Sex robots will happen in your lifetime

>sex robots will happen in your lifetime
>you'll get to fuck your videogame waifu

Future's looking bright, bros.

Attached: freegifmaker.me_2dFEf.gif (444x250, 2.79M)

Decisions decisions


>an animatronic Belle is more expressive than Emma Watson


But will I be able to form a mutual love with my videogame waifu? Intercourse would be pointless otherwise.

Good sweet lord what's the technology behind this?

Japan, of course.

Doubt it.

I was hoping for a slightly more in depth explanation than "lol, japan" obviously the nips are at the forefront of this.

Wish there was more of that horse

I LIKE it! Fund it!

No. This shit is like believing in Jetson's style flying cars, not happening.
The future will be AR/VR with advanced haptics and we're already partway there.

Attached: 1534196938663.webm (1920x1080, 2.66M)

I'd tell you if I knew, but Disney is not in the market of sharing its secrets.

Cars are stupid, and I hate driving.

Your personalized AI mommy will drive you everywhere in the future, including finally the government incineration facility you'll be assigned to once you become to costly for the state to care for

imagine taking off the headset in the cold afterglow of a lonely fap and seeing that horrific thing in your dark bedroom

Still not as horrifying as waking up next to your mom without her makeup

Okay, I just hate driving, is stressful, you have to pay constant attention to everything, most drivers are fucking stupid, they consume fuel, and they need maintenance, and their parts are heavy, you can't swap an engine like a GPU.

You're right to feel that way: driving is by magnitudes the most dangerous thing people do each day and most are not remotely qualified to be doing it and this is becoming worse with certain modern policies. And despite all this virtually nobody gives a shit about the piles and piles of dead and maimed and so it will continue like this for a while longer.

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>tfw will be able to extract our beings into a sexbot
>tfw get to face fuck one of you faggots

best timeline

Where's the fun in face fucking if they don't need to breathe/can't gag?