What’s more important...

What’s more important? Making sure game devs have artistic freedom or making sure trans people aren’t in their video games?

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Fuck trannies


The reason trans people are in video games is because devs don't have artistic freedom to begin with.

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This, they're ruled by mob outcry.

lgbtism is just like zionism

Trannies need to be eradicated before the even more disturbing next part of the slippery slope is introduced.

So when cyberpunk’s devs get fucked on by SJW’s for having a trans person in an ad and by Yea Forums for having a trans person at all, which mob is ruling them more?

Is it gonna be animals or kids?

I don't want to find out
but most likely kids

So far I've seen something about 2 spirits in my university so split personalities seems like the next step.

Would be more authentic if /pol/ was replaced by /fur/

2 spirit is just a Native American term for nonbinaries. Rather, it suggest that it's possible to be both male and female at the same time.

the mob that i dont identify with obviously


Trannies are no different from furries. They've let a SEXUAL FETISH define and consume their entire self. The difference is that people think trannies deserve to be a protected class.


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I have met furries who are at least decent and don't let that shit define them
I cannot say the same for trannies.

What's important is to not buy shits made by various perverted creeps who shoehorn their complexes into video games

there, problem solved

Ok but that doesn’t answer the question, why can’t a dev put a trans person in their game without you guys chimping out? It’s their game.


>game devs
>artistic freedom
Get the fuck out of here with this retard shit.

>Making sure game devs have artistic freedom or
>Making sure trans people aren’t in their video games?

Those two options are the same thing if you think about it. Developers having artistic freedom would be to not catered to the LBGTQMIA community. All these game devs are practically being socially bullied to catered to that shit just for a small demographic of gaymers. Because if they don't. They'll leave bad reviews which leads to less sells.

Really devs were "forced" to make the straight white male shaved head shooter guy. It's all marketing.

I've met literally dozens of trans people because I work with a trans support group. Now, there may be some bias in the fact that working with a support group means you're meeting people that at least have the wherewithal to go to a support group, but I've known plenty where their being trans was just another facet of life.

It's not a fetish though. Even if you see it as an identity and not a real thing "wrong gender" brain/body thing, it's like calling punk rock a fetish. Gamer a fetish.



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Why is it ok to encourage mental illness when the patient believes theyre the opposite gender but irresponsible to encourage people with delusions of grandeur that believe theyre the second coming of christ? Why cant we let people that believe theyre time travelers simply be time travelers? Why is one healthy and the other not? Im not saying finding people of the same gender attractive im talking about people that regret being born "wrong" how can you regret what you have no control over? How can we all live in a society where we know some of our peers are so deceitful that they spend every day literally hiding what they are through surgery? And id even say the same of fake tits and butt implants for straight people. Where the fuck is this going and where can i get off?

Its okay to call gamers mentally ill tho per the high priest order of the U.N.