HOW is this acceptable?!
HOW is this acceptable?!
Other urls found in this thread:
No one said it was
you're welcome
t. Gaben
the artstyle
it's always this fucking artstyle
based, if it was any other company they would ban you for doing that
>Yea Forums tells gays to make their own games
>they make their own games
>Yea Forums bitches that they're making their own games
>tfw came super hard getting my ass railed last night
can we vote for this game to be deleted?
Nothing wrong with gays expressing themselves through the medium of video games. If you don't like it I suggest you stick to your homeland with your biological women and marriages. As for western companies then we celebrate freedom and LGBT.
I'd very much like to see more gay games.
porn games are allowed on steam yes?
if other can remain than this can too
however others aren't so big fuck u steam
They now have a tag spcifically so you can filter these games. If you re seeing it it's because you want to see it, are you a fag user?
Gayniggers from outer space is better
>not posting you can't fuck on an empty stomach
I'm baffled people in this thread are defending an unnatural sinful act. It's pitiful. Only hell awaits.
I don't see the problem, user.
Steam is a private company and they can sell whatever legal games they want.
If you don't like it, just use a different platform.
Or alternatively just use the fucking filtering system so you don't see them
the absolute state of PC “fatass” Gaming
Coming Out On Top is made by a fujo. It doesn't count as gays making their own games.
just two bros hugging
nothing wrong here
you know you’ve been whacking it to anime hentai games for months and just got mad because fujoshis are getting theirs too
Don't open that floodgate user. If you do that for this game it would happen for others. The left has a large, highly mobile, quick to act, mob-like presence online and will outrage vote-out every game that might be slightly offensive. And it would be all your fault for getting rid of a game you could've just ignored.
The hell were you thinking, user?
>tell fags to fuck off and make their own games
>they do
>”wHy Is ThIs aLlOwEd?!?!?”
why is /pol/ so hypocritical?
Literally who cares. I dont see homos complaining about straight hentai/dating sims existing.
wish that was me
Im not seeing my bf til next month AAARRGGHH
yaoi is faggotry that should not be tolerated
but I can get off to yuri so it can stay
If dlsite hentai games can be on steam then I don't see anything wrong with this.
So either do nothing and lose or try to do something and lose.
Great plan there fucko.
filter the LGBT tag and move along
Why do you give a fuck? You wouldn't even have found it unless you searched for it you stupid cunt.
ok fag
>do nothing and lose
you aren't losing shit its a game about two dudes fucking that you aren't obligated to play
Adding to wishlist. Thanks OP.
Who buys visual novels?
>visual novels
>video games
Is it? Well at least it has somewhat cute guys unlike whatever deformed garbage japs poop out
Props to fujos
>game about anime girls getting fucked by alien tentacle dicks gets banned
>game includes gay people
>suddenly Yea Forums turns into pearl clutching fundamentals chrisitans DEGENERACY! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!
yeah, haha
who'd do that
i'm not going to buy vlr, i mean any visual novel
>wants to forbid two consenting adults having sex
>not appeal to religion
pick one
politics in games are only allowed if I agree with them
Moritake's art and "games" are dogshit and this is coming from a barafag.
>You will never be so desperate to spite the libs that you ruin a gaming platform
Holy shit
None of the games should get banned. Tentacle hentai or gay porn, you should be able to buy what you want.
lose what? what the fuck will you achieve by doing so? gay people will exist and there will be a demand for shit. it's not appealed towards you.
>consenting adults
I can smell the onions from here.
Don't cry about "muh homophobes" when you ban cartoon rape and cartoon girls below the age of 21.
Sex is only okay if it's not presented in a way attractive to hetero men.
I'll just be a woman then
Do you actually think fags make fag games?
Fags put gay shit in once hetero games.
I was banned for this post btw
well at least you finally cropped out the part of the image that showed you wishlisted it
Imagine being this pathetic that you want to deplatform stuff you don't like. It doesn't affect you because you can simply filter it. The mentality of wanting remove things you don't like is reminiscent to that of other certain group that wants to stop sexualization of women.
Your image is trash
Acting like women were soldiers in WWII is not the same thing
What about Bastard Bonds? or the hundreds of gay porn games made by gay dudes.
The same reason Koikatsu Party is acceptable.
So shut the fuck up, enjoy your hentai, and let the gays enjoy their games.
cute gay skele
I don't see how you can ban VIDEO GAMES featuring (fictional) consenting adults, without appealing to a religious argument.
I don't see any argument to ban cartoon little girls without a cuckold's conjecture.
>gay people will exist
and only we can fix this
Technically you're right, but atheists aren't consistent.
Based Cain
Enjoy your pozzed asshole you absolute degenerate
It's only not allowed if it's attractive women. Respect wahmen.
>Bastard Bonds
Surprisingly good game. Character creator was solid and there's a shit ton of secret areas. Pleasantly surprised by it all.
>tfw playing nekopara just now
>they allow that shut on steam
Leave it and filter it, easy.
It is a miracle I can jack off to catgirls I got from Steam, just let them have it too.
have sex
It's steam's roundabout way of telling you you're a faggot, so it recommends you games for fags.
Wow that looks hot. Didn't know Steam had these. Thanks, OP. Gonna buy it.
Hmmm that's also hot. Hmmm hmmm in fact that's way hotter hmmm.
Why isn't there lesbian version by straight guys yet?
It's all progress.
