
FUCK this guy has been fisting me for hours, he's just an old man with a katana but I can't fucking scratch him
There's also his stupid fucking fuckboy that shit on me half the time even though I can see he's a babby downgraded version of himself

Did you have much trouble against him, user?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Phase 3 is the easiest of his fight as long as you have your lightning reversals down, keep at it.

>2 stages that are decently challenging, one mistake fucks the entire fight and regens his posture entirely
>Phase 3 which forces you to have fucking flawlessed Phase 1 and 2 or else you get insta fucked
>all 3 phases need to be done in one fell swoop and theres no checkpoints
Yeah, i'm thinkin hes bullshit

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>get absolutely wrecked during the first ten or so attempts, manage to make it to phase 2 only thanks to gourds
>suddenly it clicks
>get to the last phase only needing to use 2 gourds
>beat him in the very same attempt
Just try to avoid falling for his combos that trick you into thinking he has stopped when in fact there is still another attack coming
Also learn how to bait and deal with his sweep attack

hesitation is defeat


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he literally says this as a hint
be aggressive as fuck

The fact that Posture exists is the dumbest shit about Sekiro. It's a dumb mechanic, how come enemies fucking hit me and take away half my posture, but when I hit enemies I barely do 5% of their posture?
It makes no sense, especially considering Wolf is an elite shinobi compared to the rest of the jobbers here. The game is literally only hard because bosses are ass to fight and posture is dumb as fuck, the inbetween levels are easy as fuck and are literally childs play to get past.

>Did you have much trouble against him, user?
yeah, but then i got gud

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You bet your ass. Isshin is a comprehensive final exam over everything the game has been trying to teach you.
Soon, Genichiro will be a minor roadbump you bully into a 30-second kill.
Good luck, user. We believe in you so stop hesitating.

cheesed him with umbrella. Not even ashamed

that fight is easily the toughest fight of the entire souls series imo
but it also feels fair and i didn't get too mad in 5 hours it took me to beat him

First 10 or so times. Then the parrying clicked. Last stage was a joke thanks to the lightning. Managed to get back to him in 8 hours on new game+, parrying is very very over powered

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>that fucking duck dodge
Badass as fuck

took me a few hours of pure getting fucked in the ass before i got to his last phase
if you want my advice, parry the shit out of everything, always parry the 2 slashes after he sheathes his sword and be ready for what comes next (the attack depends on how close to him you are)
try to bait the mikiri countable move and always punish it (on his last phase it's always after he shoots you)
relax and enjoy your deaths as much as the eventual victory, good luck

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Git gud

This, sekiros worst feature is the posture system. It makes the bosses artificially hard because one mistake fucks you into oblivion.

You should not have trouble with Genichiro. Maybe get hit just because you're aggressive but rest if you actually get killed.
Phase 1 should be possible without getting hit. He's got a lot of chances to attack and punish.
Phase 2 is the only hard part. Either memorize his super long combo or run away from it. If you have enough stamina you can completely block his bullet barrage then mikiri counter.
Phase 3 just lightning reverse and don't choke. Once you can reach Phase 2 without getting hit more than 3 times you're on your way to victory.

Phase 3 should take you literally seconds

go back to your 4 summons game

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The posture system is great if you're not a mouth breathing retard.

you can straight up trade deflects back and forth with owl and win with full posture so you guys might just be retarded

stay aggressive, when he pulls out his spear get the timing down of his combo. Also, he always ends his spear combos with a thrust that you can mikiri counter. Use double ichimonji to wreck his posture bar and regain yours

It's the opposite you retard. Posture system makes bosses a fucking cake walk

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I beat him on sixth or seventh attempt. Shura Isshin fight took maybe four attempts. The only roadblock boss I had was Genichiro because I wasn’t learning the game properly and he punished me for it for hours. Beating him made me git gud. I can only imagine isshin is hard if you’re a casual who decided to spam firecrackers to trivialize difficult bosses and frankly you deserve to suffer to him if you did that

>tfw too retarded to use firecrackers so I had to just get good

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This boss fight reminds me what is so bittersweet about from games.
Everything seems so fucking hard up until you finally beat it. Then, suddenly it feels much easier every time you come back.

If you have any more of these, can you please post 'em?

Here's the source user

>artificial difficulty
>artificially hard

I thought he wasn't too bad compared to demon of hatred and the second Owl fight.

umbrella and it's counter attack move trivializes phase 2
>he jumps
>you umbrella and attack
>run at him spamming light attack
good boss, wish this game had a boss rush mode or some kind of mechanic that allows you to replay them individually

Demon of Hatred is so annoying I just used the ledge cheese in the following playthroughs

Thanks for the advice anons
I'm still fighting this old fucker but I can destroy Ashina with my eyes closed now

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Lightning reversals were unironically a mistake. They trivialize what should be the ultimate finale for these two bozos.

Why is a samurai using a fucking revolver? I thought he was an honoranble samurai, where's the honor in using a firearm that shoots consecutively?

Ashina style is just winning.

isshin isn't that bad once you stop hesitating. literally don't hesitate and you should be good.

sure but it looks cool as shit and makes me feel like a god of thunder so its okay

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Ik a lot of people shit their pants the moment they see lightning attacks. I used to be one of them and now I realize how easy it is.