Steam Summer Sale Thread

Post carts and recommend games for anons

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Other urls found in this thread:

Any comfy space games?

I bought all these games and then my monitor crapped out.

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ELITE Dangerous is very comfy.
Anyone know how X4 is these days?

should i wait for a bigger price drop on RE2?

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endless space 2, space rangers, homeworld all on sale

Someone recommend me a game that has catgirls or a catgirl in it. Preferably not a VN or something with the "ecchi" tag so I can hold on to the shred of self respect I have left.

Any good RPGs with very high customization?


it's actually a good game for its price

I've been eying the Sword Art Online games. are any of them worth playing? could you also recommend me some other weebshit that has a good sell?


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If you are into VNs there's a lot that's on good sales. Otherwise, just check the anime tag.

part 1

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>buying fallout 2
what are you doing ?

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>Blood Money or Chaos Theory
pls halp

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Is Battle Brothers any good?

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part 2

baldurs gate 2, Grim dawn

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>giving Capcom any money at all

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I've been playing Persona lately and kind of like first person dungeon crawling, any decent games on Steam? Any good ones on other platforms?

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How much Steam Games you guys actually have. I'm around 630 now but I think I played like... 50 of them. I'm just hoarding them with every sale, bundle and Freebies.

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Enjoy REmake user, i know i did

Yakuza games are kino as fuck. Enjoy them

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Blood money get both

Legend of Grimrock 1&2
Labyrinth of Refrain
Mary Skelter

Bought this sale. R8

Don't Starve
Black Mesa
Kingdosm and Castles
Up Left Out
Red Alert 3
Witcher 1
Witcher 2
Witcher 3
AssCreed 2
Duke Nukem 3D 20th Anniversary
Halo Wars
Castle Crasher
Day of Defeat
DoD Sourcer
Left 4 dead
Death Match Classic
Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising.

I shilled DROD to the user in the previous thread, so it goes:
At the start you should go to their site and try demos. So, Gunthro and a Epic Blunder is a modern entry point, and it's a prequel, you could start with it.
Actual story arc yes, there is a story in a puzzle game is about Gunthro's grandson, and it goes like that (smitemaster's selectiona are in the brackets): King Dugan Dungeon - Journey to the Rooted Hold - (Perfection, Beethro's Teacher, Master Locks) those are mainly puzzles, not much of an actual story, like side distractions on a road. - City Beneath - (Devilishly Dangerous Dungeons of Doom, Suit Pursuit, Finding the First Truth) those contribute more to the actual story, but you'll get a recap at the start of the Second Sky - Second Sky. Rest of the selections varies from piss easy to stupidly hard, and they aren't a part of the story arc.

thank you user, and I will eventually

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chaos theory

Any reason to get Borderlands? I rarely play FPS since I get motion sickness and dislike the usual story tropes they feature.

Starcrawlers and Wizardry 8.

its ok
too much rng for me though

So avoid it, story is trash and gameplay is mindless grind, even FPS part isn't good.

I should have specified attractive catgirls

145 for me. Still too many to actually play.

>motion sickness
Get Mirror's Edge

Both faggot.

>Any good ones on other platforms?
you don't see many people get into megaten from persona 1/2, not that there's anything wrong with that.
play more atlus dungeon crawlers if you haven't, like smt and etrian odyssey

I played it a bit. It was fun, but couldn't finish due to the motion sickness. It comes at odd times too, since I couldn't finish Arkham Asylum for the same reason.

I like the story and the gameplay, it's my go-to when I have an FPS itch to scratch. But if you get motion sickness, it might be a bit too much for you. Maybe watch a gameplay video to see how it looks?


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Does anyone know if Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition has proper support for 16:10 aspect ratio?

No you won't.

I got 101 games after this sale, finished 51 and at least played most of them.
Still have some games I never touched though

yes I will you bitch

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Everspace + Encounters DLC is very comfy.
The DLC adds some NPCs so it's mandatory for proper level of comfiness.
Also, obvious FTL.

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There are mods

Any hidden gems for VR? I've already got most of the obvious ones.

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Friendly reminder that Blood Bowl 2 is $5 and you should totally get it and join the Yea Forumsirgin league
yeah it's a discord but it's drama-free and there's no resetera trannies

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something comfy with a long progression curve, what could I get ?

blade kitten
i know nothing about it other than that it's about a cat girl and might be based on some comic series

>find and interesting game
>"eh, i can just pirate it"
>lose all interest
what do i do

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Space Engine is the space simulation but it's free on their homepage. Also Starsector is good but it isn't even on Steam.