Low estimates indicate a significant portion of men are sexually aroused by female children
>Consistent with previous data... 26.25 % exhibited penile arousal to pedophilic stimuli that equaled or exceeded arousal to adult stimuli... In recent studies, 12 to 32% of community college samples of men reported sexual attraction to children... [a]
>In a sample of nearly 200 university males, 21% reported some sexual attraction to small children... In another sample with 100 male and 180 female undergraduate students, 22% of males and 3% of females reported sexual attraction to a child [b]
>In a sample of 80 “normal” volunteers, over 25% self-reported some pedophilic interest or in the plethysmographic phase exhibited penile arousal to a child that equaled or exceeded arousal to an adult [c]
>all 48 soldiers showed penile response to adult females, as did 40 of 48 to adolescent females, and notably, 28 of 48 showed penile response to the female children age 4–10 [d]
High estimates indicate the vast majority of men are sexually aroused by female children
>In another study, “normal” men’s erections to pictures of pubescent and younger girls averaged 70 and 50%, respectively, of their responses to adult females [e]
>89% of community males exhibited some sexual arousal while viewing slides of female children [f]
>Penile plethysmography (PPG) has shown that about 9 out of 10 normal men are sexually aroused by prepubertal children; (88.7%) [a]
Yea Forums is full of redditors who think pretending to be gay is funny and actual fags who think shitting on anything good is funny
Yea Forums is one of the gayest boards, just a bunch of people larping as straights.
So that means, in theory, lolifags are actually closeted FAGS waiting for the wonders of being dicked?
Uh-oh, that game made user's boipuccy tingle!
When are you coming out to your parents, fagboy? Is all that buttfucking in the game making you uncomfortable? you get any dreams about getting spitroasted yet?
Just ignore it if you don't like it, retard. It's not forcing gay on you or anything.
Just don't buy it.
Like nigga just hit the ignore button
Lul u mad
>censorship is wrong
>until it's some gay shit then it should be removed lol
i know that Yea Forums isn't one person, a movement isn't one person etc. but I know damn well at least one you faggots that cry about "gay stuff needing to be removed!" also cry about things like Tifa's tiddies being removed.
I want a world where gay people are banned and anti-gay people are forced into gay marriage+sex.
good luck when people start tagging every game lgbt even if it has nothing to do with that shit
It's been either 6,000 or 20,000 years since humans appeared, depending on if you're religious or correct, and you haven't gotten rid of us yet :^)
what if i want yuri games though
that is every yuri h-game ever
then quit being that guy who complains about seeing dicks in porno and just mentally filter things.
well yeah tits>gays
An adult male can give informed consent. A child cannot. Therefore, paedos and homos are completely different cases when it comes to morality. Homos are fine, everyone consents, paedos are disgusting, they can only rape.
But not everyone is like you.
>tons upon tons of straight/lesbian VNs made for decades
>no one cares
>one fag VN pops up
You know you can filter that shit out on Steam now right? The only reason you're seeing fagshit is because you choose to, fag.
Is that Todd at the bottom, second from the left?
Bastard Bonds also has hetero parts. You CAN play a nude woman
To be fair that's included only because the dev didn't want the game to be known just as a "gay game for gays" but stand on it's own merits.
A child can give informed consent. An adult homosexual cannot. Therefore, paedos and homos are completely different cases when it comes to morality. Pedos are fine, everyone consents, homos are disgusting, they can only rape
jealous, i'm in the closet so i'm stuck with my dildo.
Come on user, don’t be boring. Go out and have some fuuuuun.
Find Jesus.
Fair. But those Rakshasas, though.
have gay sex
This game is not only acceptable, it is to be celebrated. All types of games must be allowed, except maybe pedophile and openly neonazi games. It's a 1st amendment thing.
>valve allows hundreds of low tier straight porn games based around "hentai" some of them are just straight up jigsaw puzzles of jpg anime girls
Yea Forums says its BASED
>gay games are actually visual novels
Yea Forums says its NOT BASED
admit it Yea Forums you are just upset that no girl would ever call you cute or hot but I WOULD
Yes, OP is Sonic in that glass house, I agree.
Just find a nice daddy bear who can host user
They'll ease you into it ;)
>hooking up when you could date a guy and wake up to him EVERY MORNING
sluts dont understand and thats why you losers get aids
Pedophilia is natural and normal
Homosexuality is a mental illness
I'm sad enough not actively thinking about tfwnobf OP.
children are non sexual and for raising and protecting from pedo scum. I would assist the government in preventing other gay dudes from adopting if it even protected one child from you pedo scum.
Men are clearly meant to be together because it took god two fucking trys to get adam to not be disgusted by women.
neither side cares about principles, we just want to fuck over the other team
Both are mental illness
It's why 80% of fags are also pedos
>a mental illness where a teenager or grown adult gets off to underdeveloped humans that are incapable of consent and will receive psychological and physical trauma from sexual intercourse
>homosexuality by default is a mental illness compared to this
I can't tell if you're baiting or a convinced kiddy fiddler.
gay dudes should be left alone so they dont go into hiding and breed.
Pedophiles should be hunted down in secret
>tfw no bara bf
>am a sociopath
>everyone else is also a sociopath
>i'm just honest
>everyone else is a hypocrite
Every time
we haven't completely gotten rid of any pests, but that doesn't mean we don't try
It's true though. Very few people are actually in favor of absolute free speech and most who say they are are lying. Once the other side gets fucked over by censorship they'll celebrate, or if they're in control they'll try to censor the other side themselves.
That makes him even more based
We need more games that lets us be hella gay or hella straight
It is a really good VN game.
If you remove it, then you bet your ass, your shitty waifu games would be REMOVED from Steam.
Just ignore it and move on. see
is it worth the price and do i need to lewd patch it?
Pedosexuality is a healthy attraction for 1/4 men
Homophilia is a deranged mental illness where people have a fascination with shit due to trauma in their toddler stage as proved by Freud
>>is it worth the price
at current sale, yes
>>do i need to lewd patch it?
no, it is already uncensored.
>tfw look like a top but really a bottom
All these gaymer kids can fuck right off.
>Homophilia is a deranged mental illness where people have a fascination with shit due to trauma in their toddler stage as proved by Freud
tell me user why do you want to fuck your mother so badly? Was it because she never breast fed you?
