Some of You Guys are Alright, Don't go to School Tomorrow

Some of You Guys are Alright, Don't go to School Tomorrow

Attached: angryjosé.png (582x638, 366K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Dont worry, I'm home alone and horny and mad about it, purge thos shit world please.

isn't he a liberal?

Trump was right, these illegal mexicans are arming themselves

>in Texas

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definitely airsoft

When did he get based?
Is he truly Angry now?

what is dallas, houston, austin, etc etc

gunlet here, it's a toy or a real gun?

You're the epitome of what makes this site fucking shit now, you probably came here in 2016 you cuck.



check my beretta 92a1 though

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>Don't go to School Tomorrow
It'll be Saturday tomorrow so okay

someone's never been in Austin

He's a liberal who likes guns

>makes a video shitting on "SJWs"
>now this
Is he trying to rebuild his dudebro cred or what?
I'd welcome this Jose over whatever the fuck he's been for the past few years any time tbн

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Is that picture recent? He doesnt look that fat at all

You have the hands of someone who lives in the netherlands


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>Joe Vargas
I swear that guy used to go by a different name. What did they call him Yea Forums?

he posted that 20 min ago

Or has he, dareisay, taken the red pill?

He even looks like he lost some weight. I'm thinkin hes back

You can be liberal and still like guns, you aren't restricted to every single point on the side you are on.

Fucking Americans and their disturbing fetish for guns. How can you actually live in a country where any crazy person off the street can buy a firearm?

The country I live in has literally less than 50 gun deaths a year. Feels good to be safe.

Texas will be blue within a decade thanks to white flight from californistan.

Reminder that that's not trigger discipline his finders are just too fat to pull it

Lmao, it doesn't even have bullets in it

2.5/10 bait

nice you put the gun on your girlfriend's leg?

it's 2019, gtfo of your basement

Is that shit shoped? Compare it to

Enrique got a little too Enraged

t.peak npc

>The country I live in
LMAO, bitch ass too embarrassed to even name the country

>Muh identity politics
Fuck off braincel

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who goes to school in june

The foundation of fucking Marxism is that disarming the proletariat is bad. Any good liberal wants lots of guns, it's just neolib shits that take hating the NRA too far that hate all guns.

>a fucking watch in 2019

fuck is this reddit shit

No. They banged a lot.

i really wish 2016 squatters like you would just die already

no but i'm about to put it on you're mom head once she's done with my special package if you catch my tokyo drift

you should seriously go to the gym a bit more if you don't want to be called a twink, I mean you already have a faggot gun

Kill them all Joe.

there is trigger discipline and then there is, what is this, hover handing a gun?

Not every liberal hates guns dumbass.

>you should seriously go to the gym
>if you don't want to be called a twink
who cares
>faggot gun
nogunz detected

lifting is a manlet cope. get taller


Nice. Have you shot the 92FS before? It's one of my favorites to shoot, right behind the CZ 75BD. Both of these guns fit like a glove when you hold them.

is it cold where you are, user?

wew libs are mad :^)

not him but why are you so insecure in other peoples choice of accessories?

maybe he does time sensitive stuff user :)

Texas has the Southern equivalent of New England's "Leafer" problem, where assholes from super urbanized areas who haven't seen nature that wasn't in a zoo or a YouTube video feel the unnecessary urge to flock to places that aren't 100% concrete jungle and either tour there for too fucking long or just move in and waste space.

baby gun for soft baby hands

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I know this is going to sound obvious, but fuck does he look like a fat mexican.

>check the tweet
>It's airsoft
mystery solved

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>The foundation of fucking Marxism is
reeeeing that there's not enough bread for poor people in intra-industrial Europe. Marx may have thought that the proles should stay armed, but it was also only the proles who supported his cucked theories.

>liberalize guns

I think I saw Mad Martinez shoot that MP5k and it was a real gun, full-auto and all that.

Check out my P226 X-Six though

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Yes. The 92 famility are all amazing guns. I'm just bothered by the plastic guide rod so i ordered a steel one for replacement.

Good thing you own a gun, judging by your wrist and leg even a teenager could overpower and rape you


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>early days of rainbow six

Means Vegas doesn't he?

did he lose weight?

nice p226 my lad
sometimes, but it's not a cold country
>m-muh hands
The hands of a 6'4 aryan male. All in all it doesn't matter as long as you can grip the gun like you should and squeeze that trigger in a smooth and linear motion. Which i do.

