Too busy playing game
Dancer is amazing, what the fuck
>over 30 minutes wait time as a tank
Garbage, play 8.2 instead
Can't log in until sunday. I'll probably start by switching though my jobs to redo their HUD and get a feel of the new gameplay, then unlock GNB and DNC and play them a bit, then get Scaevan on my picked job for the MSQ. I can't wait.
so what do need to get gunbreaker?
>expansion is out today
>no one is talking about it
>twitch views are extremely low for a new expansion on release day
Isn't this suppose to be the 2nd most populated MMO?
>main pld since pre heavensward
>only time i had real queue times was when drk dropped
>this is way worse than the heavensward launch
im having a great time not playing shadowbringers!
I love those conversations with ardbert in the inn it's so wholesome. Especially after killing Titania I had a wide ass grin on my face when I him asked about Seto and he lightened up.
you need to be retarded? Guess you're one step ahead
Vauthry must have the biggest cock in video game history.
>no new healer
>changes to healers which left only absolute shitters and retards still wanting to play the jobs
>hurr durr why queues so long?
Vauthry-sama you need to pay for Real Lives's full version already.
You can always play healer.
>Protect was removed from healers and given to Gunbreaker.
Now that SCH is cucked what job am I supposed to play?
Are the changes to healers that bad? I get that SCH are mad to have their damage tools gutted, but what's wrong for AST and WHM?
I'm so use to the slow, boring shit from Stormblood that it feels weird to have cool shit going on already. The hub is way better than Rhalgr's Reach.
I HATE the new quest accepted jingle though. Its so ugly and obnoxious.
>alphinaud's crush on estinien
cute gay elf
>people are DDoSing
someone must have been super butthurt over the class changes
whm is able to spam holy near endlessly now
Alphinaud is STRAIGHT
>my otouto is looking up to my bro
Maximum wholesome
AST is back to HW numbers somehow and had their entire card system gutted
WHM was always brainless so it's actually ahead of the other two
I want to FUCK Alphinaud!
Everybody's playing.
is that the boy or girl?
FFXIV never gets DDoSed, it's the excuse they use every expansion when their servers go to shit
How do you guys stomach how slow the combat is?
The warrior changes are fucking amazing. The absolute perfect choices in how to fix the bloat and useless niche abilities. I still don't get wtf they were thinking with deliverance. That entire group of abilities was unusable outside of solo pve.
>yfw Viera Voice 7
Story's a 10/10 so far lads, just got to Il Mheg. I already care more for the people in the First than I ever did for Domans or Mhiggers.
>nerfed mechanics from other classes to make Dancer more attractive
im mad
Alphinaud has the left side earring, Alisae the right
>everyone playing instead of posting here
>everyone playing instead of watching others play
This isn't WoW nigger, there's more than an hour of content and people are actually in game
I'm posting since I'm at work, I was real tempted to call in sick but today is also payday and I needed to get my check anyway
Now I'm out of this thread to avoid spoilers
>card system gutted
Granted I never played AST outside of the unlock quest, but weren't they always fishing for the damage buff anyway?
Good for those who enjoy WHM, I guess
>healers gutted
fucking why why why who thought this was hard to play
you level past 50 when you start to get all of your class mechanics that are off of the gcd
melee dps before about 40 is mind numbing, after that it's unironically better than anything in wow
>new MGP hair is great
>can't use it on Viera
fuck sake
As someone who hasn't played since Heavensward, what did they do to scholars/healers that has made everyone so assblasted?
Reposting from the other thread (OP put XIV or shadowbringers in the OP, jesus)
Let's try this again. Is MCH fun/not clunky for once? Bored of most jobs and my main
Remember when Yea Forums said enemies will hit harder in shadowbringers
Fat cat woman pls stop posting
One damage spell one dot. Fairy doesn't exist anymore.
Once you level up, you get new skills, some of which are outside of the gcd. Once you've got your full rotation, it's actually fun and requires more apm than other mmos
Every single healer is now a dot plus single nuke spamming machine, and with a shit ton of their damaging skills removed. Rather than make the content demand more healing so healers actually heal more, they decided to just prune their dps instead
There will always be bootlickers on Yea Forums. I'm too lazy to compile an image of all the people that said the healer changes were to prepare for more damage.
>ast cards behave like infusions/potions instead of abilities and can't be buffered or used for a short delay after every cast
>you need to use them 3 times a minute
Literally who playtested this? It's fucking horrible.
Guys seriously how do I play this game? Last time I tried it said I need some kind of license. Where do you go to play this game? Steam or official website?
