He's gonna.... take you.... back to the *COUGH COUGH*
He's gonna.... take you.... back to the *COUGH COUGH*
haha yeah, that cat looks really old
Dude you are right that cat looks hella old.
>When you wife promises you'll get black pussy if she gets black dick
His wife probably promised him some black girl vagina if he let her hook up with black men.
I have the same cat
Different eye color.
If someone here said "This is a picture of my dad. He just got his own apartment after the divorce. He got a new cat today and sent me this." I would totally 100% not question it at all. What happened to that skinny wiry kid that was throwing Ghostbusters Ecto 1 cars on the ground and wearing the plastic proton pack?
It's so sad that he's fully committed to youtube only.What a sad fucking fate for this dude.
I remember when he said he was striving to be a movie maker. All he did was one shitty movie and he never tried it again.
Kismet. You 2 guys are now forever linked.
A bad hairline makes you look so much older than you are. Just shave your head over that shit.
zoomers afraid of getting old, sorry bud it happens. AVGN is still better than 90% of the garbage on youtube, and after a long work month it's awesome seeing a new video posted.
>What happened to that skinny wiry kid that was throwing Ghostbusters Ecto 1 cars on the ground and wearing the plastic proton pack?
It's been 10 years, user.
James and Mike Mondays is still wholesome fun.
Just because you become a dad doesn't mean you have to commit to the dad body with it. This isn't just growing older.
Dude this guy looks like someone's dad in their new apartment after their divorce.
He's almost 40.
Fuck time, it's getting close fucking Skyrim's 10 year anniversary too.
>tfw I've been following the AVGN show since James was 23
>he's now 38 years old
This hurts.
I still love James & Mike Mondays
Is that the cat from some of the episodes? I'm surprised she's still alive
...w-what ? No. It can't...
>james spacing out the entire time and having 0 interest
its fucking garbage
And you're now older than he is when he started.
You 2 guys should fight to the death in a pit of cobras for rights to this thought.
New Year's was fucking yesterday. Half a year passes in an instant. I was supposed to quit using this site six months ago and here I still am.
why is early baldness so common with white men?
big chungus' cause that
supposedly high test but do you honestly believe white men have than average test?
maybe if it was the 19th Century, I'd believe that.
higher* than average test
i'm gettting boomer brain just like AVGN
same with way having big noses (from asian perspective) is, shit genetics. at least blonde hair and blue eyes is associated with them. but for real though it sucks when youre already balding with a bad hairline AND a bald spot on the back of your head in your early 20s
Depends on which part of the world. In America they have as much test as an 80 year old man.
If you use self proclaimed nerd gamers as your example of a white man obviously not
AVGN was never funny.
>le epic shit pickle! XDDD
Fuck off.
I sided with the Boomers in New Vegas because I ride for my people
so you are watching AVGN for James body?
12. Gametrailers season started in 2007. Most television shows don’t last that long.
It distracts me because it reminds me of my own mortality, and I don't want to think about the futility of existence while I'm laughing at poop jokes.
Why the fuck did he stop Monster madness, it was the comfiest thing i ever watched in my life
13 years. he uploaded his first video in 2006
I can feel it. It's slipping away, bros.
Anyone else counting down the days until Mike gets caught doing some fucked up shit?
>what happened to the skinny, wiry
He's still skinny and wiry. For all the retarded cuck jokes you can make the guy didn't let himself get flabby like mike and most aging millennials.
Wow, I have the same cat
>dad body with it
He's still pretty trim for being in his late 30s and having a sedentary job.
You can see his different expression.
Cat thread? Cat thread
Why can I still imagine her giant yellow fangs even though she's got a mask on. That is Mileena for real I think.
I'm allergic
>Gamer Laptop
I hope your excuse is that you either live in a dorm or travel a lot.
Wow I'm humbled, that is a tough thought. Guess I never thought about it until in happened; but in shape with semi grey hair is amazing