What's the patrician handgun to have /k/fags


Nah, faggots live everywhere.

Mad Miguel

Mad you can't own gun in your EU oligarchy, Ahmed ?

This is why wars aren't fought on American soil.

fake and gey. Angry Sanchez is Obese so the chink in the pic inst him

yeah, .45 will stop him

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nice, anyone else get the crate of sks

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I hate the new stormtrooper weapons in Disney’s trilogy. They look like fucking toys.

based pro 2nd amendment gamer


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They're cool

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If you weren't a liberal arts major you could at least appreciate the engineering behind guns

Fuck, i just rewatched terminator 2.

point it at your head and pull the trigger

now now, projectimg your insecurity about your penis size won't make it grow

oh baby

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>some retards are mad citizens own guns
>they aren't mad about cops owning guns

Fucking retards. If you knew how untrained cops are you would be glad some trained citizens are able to carry in your shitty countries.

Sig P210

It honestly depends on what you´re buying the gun for though. If it´s supposed to be a gun I trust my life on, I´d pick a Glock, mine never failed me. But wouldn´t choose it for competitive shooting.

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I like guns like some people like cars. What's wrong with that?

>waa im broke gib mone pls
>oh btw check out the $2000 rig alien ware gave me and by $2700 gun

Just did it. It went click and nothing else. Most likely because a bullet wasn't chambered you monumental imbecile of a nogunz. Now go outside and pray Allah that you don't get flattened by a Twingo.

Based P210 bro. My next purchase after my 92A1 for sure. My store got like 40 different P210, some of them are pretty much collector tier.

car is for transportation, gun are only design to kill. dumb analogy try again.

That would be because they are part of a toy line my dude

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Some liberals like guns. It's mostly progressives that want to remove everyone's right to defend themselves and their property. The two very often get conflated though so I get where you're coming from.

why is he afraid to touch it?

Pissed off Pedro

no no no!

Only the government police forces should be able to own firearms! - t . every euro and libtard

People really love to be ruled, nothing shows this more than gun talk.


It's a round you fucking imbecile, return your weapon at once and stop LARPing

didn't F:NV got a /k/ as fuck weapon system that was made by anti-gun liberals?

What if I have a big dick but really want to protect it

To be honest, I owned one for a year and sold it for a profit.I didn´t like how light it was compared to modern competition guns. The 210-6s rear-sight is also utter dogshit, at least mine was. It kept loosening one of the screws and your shots kept wandering, until the fucking thing snapped back and that tiny little ball-bearing fell out. Not a lot of fun trying to find that on the range. Not even loc-tite helped. Maybe I´ll buy another one down the line. A -2 or -4 with a fixed sight

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>spend years going to the gym
>still lose to a twink with a faggot gun

It can be dumb but thats just an opinion you also didn't answer his question so how about you try again

accessories are for women

what are you going to do with it, shoot a school?

ecelebs and politics? mods are killing it today

>i'm gonna show him by being pedantic !

I'm not an AmeriFAT, as you could tell by the picture, so i'm not used to your abomination of a language. Sorry for using the wrong word.

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Liberal and Marxist are mutually exclusive.


fun fact: antifa has killed more people than anyone on the right ever has in this country

I wish.

[citation needed]

cute feet, gaybro :3

>no giggle switch
He's in Texas so he must not have the money.

Thanks OwO

you buy more guns than the crazy guy, thats hows you live

>be mexican
>pose with a gun in a picture
It's like this idiot wants to get swatted. It'd be too easy.

I miss FPSRussian. RIP

Societies, cultures and norms are continuously changing and evolving, but God and His Word and the Spirit in the Word remain unchanged. When God specifically forbade homosexual activity and other sexual immorality, it wasn’t because He was unenlightened, naïve, or intolerant. The law was given because people had strayed from His original purpose and blessing. What was immoral by God’s standards then has not become moral today just because the majority tolerates and accepts it.

we're all liberals here laddie

AR Pistol with a brace

I got to fulfill a dream of mine and fire an MG42 the other week. Based Nevada not giving a fuck.

Braced AKs are fun too

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Did Furious Hernandez lose weight? Good for him I suppose.

why would an american mexican buy german weapons?
why isnt this on /k/?
my grandpappy was a based emu and left me his bren, been all over the pacific, removed a whole lot of japs. modern gun are for range shooting, classic guns are for showing off.

