Retail vs Classic

While I'm sure that most will say that Classic is better, I still want to hear from this board as to why they think one is superior than the other.

Attached: Fookin dwarf, mate.jpg (1280x720, 138K)

soulless vs soul

They both have things that the other doesnt. Some would consider not all specs being "viable" to be bad.


I don't think classic is better. Retail has seven expansions of content over classic. Why would I want to go backwards to when the game was poorly optimized, ugly, and grindy as all hell?

I can't stand the new models. They are so cartoony and shit that I can't enjoy the game. I also hate the new animations.

That alone makes classic better for me, and classic is by far one of my least favorite expansions.

>retail vs classic

they're both retail

dead game

So high poly models are bad and cartoonish, but blocky, fuzzy, and malproportioned models are good?

Attached: 61.png (800x600, 162K)

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Both are absolute shit.

They are incomparable. Completely different games.

have you played retail recently?
the current 'content' is world quests, dailies, and regular quests timegated behind dailies

I masturbate daily to the thought of blizzard going bankrupt

nothing you do in retail is accomplishing in the slightest except perhaps for mythic raiding, even then the gear is irrelevant a month after you finally clear the raid.

Attached: 1528671310212.gif (275x187, 1.1M)

Whereas classic "content" is farming, grinding, and more farming.
The only difference is that classic is friendlier to losers without a life since they can poopsock 20 hours a day

Can't you just turn the new models off in retail?

you can do it in your own pace
dailies/wqs remove player agency and control over your own progression


Classic has a community and RPG elements. Modern WoW took out too much of the RPG and the community is shit. I think I only made friends and interacted with a single group of people through the entirety of Legion but it sucked dick because we were all on different servers.

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>nu-dwarf is a manlet even by dwarf standards
brava blizard

Not anymore, they took it away.

>kill a boss in mc with four afks
What a joke

user you only ever play the current patch.
How the fuck does retail have ANY expansions worth of content?
Zerging a few dungeons on the grind to max level?
Classic is an mmo rpg, retail is some kind of single player game with optional multiplayer.

Old models felt grounded to the world. Animations were stiff, but felt right.

New models/animations feel like I'm playing some Saturday morning cartoon simulator. It's garbage. Stop using reaction images too, you underage faggot.

>wc3 art direction vs nublizz disney shit

Retail is good if all you care about is raiding. The raid encounters are top notch as far as I know. However everything else is garbage. Don't know about arenas, but they were always minigames in my mind.
Classic excels at world building and class fantasy. However, PvE leaves a lot to be desired and until AQ is braindead. PvP is a shitshow that rewards time investment and nothing else.

>sd textures evil
>hd textures good

Had a community, you mean
Classic's "community" is a swarm of faggots sucking asmongold's dick

You can never go back to the way things were

You can grind and farm at whatever speed you have time for, retail dailies take a hour or two if you are slow, and then the timegates hit you in the face and you have jack shit to do.

this. the wod reworks are way too cartoony even for wow

Why don't you play something else

classic WoW isn't better, WoW in general is hot garbage stop beating this dead horse.

Yea Forums has for a long time equated qol features with casualization which they feel is part and parcel with a bad game. yet all the idiots on here who claimed for years they wanted to play vanilla have already been having serious discussions about which qol feature they'd like to see added. qol features aren't necessarily a bad thing, and Yea Forums has always been wrong that simply making things less tedious is casual and bad, but the direct contradictions present in every thread about classic WoW make me wish I could gas every single one of you room temp IQ morons.

Classic had better writing, better quests (brainlets would say but it's just fetch quests and kill X quests! but it's all about the context and the reasons behind doing what you're doing that matter).

Old: Soulless
New: Soulful

Attached: Soul.jpg (1920x1080, 675K)

Whatever side of the fence you're sitting on, Dwarves look infinitely beter in Retail. Anyone who says otherwise is just deluding themselves.

I too love my character bouncing like he is on trampoline while he is running.
New models have a lot of issues like that, human males run like they got metal rod up their ass. Gnomes have retarded faces while casting, human females suffer from sameface. Not sure about the rest.

You may not like it, but this is what peak dwarf performance looks like.

Attached: 9281tqqdc6w11.jpg (888x547, 79K)

Oh don't give my that crap, Vanilla had its share of awful animations too. The only models that ad good running, melee and casting animations across the board were female NEs, male humans and male orcs. I couldn't stand to watch any other character model for all the hours I'm too embarrassed to admit I played back in the day.

I like the new retail graphics and classic's gameplay.

found the guy who's going to enjoy blizzard's classic client the most

Classic doesn't have retail graphics though. Only the same engine.

the retail version actually looks soulless, christ

Most of Wow's charm came from it's community. Not the game itself, which was casualised swill even in the beginning compared to proper sandbox MMOs like Star Wars Galaxies. And then they turned SWG into casual swill too,

The fundamental design of classic is best, but it is still flawed greatly. Every tank needs to be able to have threat generation, so right off the bat tanks in classic are way shittier. Also, quests are even worse in vanilla, the only reason they're better in retail is because they're quicker
Retail understands that every class needs to be viable, but doesn't understand that each class shouldn't be able to do everything. We need class-locked professions and reason to do them, more diverse classes and simultaneously more cohesive specs within them, less time-gating, better reputation rewards, talent trees, more fucking ranged classes, ascendancy-style rewards for classes, and reasons to do old content. The game is totally fucked right now, but someday I hope we get a new game that has the design philosophy of classic with the more nuanced game design perspective of retail.
Also give me some body types for fuck's sake I can't believe that locked fat chicks behind a rep gate