Why the fuck did they ruin SCH even further? What the fuck are these skills even? My DPS rotation is literally two fucking skills, one of which only needs to be applied every 30 seconds and they actually just DELETED Selene entirely.
What the fuck is Yoshi smoking? Did he actually look at WoW Cata and think "yup, this is what I want to work towards, dumb down everything"
First cleric stance, now this? The class does't even have fucking BANE anymore.
Wait, you have to pay separately for a story skip AND level boost? Holy fuck these games are a scam.
In the dungeons they absolutely do. Are you judging shit off overworld mobs?
So healers take even longer to solo level up?
They dumbed down both healers and tanks. I don't even know why.
Story is pretty good. Gunbreaker plays super smoothly.
The homogenisation of tanks is criminal though. They all feel so GODAMN samey. They all basically have the same aoe rotation
Same people that though 3.0 AST or 4.0 SCH were acceptable
Agreed. After the second quest all I could think was that I’m gonna have to listen to it for two years.
Not really, the overall potencies were just shifted around, but you're literally doing the same thing from when you start the game to all the way to the endgame, applying a dot and spamming a single skill
They buffed the damage, the issue is that it's pretty annoying to always spam one spell a reapply one dot
>hurr my bane
>gets the strongest aoe skill of the 3 healers
Shut the fuck up.
I hope DPSfags like long queues, Healers are going to switch or stop playing.
Do gunbreaker have an aoe cartridge spender?
>Hurrrr strenght is all that matters durrrr
Bet you're a faggot that would kill to just have everything be one button, but for most non-retarded people "spam this button" is really fucking boring.
When did this game become the echo chamber and safe space for degenerate trannies and furries
Delete your character and never play scholar ever again.
Scholar hasn't been this good and APMy since fucking ARR.
How are the tank samey? And no, aoe rotation isn't a valid argument when it's a basic combo with a few cds for most of the classes already
I mean that's literally me right now. Played nothing but healer since ARR and now I just did the first dungeon and I'm fucking done. It's so fucking boring, literally 70% of the time I'm just chaincasting broil.
That's a /vg/ question.
>it's strong so it's fine
This argument is used so fucking often, the average IQ in these threads has to be below room temp.
>weren't they always fishing for the damage buff
Except they still nerfed all of the cards to be worse balances, and no longer have Ewers for themselves, Bole for retarded tanks, Spires for the DPS that are actually AOEing, and Spear/Arrow for BRD/BLM
While, admittedly, two of those interactions no longer exist/matter they also lost the ability to augment cards, hold cards, or dump useless ones with minor arcana.
Maybe you should heal
How long till this becomes the new place to be for Balmung and Mateus?
Broil is shit if there's more than two enemies out, which there are.
Define good you retarded tubro nigger
>hurrr it mean my numa go beeg
Fuck off retard.
Fuck off, you have one action to spam and one dot to keep up, maybe the occasional heal to cast if your tank is trash.
Yeah, output-wise I don't think there's much difference, they just kinda neutered any flavor it had (clutch ewers saving your oom self or co-healer, enhanced arrows to make people sanic, spires on the war in low dungeons, etc.).
I'm hoping it's an honest mistake and not an intrinsic quirk of how they did the new 'play' ability (user macros also behave like this), cause it's actually awful and makes me not even want to bother using cards in combat. There's a bug with seals from cards not applying, too, though that one seems to have gotten some attention at least.
Spire would have been worthless now anyway
>that Alisaie questline
Yoshi-p is fucking brutal.
They all play as
>Throw range attack for agro
>Do 3 hit rotation for resource generation
>Spend resource on bigger attacks
>Make sure to use mitigation
If 3 or more enemies then use aoe rotation with no end
It was one of the two interactions that I was referring to, BRD procs don't scale off of crit anymore either
You get a 385 weapon and gear once you reach the crystallium
Heal what? Non-existent damage? The only thing more boring than spamming broil between heals is doing literally fuck all between heals.
But wait, what a brilliant idea, let me just not cast half my spells and only use psychic to heal people to make things more exciting! Woah!
Make the game fucking harder and he will need to heal.
>Keep removing skills from the game
>Summoners still have Physick
This bait was poor form, I'm sorry for your loss SCHbros.
>a "dark night"
Why didn't you bitch when the they buffed indom to 500 trivalizing SCH healing? You could've used the same argument "I want to use succor > indom and not just rely on indom to heal content".
Oh wait, I know. It was a buff that's why you didn't bitch.
Everyone is leveling the new and reworked classes or doing the story quests. That takes a while even if you're a NEET.
