32 level uploads only, 100 uploads in the original

>32 level uploads only, 100 uploads in the original
>paid online
will any nintendie defend this?

Attached: mario.original[1].jpg (1280x720, 93K)

how bout u defend my nuts lmao

No. We're also pissed off you can't play online with friends. I don't know who makes these decisions at Nintendo but they're a complete fucking idiot. Probably some old fuck that ascended to a management position and doesn't even understand the game.

Because, otherwise we would have to sift through garbage like this


they will probably change it if people complain, the original game was radically changed in updates due to outcry

>100 uploads in the original
Good thing I never bought it

Don’t you get more slots as you get stars

does that mean you can only have 32 uploads hosted at once, or you can only upload 32 total?


No. Even the most starred makers currently have uploads capped to 32.

if that is the limit, I assume it's hosted

I think they said they were working on that for an update (and that they were surprised it was something people wanted(?)).

>they're actually defending it

thank god faggots like you cant upload a hundred shitty fucking levels. thank you based nintendo

>Limit uploads for launch period.
>Casuals and toddlers give up after a few weeks, can't flood the game with nearly as much garbage.
>Dedicated players tinker away nonstop.
>Upload limit gets increased.
>Good new levels everywhere.

This is a good idea Nintendo had to fix the overflow of garbage content. The REAL issue is the lack of a bookmark site upgrade or even an update to their stupid phone app to instantly view friends levels.

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Idiot, I'm not defending it
No one ever said that there was an upload limit in the first, and I would have had to deal with the disappointment from figuring that out if I bought it

At once, you can swap them out as you please.

Right here, I'll defend it.

What you don't realize is that this is temporary to limit the amount of "month 1 trash" made by people who stop playing very soon that'll forever haunt the coursebot and endless mario mode.
In the end, this results in endless mario having higher quality levels for years to come.

How about putting it in the game completed and not rushing an incomplete pile of trash??

How many people make one good level let alone 32?

>What you don't realize is that this is temporary
this is nintendo we're talking about, you can't just assume they'll do sensible things rather than punish users for no reason

user, if they didn't intend to have that in the first place then it isn't a determining factor as to whether or not it's complete.

>you can't just assume they'll do sensible things
Given they're the only ones that do its pretty safe to assume.

Nope, haven't played a Mario game since gamecube. Still have a switch though, and a ps4. Stay mad consolewar fags

Just trust me, I know it is.
Hello from Treehouse!

>100 uploads in the original

Not at the beginning you didn't. Everyone started with just ten upload slots in SMM1 and gained an extra ten for each medal you received. I'm sure that people will get more upload slots in the sequel as soon as they get the required number of likes.

Attached: 1558998363798.gif (300x200, 903K)

>Nintendo is suprised people want to play multiplayer games with their friends
So retarded I believe it.

Fake News, Gook.

>(and that they were surprised it was something people wanted(?)).
You forgot to mention online.

What?! I made 70 levels in Mario Maker 1, are you saying I can't even make more then 32 levels in Mario Maker 2?

You will be able to come August

>>paid online
I'm not going to defend this because it's retarded but I bought the bundle that comes with a year of online which was $59 after Best Buy preorder discount so it could be worse.

Source besides assumption?

I just realized they didn't add the bookmark site to the Nintendo Switch Online app like they did with Splatnet 2. Why the fuck would they not? They added the feature to fucking Smash Bros. and I guarantee you no one used that part of the app after the first week.

See you get it
The literal tards here don’t

ew. these "people" show no fucking shame in being consumer pigs.

Assumptions are fun. And unsourced.

Imagine being so mentally ill that you waste your only sad pathetic chance of existence scavenging the net to find out details about a video game you'll never play on a system you'll never own.


Attached: 1550017686286.webm (1440x810, 1.93M)

You got a problem there pal?

Attached: 1560919247723.png (827x695, 1.32M)

Those people who stick around for one month won't even come close to the 32 limit, the limitation only affects the more dedicated playerbase.

This. This limitation sucks, only hurts dedicated fans, and you are a idiot if Nintendo is going to suddenly raise the limit like having it is part of some sort of master plan.

>only hurts dedicated fans,
Not really. They still get everything they need.

I am speaking as a dedicated fan. I made 70 levels in Mario Maker 1, and planned to make 70 more. So no, I do not get everything I need.