I'm gay and i never got touched by anyone, grew up catholic in rural kansas, played football and was never some sissy california twink. Men are attractive for practical reasons while women are just fucking weak and a pest.
thanks user ima pick it up
It's good to finally see men get the love they deserve.
not him but my mother never breast fed me
Now my wife does so fuck you mom
because it's not early access
>Now my wife does so fuck you mom
Give your wife a big kiss for making me laugh so fucking much
how many fucking people will play this shit? i will answer for you, 0. fag games broke because nobody gives a fuck like point n click.
the same reason happen with twd and other shits, i repeat point n click,vn´s, fucking david cages things arent games, they are fucking shits in games costumes.
check out options first before start a new game
There is another options let you to pick: condom or no condom.
you can find it more in tumblr or /y/.
I’m the opposite user. Curse my twink genes.
you guys know that outside of slutting (BAD!) that most guys are switch
If all the weeb panty games are removed too, the ok
>male 2d character who is not buff to the point its funny or freakishly skeleton with a girls face and hair
finally i can masturbate
Good. Hell is where all the demon boipussy is at
Maybe that's true, I dont know. I just think that "everyone is just as bad as me, I'm just being honest about it" is bottom feeder tier of justifications for anything. It's what you expect to hear from a Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer.
No one here is against your waifu games though
>Unironic homophobes in this thread
You do, uh, realize where we are right now? Probably one of the most unabashedly queer forums on the web? We have quite a few boards in which we lust after the masculine. I'm bi myself but I mean, Jesus Christ, come on. Haven't you seen how many unironic fascist gays are on /pol/? Good Lord...
They are just the tsunderes.
i feel like we need homophobes, critcism brings up the bad parts of the community that we need to see so we can as indviduals improve
Yeah okay.
is that a threat or a promise
Your bait stinks
Pedosexuality is pure and beautiful
Homophiles are all disgusting.
>The Devil and S-13
Patrician Taste
>a bara KICKSTARTER (important) vn that is actually good
>made by a fujo
>a bara kickstarter vn that is in development limbo after 3 years still hasn't arrived
>tfw it was started by a well-known actual faggot artist
Gay men aren't shit, huh.
Me on the right
Chill out virgin, you have a billion weeb fap games. One gaygame isn't going to hurt you.
I hope you get AIDS :-)
I bet he kissed you and held you tight while you enjoyed your afterglow.
>Favorite VN gets a shitty art style change and won't get finished ever
Feels bad man
It's not. I agree. Fat hairy men are disgusting. They should both be skinny and smooth.
Good! Your prostate must be happy as hell.
My husband of 9 years creampied me three times last night.
i know
at least there's nekojishi
Feels good knowing all of you are going to hell
tell me more
The gays exist and at least a couple of them have some money to spend on Gay Shit so somebody's going to make some Gay Shit for them to buy. I don't understand the problem.
have fun shitting into a diaper when you're old and all that muscle damage comes back to leave you incontinent and aids ridden
True patrician taste.
sequel never ;_;
because they are in a closet.
>go to hell
>its all gay dudes
>including that one i dont like
oh no!
>my straight friends who i play videogames with are not going to be there
>i wont be able to shitpost with anons like you
i will miss you user
First time I let some dude fuck me was about 2 years ago - this was years after I had been dating girls and fell for a dude (weird). Let him fuck me after we knew each other for about a year.
I was sort of in the male's position while my buddy was banging me on his knees, hard to describe but he was pushing my legs back pretty far while I was on my back. By the time he was finished, I had so much precum on my belly and my cock was hard as a fucking rock.
I jacked off and right as I was about to orgasm, I could sense he wanted to pull out for some reason but I yelled "STAY IN ME YOU MOTHER FUCKER" and I had probably the best orgasm ever with the pressure of his cock against my prostate.
Unfortunately, we stopped hanging out and he moved away. He kinda hates me now because I went from being "Hey, let's play the vidya, eat pizza, and bone each other" when I was 18 to "Sorry, I have classes and a job, and I don't eat pizza very often. Maybe do something other than gaming next weekend?"
>its okay because its gay!
the worst part of dream daddy was not being able to date the lolis.
It's a furry VN user. Do you still want to know more?
>Goes to Hell
>Be fucked by sexy demons
>Finally become the sexy demon
>Go back to Earth and Rape user.
based and redpilled
is that f2p one?
>the worst part of dream daddy was not being able to date the lolis.
fuck off pedo, kids are for raising
so much better than the other devil/human one whose name i can't remember (found out it was created by a roastie fag hag which explained everything)
Homosexual men are mindless hedonists who age like milk.
because gays are not pedos, you silly. If you want to be a pedo, there are more weeb games letting you to date a little girl.
>straight "people"
>OP gets gay games from 2014 recommended to him
Something tells me we'll still be able to shitpost in hell.
I hope so because I really like you guys
We have fun here
You all realize this was made by a woman, right
With all the degenerate shit that goes on in this game I'm honestly surprised Steam didn't request that it be censored.
nice meme
Gays do age so well.
picrelated: Reichen Lehmkuhl (one with glasses) is almost 50s.
No he's just kidding. They don't let women make games.
>50th anniversary of Stonewall
Everyone is gay this weekend, user. Get with the program.
i like how this post didn't address the "mindless hedonists" part of what it was responding to
Man we have to take what we can get. Most "gay" artist types just get a boyfriend and stop drawing entirely. Gay programmers are usually insufferable. God help us all if a gay game developer pops up.
Until quality pops up we deal with fujos, that is just life
at least im not gay. :^)
>because gays are not pedos
/pol/ would disagree.
Good catch.
>Chad fucks a lot of girls
>gay fucks a lot of guys
Just because other people have lots of sex and you don't it doesn't make it bad
Well, Reichen Lehmkuhl is technically one of mindless hedonists. He broke up multiple times.
>three times last night.
god that's hot
>tfw no bf to fill me full of his cum
>tfw have to wait 3 fucking years before I can be with my trans gf
God this is absolute hell.
Where's the twinks?