Don't be, I'm just switching to SMN, clog up the queues even more until everyone just defaults to NPC parties.
The beginning was really good
The entire faerie zone was complete shit, what the fuck was that godawful trash
Also, why the FUCK are people so awful. Wiped to Titania because of low DPS, so I check people's gear and everyone has no fucking gem slots and there even was one dude with like all 380 gear despite the MSQ giving you basically all 395 gear and the dungeon giving you at least 400 or two at that point.
Hopefully it goes back to being good. God that whole faerie zone was trash.
Jokes on you, I've been bitching about indom for a long ass time now. Got anything else to say retard-kun?
>that battle music
Any Vierafags here? Did you try previewing many hats/helms? Wondering if they atleast made AF gear work.
Anyway to mod the game so the quest jingle doesn't play? This theme is so bad its detracting from my enjoyment. Seriously, all the music has great so far and then you have this hideous guitar rift that feels sarcastic.
I'm the type that wants HW cleric stance back. No need to assume.
You don't think you're oversimplifying it a bit? What do you miss from 4.0 that isn't another "bigger attack" or the fucking aggro combo that you used once in a fight? I'm legit curious as I plan to level the tanks I'm missing
Faerie zone is this expansions Azim Steppe?
>he actually thinks steppe was worse than ruby sea
>the dungeon's boss theme kicks in
way fucking worse
on the level of the moogle shithole from heavensward, if not worse
also the zone and dungeon were so brightly colored they gave me eyestrain
Nobody has given me a satisfactory reason why protect was removed from healers
At least it wasn't as bad as moghome.
Except if you're not retarded, you're AOEing, and if you're AOEing, you're running out of mana, which means you have to manage that, which was always the core gameplay of scholar anyway, moreso than other healers.
Games get DDOS'd every day.
>They keep bring up how much she idolises the WoL
>Private moments and sideways glances galore
She's gonna fucking die, huh
None work
too busy playing BFA with my friends
how do I play this game
Do you guys actually care about the main story?
>mfw healers are selling queue skips for 300k on my server
>not retarded,
>and if you're AOEing, you're running out of mana
Pick one you double retard
>which means you have to manage that
By which you mean "use mana abilities on cooldown and stop spamming aoe at 10% mana"? Woah, how riveting! I am having so much fun playing this class man! So interactive!
Seriously dude stop pretending to be borderline braindead.
I'm glad i've only got matched up with bunny losers. You guys may be just as bad as every other race in this game. But you will never be as bad as a Hrothgar without a horn. I won't heal you, I won't buff you, I won't esuna you, I won't tank for you. A key part of Ronso is having a horn. No horn goatlings need to get off my game.
Of course I do
Anyone beat the main story yet
>healers have faster queue times than tanks
when did this happen?
>stuck in gpose at the end of the first dungeon because I wanted a screenshot of Alisae and Alphinaud
What the fuck do I do? What happens if you restart the client during a Trust run?
>thinking of comming back after 1 year of not playing
>wanted to main AST as before
>mfw these changes
the fuck is this? what can ast even do with cards now wtf
What else is there to care about? Dress-up dollies? Gear treadmill?
friend pressed me into getting this whats the easiest class for a beginner
How do I make ACT work?
blm or bard
is it bad that I got a bone during this?
Of course
When they made healers far more boring than tanks so nobody wants to play them.
White Mage
Archer's pretty easy don't have to worry about positionals or staying near the boss
what the fuck I wanted alph
By category : war, whm, drg, brd, blm.
since they added a new tank in this expansion and gutted every single healer dps to 121212 ad nauseam
Do what you must
I am overwhelmed with how much content this game has.
man healers got fucking gutted
Why should healers have a damage rotation that's more than 2 buttons? They're healers for a reason.
If I'm at 4.4 can I play the expansion If I purchase it now or do I have to wait?
please respond
Try actually playing the game and not just hammering one button, stormkiddie.
I thought trannyposters were just memeing and this game wasn't filled with trannies?
mediocre single target balance (6%)
slightly better but still mediocre single target balance with minor arcana (8%)
4 draws in a row
aoe 1/5th better balance (6%) with half the uptime every three minutes that demands you use your other cards on the right targets
>mfw doing seven Bloodspillers in a row
>Tfw just reached HW
Holy hell this is a massive step up compared to ARR
I dunno what you niggers are complaining about healers being braindead.
Playing my keyboard like a fucking chaos piano on scholar here.
Because SCH mains can't play a real dps class but they still want to feel big brain compared to WHM and AST.
