Did anyone get in?
Apparently it was limited to a 1000 people or something.
Halo Master Chief Collection Flight Test
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why is cortana such a perfect companion?
Because in halo 2 and 3 she was cute, which made her perfect.
is some fag streaming it or is it strictly closed?
its open
because she is hot as fuck
There's something missing in this image
>because she was hot as fuck
Yeah, wheres the giant dick?
Big tits
Watching a stream, looks like how I would expect it to. I am sort of surprised they didn't get like 20 big streamers in to do it
that's not big
Because she's hot, can't wait for 343 to piss off all the loretrannies when they make her your companion early in Infinite again.
Does she really love the chief how would that work?
If you think thats big, Im sorry.
Thats normal size isnt it? We're the big tits?
she has a nice cute dick
would definitely suck
Anyone got the leaks?
how did the jannies leave this image up on page 1 for hours? i know they were retarded, but that was a new low
what leaks
clearly the games files
I like short hair purple Cortana.