It's up

It's up

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>leaves his back open 90% of the time
>plays too aggressively
>lets other engies sentry go down when he could have easily saved it
>building positioning is awful
and this guy is a plat engie? this class is a joke.

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>half the video is just him sponging with the wrangler

>engie brain

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>The week is already over

End my life senpai

>listening to the opinion of a guy who started playing in 2014

Man, this guy I play with a is a WAY better engie than uncle dance, and he's also one of the best medics I've played with too.

This picture accurately describes the person who made it.

This person is unironicly the reason whites should be exterminated. He is an "expert" at a useless skill that has no benefits in the real world. I am happy black men are breeding white women, because the white race has gone too far in their artificially created worlds and must be destroyed by nature.

Weak bait. No (You).

Lazy's better than this hack fraud uncle gayne

t. actual retard

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If blacks spend so much time developing useful skills then why do barely any have even entry-level jobs?

That's why all black and brown created nations are still third world shitholes, right?

came here to post this

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Wonder if we'll hit 200 plus post to just a dane thread

It's almost been up an hour and there's only 20 posts.
I doubt it.

based niggerknight

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go back


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I bet you retards also think stun is a good feature

Because the whitoid system requires people to become sociopathic beauracratic robots. Look at the depression and suicide rate amongst people in modern society.
Europe used to be pagan "savage" shitholes according to the romans. When in reality, they just live in tune with nature. Africa didnt even have a currency system (aka slave system) before whitoids arrived. How can these african countries even be indebt, when not only they didnt have a monetary system, but their natural resources were stolen. Ghadaffi tried to introduce the Gold Bullion which would turn africa into a trillion dollar continent. (But he was purposely killed to avoid any competitors of the united states dollar)

Anyway, we are getting ahead of ourself. We are talking about a tilted world where brown kids go hungry, forced to chase pennies on the streets, while some whitoid makes money performing a completly useless activity. If he was making tutorials on how to build a house foundation, or even show people how to do 3d modelling, it would be a level of understanding, but instead he is just playing some video game, and thus there will be consequences, just like boomers wanted to cut their grass and nothing else, there will be an accounting. Babylon will fall, black men will enter europe and america with 2.5 billion in number, take over every street corner and white women will be enslaved (willingly). 20% of all white men have TOO little testosterone, that is what happens when you live unnatural life infront of a screen.

Cause whitey cant help but constantly bomb them

>derailing an already shit thread into /pol/-tier shit
yes I know this isn't what /pol/ usually believes but your stupid blacked post is doing nothing but turning the already fucking shit thread into terminal politics cancer

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Because we elect darkie presidentes :^)

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this is my fault because I said the thread wasn't going to hit 200+ posts.
It's probably the same guy.

This is fair lol

literally right about everything

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cool strawman homeboy
why don't you play on nocrit community servers with likeminded individuals? why do you voluntarily keep joining servers which use the standard ruleset you despise so much only to complain about said standard ruleset?

Why dont you join 100% crit servers if you love them so much?

Because then they wouldn't be random :)

another strawman, nice
i like playing with the standard ruleset that has been in the game since i first started playing the beta on cracked russian servers in 2007, why do you suggest i should play with any non-standard ruleset?

if you get a crit
>thank you gaben
if you don't get a crit
>fuck you gaben
why does it even matter in casual, you die and you can try again

Not him, but community servers are never available 100% of the time, they can also be laggy or infested with shitty plugins
It would be nice if having crits enabled was an option when matchmaking

muh killstreak
muh k/dr

community servers are dead so I have to play other games if I don't want to deal with that zoomer mechanic

it would be nice if matchmaking didn't exist for casual to begin with

if there really are that many people that dislike random crits as most nocrit players claim there are, it shouldn't be that difficult setting up a decent nocrit server or two.
are you suggesting that nocrit players are a vocal minority that wants to force their niche ruleset up on the silent majority of casual players?

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You don't have to deal with crits if you don't get shot.

>sniper existing
completely impossible

Almost every single time I play this game and somebody dies of a crit the Le Fair and Balanced binds pop up, also most polls I've seen about this are somewhat 50/50
But hey don't take my word for it this ain't my job

>it's another tf2 oc talks about his favorite videogame episode
imagine defining your online identity just using a video game character with some ~unique~ effects dreamed up by some vfx artist in his spare time that anyone can use. these people are worse than furries.

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He also got to play with FROYO tech in no-restriction 6s solely because he's a minor e-celeb

Looks like it's picking up user. Never doubt Yea Forums

what are some "good" tf2 youtubers

not him but CasualTF2 is alright

there's only one

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besides b4nny the carrier

b4nny is one of the only good tf2bers, uniconirally

>actually gives out advice that will help players with a lot of experience
>understands both casual and competitive
>knows what needs to be changed for the game to get better
>not söy

People often mention Lazypurple but forget he's been a bitch with his latest videos, and Funke has been spouting a lot of bullshit.

>new LazyPurple video
>he hates Joseph Seed

What am I supposed to be seeing? This just looks like a normal clip of what payload is like.

casualtf2 is a god, one of my favorite youtube guys period

Seed was a retard. Farcry 5's whole plot was fucking retarded.
I still liked the game itself, but god damn.

I still can't really comprehend the concept for wanting x removed from this game. I haven't played in years but back in my day you'd just join another fucking server. Isn't this guy an e-celeb? Can't he just make his own server with his youtube money?

Far Cry 3 and 4 had better villains.
>there were people who thought he was gay due to his dress code
>he said in the game itself that despite his dress code he doesn't swing that way

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I wish we could've had a game or a route with Pagan Min.

Does he even upload videos of him in actual pubs? Every player in this video is acting like a brain dead retard, and I never play games where other players are this bad. I feel like he plays against bots to look like he's better at the game than he is.

The only time I found him in a pub, he was aliasing. My friend noticed his specific unusual, so i checked his profile and lo and behold.
But anyway, he was on barnblitz, stickyspamming with a kritz med.
We still won, but it was a struggle. What a faggot.

literally 75% of the time is trying to cap the last point

Yeah, we were BLU, he was RED. I was surprised he didn't just play engineer.

You did, it just ends quicker than the other two.

Well, yeah. I wanted it to last longer than 20 minutes.

Probably because the last point is so defensive friendly that two engineers are more than enough to cover everything

There weren't any engineers on his team at all, which was how we were able to eke out a victory.

then he's fucking retarded

>spends three fucking minutes of the video whining about his upload schedule

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>snipe a guy 3-4 times
>switch to cloak and dagger spy then run to common counter sniping spot
>50% of the time they walk up as sniper and hard scope around the corner
this is a feeling that cannot be replaced

wanting a core mechanic of a historic retro online game to be gutted is zoomer logic.
TF2 has been around since 2007 and random crits have been a huge part of its experience for a long time.
The game's development has stalled, and it's basically a time capsule at this point. The game only exists as window to the past and what once was. Why should such an integral part of the gameplay, weapon balance, and years of culture be removed suddenly NOW, 12 years later? Removing crits will just cement the rest of TF2's dying years as a neutered unauthentic example of itself, for zero benefit.

Any big changes like removing random crits or giving Heavy the banners should be reserved for a NEW GAME. Be it "TF3" or some spiritual successor. Not to completely kill off the now classic TF2 experience.

>every tf2 youtuber has been sticking to their sinking ship for years
>an irish shitter expands out and becomes one of the fastest growing gaming channels on youtube