If you can't follow the basic instructions the site gives you, you're probably bad at your job anyway
Not even that, it's 1111112111111211111121111112
I dont like this.
>Get dabbed on healers
>Better start acting like the heal sluts you are
>wft where are queues taking so looong :_:
>Decide to play AST
>Didn't look at the changes
>Should've looked at the change
>All my cards are gone
>No more Expanded Nalances in raids
>No more Enhanced Arrow on MNKs on a roll
>No more little extra oomphs from Lord/Lady Minor Arcanas
>Just damage buffs
What the FUCK happened?
>Queue's for WAR are taking a while because the market for Tanks are filled with all the new people playing GNB
>Healers are apparently a lot easier to play to the point of boredom
What the hell do I do
>>mfw doing seven Bloodspillers in a row
It's so fucking boring. I didn't pick this job up years ago just to be turned into a shittier and edgier WAR.
Fuck you cunt it was working a few months ago when I last played this game now I open it and it doesn't work.
>why should tanks have more than a single aoe and a ranged attack to draw aggro
SCH main here, fucking chuffed about the changes. It feels a whole lot smoother to play now, especially now that Recitation is in the picture.
Gunbreaker feels pretty fun to play, If only I could be fucked to level to 70 with it but I had more fun fucking around for an hour at 60 than I have leveling to 71 on my War.
I feel like the Warrior changes are nice and make sense, but the job now feels barren and braindead, hoping it improves a lot with the new abilities.
All tank abilities generate threat, not all healer abilities heals
Because this game never EVER dishes out so much damage that all the healing skills healers have are ever necessary, and since it's all come in predictable intervals why the fuck you ever just sit around and wait just to heal that?
no what nigger
What a remarkable suggestions. What do you suggest I do then? Ah I could make sure I keep up shadow fla-... oh wait... what about making sure my dots are always up optimally? No... that's just one cast every 30 seconds too... Hmm maybe focus on healing? Nah, you have nothing to do for over half the fight..... hmmm, so what did retard-kun actually mean here?
Oh? He was just running away from reality and making excuses like a retarded fanfuck? Woah!
What level are you?
>Tanks in general feel like they lost a lot of stuff and WAR specifically feels pretty barebones now. Its always been my main but it feels so lame to play now the the entire focus of the job is just FELL CLEAVE.
>DNC feels fun but is braindead to play so dunno if I'll stick with it once the novelty is gone
>MCH is fantastic, might as well be an entirely new class
>GNB feels like Samurai: the tank. Almost like a dps considering how many attacks they have
>SCH feels like a healer and not another dps
Haven't touched much else
>only reason I want to play is to make a viera
help. post your bunnies
whay should i do to lvl up GNB to 70?
It's alright at 60, I feel like it'll be better once you have Continuity. My main problem with it is I can't fucking hear its attacks like I can every other tank. The whole job is really quiet and lacks impact for a thing all about an exploding gun.
Is AST still fun at least?
you can still make a GNB/DNC but you have to finish the stormblood content before you can go to any of the new areas
Nigger what the fuck are you even doing? Are your dps just getting hit by every aoe? There literally isn't that much damage to heal.
Why would you lie about this? Is your definition of "chaos piano" 5 apm or something?
If you liked AST before, don't do it. It's gimmick has been changed so drastically that it feels dirty to play as.
unironically PotD and do tribes while you queue for roulettes
because you only heal once every 10s so you spend most of your time doing nothing
You can't start the expansion msq or even go to the areas until you finish SB, but you could still unlock gnb and dnc if you want since they unlock in starter cities
I prepurchased shb but my client still says stormblood and the new races aren't available to me. How do I access shb?
Did you activate the code for it?
Ryne is cute, CUTE!!!
She's flying so many death flags, bros
Alphinaud being bullied by a girl, do not open.
Lynas voice actress is so shit. I don't even understand what her accent is supposed to be
It could be kinda fun still, but cards are all kinds of broken at the moment so it doesn't really play fluidly or reliably.
Have all the people shitposting about damage even done one of the new dungeons yet? I was ill 396 and getting chunked pretty hard just pulling two packs.
I kind of regret skipping all the story shit but too late to catch up now.
Is there ANY way to fix this "Unable to obtain character data" bullshit?
I've been doing the same shit for the past half hour with no differences. I fucking hate this shit.
>Want to play through MSQ as DRK to be thematically appropriate, also DRK is one of my favorite jobs
>But don’t want to waste those sweet sweet MSQ experience points on a tank job, and RDM is a dps and also one of my fav jobs
I’m have yet to start the ShB MSQ because I’ve been procrastinating due to job indecisiveness. I’m not exaggerating when I say that this is one of the hardest choices I’ve ever had to make.
lmao Asmon is that you? dont you have classic to be saving right now?
