Did you have a problem with this character being in Shadow of War?

Did you have a problem with this character being in Shadow of War?

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he was shit. but then so was the elf with a pole in her ass, the ancient autist, and the edgelord dipshit you play as so he didn't really stand out as much

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Sounds like you didn't enjoy the game at all.

No because the game is shit anyway.

sounds like

The game already shits all over lotr who cares about a black guy

Seriously. And shelob has gone from a giant spider to a 6/10 everyone pretends is hot demigodess and sauron's former lover. You get dangled helplessly by her and some nature bitch that wasn't in the books. The only likeable characters are a few of the orcs.

we cool

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Yes although there are far, far, far worse things about how that series handles the lore, so relatively speaking, not really.

"The Haradrim were bold and grim men, fierce in despair. They were tall and dark-skinned with black hair and dark eyes, and for that they were called Swertings or Swarthy Men. The men of Near Harad were brown-skinned, with black hair and dark eyes, while the race known as "half-trolls" out of Far Harad had black skin." - LOTR wiki

Guess they could have made him an ugly half troll raised by Gondorians, but that would have been considered racist even if it fit the lore better.

Design looks nice, but would be better on a better game.

>giant spooky spider
>morphs into 6/10
better than expected, would get oviposited again
t. talion


neck yourself my man

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No, he was a really cool dude

Would Shelob let me fuck her spider form?

off-brand liv tyler and that's not a strong starting point

No because he doesn't do anything and then fucks off to have bro adventures with his bro in the DLC.

Post your best orc.

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does the game stand on its own just with the orc and army mechanics. i didnt give a fuck about the story in the first game but killing orcs and fighting captains was hella fun

Yeah, if you liked that stuff in the first then the second is just more of it but better.

I liked Shadow of War just for the end game Nazgul shit. Honestly the story felt like it was kind of shallow desu. Still a pretty fun game.

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I was sad that your wraith form didn't actually become an ringwraith after completely finishing the story.

nagul heads are good. i still have to go back and level up to 80. i stopped playing at the old level cap

Honestly i think i took a screenshot every time this guy would come back he just wouldn't stay dead so eventually i recruited him.

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That was the story with >Recruit random orc
>Make him fight in the arena
>Kills everyone and becomes my fucking champ
>Make him bodyguard for the overlord of the area
>One day he betrays me
>Chop his head off
>Comes back with his head sewn back on
>Kill him again
>Comes back with an axe in his head
>Dies from a poison barrel
>Comes back with his face melted off and a new poison weapon, and a the new title of plague-bringer
>Have to shame him 3 times
>Recruit him and make him the new overlord
>He's undefeated in online raids

I'm afraid of the day he betrays me again.

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Kind of lazy they just made the wraith form green talion.

The best part is that the wraith form is for the first tier of "evil" batman armor and eventually your normal armor is more dark and edgy than your spooky ghost armor.

Why are Marauders so fucking swag?

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Shieet, never seen with with half a head like that before. Nice.

How do I get better quality captains? do I just have to keep killing low tier orcs till one spawns with better stats or is there an easier way?
Also ologs or orcs?

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Didnt play because lootbox shenanigans.

Do online assaults and take other player's good orcs. The level 3 arenas can also spawn some good guys. Get a few mooks and toss them into the grinder until good orcs start popping out.

lootbox shit got removed a while ago.

Literally every character in that game was a complete fucking idiot but I put up with them since the nemesis system was the real meat of the game. However the constant betrayal mechanic made me give up on it altogether

>Not keeping your boyz in line

Damn son. Weak.

Hmm, didnt know. Still havent played it regardless for that reason, though I suppose unknowingly now in retrospect

Yeah. I loved the first game and really wanted to play the second but refused to pay for exactly because of lootboxes. I never got it until after they were removed and I can tell you the game is perfectly playable now that they're gone.


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Why would you even want that?

what the hell is shadow of war besides a game i wont play trying to generate talk/outrage/controversey. if this game let me kill fags because their fags and no other reason than because their faggots. the controversy will be real and so will my purchase. btw i feel the need to roclaim while i think gays are gays and disgusting i dont want to kill them , just pelt them with shit filled sacs for no reason. but i have to say that otherwise its worse than me murdering someone. seriously check out the maximum sentences for hate speech and the minimum sentences for murder. i dont know about you but id rather be surrounded by fag , jew and nigger haters than actual murderers and rapists.

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who even played Shadow of War?

Me. It was fun. I'm playing it right now because of this thread.

Time to whip Gorgoroth into shape. I've ignored it for like 20 levels.

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Because that is what you effectively are in this game anyways, they might as well drop the pretense and make the combat closer to third person ARPGs and give options on what kind of orc you can pick(IE goblin, orc, uruk, giga nigga) and also let you gamble on traits with the other orcs.

It should be an option, but not the main focus. These games are pretty good with non-human characters. The dog things, graugs, and drakes all control pretty well for what it is. Might as well make the different kinds of orcs playable as well. Maybe make it a mind control mechanic, or make your bodyguard a secondary playable character that you can customize. There's a lot of room for new shit in these games.