can I complete quest with AI yet? Tired of waiting eons to form a party and dealing with idiots.

It really does. Feels like I'm missing something. Also the AoE Sidewinder feels a little weird. Like prep to use it doesn't make up for the damage it does.


>have to level gay dancer to finish up role quests because I don't have a ranged DPS at 60+.

Damn it.

How does it even work? Do all targets have to both DoTs to maximize the damage? Doesn't seem to do as much if its only your main target with the DoTs.

Titania is going to be bitch to fight in Extreme if people are having trouble with her in normal.

I like my Viera, but they better give them access to the rest of the hairstyles one day. The new MGP hair is great.

It's done 8K on things before. But yes everything needs dots on it for max damage.
If you have a fuck ton of adds then it just takes a while to dot them all and then use it, in which time I say that Quick Nock might technically be faster and more DPS.

HoH or fates/dungeons for 60 to 70 leveling?

Dungeons is the fastest if you have queues. HoH otherwise.

Apparently it takes 8 hours to go from 6-7 if each run is 15mins

Just pick up Machinist, DNC is gay.

Going 30-80 is going to be way slower than 60-80.

Who cares? It's better to have fun than to rush.

>About to do tsukuyomi for the first time
Going in blind is OK right?

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yes, as long as you have the brain power to learn from why you died

Blind is always okay.

Eh. I don't really care about the other classes except tanking and melee dps + I wanna get this completed as soon as I can so I can actually talk to people about the stuff.

That is why you should romance Alphanaud instead. He isn't dying anytime soon.

I miss shadow flare


here's the level 80 dungeon, hurry up bros

I miss Hagakure.
It's like driving an automatic car after learning in one with manual transmission: The lack of control is throwing me off.

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>Love someone else because they'll probably not die so soon
That's not how this works

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>calling Titania king and using they for pronouns

You wot

>Really enjoy the game
>Try to look up some general info while leveling
>Can find ton of posts in forums/r*ddit between 2016-2017 but litearlly 0 posts made/info written during 2018

What happen?
Did the game die in 2018 or something?

>diassemble works on all hits in AoE
man, MCH is fucking great now.

Sexless pixies

enjoy being the reason your group wipes

God fucking damnit I knew someone was going to bring this up.
Please don’t turn this into something it doesn’t need to be.

I really hope the level 80 scholar quest involves pixies.

is it better than heavensward bros?


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They're about on par for me, I like them both for the same reasons.

everyone moved all information to discord, also there was no good or reliable information to begin with

I thought I'd be really disappointed with viera but I'm really satisfied with the one I made.

so far shadowbringers is better simply because it has alisaie

get the fuck out of here

Bros how is MCH?

Either going MCH or Whitemage, can't decide

Are you not entertained?



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Titania is supposed to be the queen of fairies.

I was AST last I played but I hear it got shafted really hard along with healing in general.

Is BLM fun? Or should I just go Dragoon?

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White mage has the best leveling and dungeon experience atm, healers are in need 24/7 which makes them the comfiest to level to 80.
MCH is super fun to play. Get comfy with heatblast > oGCD x 5 during overheat, you build a lot of meter but you're ALWAYS burning resources and using big cooldowns.

AST turned out great. Look at their awesome new skill.

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AST is just super clunkly because there is a bug that doesn't allow you to queue card action.

>healers deal more dps than tank

What would push people to level healers?
Introducing a new mount?

not make them unfun?

Making AST good again.

BLM is fun but if you're going to get your ass kicked in a lot of content if you're not really good at positioning

It wasn't a problem for 6 years. Maybe it's because of some sort of recent change?

>ACT working
weird, mine isn't still.

I don't want to get blamed for everything. Fix that and I'll make one now.

They're gonna fix it eventually. It's just there's going to be a shortage of healers for a while until there's a new incentive.

SMN pisses me off now desu senpai. Guess I'll respec my chocobo to tank now or something

what the fuck lol

Is whm much better than other healers? I'm 50 as SCH atm, shoudl I reroll

what voice did you pick for your viera?
which one has the least obnoxious combat screams?

They'll just touch potencies because thats all they do for shit in short notice.

>the cutscene after the 71 dungeon
already better than the entirety of stormblood

WHM are just good at dungeons and solo because they are designed that way. Them being good at leveling content is a given.