Buy the game and ride the sunk cost fallacy.

I heard Subnautica is good in VR, haven't played it though.

Thanks for the recommendations

Kingdom Come Royal Edition.

wait why not

Kerbal Space Program

this is what happens and its what you piratefags deserve
you can have any game you want so you lose interest in all games

buy game, unless from Paradox, Ubisoft, activision, EA, Bethesda, Nintendo or Microsoft

How long can you play VR before your brain melts?

How is pyre?
Is the multiplayer good?

Banished or Cities: Skylines

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Skyrim special edition for $20?
Will it go any lower?
Never got to play skyrim

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Haven't played that in several years myself. Is it still a barely playable pile of shit?

dwarf fortress

is hitman 2 (the new one) worth it or should I wait another year for updates

you are basically giving money to bethesda just because they bought the license; they don't even patched 20 years old bugs.

I went in for the single player and to be honest I turned down the difficulty after a few fights because it felt really, really repetitive. The problem is that everything except the actual "combat" is 10/10.

I've never had any issues with motion sickness or headaches, I could play for hours if I weren't such a fat cunt.

Sometimes I'll fuck around and watch an entire movie in one of those apps that makes it feel like you're in a theater, it's neat.

Space Engine moved to Steam recently

You aren't supporting nobody bying Fallout 2. The way to play old classic games is Rutracker bundles with all the possible fixes and fan-patches included.

The only way you're getting it cheaper is from a keysite.
But you can download old versions.

If you want to stop pirating, maybe provide objective justification
Life make trading card badges or get achiements, anything a cracked version can't do
Don't buy the special edition

which do i buy

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bought some of theHunter dlc and Killer 7

Just broke with gf. I can play literally everything on ultra so new realeases ain't a problems. What games do i get? Budget is 200 yuros

163, only beaten maybe 2 dozen because Warframe and YGO Duel Links eat up all my time

anyone here get the free game off their wishlist? Am I a shitter to want to win the vidya lottery :(

Recommend me some hidden gem boomer shooters.

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I'm down, just found one for $16.59
Whys that?

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Same here. Couldn't finish Black Mesa or Fallout New Vegas(even in third person) due to this

W-what do a man needs to do for a copy of Parkitect

Obra Dinn is great, Timespinner is SJW ridden pisseasy short crap.

>god eater 3
is it alive and how much can I slut up my character ?

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Or you can play the current game instead of the outdated 3+ years old one, it's not even 30 bucks

goddamn this guy and his gay editing aggravates the shit out of me

Hard Reset Extended Edition.

thought about buying Black Desert Online because obviously you can't pirate MMOs, but everyone says it's pay2win
ended up just buying Pyre

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Any good mustery/puzzle games on sale right now? The Sherlock Holme games seem pretty interesting.

Also, how's Hitman 2? Havent picked it up, but it's on sale so curious if it's worth grabbing.

Oldrim mods are incompatible with SE but it's not as bad as it used to be. 90% of mods are ported and the SE engine is much more stable.

Interesting find, I am enjoying this

never played it and I don't own a VR headset, but there was a game called Blade & Sorcery I think. it looked like a cool VR PVP game, could be total shit

Do you have fallout 1?
Mother of christ, what are those prices

BDO has some of the most aggressive p2w mechanics of any game I've ever played.

You are nothing but a basic bitch

I have $5 coupon, what game should I get? Or should I just get blood DLC for total bore and try to find a $1 game?

Or should I just spend all token on badge levels so I can level up my steam profile

>mustery/puzzle game
Return of the Obra Dinn is literally that, go for it.

I played it on release day. Amazing game, my only regret is I can't play it for the first time again.

>valkyrie profile
you made me check

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What should I remove to get this under 100$

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Starsector, not on steam. Avorion is good for a little fun but not amazing.

>puzzle games

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Are the AoE expansions worth the extra 5 yuros?
I want to stay near 20€

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dump ark

Ark. Holy shit don't even start with those greedy shits. At least No Mans Sky became half decent. Its an enjoyable exploring game

>see this post
>go to check my steam
>1 new item
>holy shit based cockatiel itsreal
>it's a bad rats booster pack

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I can only buy one. Which one should I get?