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reminder there is NOTHING more bootlicking or authority worshiping than saying the only people who can own firearms are government police and military

you're nothing more than low IQ cattle if you ever vote to give away your right to bear arms

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Assblasted Alejandro


besides if you knew how untrained police are you will ask yourself if YOU should not better be the one handing the firearm

I love owning guns. I don't want mentally ill people to own them. And yes I'm calling trannies mentally ill

California has much better nature and Texas land is 90% private, so if you don't know anyone you're pretty much limited to the fenceline on either side of the highway. What they like is low population density, taxes, cost of living and although they'll never be able to admit it, the lack of niggers (at least in austin).

>that was the bren gun

Deutsche Ingenieurskunst ist unübertroffen.

If you vote for the Democratic party you clearly dislike guns, no amount of denial will help you here.

Wait, wasn't he fat as fuck?

>full auto
Aren't those outlawed?

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Based spic. Fuck /pol/ and fuck resetrannies.

the only people that oppose gun ownership are cucks, pretty much authoritarian bootlickers who think big government will always protect them (either left or right wing), whereas reasonable right wing and left wing people realize that you deserve a right to defend yourself.

Imagine not owning guns.

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well hes a conservative nazi republican now

cringe, you deserve to get shot

Yea Forums - Video Games


for real dude, muscle mass is a thing and if you don't have the right amount of mass now it's going to crush you when you get old, make sure you can at least make 20 push up and 20 squats and run 1 mile easily, it's not much but it's better than nothing and you don't even need the gym for that

I vote democrat because I don't want the jews and already super wealthy to get even more tax breaks. I hate doing it, but it's slightly better to vote for the authoritarian left than the despotic right.

>What is Austin?
>What is San Antonio?
>What are parts of Dallas?

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Are depressed people mentally ill? What about people with Schizoid Personality Disorder?

You can't like guns if you don't like carnikcon.

Also didn't know Babish was /fit/.

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Perturbed Pablo

Newly manufactured full autos have been banned since 1986, so it's probably either fake or not actually owned by him but a range/dealer.

now you're bringing a legitimate argument i suppose

but then again i'm just tall (6'5) and skinny, nothing much, i do exercise on daily basis although i dislike lifting weights as a physical activity, it's boring as absolute shit

No and yes. That was pretty simple.

This. All you "I like guns, however..." faggots can die in a fire.


literally buy anything, having any gun is a good idea and theres no need to stop at one.
i can't even remember if i have 19 or 20 firearms at this point

Wait, you don't have to get some sort of background/mental soundness test before purchasing a firearm in America?

yes iam a trans male and my clit is literally a small dick

i had no idea he was so based. I won't watch anything but his cooking stuff though, and even then nothing from stupid shit like steven universe

enjoy your chinkshit off classic firearms

Depends on the state you live in.


Do you even fucking know what Schizoid Personality Disorder is? This is why I hate you "keep the guns from the mentally ill" fags, you don't even know what mentall illness is.

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These guns are either airsoft with the orange tips removed, range rentals, or he's lying. He cannot purchase or own any post 1986 fully automatic weapon.

Hothead Hernendez
Raging Rodriguez
Frustrated Fred

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>when you are a s oiman and need guns to compensate

is that really him? fucking based. I though that the fact of living in nyc, having a bycicle and some generic audi, he was just another delusional liberal. He never mentions politics tho...

>owning guns makes you a cool guy
unless you can deadlift 650lbs you're a woman and no amount of gun ownership can fix that.

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>S-stop buying guns
Lol look at this faggot

Hey you.
You’re onions.

yes and i dont want them to have guns. Also, I don't think the extremely poor should own guns nor do I think certain immigrants. If you want a brochure of my progressive ideals, I'd be happy to send you one.

I've bought guns from people I've met online in Walmart parking lots


dude, he's a famous youtuber, these guys can fist kittens in the middle of the street and nobody will react.

> i dislike lifting weights as a physical activity, it's boring as absolute shit
ah yeah me too i feel that, that's why calisthenic exercise are better you actually have to move your whole body and you train more than just a few muscles but it's good at least that you do some exercises daily

my bicep is thicker than your leg

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You're an absolute retard, kill yourself immediately.

A gun can fix the problem you have with anyone though, so I don't see your point. Sure you can lift more than me, but you'll die to my bullet just the same.

That's pretty much every gun owner who buys modern shit. Historical firearms are neat though.

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seething glocknigger

okay lady.

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user, you're like 50% Mexican by now. Those commiefucks are nothing compared to liberals.