>thancred doesn't die

Disappointing finale.

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Are they that much better than a SCH? should I level again

Unless they completely reverse the AST changes I don't see how they're going to fix it. Though they did somehow manage the miracle of unfucking SB summoner so we'll see.

i beat the story. the final fight is pretty lame, as was the music. it felt just like WoD. shinryu and thordan are still the kings of finales.

WHM is literally only good at leveling. Once you hit the level cap they are the least desirable healer.

I see scholar sissies are still in denial

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People say you can buy mount speed maps with tokens from doing fates, I haven't found a gem dealer that sells one yet, is it MSQ gated?

The perpetual Healer in Need roulettes help.

How are people already finished the story

you need to level up the traders by doing fates or something like that

You need to complete 6 fates in a zone to unlock the second tier of rewards then you can buy it for 70 gems

>he spent 40 dollars on 18 hours of content
lmaoing at u


Meanwhile, I just finished the Lv71 dungeon and I think I'm done for today. The MSQ isn't going anywhere; I'm just gonna watch some GDQ.

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6 unique fates or just 6 of any?

>tfw MCH
Fuck this job is a blast now and I'm still at level 71

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Astellia looks pretty good.


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6 of any, but i think you need to hit gold for it to actually count since i did more than six in the desert before it leveled up

Did they completely redesign MCH? I remember hearing that it was clunky and badly designed before.

>skywatchers before you fix the night sky
"hmm yep, it's still sunny"

Yeah, it's pretty much a completely new job now

Too many catboys on the first, destroy it

why should we believe you?

Is it still ping dependent?

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He's the level 80 trial.

because i literally just finished it 10 minutes ago retard

why should we believe you?

it definitely has a low ping rotation and high ping rotation now but the high ping rotation makes it so you don't clip anything

What's Solus's trial name? And his boss name?

god, new korean mmos are so soulless

>haven't plugged in speakers today after shutting it all down
>suddenly have 4 22'' floorstanding speaks with 2 10'' subs throbbing my body harder than my dick throbs for ashcats

holy fuck i want to tenderly and lovingly fuck lolifilia

what do

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Is the difference negligible or is the high ping rotation vastly inferior?

I'm a filthy casual that doesn't run savage and doesn't care about ping, so I guess either wait for other MCHs to hit max or try for yourself and see.
I can tell you that I have to play with 123 combo+Drill to get them off before Wildfire hits.


Second life players are worse than furies.

no idea until people map it out at 80

There is some margin now, I can fuck up slightly and still get my 5 heatblasted in a hypercharge window and you have 2 seconds or so to get an extra GCD in for wildfire. I feel like its more linient than the old MCH.

i’m level 58 trying to get through Heavensward fast so I can get to Stormblood on Monday

>be warrior of darkness
>not allowed to rape your enemies after beating them even though it would probably help restore some balance to the world
It's not fair.

is hydaelyn confirmed bad or no
ive been waiting for this since 3.4
dont fail me now

you shouldn't be using any GCD except heat blast while under hypercharge, and you shouldn't use Wildfire outside of Hypercharge, even with high ping

nah, you just become the warrior of ultra light and kill darkness in the end. don't think about it too much

So, looking at the screenshots, it looks like they've updated character models? Is it only in the new areas or everywhere?

Why is Solus so FUCKING AWESOME.

probably a mod

So we can all agree that that the story starts off strong but kinda drops the ball at the end right?

So is the Exarch actually Graha or what

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>just now discovered riding maps

its shit


What are your hotkeys for GNB's cartridge combo and Continuation?

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shift 123 and f

i do want a serious answer though if anyones got to the end of the msq

Riding maps?

Bad news for you, user.

>fucking his daughteru

that is the real answer, instead of spreading darkness you suck up all the excess light

>sort of wanna play again but I barely played at all during Stormblood
I just know I'm gonna burn out after the first month and 53 bucks is a lot for one month

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Imagine not being level 80

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>not just enjoying the game at your own pace


Enjoy rushing through a tunnel with nothing at the end, I guess.

hydaelyn is literally the reason why the first isn't completely taken over by light like the void is.

just makes no sense to me why a goddess of light wouldnt want the first to be filled with light. guess im spoiled on how based sophia was.