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Are you absolutely sure?

Get thief gold for some /v and /vr boomer cred


House of the Dying Sun


Going traveling with a macbook pro from 2011 (running Linux)
What are some good games on sale that the old hunk of junk can run?

You are so basic that it's not even funny.

Everything except Hitman.

consider waiting on aoe2 and getting the remake in a couple months instead

I dunno I like that kinda shit

Hoes mad

Probably dark souls. HK close second.

That looks like some super autistic shit. Fucking sold.

Is Hitman 2 Gold Edition worth it? I want something with a lot of content that I can either take semi seriously or dick around and have a laugh in

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Do it for her.

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Any recs?
I want something I can make slow progress in. Assume I own the most obvious ones.

based ignored lad

They're all great games. I'm going to say Dark Souls 3 out of bias, but you can't go wrong with any of those choices. The Witcher 3 probably offers the most content though if you get the GOTY edition with both DLC for a few bucks more.

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what does basic even mean

Nms is a $20 early access game.

how did you get that without playing bad rats?

you enjoy grinding in shitty games full of bugs?

Why do you assume he hasn't

The fat girl is better.

DROD is the puzzle game, check it:

Am I making any mistakes bros?

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I bought Assetto Corsa. $18 for all this DLC and the BEST racing sim ever made is a steal.

what is a cheap game that will give me hundreds of hours of gameplay

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I heard you can mod the single player into a dinosaur minecraft basically

Cultist simulator.

You could also mod minecraft to have dinosaurs

Dota 2

Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

Make sure to get Legacy GOTY DLC for it which is the first season in Hitman 2's engine. Be warned though, the size is massive. But holy shit it has so much content, and fun content at that.

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celeste worth it? i'm a heterosexual white man btw

Empyrion any good or am I better off ignoring the genre?

DS3 > HK > TW3

If you're a fan of Fallout and Fallout 2, get ATOM RPG.

It's surprisingly pretty damn good Slavs have a way of making games with SOUL.

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>Tales of Berseria
>Ni No Kuni 2
>.hack//G.U. Last Recode
My buys. I don't think I'm getting anything else for a while. please rate.

Minecraft but its not on steam.

do I just get the Trails in the Sky Trilogy and the two Trails of Cold Steel games?


Team Fortress 2

What do you like?

multipayer games.

What are some good co-op games I can get for cheap right now? Specifically 2-player co-op if possible.

What's the easiest way to get $20 for vidya that I like without ERPing, lads?

I'm waiting until it hits $9.99 but I've got Oldrim so there's no hurry for me.

Hollow Knight

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I think it runs pretty well, but then I usually don't try to enclose entire asteroids in structural panels.
They switched publishers a while back, and the new owner 2K put out some DLC, so it's still alive.

I haven't played much of it, but it wasn't bad.
You can get almost that much in vouchers from the sale itself

divinity original sin or divinity 2 if you have more to spend.


If you can find a server

Baldurs gate 2, grim dawn, or divinity original sin 1?
I havent played a western rpg since like Kotor 2.
I like customizable shit and i rarely play western rpgs and the ones i enjoyed last were kotor2, da:o, and Vtmb. Any recommendations would help.

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thoughts and noughts?

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Work for half an hour at any decent job

That's not how it works, sir.
Fucking vounchers take too much time

go through all the free crypto shit on coinbase earn

I'm all ears, keep talking

the metal slug games are shitty phone ports

Is it worth it to just play both?

H3VR, extremely competent gun simulation with fun game modes within, new update came out and added Team Fortress 2 weapons and some TF2 esque game modes where you shoot hotdogs that look like the TF2 cast. if you like guns, this is the ultimate package, there's an absurd amount of guns in this thing.

PAYDAY 2 VR is unironically one of the best VR games out there right now, standing on top of a car in the middle of the street gunning down cops with an LMG is quite something. Stealth heists are fucking intense too.

If you have Alien Isolation, there is a mod out there that lets you play in your headset, no controllers though, kind of like Subnautica, which you should also get

>Baldurs gate
Pirate it, Beamdog does not deserve your money.
>divinity original sin 1
Schizo writing makes this game nearly unplayable for some people (like me). Pirate it and buy Original Sin 2 is you liked it.

>No Man's Sky

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really? how do I get to replay metal slug from my childhood?

2 is just way better and playing 2 alone is good enough, it's a true sequel that expans loads on what the first game has build. But first game isn't bad and is fun with friends.