>liking twinks
>wanting something girly
if we wanted women we wouldnt be fucking faggots, now go back to prison tyrone ya fucking prison gay
I am a homosexual
I want free expression so i can express myself
I will ban everything i don't like
But i advocate free expression
Free expression is getting AIDS and licking shit
NOT free expression is cartoons of little girls or rape or objectifying sexiet content that appeals to straight men
I support freedom
Freedom is not criticizing me
If your company doesn't paint rainbow flags above the doorstep during passover pride month your first born child will be killled
We love tolerance
It is a pure coincidence that every single successful civilization across the globe repressed homosexuality for thousands of years before today. Don't think about it.
It's pure coincidence that if you see someone complaining about white people they're a homosexual.
It's pure coincidence that homosexuals drive the porn industry, particularly fetish porn like bestiality, interracial, scat, etc.
Also, just because the vast majority of homosexuals are porn addicts exposed at a young age doesn't mean you need to dtart drawing conclusions.
The important thing to understand is that freedom of expredsion is important... just not for hate content
Jesus the world is getting more and more degenerate
Fuck i wish germany won ww2
Fuck fags
I don't know what's more annoying, your fucking strawman or the fact that you use double spacing like some reddit faggot.
>Fuck fags
why hate the burly man with a huge dick?
unless you want a girly one, then find a pedo... I mean weeb or waifu games.
a) promiscuity among heteros is absolutely nothing compared to what it is among homos and b) hetero promiscuity is bad too but at least it doesn't make you a faggot
Homosexuals are degenerate and disgusting
How do I politely tell a fag to fuck off with his gay shit when I see it?
I irrationally seethe whenever I spot gayshit in front of me (real life) due to a faggot neighbor trying to molest me as a kid like how he molested his daughters
Reminder that the world would have been a better place if germany won ww2
Too bad cuz you let Jews overtaking you. :^)
Homosexuality is a sickness
Hang them all
Fucking disgusting
god i want to slowly romance you, marry you, and wake up to you every morning you wonderful hunk of man
>if only the nazis had won!
>says the child of the winning team
why do /pol/tards side with losers? lmao
It's HIV, retard. You don't just get AIDS
I like non-girly twinks.
it isnt its dsgusting just like hetero anal sex. i dont care who does it just not that they fucken tell me they do it. imagine if every dude that fucked their wife in the ass put a ring on their right hand pinky , why? i dont want to fucken know and if youre looking for a swinger pals wife to fuck in the ass thats public and subject to descrimination. fuck faggots keep it to your self and no i wont love or celebrate what you do anymore than id celebrat a man fucking a woman in the ass. and if that makes me a bigot theres nothing wrong with being a bigot but theres something wrong with you.
Because the world ended up fucking disgusting
Allowing homosexuality and islam
This world we live in is fucking degenerate
>>tfw have to wait 3 fucking years before I can be with my trans g
good thing you don't have to know if you filter the LGBT tag on steam
how come schizos like Yea Forums so much?
lol are you sure he's even going to last that long
40% is a big number
>trans gf
thats called a bf
>muh degeneracy
>posts on Yea Forums of all places
Wy don't you go rp as a prude elsewhere?
>nude richard drawn by cm never ever
I empathise with you user
But isn't it still updating somewhat consistently? Unless they're blackgate-tier updates it might get finished... maybe.
...Is Blackgate still going now that I think about it
>i dont like the world so its disgusting
god damn you are a pussy
Fags like you will get shot eventually
Your day will come degenerate
why 3 yrs?
>Fags like you will get shot eventually
>Your day will come degenerate
nobody is going to your sand nigger country to get thrown off a roof ackmed. Move out of the fucking desert and stop worshiping nigger gods like jesus and allah and MAYBE you wont be such an angry little pussy
>tfw no bf(masculine str8 white male) to play vidya with
Why continue breathing?
Didnt know wikihow made games
says the guy who jerks it daily to fictional characters
t. Young Buck
admit it /pol/ you are just a bunch of sandnigger lovers.
>hate gays
>hate other religions
>want to kill people but you are to much of a pussy to do it so you trick teenagers into doing it
>waiting that long for damaged goods
>probably thinks he's on a long distance relationship as if such thing even existed.
Homosexuality is a mental illness
Nobody in the history of anything has ever said "God in 3 years from now we are so going to be together" and it actually happened. Sorry pal, better get used to that idea now.
Your sandnigger country is going to get glassed and you with it ackmed
He is in denial and probably in the closet. give him some space and time. Otherwise, you may not see him again cuz he will find a gay lover, which is far far away from your homeplace in the future.
Rather be dead than live with degenerates
broke niggers are still right twice a day
gays were sent down to earth by aliens as population control
they don't reproduce and anyone retarded enough to have unprotected sex and get aids is now removed from the gene pool
why hasn't anyone realized this? fags are good
also if your kid is enough of a retarded pussy to get raped then you didn't raise them right
guess you will be eating the gun soon huh muhammed? Later fag
>Implying a tight, toned twink is girl
Bitch, you know 99% of anime protags have nice tight abs
okay please nuke us, I live in israel
this post is definetly genuine
To have sex?
Because he is waiting for him to do HRT
explain what a trans bf is
since tranny degenerates want to be called the actual gender they are pretending to be it's a bit confusing
trans boyfriend implies it's a female to male right because it's a trans boy
so you are dating a girl who pretends to be a boy?
user you're making me hard :3
Nobody gives a damn about you jews. You aren't even American jews you are just sand jews
that's what I suspect. Pathetic.
You've got that mixed up.
trans gf = MtF
trans bf = FtM
Gay males are repulsive, I only lust after heterosexual males.
you read wrong
I understand trannies are not really what gender they say they are because I'm not mentally ill
so a trans boy is a mentally ill girl
trans gf = man pretending to be woman
trans bf = woman pretending to be man
you're in for some heartbreak, pal. tread carefully with those heteros.
No it's pretty accurate. Fags pretend to support free expression but will force you to bake the cake and support hate speech laws.
>being a gay incel
Why does every western game like this always have this horrible, comic cartoony style that never looks good and all the guys look sleazy as fuck? I have to settle for untranslation asian bara games if I want anything remotely pleasing to the eye.
>oh no gays and race mixing
>freedom is awful :(
It wouldn't be a problem, but Steam removes straight games but keeps gay shit like this.