>they still haven't changed this
MSQ clockblocking you from expansions was the most retarded idea
Is Castrum Abania the best dungeon to spam at 70 to level or is one of the 70 dungeons actually worth doing?
new game +
Those assholes aren't releasing it until 5.1
Where do i activate it? I have the code but there is nowhere for me to input it. The game just fires up as stormblood.
Most people bitching have gone into the first dungeon and spammed one button and then compalined endlessly.
While I agree with you in theory most of the time the healer has a lot of downtime. They should give every healer tools to mitigate future damage that are less efficient than outright healing so they at least have something to do.
First overwatch, now xiv....what game is getting TANKED next?
We fucking told you, bro
We told you to go at your own pace. All you have after the story is grinding.
>no planned maintenance or emergency maintenance so far
I know the launch hasn't been perfect, but this is actually impressive.
Keeps retards that can't read out, hope it stays like that forever.
go on youtube and watch some hours of videos
>>they still haven't changed this
>MSQ clockblocking you from expansions was the most retarded idea
This is a final fantasy game nigger. Shit's always about the story.
you have to input it in mogstation
Maintenance for what if they're being ddos'd?
Plus servers are fine now.
So they seriously added ai party members so DPS babs can faceroll dungeons without queueing?
>tfw been playing since last month since I'm played wow and am not a big final fantasy story guy
>rushing to SHB exp
>skipping every cutscene
>skipping every text bullcrap
>almost done with STB exp
god I'm almost there bros I'll finally be playing alongside everyone else.
The email should point you to the parts of the lodestone/mogstation you need to go
Reassembled Drill feels so fucking busted, why does Wildfire even exist anymore if Drill's doing more damage than it, even without the buff?
Good job you are going to quit in 2 weeks when you learn what endgame actually is.
The MSQ is boring as hell.
Typically yes but ghimlyt has 370 drops if you're broke
There are youtube videos that sum up the important parts of the story
You need to run with players first and thancred doesn't do multi pulls.
>Limsa is a known hub of degeneracy and faggot RP
>make bizarro Limsa the seediest most decadent paradise ever
wew, I can already see the ERP in those showers on the base level
Get in the shower, stinky!
>all those 24man raids
>all those raids
>all those ex dungeons
>all those ex primals
>cool sideshit like golden saucer
oh I don't think I'll quit
Who's the cutie behing them?
You are a fuckhead. Go back to wow.
weak-ass bait
Idk if you're still here but you just need to be 60, own the expansion, and do the quest in Gridania (Near the Aetherite)
She is based and redpilled.
There are literal stripper poles in the upper floors
Is it worth switching from my cute catgirl to a cute bunnygirl? How are the animations?
Great its going to take my shitty internet fucking days just to download 4gb.
>Given a hefty double dose of SUFFERING before the xpac
>Force fed a bottle of DESPAIR at the start of the xpac
>They keep trying to make you believe she's going to die
>Alphinaud will die instead
>all the raen have been unimportant npcs
>all the xaela have been semi important
there a lot less of them though..
>own PS4 version
>want to finally buy PC version
>no fucking sales
>Constantly stuck in queue
Is it just me or did they lower the movespeed? i feel so much slower
>Base game is cheap as shit
>They gave away heavensward for free
Hyur brosss...
We going extinct..
if you're talking about mounted speed you move way slower until you unlock flying
What are riding maps for 500, Nashu
Oh no. Alisaie is 9S.
Where did this fanfic come from? I'm not even interested in the new expansion. Just thought there would be a 50% off sale.
im talking about all manner of movement, i just feel slower in general. like if it were a numbers thing they just changed it by one point.
>You're really thinking how much you want to **** WoL, aren't you?
>They gave away heavensward for free
why does everyone act like squeenix is HOLY SHIT FUCKING BASED for this? it comes with shb anyways
Then no, unless you normally played Ninja which has a built in 5 or 10% increased base movement speed
Is that a bad thing?
Gameplay is fast as fuck at high levels, it uses weaving abilities in between gcd instead of putting everything on the gcd like wow does, so for instance at level 70 dragoon rotations you have 2 combos on the gcd, and in between each move of those combos you will have to hit 1-3 other abilities, pretty much a series of buttons that acts like supports or extensions to your gcd combo, and in the end it’s pretty exhilarating because your just a storm of blood and Spears that shreds shit like a super saiyan, you even get color changing auras from blue to red to show when you are at max speed and damage
It’s way more complex and way faster than other mmos, but you won’t get there till at least level 60
SMN or DNC pick for me please
Night bros
Remember to kill all sin eaters
It's not fluid at all
>Didn't realize they took away TP until just now
WHM never needed to spam holy endlessly because the pull would die before the WHM ran out of mp.