Got £15 left what out of these should I get?

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Baba Is You is the obvious one.

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Create a fake tinder account or instagram with a hot chick and post your paypal

>none of the weeb games on my wishlist are even on sale
I swear these steam sales get worse and worse every year

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Is Pathologic 2 worth it?

Mania for sure. No idea about the rest of that weeb shit.


I can tell you although Katana Zero is fun, it's awfully short and shows they clearly didn't have the time to finish the story how they wanted to, but apparently we'll get a free update soon with more levels/story

They have been updating it since 2016 with all the shit they promised. Next update makes it an MMO

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if you have not played Dragons Dogma its 8.99Burgers and a fucking hell of a game

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I could have saved you, Way of the Samurai barely works and River City Ransom becomes annoying about 5 minutes in.

So get grim dawn?

yeah it's really good

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YES, best game I've tried in awhile if you like inmersive narrative stuff

Sounds tempting

>octopath not on sale
>not cracked

hold me bros...

What's the better game?

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This one any good or what?

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Ys Origin. Stellar soundtrack, story heavy, multiple campaigns with different playstyles, boss rush mode, time attack, and most of all it has fun gameplay. It could keep you busy for easily 30+ hours, probably even more if you like playing on extreme difficulties.

Wildlands or No man's sky? Can only choose one

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Unironically Siege.

I'm a little hesitant about Yakuza, the combat looks simplistic and I don't care about side activities, does the story compensate for those?

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Mania and Va-11. Then depending on just how much you can go over 15 tales and if you can't then Ys.

Rising Storm has a dead multiplayer

coinbase dot com forward slash earn (even though it's not a reflink it gets treated as spam for some reason)
get waitlisted for everything, takes like a day to get in, get free crypto for answering stupid questions ($46 worth), sell crypto, cash out
if you use the link here you can skip the waitlist for one of them but i get free shekels out of it, up to you

Siege is good if you're a tryhard


>max capacity increases from purchases only last for that day before getting reset to 100

wow fuck me

It's multiplayer is stable as shit.

If that's the starter edition of Siege you should read up on how awful it is but it's the way better game between the 2


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As a fan of the games since 1, no.
The only game with a devent story is 1/2.
0 starts okay and turns boring real fast everytime youre in control of kiryu which is a good portion of the game.

>still buying from Steam
What more does Valve have to do with before you start boycotting them?

something bad.

No, it's the normal one. I know that the starter version sucks, but thanks.

not hold a gigantic monopoly over digital pc games

I've been building my library for years, I'm stuck here

Have a competitor worth using.

They would have to stop being the best store with the most games

Mania and Yakuza.

What have they done bad?

> Canadian
> Meatspinner
Like pottery.

RS2 if you're used to BF games.
R6 if you're a normie tryhard and you think CS:GO should have class gimmicks.

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Is Arkham Knight worth it? I skipped it because I didn't care for another batman game at the time, as I was burn out after city. However, I hear all the memes about how 70% of the game is a shitty tank simulator, which makes me not want to even try it. Are they just exaggerating and is it as good as City or Asylum?

i didnt get it cause it was expensive, is it bad?

Immortal Redneck. It's dirt cheap rn. Try it out

I've seen several games people are looking to buy that I have spare HIB keys for, if anyone wants to trade anything. I know it's a long list to go through, and it's there's a lot crap, but there's a lot of things that I've seen anons interested in.

I've also got Don't Starve Together and Shadow Warrior as inventory/tradeable copies.


>Tropico 4
I compliment your taste user.

i've been told to play the witcher games backwards, something about letting the new ones inspire you to play the earlier ones.

It's too short at least, and has dangerous levels of faggotry.

Looking for urban exploration / exploration games. I see Infra but it's a bit pricey at the moment. Would love a "Project: Eden" without the combat (already have P:E in physical media). Any suggestions, Yea Forums? Thanks.

Tropico 4 or Cities: Skylines?

Thoughts ?

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Tropico, my man.

personafag won't want that. unless there are waifus. redneck waifu sounds fun though, desu

Yes it’s worth it esp if you have the legacy pack. The new bank map is sick too

Then go for G-String mod for Half-life 2.

I've got Outlast 2 I can trade you.


Everspace: Ultimate Edition - $10.47. Worth it or just get $5.99 base game (or dump the whole thing)?

anything I should add or remove?

