Half-Life 1

>Half-Life 1
>with Half-Life 2's technology
This would be the superior Half-Life game. Right now, it's a close call only because of HL2's gret technology. Otherwise HL2 is a bad game.

I can't wait to pick up Black Mesa once it's finished. I haven't even touched it yet.

Attached: ZrV8mkWSiCSpuXtEXyJCdT-320-80.jpg (320x240, 21K)

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>ruining half life 1 with the abortion known as the source engine
yeah no

It's almost like half life source exists
I would like to see real Half Life in Source 2, but I think they'll do CS first

Well good news, Xen is out in public beta! Well, partially anyways. I'm guessing the full thing will go live soon and this beta is just for bug testing/fixes.

it's pretty beautiful too. Black Mesa is going to be the definitive way to experience Half-Life once it's complete.


Half Life 1 is shit.
Fuck your ladders.

have sex fake hl fan

honestly they did a fucking great job with xen, it looks incredible and it's more fun than the original borefest

What's with you retards all of a sudden making dumbass threads to shit on hl2 and hl source exists you know.

Stupid Yea Forumstards back to your cave you go.

Half-Life: Source is fucking trash and no human should subject himself to that

still better than 2

Source ruined jumping and movement speed. Black Mesa included an always run option but jumping is still weird.

Get your tech demo away from my HL1


Attached: 352525.png (1207x176, 8K)

>majority of people have shit taste
everyone already knows this. What are you trying to show us?

and yet you listen to Yea Forums.

Its just the better game
HL2 sucks ass unless youve literally never played a game before.

>Decide to get curious about Half Life.
>See less than a buck on Steam.
>Decide to see what kind of collection is available, so search term Half Life..
>12 pages of stuff.
Too much. A buck for a game seemed nice, but suddenly this became a commitment. I just can't bring myself to start something new with this much back inventory.


There are only 6 games

There's Half-Life + 2 expansions and Half-Life 2 + 2 expansions. The fuck are you on about? You can just play Half-Life. The expansions are kinda just bonus stuff.


>Forgetting Decay

mad because you are not a real hl fan.

Not on Steam, retard. By your logic we should include Echoes, CAGED and the countless other mods.

Stay mad. Decay is a real hl game. you just dont have friends.