Thank goodness I didn't buy this shit. Artificial difficulty at its finest

Thank goodness I didn't buy this shit. Artificial difficulty at its finest.

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this boy be COPPING

The Bull bosses are easy. You literally just run behind them at all times, get a hit in when they turn around, and keep away when they're trashing around.

Bull is literally the Asylum Demon of the game. Just stab it in the ass.

Most boring fights though, should have special enemies with their health turned up
Wish we got some big battles like the intro cinematic rather than another garbage 3 uncoordinated drunk, bald men at a time bullshit

I agree the game is hard for the sake of being hard and doesn't have that great feeling that ds/des/bb had but i beat the that boss first try no videos


How does it feel to be a scrub?

>Artificial difficulty at its finest.
Just as the whole DS series. But you are not supposed to say it out loud if you don't want to evoke the wrath of the "sophisticated" gamers on Yea Forums and leddit.

>Artificial difficulty
so what is non-artificial difficulty?

Literally beat him after 4 tries. Don't listen to the "just get behind him" posts . It'll fuck you up. Stand your ground in front of it and deflect its heat swings. If you get the deflect, it'll be stunned for a couple seconds allowing you to deal max damage to its head. Once it's no longer stunned, use the firecrackers to stun again to get in a few extra attacks. Use item to remove burn status, rinse and repeat. Itll take you way less time doing this than autistically trying to position behind the fat fuck. This boss is one of those bosses that's easy as fuck, it just moves erratically to scare you into panicking and making mistakes

Literally parrykill it to death like all other basic enemies and easy bosses.

having normal hitboxes and knowing what your mistakes are and what the necessary counter-actions are. This is just hurr durr random head movement that you can't reliably dodge or block.

Artificial difficulty is one of the most overused terms on Yea Forums. I miss when we shit on casuals. Now you shitstains think you're people.

>knowing what your mistakes are and what the necessary counter-actions are.
that's a problem with your own brain
if you had above 90 IQ you would be able to figure it out

The game isn't hard once you learn how to block. I never played a souls game in my life and I beat this in a week

Firecrackers, dumdum

Every other boss was easy as fuck and this is what made me quit, retards on Yea Forums think exploiting the game to beat it is a "skill" lmfao no the game is just dogshit.

Fromfags WILL debate this post.

Too bad there's no autist itt who has a folder of bad hitbox webms, because I know I've seen a shitload from just Sekiro.

The bull is definitely the low point of the game, it gets way better after that.

You know. The type that grows on difficulty bushes.

you can beat this without healing, beads, memories and firecrackers. unironically git gud

16 spirit emblems are not enough to mow it down.

I guess just uninstall

Git Gud

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I found headless the low point. Headless killed me more than all of the "hard" bosses put together. Final boss took me like 3 tries, my first headless kill took me like 10.

The divine confetti gimmick is annoying but I'm pretty sure every boss that requires it is skippable or can be put off for later.

The most delicious of threads. Fromtards cannot fathom the idea that their precious "gitgud" is irrelevant. Especially ironic since Yea Forums spams the "jank" meme when talking about the combat of other ARPGs, and then every single game in their "pantheon" has amateur-level hitbox design.

It's pathetic if you can't beat this game. End of story. Casuals should go.

Don’t forget two spearmen, two snake eyes, three guardian apes, more than a dozen samurai generals, 5 genichiro fights, etc etc

Strawman. I did beat it, and it was challenging. The argument is about a different thing, which of course went over your head - we wouldn't expect more from a fromfan.

Monhun had questionable hitboxes forever and was still GOAT. It's really not a big deal.

lol wasn't he nerfed?

imagine getting filtered by a mini boss 1/112 way into the game

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Blazing Bull is easy but he's also the worst boss in the game.

Thank goodness this OP adheres to the general rule of "OP is a faggot" by now knowing what "artificial difficulty" is.
I don't even deny the Blazing Bullshit sucks, but learn what words and phrases mean before using them, moron.