Thanks to my beliefs on gun ownership, I can.

It's very cool, Bateman, but that's nothing

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He's right, retard, you're thinking of leftist and marxist.

based retards. you can legally own full autos at a cost of a $200 tax stamp paid to the ATF.

its illegal to manufacture full auto guns for "civilian use"

No, I had a crate of semtex but it's gone now.

I sincerely doubt a hack video game reviewer has the $10-30,000 to spend on a fully automatic firearm and bribe the entirety of the BATFE who have gone after people far more famous and wealthy for a lot less. The same people who classified shoe strings as unlicensed machine guns once upon a time.

You have shitty, tyrannical beliefs and you clearly don't know what SPD is otherwise you'd tell me what you think it is.

Vermont is full of liberals yet they like their guns
It is the California "progressive" liberals that hate guns.

good it will make a bigger target

don't forget that you have to spend minimum 20 grands on a M4 and the cheapest FA gun cost 6000$ and it's a fucking MAC10

>all these americucks and their single semi-auto weapon flexing on europoors
No auto, no motto, faggot

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it may not be the same kind of historical, but give me the old-fashioned wood stock FN FAL any day over all this railed and modern garbage


Thanks to the Hughes Amendment the registry was also closed to post '86 machine guns.

his videos do multi million views, he has money.

>all these manlets who'll die of old age before ever 'saving' someone with a gun

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>t. salty nogunz

which isn't much to a youtube thousandare

which country in europe lets you have full auto weapons? because it's not most of them.

'sup, Finnboi.

Muscles won't do shit against a +p 230gr hollow point.

No blackbelt could survive that amount of lead, no matter how gay or strong you are, or gay

I'm Swiiss. Youre retarded for posting your tools blank ip.

>blathering about gun details and naming convention when he gets his feelings hurt on the internet
wow i'm sure that gets you a lot of pussy, stud

Hence why I said 'newly manufactured'.
The registry has been closed since '86.

'sup, i'm not finn though my lad.

>slim down
>face still retains fat
off those beaner genes are brutal

omg don't let anyone see your gun's serial!!! right?

>untrained cops
not here :^)

Don't have to be a liberal to get mad at identity-fags like you

yes, thats half of what you said.

Based Swissbro.

Gee I wonder who could possibly have the authority to declare someone mentally ill and even decides what "mentally ill" is?

It's the State you bootlicking moron

Incorrect. in 1986, The Firearm Owners Protection Act was passed and contained language that outlawed the manufacturing by civilians of, sales of, transfers of, and possession of all fully automatic weaponry after May 19th of that year. Machine guns made before this date can still be bought, sold, and registered but anything after that date cannot.

LMAO, what's with those flimsy chicken legs? Guy needs to do some weights.

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>glowing this hard
Lemme git muh sunglasses. Post your whole arsenal if you're so great.

>family never needed a gun in the last 150 years
>somehow I need one now because internet tough guys say so

bigger legs makes bigger targets

>game journalist
Why isn't he dating a black man or allowing his gf to breed with a black man?

>spend years going to the range
>still lose to a gymbro with a faggot gun

I don't see your point

are guns the ultimate cope for DYELs?

>implying you're ever going to shoot anyone

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And the UMP, manufactured since 1999, therefore can't be on the registry, and therefore can't be bought by a non-dealer with an NFA tax stamp.

dude i am not dragging all my shit out of two safes

sounds like you need to dilate you mentally ill tranny.

fucking DUNKED


The average iq here cant possibly be above 85 jesus christ

they are
guns are fine but people who post about them online are gayer than gym bros and all those dudes do is make out in the boys locker room.

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joke's on you im gonna shoot myself when the mexicans are allowed to vote

Why do flabby incels like guns so much?

Word on the street is that he only has seven dollars.

fucking lold

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>things that doesn't happen

You can spend years at the gym, if the said lanklet has indeed spent years at the range and know his ways around guns, he will tear you a new asshole in five seconds flat with the cheapest Hi-Point.

You can't argue your way around it so don't. Muscle mass doesn't help one fucking bit with shooting outside of, maybe, MAYBE, follow-up shots with high caliber pistols.

based retard. theres only two settings on his gun in the picture. its a semi-auto.

It takes just a few days to legally own a gun in most states. How long does it take to work hard and get a six pack?

Don't, I repeat, don't you ever fucking post any personal info online especially not your arsenal. Okay?