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Imagine not being level 80 yet

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After doing most of the roulettes twice, before and after the reset, I'm at level 73 right now and one relic away from Titania, so i'm pretty much at the right level.

What are your strategies for levelling up faster? I wanna get my hands on the new skills and fuck around.

it's right there you blind nerd

>Urianger rescuing people into pits
Truely he's the best scion.

Why is Gegeruju such a chad?

If it's him, he's lost his memories.

>Going through the expansion as astro despite the nerfs

Level 75 and loving the instant ques

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This game is awful and you're stupid for giving them so much money so you can grind for hours so you can play dress up with your avatar.

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>play dancer
>don't get any procs because shit luck
>whole job is 2 buttons

As a Samurai I love having an Astro in the group. So many cards thrown at me.

How miserable is it, compared to before?
t. AST main who swapped to SAM apropos of nothing.

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>play dancer
>get all the procs because good luck
>whole job is 16 buttons

>fire up Warrior after quitting at the start of Stormblood
>stances are gone, ok
>lost the enmity combo, makes sense
>think ''whatever, I'll just fire up some content, I'm sure playing at 70 will be fun''
>literally just 12312341231234CLEAVECLEAVE123123123124 while popping Intuition on CD
??????????????????? What the fuck happened? Is Paladin and Dark Knight this boring too?

oh you

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Hell yea dps get all the cards now

It's pretty brain dead. Astrowas never complicated or anything but it's at a whole new low since you don't have to think about the cards at all pretty much. Your damage is even lower than usual but I still get decent numbers from spamming gravity. I haven't even come close to running out of mp which is surprising considering all the potency changes.

show me one better mmo

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Not til I can have my monk be barefooted.

DRK is worse.

>friend waiting until official release cause he's worried about another raubahn extreme
>I have no problem whatsoever, not even more than a few seconds of log in queue

Sucks for him, they prepared pretty well this time.

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all mmos suck

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>not a single good looking gunblade
>no sb primal gunblades
>no gunblades with particle fx at all
why were they so lazy with what is probably the most anticipated class this game has ever had?

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The worst part is that playing cards has a shitload of lag for whatever reason. Even with Malefic you end up clippling a ton. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.

What's the simplest, least dynamic, and slowest Job in this game?
I'm slow-thinking and have rather slow reaction speed.

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You could honestly slip into a fucking coma playing Warrior.


Go and play with them :)

Thanks, but that requires knowing how to pull and reacting to boss mechanics.
Anything with less responsibility?

Lack of GBR skins is super super disappointing.

You legitimately have no more responsibility than a DPS as a tank. Instead of having to punch glowing weapons in the ground, you just pop one of your three cooldowns when a bar countsdown.

Half the tanks in the game don't know how to oull, don't worry

just use mods?

How are Viera?
Is it worth fantasia'ing?

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I'm not
got backstabbed by niggers and wasted most of the day

Ok Yea Forums maybe you can help me, a while back I brought the game and played with the free game time it came with, now I want to subscribe but when I enter my payment information it tells me that information has been updated but when I click the next button I end up at an error screen ERROR (-24202)

both of the new races look much nicer ingame than i was expecting them to
also apparently some of the viera combat voices are really bad so look up a video or something before you finalize your character

>join PoTD
>rabbit DNC starts dancing
>every dance move is followed by an ear splitting HYYRREEAAAAUUUUGH
>Not sure if palace harem dancer or berserker war dancer desu

DNC/GNB lacking so many old weapons it is very lazy.

Yikes. Thanks for the heads up.

they don't need them

Game keeps getting DDoS’d shit sucks.

I think people were saying it was voice 7 that was fucked but do your homework

You forget glamour is the only endgame.

Shirk doesn't seem to serve any purpose now? Provoking puts you decently above the highest enmity leader now so I don't see why you'd need Shirk for anything

You don't "need" anything but it's fucking lazy and having two new jobs with a handful of weapons is pathetic.

Where are my Lost Hrothchads at?

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I think they meant the tanks. Each one has like at least 4 by that level.

Same thing happened in Stormblood, it just set in later with Bardam’s.

I ended up paying early because I thought the reason I couldn't sign up for pvp was being on the free trial, why the fuck do you need to equip a job stone when pvp uses different fucking spells anyway
God I wish wow wasn't so shit now, I miss having an mmo with good pvp

just woke up
time to get to 80 now, wish me luck!