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That's what I was thinking since I had a great time with Tropico 3 and have heard 4 is easily the best in the series, but I thought I'd get a second opinion before I jump.

Thanks, user.

Surface-level "indie" pleb.

Dumb shit, play them in order, the first is pretty janky but it's a great introduction to the universe.

is war of rights fun in its current state? I love line battles and civil war shit, but I wasn't sure if it had a good player base or not.

It depends on your tastes. You can't really go wrong there. If you prefer stories and WRPG style games, then TW3 is your best bets. If you like 2D animation and metroidvanias, and don't mind backtracking, Hollow Knight is basically the best Metroidvania in the last decade at least.

Dark Souls 3 is more From greatness, if you've played one of their games, you should know what to expect. If you haven't, what are you even waiting for?

All trash games on that list

Its one of those games you have to join some autistic clan to play

I wouldn't bother with any of the Darkest dungeon DLC until you're sure that you like it enough to sink more than 20 hours into it.
If the Color of Madness is like Crimson curse, it's seriously going to fuck you up hard as a new player.

I just play games you fuckless virgin I don’t give a fuck about fitting in your autistic group of shit “cult” games

lmao buying gta 5 in 2k19 ahahahaha

Ignore the other retard. 0 is by far the best one in terms of story, and it's fantastic. The combat is simple but deep, and after hours playing you may end up falling in love like I did. The side activities look shallow when you haven't played the game, but they really suck you in.

But really, even for the story it's definitely worth it, at that price it's a steal.

Any reason you aren't buying the Deus Ex Bundle?

atom rpg
battle brothers
pathologic 2
two point hosptial

i'm also looking for some cheap, fun and easy games, been playing way too many hard ones in the last months. some platformer maybe, any recs?

Friend and I got Squad. What are we in for?

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play the Revision mod for Deus Ex when u cop.

tried buying some shit to be able to hold more points. currently have a capacity of around 3000, but i'm still gonna have to abandon like 12k to actually use the points i got from achievements. is it like a one-time redemption thing where i just have to give up the points or can i keep redeeming it every day or so until i get them all?

It costs more money and I heard that mankind divided was really bad

Why can't DMC HD Edition be on sale too, oh well still a good time

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Well, if Gris is some kind of high art for you - power to you, pleb.

big rec on hollow and ddungeon (maybe no dlc? i think they are only for fans). thinking of getting the other games myself.

I can't believe how fun Earth Defence Force 4.1 is. The multiplayer is active, at least on the weekends according to steamdb.

Video games are not art

Spelunky, N++, Fancy Pants Adventures. First two are not exactly easy, they are easy to learn, but they are good.

NO! Use GMDX instead of Revision.

Darkest Dungeon? A pretty fucking good game, can get tedious at times but it's really satisfying to figure out enemy weaknesses and form parties accordingly, and beat RNG. Don't listen to whiners complaining about RNG, the whole game is about managing it and it's often times your fault for screwing up rather than the game being unfair.

sounds just like reenactment. i might get it.

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They are sometimes, but Gris is definetly not among them, and even as a non-piece of art it doesn't have much merit.

yeah im having a fucking blast with it

Gris's visuals are art, dumbass

Dead secret
I expect you to die
Organ quarter
Pixel Ripped 1989
Please don't touch anything 3d
Prison Boss
Psychonauts Rhombus of Ruin

whatever homo, gris is cool

Which one?
Yonder, Halcyon 6, or Tolva ?

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art doesnt mean good
if I shit on a canvas thats art
if you make a video game its art

I've got Styx and Survivalist if you wanted to make a trade for something cheaper.
And if you were interested in the DLC, I've got all of it from HIB if you wanted to trade.

pretty much every zachtronics game is

>first post was 10%
>second post was 20%
>third post was 30%
>fourth post was 40%
>fifth post is 50%

are these OPs building up to something?

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good shit, i need to play it again

if you want to be even more slavic get picrel

marauder man of prey is janky as fuck though and you have to patch/tweak some things after install to fix the camera

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Yeah, crumbling statue of struggling women, so deep, so thoughtprovoking. It's about depression, therefore it's are. I tell you, that Spanish hack can't draw anything other than struggling women, and game is glorified ad brochure for cheap jewelry, but without jewelry.

Just think, you're going to die from a heart attack tomorrow and all those games get locked away forever, never played.

