Look, I understand you’re not supposed to expect a handheld to perform like a home system, but sub-HD resolutions...

Look, I understand you’re not supposed to expect a handheld to perform like a home system, but sub-HD resolutions, low res audio, 30 fps, ultra long load times (what happened to the “carts will assure almost zero load times for games when compared to blu rays” argument used before Switch’s launch anyway?) in 2019 is just not acceptable, unless you’re not asking for $60.

There is absolutely no reason Switch versions of multiplat games should cost the same as other versions. These titles should be capped at $40 max on the Switch, like handheld games used to, these prices are absurd.

Attached: 8797727F-9128-45E0-B7AE-B5A11CD489DB.jpg (2036x994, 1.43M)

Other urls found in this thread:


The game has horrid loading times on all platforms, and in fact takes longer to load on XboneX than it does on Switch for some reason.
Also that's handheld, native 720p in docked.

>current year
ya switch games should be forty and under

You do realize nobody buys Switch for purely docked play right?
It's a handheld with a TV out.

This is literally the resolution of a 3DS using it's 3d mode.

720p is HD, you should have said sub-1080p from the start so you wouldn't end up moving goalposts

Some """"people"""" do but they aren't going to live past 30 due to severe mental retardation.

Please don't post because you are literally retarded

>These titles should be capped at $40 max on the Switch

CTRNF is $40.

Attached: 1475534144615.png (598x525, 424K)

He'll move goalposts again

>Play on a CRT Monitor
>480p looks clean
How pathetic can inceLEDs be


>Current year

O... Oh wait.....

>854x480 is literally 800x240

You're literally retarded. Literally.

>people are defending 480p
Please, PLEASE just be falseflaggers.

3DS games were $40

Hackers have the game running at 720p in handheld mode. Switch is capable of so much more but Nintendo have the thing tuned the fuck down.

And soon they'll sell you a Pro Switch with the EXACT SAME SPECS for another $300 just not downclocked this time. What a fucking joke.

Youre retarded, only horizontal resolution is double for 3d

it is lower res than the vita though which is hilarious

>consolefags bitching about graphics


We've been talking about it being 480p for over a week now in handheld.

You'd know this has you actually cared about Crash Kart or the Switch

Oh..... Oh wait.... You're a fucking faggot fanboy that screenshots Digital foundry videos of switch games and shitposts. That's literally it. That's all you do.

lol consolefags being retarded as usual

Barely any Vita games ran at native resolution either though.

Have sex. Like, seriously, have sex.

Though there are some that ran below it, most ran at its native res.

>more memeretardation

>"retard! r-r-r-retard!"

I play my Switch daily but there hasn't been a game yet that I've been satisfied paying $60 for. Smash was soulless, Bayo1+2 pack was a shitty DMC1/DmC imitation, XC2 was cringe incarnate, etc.

All that elicits nowadays is a shrug. I never buy the Switch version of a multiplat for anything unless it's something like Stardew Valley or a former Wii U or 3DS exclusive.

>buying ports in the first place

Ahaha so retarded.


XC2 was cringe?

wait ctr costs 60$ for switch?
its 40 on ps4

have sex and cope

Get a life and new material nerd

Attached: Screenshot_2017-06-01-17-05-37-1.png (592x558, 251K)

Phonefag can't cope? Explains it all.

As in Xenoblade Chronicles 2? Yes, very.

>people bitching about nintendo consoles being underpowered

welcome to 2006, retards

console games are all too expensive though

>he turns on his shitty pc to shitpost

Attached: Screenshot_2017-09-12-17-27-21-1.png (184x64, 4K)

oof look at this guy not coping

lol grasping at straws

Attached: Screenshot_2017-09-25-12-08-22-1.png (355x360, 172K)

You ran out of arguments and got mad about filenames?
Bitch please

>what happened to the “carts will assure almost zero load times for games when compared to blu rays” argument used before Switch’s launch anyway?
It's actually offering great load times considering the compression. The bluray discs have the games uncompressed and only outperform Switch slightly, which has 6gb of assets to decompress.

It's $40 on all platforms

It's tuned down for battery life, user.
You can force a lot of games to run better with CFW, but battery life goes down hard.

Meanwhile, mario kart runs at 60FPS/1080p on the same system.

And looks 4 times worse, has no AO, among other things

The game is $40 on Switch, you retard.
The Nitros Oxide edition is $60.

I bought a Switch for exclusives and a few Jap games that aren't on PC (like Dragon Quest Builders 1/2).
Everything else I just get on PC since I'm not retarded.

>Ambient Occlusion
So they used pointless shit instead of making it run better?

>actually being a retard that thinks graphics are better than framerate