You sound as bad as the anti-tiddy faggots. If you don't want it, don't buy it.
I don't physically go after them, numbnuts. This is why I exclusively watch hetero porn and masturbate to that to get off.
Spotted the degenerate
i have a boyfriend, something you probably have never had.
No that one time the guy you hooked up with let you stay the night does not count
Filtered. Based Gaven spared me from having to see this degenerate shit anymore
I'm gonna break some news to you FAGGOTS that maybe you don't understand.
When people say "no one cares about your faggotry" they aren't trying to throw you in a fire (even though they'd like to) they're saying you should keep your fucking abnormal birth defect quiet and in the bedroom. Faggotry has existed throughout history and, as a species, we have learned to cope with it by ignoring the obvious signs and praising the good.
But then you demented, ill-born rejects proceed to spread your "pride" of being born wrong. Keep your biological failings to yourself and no one will care. Stop sucking dick in public like the abandoned offspring you are.
Fags are degenerate
>Save me from a Jeeew!
>Stop gays & coloreds tooo!
>/pol/tard cries like a bitch for Adolf.
Kys degenerate
I'll do whatever I want
freedom fuck yeah
Why do people use words they don't understand? It's literally impossible to be gay and incel.
probably because it's made by western degenerates instead of superior nippon bara
"I'm tolerant, I just want you to hide!"
"People just want you to be invisible, censor yourself, and not make games! They don't want to KILL you!"
that's plastic surgery honey
>It's literally impossible to be gay and incel.
being an incel just requires you be angry that you can't get laid I don't see why you can't be gay and an incel
it's funny that Yea Forums hates gays when it ironically has the most gays on this site besides /lgbt/ and maybe /fit/
it's perfect
Cope, like your daddy did when he first saw your face.
>le pol boogeyman
Yea Forums doesn't hate gays, it just has a bunch of ironic and unironic haters who like to fight a culture war as if any gayness that isn't their gayness comes with an agenda.
i feel the exact same way about fat people, but that doesn't mean their freedoms should be suppressed just because it hurts my feefees.
it's funny, just post a single pic that has some gay shit in it and watch the straighties seethe
>being an incel just requires you be angry that you can't get laid
Nigga, that's the point, no gay man is unable to get laid there are fetishes for EVERY body type and desperate fucks who would go for every hole or hard dick, 5 mins away from you on grindr. When you DECIDE you don't want to fuck someone that's being a volcel, like a priest. Stop being retarded.
/vpol/ wants to be Yea Forums so fucking bad, it's sickening.
How do I exclude tags?
keep any and all kinds of sexual degeneracy out of public view and you're fine
gay or not
cant wait for you fags to start missing out on games cause it happens to have a gay character somewhere in it and it gets hit with the LGBT tag or you get trolled by people just tagging shit that
I bet you fap the hentia shit, adolf would have sent your degen ass to the camps too. he hates you more than you think
There are gay incels. Some dudes are that awkward and unlikeable. Anyone can find anyone with lower standards.
>a gay incel
he must be a very rare exotic species.
I know right. Those gays tend to lost their v card before 16.
>Thread has /pol/SHIT post
>Anything non straight or non white, get met with wild bitching
Yeah, sure. It might be just a psyop, you stupid faggot.
>There are gay incels
I'll repeat my question, are you retarded? They CHOOSE to not pick someone from grindr, that's not the meaning of incel. God fucking damn it, how can people literally not understand the meaning of words?
>sex games
Too slow, reading is faster
Nice user
and you got to make some losers seeth by talking about it
how the fuck did being gay become so fucking based?
you get to live a happy existance and make homophobefags seeth its fucking great
then that job must be overkill.
incels choose to not get laid too retard
they're lazy and don't want to put in the effort to get a gf or get laid or whatever
their standards are too high to get a hooker if they're that desperate
they just expect pussy to get handed to them and blame the woman for not dropping to her knees and sucking him off for opening a fucking door for her or getting her a coffee or some shit
their personalities are pure garbage and it drives everyone away from them
What about gay4pay?
>They CHOOSE to not pick someone
so do straight incels. there are 1/10 ugly women and hookers that would gladly fuck them.
>incels choose to not get laid too retard
>"INVOLUNTARY celibates CHOOSE to be celibate"
Holy shit are you hearing yourself right now? Are you actually fucking serious?
yeah they want to fuck 11/10 supermodel pornstars with zero effort or money
A straight incel could pay for sex or find a 3/10 woman, they just choose to go after people who don't want them.
so many typos
I'm fucking sorry I didn't realize you both were pretending to be retarded. I mean INVOLUNTARY VOLUNTARY celibates is on a whole new level of shitposting. I got a really good laugh thanks to you though, so thanks.
lolno the whole point is how even the 3/10 women reject them, women are waaay more picky than man as a biological adaptation. Again please don't tell me you're being serious, I'm having a good laugh right now.
how can they be involuntarily celibate when there are hookers in literally every city? sounds like you're making excuses.
yes involuntarily celibates choose to be celibate
the definition of the retarded name they gave to themselves doesn't fucking matter
its their fault they can't get laid they are choosing to be celibate by sitting at home on their and whining on fucking forums about 8/10 Patricia not giving him a handy for buying her flowers and stalking her instagram
>male gay games
>not flooding the store with Yuri dating sims
two can play this game
You're either trolling or autistic.
No money you fucking retard. You know hookers cost money right? And it's waaay harder to find one depending on where you live.
Tim tales > sean cody >>>>>> shit =the rest
Well, then guess what? You'll keep getting stomped on and abandoned by your loved ones. Hope that anal friction is worth it bucko.
>"I'm tolerant, I just want you to hide!"
What, you don't think we KNOW who YOU are? Your effeminate mannerisms? The way attractive women hit on you and you shut them down? It's been like this forever. We know who YOU are and we are tolerant. But when you ram your buttmunching in front of everyone, and be PROUD of it, guess what happens?
