Elder Scrolls 6

Are you still hopeful Yea Forums?

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It's set in Hammerfell the homeland of the Redguards so Yea Forums is gonna be even more racist than usual when it comes out

>Impling Yea Forums hates black characters because their blacks and not because they're written like stereotypical blacks from the mind of a 50yo white dude who has never met any actual black person

who was ever hopeful the begin with?

No, but I'll buy it anyway.

fallout 4 exists, so no, im not hopeful

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Nah I want Summerset Isle

No. If they actually update the engine to modern standards their incompetence could kill modding and make it harder (They already did so with changing engine stuff in Fallout 4), and thats not without the monetisation from creation club crap they will force ten-fold. And if they don't update the engine, people will still be pissed, I'm not even sure Bethesda can curtail on journalists, modders and fans this time after 76

Same as for every TES/Fallout game. Ignore it when it comes out, wait for mods to salvage something playable, then play it.

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never was, idk how you could dumb dow... I mean streamline the gameplay anymore than they did with skyrim, but they'll find a way

lol thinking wh*te "people" are still going to exist by the time this game comes out

silly mayo the culling starts next year when your orange daddy gets removed from office

Skyrim 2: Curved Swords Edition
>carbon-copy of skyrim with fallout 4 settlement building tacked-on
>you are the [whatever]born of legend! what? you wanted to roleplay as a literal who working your way up from obscurity? haha, no, we're going to treat like a special snowflake right from the start!
>emphasis on making a showy and flashy start with all the endgame shit to appease the casuals who never finish games, we dont want them refunding it!
>you want mods? we-i mean modders NEED to be paid, goy!
>2 main factions, no one cares who wins, and nothing changes when one of them wins
>forced into helping strong independent black woman with afro (who dont need no man) to progress the main questline
>tranny shit will be forced in there somewhere, guaranteed
>same 5 voice actors they use every time
>cities still small and underwhelming so it runs on shitboxes like the switch
>more homogenisation of skills, magic and weaponry

Decent b8, this may get some angry replies

Haven't been hopeful for Shitthesda since I realized how stripped-down Shitrim was.

Taking Skills out of Fallout was the last straw. I hope they go bankrupt and id goes independent or gets bought out by a hypothetical publisher that doesn't suck dick because they all actually do suck.

i hope it's not high rock, and preferably not hammerfell. so long as the setting is not too generic and the game too casualized, i could be interested, but i'm not hopeful at all.

What a shipost

can't wait to use all the sex mods on shirley curry

Nah. Bethesda peaked during Morrowind. Now they are just on a major decline. I want to be wrong about this, but I really expect TES 6 to be another poorly made action game for normies.

This is probably accurate.

are there any forest in hammerfell? or is it rainforest monkeyshit

The only skills will be Combat, Magic, and Stealth, if they even include skills at all.
Screenshot this post.

>Screenshot this post
no, ill probably go through at least 4 harddrives before this game comes out fuck you

i want it to be good, but it wont be

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I just hope it will be good enough and with enough mod support for me to sink a good amount of hours so I can forget about my miserable life while playing as a qt.pie breton mage

>inb4 paid mods

Nope, not at all. And hell, it's so far down the line (they won't even really focus on its development until after starfield is released after all) and it'll be so hyped as the long-awaited Skyrim 2 that it'll end up in a Half Life 3 scenario where they'll just fucking give up on ever making it at all.

Better to just accept TES being dead. Even if/when it comes out you know it's just going to be an empty hollow platform for lazy radiant quests and creation club bullshit ala FO76.

Just be glad stuff like Beyond Skyrim is happening. As far as I care, that's the real TES6.

>starfield not until 2020 at the earliest
>TES6 not until 2023
>have to wait until 2024 for creation kit and for mods to be developed to make the game even slightly playable
>the mod scene will be total trash anyway, with nothing but titty mods and weapon/armor skins like what happened with FO4 because of the creation club

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