Oh no feds, I'm shaking in my boots

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Maybe he should save some money before the next 7 Dollar Sancho happening.

>no muscles
>no brains
>no charisma
>basically powerless
>buys a gun to feel better
>memorizes all their names so he can sound cool and totally impress the applebees waitress when his mom takes him there for his birthday

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>t. Ahmed

You can't own guns even if you wanted it so don't act though retard.

If the DNC is run by jews why are they shaming israel and pro muslim?

You're illiterate.

>If you vote Republican you clearly hate women
>If you vote Republican you clearly are a nazi
>If you vote Republican you clearly hate black people
>If you vote Republican you clearly hate poor people
That's you, that's how dumb you sound

It's true. Guncels are some of the most insecure people in the world.

>trying to get me to post my guns
nice try fbi

user, you better stop dicking around and put that back where you found it. Your dad's gonna kick your ass when he finds out you've been touching his stuff again to show-off to your "little internet butt buddies".

just tell me your address already you fucking free thinker

Imagine being this much of a sheep

but those are all true?
is this satire?

>mfw my brothers are ready when the civil war goes down and all of the cumdrinkers are scared

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It won't fix a problem with the cops I'll tell you that much

he's either a kid playing with his dad's guns or he's some fag trying to impress kids on a chinese board game forum

which is more pathetic?

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These are all good points but core goals of the democratic party for the last two decades has been gun control, magazine limits, and assault weapon bans, even though Columbine showed they (and the NFA) don't do jack shit.

name two modern pro 2nd amendment democrats

>t. Ahmed

Bin that knife.

These things are true, but they aren't bad things.

>muh race war
>muh civil war
>muh end of the world
>muh prepping

>Can't lift and has to compensate with a gun
You can smell the insecurity from a mile away


>t. Abdul

Free the Shariah zone.

this personal firearm will save me from being ruled by a government!

t. whiteoid

guns don't rot, im not a prepping retard but anyone with any semblance of a brain should own a firearm

How liberal I am?

>Hate niggers
>Hate poors
>Hate immigrants that I cant hire as slaves
>Like guns
>Like weed

You don't sound ready lol, guns are bad user don't buy any you will win the moral high ground. :)

>tfw JFK was the only reasonable Democrat
>tfw Reagan was a complete sell out

Not falling for it, special agent Faggot. How about you shove that plastic turd of a gun into your nostrils, glowtard.

cute subs

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guns are gay lol

Christ what Utter Cunt , he needs a Door step Challenge ,
Lets see this rambo fight . ??

All of them

you just described every ghetto black male

You wanna see my guns?? Here fuck-oh. You're entering a world of pain. You better simmer down pal, before I get mad.

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I'm about to get a quick 200 bucks, and I just want a pea shooter to shoot spiks that try and break into my house what should I buy /k/ommandos?

Might not happen in my lifetime but I'm passing my guns down. Even if not through legal channels

you're just throwing your pole in the water

You're practically a communist who masturbates to photos of Stalin

That one on the right fucking sucks user.

>Pro 2nd amendment
>"If I could have the votes I'd say Mr and Mrs America hand them in"

why is he holding it like that

You can get a Maverick 88 12 Gauge Shotgun for under $200. Or do you prefer a rifle?

>special agent Faggot

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cringe. kys and pass your guns down to someone with a dick

No point in arguing with literal NPCs

Lol, literally don't gaf about feds or if other people post their gats

Based as fuck, my personal handgun as well.
Might get something more compact in a few months for carry though.

None of this has anything to do with video games


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Oh fuck isn't that the model in l4d? Okay I'll get that. Shotguns seem better for home defence.

what this guy said you can get a wide range of shotguns under $200. check out
if you're hardon for a pistol you can get a bunch of shit under $200, just get a 9mm

>this whole thread

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excellent rebuttal, your evidence to my inquiry was appreciated

bet he doent even know how to fight .. Top keks

Listen sweetie , whatever you be , Gender neutral /Gay/ Non binary / Non Gender

Just remember , Dont play with Guns ok

None of this gives you a legitimate reason to be a tripfag yet here you are.

Don't bother. The fucking cartel niggers are supplied by russkies who have expensive German, Austrian and American weaponry.

filtrd :)

>Buying a pistol for under $200
It's like you want to go hi point and have it blow up in your face

Mortified Marco.

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>German, Austrian

You really think the chicanos in the south east are decked out like ms13 you dumbass? They are a bunch of neon shirt wearing baby factories who may get opportunistic, a shotty seems reasonable.