We don't want YOU to hide. We want YOU to hide your abnormality. Just like everyone hides their own skeletons.
Fat people choose to be fat because they like food. They can change. Evidently you faggots can't. All you need to do is keep your abnormality on the downlow and everyone would be happy but NOOOOO
they can still better themselves and stop moping around doing fuckall
there is no such thing as being involuntarily celibate there's just being lazy, ugly and an asshole who no one likes
so then go make some money you fat fucking retard. or does mommy not make enough sucking dick on the street corner to buy both your tendies and your hookers at the same time? hey, maybe you can ask her to fuck you instead.
>yes involuntarily celibates choose to be celibate
>the definition of the retarded WORD doesn't matter
Oh God this is too good best laugh I've had in a while, go on.
I think he's saying that yes, currently they don't choose to be celibate, but they choose to continue with the actions and behaviors KEEPING them celibate.
All it takes is a good long look in the mirror. If you wouldn't fuck you, if you don't love you, how in the hell can you think anyone else would either? Want to change? Put in some effort. Channel that inner Michael Jackson, and ask that man in the mirror to change his ways.
>"Definition of words is AUTISTIC"
The only men worth loving. Also, the dilf.
if I glue feathers to my body and call myself a chicken does that make me a chicken?
if fat people can change then it's even more imperative that they be ostracized and lambasted until they do. if they choose to be disgusting then they deserve all the hate they get. on the other hand, holding someone in contempt for something they don't have any control over like being gay is questionable.
>there is no such thing as being involuntarily celibate
It refers to the state they ARE on the moment, not on the state they MIGHT be in the future. Oh Gods the fact that a crowd of clueless retards who keep spamming the word legitimately don't understand it is fucking priceless.
You think I was talking about me? Do you have such a low ability with text interpretation that this is what you got from what I said? Oh my oh my I was needing a good laughs today, but I didn't knew they'd come in the form of living breathing practical jokes like yourself.
>All it takes is a good long look in the mirror. If you wouldn't fuck you
Nigga, that doesn't work with straight guys. Are you even a man, or hetero? And no, the entire point of the word is to "pass judgment" over the current state a guy is at the moment. Oh my Gods how clueless can you guys be?
Do you really think this was a good analogy? But do go on, I need a good laugh.
Reminder that it is no ones fault but yourself that you can't get laid
Fat people are also incapable of hiding their fatness. And, considering they can lose it, that it is displayed is embarrassment enough.
Fags can hide their degeneracy. They can keep that shit on the down low. Otherwise, if you looked at a homosexual and a heterosexual, no one would be able to tell the difference.
Reminder that it's your own fault if you can't find a good husband.
good thing I'm not a faggot so I don't gotta worry about getting a good husband
good luck on your endeavors though
My condolences.
>Sean Cody, or any studio porn for that matter
Pick one
You don't know who we are and when we don't signal and wear rainbow shit we run the larger chance of never finding someone. Everyone is assumed straight unless they're a lisping queer.
>hen we don't signal and wear rainbow shit we run the larger chance of never finding someone
How the fuck do you think you aids-spreading faggots did it back in the day? Ian Mckellan mentioned you faggots had handshakes and all sorts of shit.
And being a lisping cunt is nothing new. Again, people think they're a bit "strange" but no one ever thought much beyond that faggot. Don't you defective cunts have gaydar anyway
>Your effeminate mannerisms? The way attractive women hit on you and you shut them down?
You seem pretty adept at picking up gays from a crowd.
Also, if straights can show their love in public why can't gays do it?
>inb4 devs add LGBTQ+ tags to 'filter biggots'
Why do you use the ford faggot in every sentence?
>your shitty waifu games would be REMOVED from Steam.
you mean like they are already
Only the pedo ones
Because heterosexuality is correct. 1+1=2. Simple.
>Man acts flamboyantly
>Ignores or pushes away attractive women
Again, how invisible do you think you are? Everyone knows, it's just a matter of you keeping that to yourself.
Because I can. Because the only thing you buttmunchers can do on here is reply to me.
hello new husbando
I don't try to be invisible.
Why do the mere presence of a gay gets your panties in such a twist?
Very strange that you focus on the aspect of rejecting attractive women though.
>I don't try to be invisible.
And that's why you're a problem. You're a disease, a cancer of this planet. You are a plague.
>Very strange that you focus on the aspect of rejecting attractive women though.
>the state of steamcels
I don't get why gays make you so angry. Your reaction is comical
/gif/ is getting pretty close
>we just want to be accepted!
>also, we want to have parades of pure degeneracy of public gay sex, pedophilia, and promotion of our birth defects
>also, we want a month dedicated to the celebration of our birth defects
>also, we want to push law that further advocates our birth defects
>also, we want to expose children to our birth defects
It's not just faggots but homosexuality is ground zero for clown world.
thats not hentai..
Here’s your (You)
seething straight incel going through babies first /pol/ phase. Lmao i remember when i was 19
It updates every month but it's mostly bug fixes and a new scene here and there
>First Harold and Spencer sex scenes are still untouched and use the old artstyle
>Steam removes straight games
Pedos games aren’t straight games
to be fair, this place is full of nu-bigots. In others place of the internet people wouldn’t seethe that much
Keep seething, faggot, the media may push your acceptance but every normal person knows what you are. I'd tell you to get aids and die, but that's an inevitability HARHAR
>also, we want to have parades of pure degeneracy
What happens in Mardi Gras and Spring Break?
>rest of your post
Are you a teenager overdosing on /pol/ infographics?
>What happens in Mardi Gras and Spring Break?
>oh no! biologically people are drinking and exposing their genitals in public!
Gay pride is like the special olympics. Normal people see a billboard and say "ya know, good for them I guess" ... until it comes to their streets and they have to deal with all of the faggots.
>Are you a teenager overdosing on /pol/ infographics?