Any other ninjas constantly fucking up the shadowfang combo now?
Bring Stormblood back fuck this edgy bullshit
it is literally shit. they took a page from wow and HOMOgenized the jobs.
its shit
Kill jester.
Are dancers shit? I've got a few dungeons as a GNB and we're killing shit so fucking slow. Is it just a case of the community being the usual trash that they are?
Machinist is the most fun class in the game by far now
We should all go back to WoW honestly.
no give me real edgy ff shit over that any day
What the hee-ho horny fucking hell is up with the voice of that fairy creature?
I want that thing to never ever speak again.
For what purpose though?
Warrior feels like it's officially in the cuckshed.
Im stuck in shisui with a voice 7 viera dancer that sounds like an 80 year old women getting fucked constantly and a warrior cat with the super high pitched voice. It's the most annoying shit I have ever heard since there voice plays every 2 seconds meanwhile me and the other dps are dead silent when we attack
>Do leveling roulette as WAR for Ifrit
>I have two (2) buttons to press
Aks me again in half a year.
I have to play through all of FF14 before I can play the addon.
Started a new Viera.
so physical classes can actually aoe for more than 5 seconds at a time
Someone spoil me on when I get to do the 71 dungeon. This shit is taking forever.
So what voice did you pick for your bunny?
Anything for my girl.
When do we get to kiss her already?
it's the first quest after completing both Alphinaud and Alisae's split quests
After alphinaud and alisaie join the party.
Is there any way to get character data when it says unable to obtain?
I just got home from work and I wanted to fantasia but it's not letting me. Is there a work around?
Reclaim the twins, and it's right after.
Mine was like that, but when I logged in it was fine.
Granted, I fanta'd before the big server meltdown.
ah there we go, thanks for the info!
shhhh. MCH is even shittier than before, wtf yoshi?!
It's almost inaudible, just the way I like it.
So just got into SB with my DRK and cleared the first dungeon, felt like I was taking more damage during pulls. Did I forget about a skill or am I only left with Rampart and Shadow Wall?
mods ruin everything
I was able to log in and pop my fantasia but I can't get my character data to load, therefore, it won't let me use it.
Is it better to just close it and relog after every attempt?
so is gunbreaker just keen edge -> brutal shell -> solid barrel -> gnashing fang -> savage claw -> wicked talon
I'm loving the expac so far, stories great, zones are great, though I have to stop every hour to jack off to all the cute girls.
Maybe. Or maybe waiting is really the only option.
But I guess the fanta won't be wasted until you can actually do the character change, so perhaps you won't lose it.
>all the cute girls
I'm not sure you're playing FFXIV, bro.
>log in
>viera trannies fucking everywhere
tranny cesspool
>popular new thing is popular
t. femroe who thinks playing a race nobody plays gives him a footlong e-peen
>he didn't log out in an unclogged server
How does it compare with Ishgard and HW?
I'm so sorry.
have sex and dilate
Blackest Night ya simp
Wait, would i be able to log back in, world transfer, and then go to a dead server to fantasia?
would that give her smile back?
>character raising that fucking many red flags
>not expecting her to be used for emotional impact
So how the fuck do you play new machinist? Do you just spam heat blast and gauss/ricochet for every overheat?
As I said I just got into the first SB dungeon, so I'm still 62 level.
This part caught me off gaurd so hard, really helped mold that "Light is as bad if not worse then darkness" narrative, shit reminded me of some eldritch horror type shit.
people please stop posting this horrific spoiler junji ito shit. I'll have you know there are probably sprouts in this thread at this very moment. have a little respect.
Fuck the game. Someone post the new music.
it's alright
twitch is actually dying, watching people play video games isnt trendy anymore
who cares, she was a fucking rat who was about to poison and kill a young boy
>WHM main
>Healer changes made my job even easier
>Instant queues all day every day
What do you think?
If you're high ping you need to dump ricochet/gauss before Hypercharge so you only have to weave in one gauss (once you get the trait that lets you stack 3)
Low ping you don't have to and can weave them between
Isn't much of the story in the inn book?
twitch viewers are 1/1 with playercount am i right fellow wowdrones
asmon said so anyway (not kidding)
Meanwhile I'm queuing as healer for ARR extremes because why not
So that's really all you do during every overheat?