Why do I need guns if I have the police to protect me?

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but all of those are true and I agree with them

That's a completely different can of worms and the answer can change depending on where you live. Consensus is that shotguns are great from home defense, but Law Enforcement started using .223/5.56 carbines in Urban and Surburban areas for a reason. That round tends to tumble and fragment the moment it hits a solid object at high speed. That said, you can get a basic bitch AR-15 if you can save manage to save up to $400-500.

show evidence that has ever happened. i cant even own one of those in my state because of faggot melting point laws, but hipoint has seriously been a reliable gun with a no questions asked life time warranty and anyone that shits on them besides them looking terrible is just a contrarian faggot

>hipoints are bad
wrong wrong wrong wrong.
the yeet cannon is a more effective firearm than you are an effective male.

Attached: YEET-Cannon-b.jpg (815x544, 84K)

Your reaction is why I trip, look at how defensive you are. Quite pathetic honestly.

>Hold up mr.nigger I just need to call the pol

Because the police will gun you down if you're black or brown, which is why those groups need to arm themselves for protection.

I am liberal and I own a registered SBR among other weapons. Maybe you should go back to where you came from instead of forcing politics you fucking tool. And yes I realize the irony of responding to this bait.

Yeet cannon is cringe, hunnit dolla problem solva is the name

wait, you have niggers in your country? o

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furious fernando

That's American politics. It's always "us vs them". No one votes on policies anymore.

Every country has niggers, even urope.

shut up.

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>You can be liberal and still like guns

If you like guns but still vote democrat, you are irredeemably retarded.

God damn is that what Kevin Nealon looks like now??? Wtf happened to him. Is he sick

Why do you vote for political candidates from a party who is heavily invested in gun control?


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he asked lets see me an Im Great .. ??


Ding Dong
broke teeth


You could have chosen sig, Glock, baretta, H&K, FN, or many others
But you chose hi point

PB device if you're cool enough

absolutely, minorities are some of the biggest owners of legal firearms

this is why. There's also another case where three women were raped for 14 hours after cops were called but didn't do anything to prevent it.

>losing weight
>workign out
>buying real guns
>super hot aryan GF
2020 will be the year of Irritated Carlos.

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Lmao make sure you get the officer's boot an extra nice spit shine when he comes to pick it up in a couple years

Yes, every country and the continent known as yurop has fucking niggers in it you stupid faggot. Your next post is going to harp on semantics like a jew.

and you could have done literally anything with your time, but you're shitposting on Yea Forums

we're all sinners here, pal.

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This thread has been pruned or deleted

literal retard. i said i can't even own one. you further proved your retardation by comparing high end brands as an alternative to a firearm made for people who can only afford $100-$200 for a gun. kys.


>any of those brands
>making guns under 200$
you never looked at a gunstore catalog don't you ? the only guns you'll see at 200$ or less are fucking Satruday night specials and the only one worth a shit are Hi-point

I live in Europe and I didn't see a nigger in 5 years.

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Because this isn't the only thing I care about, and I'm not dumb to think any political party is going to try and take them back. Plus I like seeing people like you get your panties in a bunch because someone can actually have a brain and find pros and cons to each side.
But I'll say it again, if you think the guberment is going to come and take your guns away you are a literal retard and nothing can change that.

Nobody gives a shit about how strong you are, only how strong you look.

why are Americans so obsessed with guns?

I don't think you know what identity politics are.

i'm reporting you

Did he lose weight?

Everyone and his mom has Glocks, Hecklers and Walthers.

I'm not American but I know that if you have a bunch of armed third worlders around, the best is to use your brain. ANFO destroys whole blocks and that's made of literal shit.

He's a beaner. Unless he's with the cartels, only white people shoot up schools.

200 dollar tax stamp and a quick background check to see if you have a police record, take a a few weeks. Unless you are in California or New York.

Doesn't negate the fact that you have them.

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Not bothered You Gay Icon gets his front teeth punched out
which he asked for Legal !

I love the fan fags who I LOVES YOU .. BUT wont PROTECT MY FRONT DOOR , Cos in basement in nappies an dying so much , hoping to KYS

Why are americans so obsessed with guns of violence?
Are they the real world equivalent of Orcs?

>implying Texas isn't the go-to state for Californians to fuck up now that their state is a total shitshow

>Muscle mass doesn't help one fucking bit with shooting
lmao yes it does you little faggot

not as much as the americans tough