Do you like JRPGs?

Do you like JRPGs?

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no, dunkey said there shit


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>They Included Riesz in this
Absolutely fucking based

pokemon and zelda are not RPGs, you need to be 18 or older to post on this website

>Tifa now has the smallest chest
What the fuck happened

Yeah, for relaxation purposes

>Pokemon is not an RPG
What the fuck am I reading

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i like big anime tiddies

It's about ethics in video games.

My wife

Attached: ryza.png (620x876, 389K)

I still have no idea what fucking game she's from
I am interested in her game, but first I need to fucking know what it is
Sell it to me, user

>girl in the middle looks similar

>i just realized she looks like my sis

hoooo lordy.

Wrpgs are better. But I play both.


one of the atelier games. They're pretty bad though.

I know as an old Atelier fan I am supposed to hate anything that isn't me failing to 100% Totori my just two days, but I am REALLY excited for Ryza. Feels like Gust has a lot of people's attention with this one.

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I don’t believe you. You’ll need to post pictures.


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Pokemon is literally just a bare bones RPG without a grandiose story with collection elements.

koeitecmoamerica .com/ryza/


>that pudge on Ryza

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