Went GNB because 4 years as WAR and PLD was getting to me. Shit’s great.

Late response but yes, now it has 3 (High Jump gets 2 charges) jumps to shit out and 2 Nastronds which build quick, also Battle Litany instead of Eye

so who did the crystal exarch end up being?

Is DNC boring?

is there a benefit to switching summons midfight now or is it still that one is best and the others suck

Legitimately it's one of the most fun classes i've played in this game, even if it is rather simple. You've multiple abilities proccing other abiltiies, you have multiple AoE abilities procing other ones. You can dance and move around, you're like bard in the fact you have no cast times and everything can be used on the run. You do flashy as fuck abilities that blind everyone who has skill effects on. You get big ass crits from dancing. You buff your partners damage sky-fucking-high including your own.
Honestly, it's fun. I really enjoy it.

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So at base level, I just use Burstl Strike as an excess cartridge dump, and always make sure I have at least one available for ripping and tearing when that's up, right? That the basic gist?

Ifrit for single target garuda for multitarget


Just started this on Wednesday after taking a nearly decade-long break from MMOs. Very refreshing so far. What's the post-game raid content like?

Just casually killing people nothing to see here

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they also don't break combos so if you want to hold gnashing for a bit to get it in under no mercy you can do that

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there are some relatively easy extreme trials, a harder savage series of trials, and a very difficult ultimate series
the savage raids don't come out for a bit, and ultimate won't be out for months so if you're into raiding you'll have some time to get situated

You guys are ranking up your fates to get mountspeed maps right?

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Waiting for stormblood to be included with the base game so I can actually play it. So waiting a week.

What are the fun classes turning out to be? I have a summoner/scholar/monk right now, and was thinking of trying SAM and maybe something else.

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>Dwarven Mythril Hammer
Damn nigga they gave WAR a hammer finally.

no need, I just ride the fenrir

Fuck dude, I didn't come here for these feels. I didn't really like the WoD shit back in Heavensward but ghost Ardbert is retroactively making me love it.

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I would if I could actually get to any of the fates before they get zerged down.

>he doesnt know

Everyone wanted dungeons to be harder and now they're harder

>healing is a chore now because no dps allowed
>try pvp roulette
>complete opposite, lots of dps spells but mitigation and healing is lacking
Guess I'm tanking this expansion

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>did nothing but try to help people whenever he could
>ends up being punished for it and suffering for eternity along with his friends

No other character in this game has been done as dirty as Ardbert man.

I would if there were any meaningful reason to exist in the overworld besides the MSQ.

leveling DPS first was a smart idea, tank queues are fucked.

How should I level up DNC?

Queues are heavily skewed towards DPS, go dungeons

>not selling the materials from the fate gem merchant for profit on the market board

I wait about 10-15 minutes per dungeon. Between that I just play something else. HoH is fine if you can stomach it.

I'm wondering if DNC is going to end up being like RDM where it's pretty fun and dynamic at first but it quickly becomes more boring than things with a standard rotation

Please save me from this queue time.

you have 24man casual raids that are meant to be pugged and are just big stupid fun with spectacular bosses and a lot of fanservice, with callbacks to earlier FF games. The Stormblood 24mans for example were themed around Ivalice, the world of FF tactics and FF12.

Then you have the 8man "serious raids" that come in 3 difficulties: normal (meant to be queued for and pugged too, but still require you to know the mechanics of the fights), "savage" which is the hard mode designed to be cleared by static groups, and "ultimate" which is the hardest content in the game and is meant to be cleared only by the most dedicated of autists

then you got primal fights, which are 8-man raids that consist of a single boss fight. There's a "hard" mode that is actually the easy difficulty that you clear during the main story, and "extreme" difficulty which is the actual hard mode, which is somewhere between normal and savage raids in difficulty. They can largely be cleared by pick-up groups but they still require everyone to know the fight pretty well. They're among the most beloved and unique content in the game because they're always highly stylized fights with their own unique theme song(s) and narrative

here are some examples to skim through:
Suzaku extreme, a recent primal fight:

Weapon's Refrain, an ultimate fight:

and O12S, the last Savage fight of Stormblood:

I think it's very interesting how many jobs went from (relatively) complex to lightning fucking fast, see SMN or MCH for example. You have to constantly weave in oGCDs like never before at this point.

