Is this really how Americans see their government? In my country we respect them, why would you disparage those who work to make your way of life better?
Is this really how Americans see their government? In my country we respect them...
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Where do you live user
Even government workers themselves joke about how they do jack shit.
patriotism hadn't developed yet lad.
but that statement still isn't wrong.
government stifles most attempts at doing good whether directly or indirectly.
real talk is that game ever coming to pc?
>In my country we respect them
No, I dont think your country does
>working to make your life better
>working at all
nice bait, got me to reply
Answer the question.
yes, but not for a while
If you want a real answer, they're outlaws on the run so I doubt they have any love for the government
Did read dead 1 come?
>patriotism hadn't developed yet lad.
Patriotism is basically the only reason why we have a fucking country in the first place you absolute braindead simpleton.
jesus christ im not even american and i know you're wrong
learn some fucking history you buffoon
America, I just wanted a RDR thread and knew I'd have to bait hard to get it. The best ways to kickstart good discussion are always using things like nationality or race to get people stirred up so real discussion can flourish in-between the bullshit, otherwise the thread just archives as another completely nonvidya thread pops into the catalog.
rdr1 was not portable if rumors are to be trusted
that would be the strive for freedom m8.
sure we had some patriotism bursts post-1776. But the 1800s was a clusterfuck and the government was barely a real thing.
That's why red dead redemption will be an expansion at launch for pc, and ps5 will get a re-release with it, look at it the map is there, you can even glitch into mexico and why do you think you play as john at the end
You dumb assholes the revolution in 1776 was LITERALLY PATRIOTs vs LOYALISTs
To. 468446675
RDR2 is a shit game.
R* make nothing but shit.
>Is this really how Americans see their government?
In general since politicians are all typically weasels.
>In my country we respect them
Blind respect for people generally divorced from you as an individual is dumb.
>why would you disparage those who work to make your way of life better?
This implies that the government is without fault and does not do things that are worth disparaging even if it does some good.
to bridge the gap between RDR1 and RDR2 and provide the most kino finale ever
and no the entirety of RDR1's map isnt there
Rockstar touch your peepee? lol beta boi
are you fucking retarded? and why did the revolution start?
read a fucking book instead of a wikipedia article summary you fucking dipshit
Then you can finaly start the kino game
Congratulations on being the reason this board is shit, retard. Hope you like jerking off alone, because I'm flipping through my Crowley books right now and that's all you ever do, I promise
your bait is retarded because there is not one country on earth where government jobs are respected
Americans are just being trained like dogs to hate white men in positions of power.
Also it'll be rockstars move for pc to get them rdr
No, but depending on who you believe the source code was too spaghetti to port or outright fucking lost so maybe they did a better job this time
Buddy I hate people in positions of power regardless of their race, religion, sexual orientation etc.
I literally only care about their actions and if they're rich, since rich people fuck over everybody 99.999999% of the time. eat the rich
It got me almost 30 replies in 15 minutes and people talking about the game so whatever lads
conveniently everyone ignores the reports from an ex-R* employee that said RDR1 was running on internal PC machines for much of the development but it was never planned to release on PC.
Yeah. Our government sucks ass.
>ctrl-f "outlaws"
>only example is in op's pic
it checks out. fools rush in.
>carreer criminals
>in a gang with a leader who spouts pseudo-revolutionary rhetoric
>respecting the govt.
Are you retard?
do something about it
>why would you disparage those who work to make your way of life better?
>make life better
pick one(1)
? No it's not?
>implying he's not completely right
career bureaucrats are self-serving parasites. trust me, my yuppie retard aunt works for the government.
Huh, I didn’t know that
I still miss him, Yea Forumsros...
>another American post
>We respect our government
depends what job I guess. I'd have to say generally that I wouldn't respect anyone based on their job alone. there are people who work in a hard career field who coast on by doing dick, and the opposite applies too.
except marketers, fuck those guys. I've never met a single one that is worth talking to.
Politicians are just shit head employees who have the access to the power of having other employees gun down foreigners for no real reason.
>still trying to force this
Not happening.
>respecting the government
What a cuck