>this entire thread
goddamn Yea Forumseddit and Yea Forumsesetera aren't memes
Why are gays 40% of all pedophiles and why is the suicide rate for trannies 41% even higher than those of schizos?
also, Mardi Gras is about letting out sin before giving it up for lent. I'm pretty sure you fags could go a week without engaging in your mental illness.
really based if you ask me
>replies don't even make sense
who cares about fleshy meatbags? I just want fluffy boyfriend
i could understand them just fine senpai
Of course they don't make sense to some mentally derranged faggot! Because 1+1 doesn't equal 2 to them! Just like how schizos are incapable of thinking the world isn't out to get them
Redfield, obviously.
I mean it sounds like he is
Not him, but i dont mind. everyone is allowed to create whatever he wants and sell whatever he wants. I dont even use filters, so the only one suffering from it will be (you), and theres nothing that makes me more happy then seeing people like (you) suffer.
>no game category for Black History Month
*shakes my head*
fucking bigots. LGBT are filled with white people, its a white supremacy movement disguised as homosexual bullshit I tell you
kill yourself faggot. youre going to die alone of a drug overdose after you start wearing adult dia[ers at 30
>Yea Forums letting chapotrannyhouse colonize their board
why is Yea Forums such a slut? always opening her legs for everyone, /pol/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, reddit, /leftypol/ doesn't matter, Yea Forums lets them in
Dont worry user, im about to TRANSFORM.
This might get /pol out!
your new husbando's from a gacha
you can bet your ass autistic loser circlejerking FAGGOTS like speedonvhs and adamantium eat this garbage up
One day, you will grow as a person.
Age makes tear ducts weaker, makes you more empathetic.
You will grow kind, or you will grow cold.
Most people, normal people grow kind.
On that day, when you've grown to see your neighbor as a brother, I want you to remember what you said here. I want you to remember this vitriol
I want the shame of what you've said to sink into your soul. It's sour and it's bitter and it doesn't go away.
is that a jojo reference
>having more than 1 husbando/waifu
>over 350 replies of butthurt normies
lol you fragile snowflakes are no better than the soccer moms that called DOOM a "recruitment tool for satan". how could you possibly be more stupid and hypocritical?
>free speech! stop censorship! boycott Squeenix for making Tifa's boobies slightly smaller!
>ugh so sick of homos in games, it's always so forced! make your own games, stay away from ours!
seriously this doesn't affect you AT ALL. the only reason I could imagine getting THIS upset over a video game existing is if you're denying your own sexual orientation... oh. it's OK to be gay kids, you know that right?
Everytime you perform anal you subject yourself to a higher being to possess you. You are now one of them.
Nothing wrong with video games
>all these buttmad /pol/niggers
Who dis
is that the horse guy who wanted to cosplay as Astofolo
I'm so glad I'm not a cuck like pebblethrow
just remember,there had to be a market for this to exist in the first place.
>tfw could of got my ass reamed by a 9 inch bwc but pussied out at the last second
Why do gays and whatnot come out to their family and parents when it endangers them and subject them to abuse? I genuinely never understand that. Is it so hard to keep to yourself to be safety for the time.
why do you care
Is this an edit or does he just not talk to women?
I literally learned Japanese for bara shit.
It's 100% worth the year or two it takes to learn to read all the fuck ass tons of Kanji.
thank god i can just ogle fanart and his official pngs not looking to spend outrageous amounts of money on mobile shit after spending $300 on toreba in like a month
ok, he's my boyfriendo or w/e.
store preference page, utter nigger
Don't you have more important things to worry about in your life?
Those online crane games? They've got some pretty cool prizes on there. I hope you got what you wanted user
>games where you can rape, beat, and murder women are fine
>one gay game appears and everyone shits themselves into a screaming meemee
why doesnt Yea Forums care this much about all the loli pedo games that are on store? that smut should be removed before any gay stuff
It's a video game, you dipshit, there were no instant-heal medical packs lying around on Normandy Beach either, do you shit yourself into a faggot frenzy over that bit of unrealism?
>When you're so fucking deluded you're legitimately more deluded than the morons who think that torturing people legit changes their desires instead of just convincing them to act the way you tell them too (electroshock "therapy")
This wouldn’t exist on the Epic Store you know, the Epic Store doesn’t promote literal degeneracy
>all these in-denial self-hating fags
When you all stop being little bitches you can ride my dick all night
>it has unrealistic gameplay elements therefore let's pretend women fighting in WWII was a normal, real thing
>women being shown as anything more than silent kitchen-chained incubators threatens my very manhood
And you incels wonder why everyone despises your worthless asses.
because /v is a bunch of hypocrits.
Loli hentai shit falls under freedom of creativity, hence they are allowed to do it because everyone is allowed to do it.
Removing gayshit doesnt fall under freedom of creativity since they dont like gayshit, so in this case censorship is okay again
Please don't start that circle argument user.
Existing is forcing views?
I don't care about women in games, I don't want history being portrayed falsely
They could have framed it as an alternate reality and I wouldn't have given a shit
That depends are you a straight white male?
>waiting that long for damaged goods
top kek
I never see gayshit outside of Yea Forums
Maybe I should stop coming here
Deal with it, autismo. I do pity the women who have to deal with you in real life, wonder how many of them you've assaulted.
These are thanks to commie subhuman shills virtue signaling and paying for these subhuman games to be promoted
>not wanting stupid shit in your video games means you must assault people in real life
get a brain
How the FUCK is this acceptable!?!?
This thread got weird fast
I wish tricksta would draw more gay Stitch.
Why did furfags praise this game back in the day, all the characters sucked and every route was cringe
You get extremely upset over women being shown doing anything in video games, I can only imagine what triggers you in real life. People like you who lose their shit over pointless things are dangerous to others.
>gay cant reproduce
>monkey brain instincts tells it to reproduce non literally
>fag parade for mass conversion rape and porn
/int/ has the most gays imo
funny how mods keep this gay thread up
I know, right? Who the hell would want to cuddle these freaks?
video games aren't real you triggered retard
What? I played it on steam, so no rape
That's what I've been telling you.
Don't burn out that projector, child.
Because it's based
the problem is when developers try to push the shit they put in their trash as normal or historically accurate
Thinking about buying this, tho(ugh)ts?