Man the sheer lack of weapon-glamour options available for Gunbreaker and Dancer is super disappointing, no Nidhogg/Ravana/Bismarck/Thordan/Warring Triad weapons even though they start at 60. No Susano/Tsukuyomi/Shinryu/auspice weapons either which is really, really puzzling, same for no Lost Allagan.

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SB SMN was pretty fast it's just the massive downtime that slowed it down

I know what you mean but SMN really feels overwhelming right now to me because I'm a fat old retard who can't into fast video games anymore.

Give it to me straight lads, will they nerf WHM? It feels like the only healer not in the cuckshed at the moment.

Is gunbreaker fun?

DRG, SAM, NIN or MNK for this expansion?

>Tesleen: In any case, I'm glad to see the two of you found each other. You have no idea how badly Alisaie has missed your company! Everything is always, “If [WoL] were here, he would-”

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Loads, it behaves more like a DPS job with conventional tank abilities than it does a tank job. Loads of flavor to FF8 and FF Unlimited even.

No, because then no one would actually play WHM, queues would take forever, and people would ragequit after having to wait hours to do mandatory content.

Too soon user

>tfw squeenix gets me to clear all savages in sbringers by making me hate the main enemy so much

>she says she's smitten with you regardless of gender

Suffer more WoL, it has only just begun

Gun breaker is so fun I’m tempted to do a meme skill speed build just to be able to RIP AND TEAR even more
DRK isn’t awful but I actually miss the constant button action of Dark Arts, Gunbreaker fills that void and is far more engaging with cartridge management

>tfw started as a WAR ´
>got to level 57
>queues are fucked now thanks to GBR
>switch to WHM yesterday never leveled it before
>now level 32
I'm going to heal boi
question is if I should add AST and SCH to the mix

I fucking the hate the retarded FFXIV tank mentality in a new expansion. They ALWAYS pull 3-5 packs and get utterly destroyed
It's at least 1 wipe every dungeon if the tank is new

>wall pulling in leveling dungeons when you aren’t fully geared
People forget the trials of Bardams Mettle utterly fucking anyone who tried to mass pull

Add AST if you want to buff party-members and add SCH if you want to exchange GCD heals for oGCD heals.

I usually spot shitters by whether or not they sneer at the idea of being careful in leveling dungeons, I've seen loads of threads with people in here that claim to pull wall to wall on Bardam's Mettle and not die quickly.

I'm enjoying actually sweating a little in dungeon pulls, means I have to actually pay attention instead of just pressing an AoE button and moving out of the occasional bad zone

im a healer and i can wallpulling without a problem so far
dont know if anything changes in the 79 / 80 dungeons but as it stands right now you have to be braindead to not manage wallpulling. they must have made it easier since i remember bardams mettle beeing hard as fuck on some pulls.

get good shitter

So can we all agree that Ishikawa being the lead writer was a fantastic decision?

It's 2fast2furious now

Yes, we've made more progress in like 3 levels into the expansion than all of the previous combined


Fuck uplanders

I find the RNG of DNC incredibly annoying and there's not even anything you can really do to manage it like you could with AST
Like I've had long fucking periods where I'm just spamming 1 and 2 and not getting any procs from anything

>he doesn't think thirtythousandgoblinsgonnasolvethegoblinsproblems

Fucking kino thus far and I've done up until the 1st dungeon as of now. Took me a while because I was doing the dailies for my crafters/gatherers.

Even just in the beginning, storytelling wise it's already miles ahead better than SB, and better than HW. Voice acting is top notch as well. The way Arbert talks. You really get the sense of just how tired he is. Then you see Estinien and Gaius fucking shit up in the source? 10/10 start already.

Go away, Koji

>tanks melt now and the healing changes are actually fun

I was not expecting this

AST got kinda shafted

SCH actually turned out kind of okay despite its offense being gutted.

Bet the people who doubted healing would be at least a little harder aren't doing so good.

dude it's the retarded tank and healer
I'm a dps watching from the sidelines and laughing

I esd one of those people and I actually had an enjoyable run of bardams for the first time in 6 months. I am making mad cash off of the new clusties.