If this game was released in the early 2000's it would be hailed as one of the greatest games of all time

If this game was released in the early 2000's it would be hailed as one of the greatest games of all time.

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>cringe voice acting
>tedious rest system discourages playing mage
>le balance man tier enemy design so you never actually feel yourself getting more powerful
>facebook game kingdom management
it ain't it chief. If it released in the early 2000s it would be forgotten and overshadowed by the superior BG2.

It would be considered one of the more middling CRPGs and promptly forgotten by about 2008.

>tedious rest system discourages playing mage
>le balance man tier enemy design so you never actually feel yourself getting more powerful

kingdom management is the only thing you are right and yet you can completely ignore it

It IS one of the greatest games of all time. One isn't really interested in the opinion of Yea Forums consoletards that discuss Souls trash, RDR2, Zelda BotW, and other hyped-up shallow abominations.

are there any more dlcs to be expected? Or if i buy it now + season pass i will get complete game?

>want a CRPG that is only one character
>they don't fucking exist
It drives me nuts, I just want to play a game like this with a large two handed hammer and be a small person.

Nah. It would have been a lot more widely played, though.

This game is fantastic, except the final chapter, that can suck a bag of dicks.

Neverwinter Nights, just don't hire a henchman

I bought it from the sale, just haven't launched it yet. Was playing WotS4.

So the zoomer is defending BG2, and you the Pathfinder shill are not the zoomer? Seems legit.

BG2 has the exact same rest system, unless you use casual mods helping you refresh without resting. Kingmaker is also better balanced than BG2, it's more challenging in the way that it requires you to build your character. I understand if he said something about the story or the setting, but gameplay wise? Come on.

Underrail, Age of Decadence.

If this released in the early 2000s it wouldn't have gotten half the patches it did now and would be unplayable.

Well yeah considering the technology would be 20 years ahead of it's time. People forgive a lot for stuff like that, see Crysis.

What's so technological in Pathfinder?

So, is it true you can kill the Linorn on the bridge over the river with cold spells, or do I need a cold iron weapon?

Have you played a game from 2000?

I played Planescape, for example. Granted, in 2000 people would be bamboozled with 3d graphics, but Planescape looks better, in fact.

the last great RPG i played was BG2. how does this compare? i've been itching to play another rpg.

>Terrible balance with enemies having just buffed stats instead of properly adding difficulty to encounters
>enemies don't even match their supposed stats according to the level you encounter them
>bugged things like swarms that are supposed to take extra damage from aoe and torches yet they are immune to torches
>The absolute most horrible companions you could ever ask for, their writing is so terrible and cringy while being as one dimensional and obnoxious as humanly possible, to the point that for the first time in any rpg i googled if i could get random companions so i wouldn't ever have to read the stupid shit they say and then replaced them as soon as i got the fucking gold to do so
>quests and lore are full of progressive shit so out of place to a fantasy world that completely breaks whatever immersion you could have managed to have with concepts that are totally out of place and situations that make absolutely no sense and are clearly just put there as some retarded social commentary
>shitty early level vendors giving you enchanted weapons when that shit should be fucking rare completely ruining item progression
>Most dialog feels like it was written by tumblr fanfic writers and the skillcheck options barely matter as long as you have somebody to pass them, the choices you make have so little impact on npcs impressions and reactions of you that they might as well not be there

and i could go on for hours, the game is nothing but mediocre and i'm not even counting the bugfest that was release

It's good.

The Kingdom management is shit though.

Buffing stats is literally one of the ways by design to add difficulty in PnP Pathfinder. Its called a template and you literally just slap it on an enemy to give it more stats and occasionally an ability. The most common one (Advanced template) is *just* stats.
How is this reddit tier complaint still floating around?

>buggy piece of shit that is still bugged after a year of patches
>filled with faggotry and social justice
It would be a dumpster fire in 2000.