ITT Games that deserved better

ITT Games that deserved better

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RIP Visceral.

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Oh god, oh fuck...

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Holy fuck an Lawbreakers fan. Fuck me, I'm unironically really happy if you're not baiting OP
I really fucking miss this game (at least before the 1.4 patch), I wish it had more marketing and cuckyB would shut his mouth

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Yeah man I played the beta and I actually loved it. I had a sneaking suspicion it would fail right from the get go though. I followed the devs on twitter before the game came out and there was next to ZERO engagement from the community. I decided not to buy it right away so I could wait and see and well you know the rest. Damn shame...

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Hardline was shit though. Coming off of Battlefield 4 it should have had way more weapons and maps.

I actually enjoyed Battleborn during its beta phase
Or maybe i just enjoyed the novelty of Chris Sabat voicing Rath

The gun play in bf4 is not enjoyable. I have about 2000 hours in both bf3 and bf4. While bf4 is a much more balanced game the infantry combat is not fun. TTK too high and weapons are balanced by spread and not recoil. In bf4 I spent 80% of my time in a vehicle because that was the only thing that was great. My top weapons in bf4 were snipers, an94, and c4. I just couldn't stand the gunplay.
BFH was more like bf3 with the lower ttk and higher recoil guns.
I don't really care about how many guns bf4 had because they all felt bland to play.
Also the maps in bf4 were not good either.
The game didn't need more guns or more maps. It just need better guns and better maps and it did.

>DICE makes Hardline
>goes virtually unnoticed
>think to myself it can't get worse
>1 and V come out
Fuck, it still hurts how bad this series fell off. Thousand of hours in 2/2142/BC and now this.

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I mean I know they are in the same franchise, but I wouldn't even consider 2 and 2142 the same series of games as BC/3/4. And I don't consider 3/4 the same series of games as 1/V

>I wouldn't even consider 2 and 2142 the same series of games as BC/3/4. And I don't consider 3/4 the same series of games as 1/V
Which is sad, the precipitous drop in quality and clear casualization/appealing to consolefags is a tragedy.

>DICE makes Hardline
Visceral (Dead Space devs) made Hardline.

Also 4 and 1 sucked ass until they were handed off to DICE LA. DICE Stockholm doesn't know what the hell they're doing anymore.

speaking of dice la why did medal of honor go down the shitter.

I know they made the mp like call of duty, but when I played it I thought it was great. Then the game died

>Visceral (Dead Space devs) made Hardline.
Ah, forgot about that. Still, it's a shame how much of a powerhouse BF used to be. Now it feels like weightless shit with little to no nuance anywhere in the gunplay.

The MP for Medal of Honor 2010 was really barebones but it was actually ok. I got a few dozen fun hours out of it. Warfighter was just trash though. Horrid MP, even worse SP than 2010. Then Danger Close got killed and rolled into DICE LA.

I dunno what to say, I guess those guys are all way better at supporting other people's games than they are at making their own.

billion dollar ip

Came here to post this.

I played the Beta and the only real issue I had was the maps were designed for an FPS like Call of Duty, you could move so quickly as the lighter classes that you were constantly hitting things that forced you to slow down.


Oh fuck this game. I was the clear beginning of EA super shit 'relatable' character designs

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Fuck off, cliff

Unironically a good game. CliffyB really had something but he fucked it up. If only his ego wasn't so big and he wasn't a massive SJW.

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It still hurts, I loved this game so damn much

Sadly the game couldn't withstand the combined idiocy of Randy Pitchford and Anthony Burch
I really enjoyed the way characters played so differently from one another, the characters were pretty ugly but they actually did have alot of variety with characters as tiny as Orendi to FUCKHUEG like Montana
Worst part is that they're all going to be stuck in hell as Gearbox is just going to keep milking Borderlands again.
It's a pipedream but I wish some other studio would buy the IP and unJUST it.

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I wonder if the game could survived if his ego doesn't get on the way and make the game f2p from the very beginning

Atleast the assets live on, though nobody will ever do anything good with it I guess. Still better than just being comepltely gone like pic related. Funny thing is once it had been gone awhile RIOT released the new visuals for summoners rift and it blatantly look like dawngate.

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