That's pretty dull
it's retarded the way it works. i can't even reasonably suggest this game to my friends the msq is so boring 1-50.
Was shown on the trailer tho
I'm really hoping the whole expansion will be like this
Warrior main here; taking up drinking while i wait.
So the twins are legal now yeah?
Like they’ve been on the First for a year already, and they had to be like 17 by the end of SB since they were 16 in ARR.
really??? surprised I'm only seeing it now in that case.
They always been legal. This aint the US.
Based YoshiP dabbing on vierafags
So how’s it looking for tanks? I’m not able to plsy until Sunday. Are there just a shit ton of DRKs and GNBs running around everywhere like expected?
Do you need to get both of the twins before you can unlock the hunt board?
Well its bringing in more people than not, only thing that should be condensed is 2.x patch quests imo
would it be gay to cum in alphinauds ass
Wait why is she a kid now?
>getting real sick of this shit
It's defensives are shit though. They really need to lower Nebula and Camo's cooldown. They're fucking awful.
What the fuck?
is this ok?
She got vaporized in the void.
Do we know how much time has elapsed between each expansion?
How do I get good at tanking
Imagine asking how to get good at the easiest role in MMOs
They've always been legal. Teenagers are legal.
Is it a lalafel?
Yes. If you got money, if not just ask someone.
Are those euphemisms?
It's only okay if people actually pay it. If there's a market, it's okay to explore it.
The first time in years I felt genuinely sick to my stomach at a scene in a vidya. It's not particularly awful compared to things in other games, but XIV's cutscene animations are normally so limited and tame it completely caught me off guard. I was expecting a poof of smoke and then there'd be a sin eater standing where she was, but instead her whole fucking face started melting from her eye sockets instead accompanied by hellish screaming.
I don't know. Everytime I multi pull I'm on the verge of dying.
Why can't I make a new character in any of the servers but 2?
They turn off the ability to make new characters when the servers are full. You only hope at getting on one of the bigger servers is to make a character in the middle of the night.
Every play Gunbreaker yet? Is it fun?
We won
WoW refugees clogging up the servers
Is PLD the only tank NOT gutted?
Also how is WHM this expansion?
>Also how is WHM this expansion?
how do we solve the cunny-stealer issue?
unironically the most fun healer now, though that isn't saying much
I'm gonna main dancer as a rhothgar in slutty glamour and there's nothing you can do to stop me
Someone please tell me how interactive/fun scholar is. I'm retiring as an AST and got no replies this morning. I want to hexp lower your queue times but SE made AST trash to play
Thancred was alone with Minfillia for several years. do you ever think he ever smashed?
from what ive been reading is the shittiest healer
I'm still new...s-so where do i go to move or to see that new lily system to show up on my screen
I just did the 71 dungeon as SCH with my friends. I just want Energy Drain back so bad, Yea Forumsros... Even when I'm liberally spamming Excog and Sacred Soil I still have plenty of moments with extra Aetherflow, and with AoE being so common in dungeons I could use the extra MP from ED too to fuel more Art of War. You need zero MP to heal as Scholar now anyway, just let me at least have some damage. Increase single target MP costs if you must.
Are irregular tomestones gone? They damn sure don't appear in duty finder. I almost had 50...
Oi oi oi...
>AST and SCH gutted
>whm is the only one okay, but leveling is a pain in the ass
Maybe they'll fix ast
>Haha dude nothing in this game will ever be creepier than tam-tara hard
Did anyone take a screencap of their char is absolute despair when they saw a tomestone on the First?
Yeah that ended when 5.0 hit
Based retard
Male characters should not be allowed to be DNC
How are people already level 73+? Fucking disgusting.
Are they trying to attend trannies done quick next year, or for what exact reason are they skipping the story in a story based MMO?
Tam-tara Extreme when?
Every fucking day.
If we don’t get some good doujins of loli Minfilia I will be very disappointed in Japan.
no, ffxiv is just a fucking bore to watch. also all the streamers at the moment are shit
>Adventurer in need (healer)
>Adventurer in need (healer)
>Adventurer in need (healer)
I'm from the future. In the next expansion, which will be called FFXIV: Battle for Eorzea, a new healer called chemist is getting added and all healers are getting nothing but dps skills. Just call it a hunch.
I want Thancred to pat my head!
>The Crystarium night theme
>AST is just heal and throw cards out at random because fuck remembering shit like arrow = melee and spear = ranged.
I fucking hate it.