And when did anyone say it was "historically accurate"? You've got links to official statements, I presume.
>fucking women are trash why do people put them in anything fucking making me shit myself stupider than I normally am fartknocking tagnuts!
>the only thing you buttmunchers can do on here is reply to me
is this meant to imply that the only reason you call people faggot here is because you wont have to face any consequences for it? In other words you wouldn't call a gay person faggot to their face because of what they might do to you in retaliation? In other other words you're afraid of gay people?
its a little late to be digging up all the dice press release stuff, do it yourself, the term they used was "historically authentic"
>fucking women are trash why do people put them in anything fucking making me shit myself stupider than I normally am fartknocking tagnuts!
who are you quoting?
but gays aren't human and thus don't deserve representation
>Still using the same insult since the 80s
The state of breeders
>RPG maker
FUCK YOU for reminding me of this game
i still miss Brad ;_;
can conservative larpers please get off my board
you're like a zombie calling the living breathers
They've been here for 3 years and refuse to die.
likulau is my husband
Jealous somebody had sex before you, incel?
>who are you quoting?
No one, you're talking to a nutcase
I know it's pathetic but Brad's story line literally gave me heartache for a solid week after I finished it because realized I'll never find a guy like that who will love me.
any games with this aesthetic unironically?
I wish that Angels with Scaly Wings came out when R18 was allowed.
i remember being teary eyed while masturbating during that final sex. i didn't want it to be over. i was so immersed ;_;
Tfw you'll never fuck your hot best friend, your hot professor, and the hot jock
>Guy and demon
Fortunately no
>yfw you realize you share a board with these "people"
>playing visual novels
>playing western visual novels
>playing gay western visual novels
>getting emotional over gay western visual novels
If you're can get good at modding Skyrim you can basically make anything you want. I've seen plenty of screenshots of people who made their own demon beefcakes
I made a custom follower by stealing voice lines from another game and editing them to stay naughty shit.
Imagine getting this upset at other people for enjoying things you don't.
Okay I guess I have to be the one to ask.
Why is there only one black guy and why does he practically look white?
these are my reaction images dont use them
>the only thing women are good for is being sexually attracted to men
>but they never make any games so that doesn't benefit me at all
God dammit, why do men have to be the gender that does all the work.
>twitter youTube and google not having a lgbt agenda
its more about the horrible realization that you could be arguing about video games with someone who's idea of a good game is a vn
what do you mean, there's two more black guys right under him
Not even, it's completely arbitrary depending on which valve employee ends up reviewing your game, although admittedly school settings do seem to hurt your chances
>I willingly saw a video on Youtube, you're forcing your views on me
Whoever edited this wouldn't last 1 day as a lesbian.
Well I personally don't consider VNs video games so it doesn't really matter does it.
I clicked on a gay game and saw two naked men hugging each other!!! How could this have happened to me?!!!!1!
>The way attractive women hit on you and you shut them down?
>I clicked on Yea Forums and saw two naked men hugging each other!!! How could this have happened to me?!!!!1!
Gay acts insight the same feeling ins straight people as looking at maggots.
I keep seeing this thread showing up every single day for i dont even know how long
why is Yea Forums so colossally homosexual
Boy, you really hate men don't you carpet muncher.
I dug up a dead body and saw two naked maggots hugging each other!!! How could this have happened to me?!!!!1!
its the same faggots posting it over and over just like every other thread on this trash board
>all men are fags
You're not a man, you're some kind of tranny man-hating feminist.
Why would you even want more niggers in games?
For me it's the demon priest
Imagine living a life condemned by every major religion and everywhere else in the world aside from the decaying west that only just recently began to tolerate it. There's a reason that sodomy is so reviled, it spreads disease and causes you to act like the avatarfags in this thread.
cute tummy
Men can have anal sex with women.
Men can have oral sex with women.
Straight men can be, and usually are sodomites.
Imagine wanting to fuck the inferior gender.
Cocks and cum are gross and so are you
If you think so then feel free to chop your dick off. I don't want you in my gender.
>open this thread
Never disappointed.
faggy bait
Oh shit, i'm sorry
What is grindr? What are gay bars? What are gay clubs? What are packers fans? You don't have to wear a sign that says you're gay retard
>if you're not a fag then you must be a tranny
mentally ill logic
>beleving god is a thing on 2k19
delusion can be so funny
Who else but mentally ill trannies would hate men so much that they can't stand looking at them?
>men existing is the same sight as men fucking
Get straight to the point.
I bet you think there are more than 2 genders.
And that there is no such thing as race.
So then you don't have any problem with pictures of hot naked solo guys, right?
>criticize furries
>criticize bronies
>criticize blacks
>a bit of counter-posting
>criticize women
>a few posts calling users incels
>criticize whites
>a couple retarded anti-feminist centrists take a very intellectual and principled counter argument
>criticize jews
>someone calls users schizo "/Poltards"
>criticize homosexuals
Every time
Not that user but I'm even more /pol/ than you and I think christians are literally jew puppets that exist only to be controlled. Fuck christcucks.
I got a problem with all 3dpd images
Its pretty much the last one for all of those these days
You've got some deep-seeded hate issues bro. If you hate 3d then just off yourself, the planet doesn't need you.
You've got some deep-seeded hate issues bro. If you hate normal people then just off yourself, the planet doesn't need you.
>I'm even more /pol/ than you
No. You're just a New Atheist reject that feel hard into nihilism meme and are now a pagan LARP because you're desperately trying to cling to anything meaningful even if you know it's a lie.
Pro tip: don't dump your wisdom stat
You're not normal, Mr. 3DPD-is-the-same-as-maggots. You're a self-hating twat.
not him, but if you can't stand real image porn your sex life is ruined forever mate. you are not normal
What? Are you schizophrenic? Why do you think I'm a pagan?
seething jew worshiper
I'm not the maggot guy, I jumped in later. Why can't you understand that normal people are just as repulsed by what you are posting as you are to women