Stylish eSpers Shooting Sports

S4 League time, niggers. The room is up.

No account. You download the game, create your account when you first log-in then it's done. If you love third person shooters, skimpy anime outfits and have a try anons.

Room you're looking for to play with Yea Forums is :
Password : RAGE

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I remember this game! There was a hacker in almost every game, hell, i once saw two hackers go up against eachother. It turned into something like a stage hazard since the two hackers were moving around like a tornado of instant death for anyone that came close but never stopped going after eachother. It was pretty cool all things considered. Can't join right now tho cuz its like 12 am

>There was a hacker in almost every game
Don't worry, you won't find any since this is a private server with a sadly quite low population - no interest for the griefers or cheaters to ruin things up. Still they made for good memories
>Can't join right now tho cuz its like 12 am
It is for me as well, but it's the weekend as I don't have to work tomorrow, at least not yet. A shame you can't join, and thanks for the bump.

To update on the pitiable room status, I'm still alone 1/12 doing jumps on various TD maps.

Dead game

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And now I've lost all hope, since the tranny room is full. It seems that S4 League is fucking dead on Yea Forums now

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Actually no I haven't given up, the room is now 2/12 and we're practicing our anime sword man skills with the plasma sword. J-O-I-N fucking niggers

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Still 2/12?

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Sadly, yes. Enjoying comfy PS duels

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>still no update
Don't wake me up

Still enjoying the sword only duels with a lot of body contact, 2/12.

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I thought it As supposed to happen during March

Would love to but I don't play on this server and I don't have time to download it today.

It was supposed to happen yesterday for p34 implementation, fixing breaker and katana and a few others. July 2nd or 3rd would mark the end of exam season for the main developer and season 8 would follow up soon enough after that.

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>July 2nd or 3rd
Fuck, I'll be working and probably be too tired to play from then, except on the week ends

story of my life


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Are you guys still playing? I feel like playing AoE2 but I can join you guys for a spell.

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Yes 4/12

Why are they updating it to season 8 anyway? Aren't most newer weapons broken or unfun to play against? What do we gain from it?

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Ah yes, I also enjoy Battle Royale.

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To update on the room status, the room is in a zombified/undead state as we're about to begin a BR on Temple-O.
We're 4/12, make me regain hope anons. Join

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>What do we gain from it?
Stability, supposedly new game modes and a good game mode like Captain.
>most newer weapons broken or unfun
They can always neglect some of the newer weapons. I like the concept of the rescue gun but it renders mind energy useless and it is either completely useless or outright broken tournament material.

The miracle actually happened against all of, Bern actually is a great witch and gave us the opportunity to play TD.
We're 8/12 on station 2

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DM mode killed two gays touchdownies we're now 8/12 but it's rumored they'll come back

Still 8/12 on nightmare. Join

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Admin here. Your game is shit. Also I'm removing smash rifle

my dad owns s4 max too

Keep crying over smash centrifuge
Also we still 8/12, about to start a touchdown on Neo-wonder.

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>implying anyone will play the new game modes

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We're 10/12

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Old-school 10/12 bump

It all comes tumbling down. Nice games for tonight eSpers

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dead room
thanks queas you homo