They'll probably revert half the healer changes while keeping AST locked up in the doghouse until GEO or CHM are confirmed
>start just before expansion
>get Paladin to 40
>expansion drops and everything has changed before I even got to grips with the class properly
Guess I'll grab that potion and jump on the GNB bandwagon l.
>all healers are getting nothing but dps skills
given just how many fucking healing abilities they all have now this wouldn't surprise me.
>shit voice
>no helmets
How bad can they get?
do NOT do that
Take the Holy pill, lad
We know you love GCDs anyways
Whats the new rotation for smn? I always forget to energy drain
so is there any footage of the final boss yet
>tfw midlander male and don't have to put up with this shit
what are the best dungeons to practice in for tanking
la la la la
They should've made a simple mode for morons that can't adjust to the tools they're given. The changes kill the identity of the class
Why is the rest in my XP bar orange instead of blue now?
Any of them
B-b-but I want new and shiny!
When do I get the quest for whatever is the best relic version right now?
Does anyone have anything positive to say about SCH or AST?
Because you ran out of rested exp.
>literally just throwing out soil randomly and excog on CD just so I'm not sitting on stacks when aetherflow is of CD on SCH
Fucking Christ I thought it wouldn't be so bad but I just can't be doing this. RIP in peace SCH i stuck with it since 2.0 even during SB release but this is something else
Or AST, for that matter.
Art of War is kind of nice I guess.
After doing Titania normal I can already tell that extreme is going to be a nightmare to pug.
At level 70. But the current best relic is worse than leveling gear.
Relics are never significantly better than anything else, you should only get them if you genuinely enjoy grinding
Speaking of funny faces, why did the WoL have that dejected look on them for a moment when first reuniting and talking with Alphinaud? The English dialogue didn't really seem to indicate any big reason.
>Just beat Titania
>WoL is going to go balls deep in giant Pixy cunt
So, the fumanchu dude is the endboss, right?
>expansion drops and everything has changed before I even got to grips with the class properly
Same here (DRK) but I prefer it this way desu. I'd be harder to drop old habits if I fully leveled and got used to old DRK.
>queues are over 1000 players atm
transferring to gilgamesh was a mistake. Crystal is the only DC with preferred worlds for free server transfer, how is crystal? Since its stuck with balmung does that mean that any DF parties are going to be full of insufferable fags?
Why did they name a chinese martial arts master Ranjid? That's an Indian name.
>dancer dancing
I got this game after countless shilling for it. But I gotta ask, is everyone who plays this game mentally ill?
Prove it
The First doesn't have either China or India
Also that annoying sound (tambourine?), was In a party with 2 DNCs and I hated every moment.
Why don't they just give SCH and WHM enemy debuffs/party buffs instead of neutering AST to be a garbage healer with even less dps than before because it has (now also completely flavorless damage only) buffs?
Yes. MMOs are the mental ward.
every job feels like playing a capped 50 from stormblood. Why did they do this
I have rest idiot, I'm not talking about the default bar background color
It's orange instead of blue now
How would you know? %90 of the world is covered by crystalized light. Maybe somewhere below the lightcap lies China?
Anything blatant that is going to get nerfed or patched?
Why did they dumb down the jobs so much?
Stone vigil.
He's a master of kung-poo
As a healer who primarily used WHM, SCH and AST being absolutely shredded now validates my choice of class to invest more on.
Thats not so bad. I really so think they need to lower the rate of voices tho. Thank god they actually vary
Some games have voices tied to skills witha 100% activation and its awful every time
>finally take a break to nap
>wake up
>try to login
>1500 queue still
The villain being an alpha male martial artist really just shows how much monk fucking sucks.
SCH was some of the most fun I have ever had with a healer in a MMO and they fucking GUTTED IT INTO A WORTHLESS PILE OF TRASH
t. healer main
>pander to casuals
>they whine more
>pander even more
it's what happens
I feel dejected the exarch guy got to see Alisaie and Y’shtola naked.
If something is extremely aggravating they usually patch it out very quick.
MNK's Form Shift and Chakra skills had insanely annoying SFX at launch. It was hotfixed in less than a month, I think.
So I don't have a level 70, but if I buy Shadowbringers right now will I be able to make a viera?
Good point
Yeah, you should make a Hrothgar instead though
Are we alive yet?
You said this last expac!
DO NOT DO THIS, they mosey when they run! Also the armor clipping is horrible.
They always fuck up the last expansions max level rotations because now it's balance around the new max level, it's literally happened 3 times now.
>humans with cat ears
>humans with horns
>humans with bunny ears
>big humans
>small humans
>humans with pointy ears
nice playable race selection.
Smol Minfilia good
You make a a non ugly final Fantasy race then !