I have 16 burger bucks what do I buy?

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Isn't he tatarin?

zanki zero

I don't know, FFXIV?

help please?

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>buy KCD
>let computer download overnight so I can play come morning
>forgot to turn off sleep mode

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No clue, everyone calls him a churka in the game though

where's the user from yesterday who was gonna trade me amid evil for risk of rain 2

>buying a dynasty warriors game

Thea 2 is apparently pretty bad.

I haven't played any of those, by dynasty warriors is always a good time.

I've been playing Way of the Samurai 4, and while its extremely short, I appreciate all the choices the game lets me make.

Can't say about the top two, the other 3 can be described thusly:
Good, but short.

What if I'm not a tranny?

Don't use any mods on your first play through. Why do retards do that. Play the game vanilla then do another playthrough with mods.

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anything i should add or remove?

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Who do I believe?

I really didn't care for the signal from tolva. Felt pretty bland except for the occasional stalkeresque puzzle

good music and visuals

Thinking about getting Kingdom Come Deliverance since it's 18 bucks. Is it worth it?

Then he is, churka is "shitskin".

You asked for games with catgirls, I gave you the first thing off the top of my head. I didn't say it was good.

Yes, if you can handle roleplay.

There haven't been "drops" for two years or so. If you see a price that's the lowest it will go.

I've got a Dark Souls 3 key I'll trade you for a gift copy of Hat in Time - Nyakuza Metro. Add me on Steam if you're interested.


I like the games so I'll be as objective as possible: They're strictly "play while doing something else games". They're not meant to capture 100% of your attention because of how shallow and repetitive they are. That's not always a bad thing though, since sometimes you might just want something to do while listening to podcasts or watching TV on another screen, and it's perfect for that. Good for mindless grinding that makes you feel cool and powerful.

either way the game itself is slavic as fuck

/pol/ checks out

its really hard. This coming from someone who spent a shit ton of time in Xcom LW Ironman Impossible and DD. This game is way harder. Only because it takes a solid 30-40 days just to get a team that an start rolling people. Even then if you fuck up and get ambushed by spiders or 23 bandits in a forest your game is likely over. not because every one died but if even 1 or 2 die it can start a fucking downhill slide fast. Not to mention if one guy loses his helmet in battle some other guy can come and instantly kill him before you can even do anything. Its good though if you like DD and other games like that.

Personally I just don't like TOTALLY mindless games.

Tell me about Grim Dawn Yea Forums, I saw clip and I'm intrigued. Is it a real time Divinity Original Sin, with plenty of exploration and creative builds? The only ARPG I've played is POE and I didn't like it that much.

Attached: spectacle.jpg (800x807, 340K)

Get rid of the saltines, you've already got at least two different kinds of crackers in there. Get rid of mayonnaise, aka the devil's smegma. And stop your cats such shitty cat food.

Any good games assuming I've already played all games and have no interest in replaying them?

Redpill me on killer7 - it looks fucking weird

dirt rally

Antinomy of Common Flowers

it's a suda57 game, they're all fucking weird

you either embrace the weird or it drives you away

Ended up settling a preorder for Doom Eternal and buying Devil May Cry 5. With all the points I had before Doom, it was enough for the $5 discount off of DMC5. Out of a $100 steam wallet gift card, I now have $5 plus $5 on gaming reserve in my paypal.

>advertised by a resetera tranny spammer
no thanks

Thanks, saved me some money user. Appreciated.

I stopped following these sales like 5 years ago.
I mean, usually things with huge discounts are some games from 2000s or 90s which i had ages ago, and newer stuff is never on sale.
Every time in these threads i see people bying stuff like half-life 2 or portal or deus ex or something like that.
Or some indie shit that nobody cares about. For people like me these sales are useless.

Point is that he is a talentless hack, not that he is Spanish.
Visuals are style suited for 16-year old girl over substance, and music is sad piano for retards.

Yay or nay?
What the fuck is this game exactly? I saw couple people buying it last sale and it piqued my interest.

It is like Diablo and Poe.

I forgot the fucking screencap
t. retard

Attached: Capture.png (335x162, 132K)

the build synergy is really shitty actually and the game itself is not that great but if you absolutely must fill the hole that diablo 2 left after you beat it then grim dawn is "good enough"

Mario party on crack with anime waifus who beat the shit out of each other instead of playing mini games

It's basically Mario party with characters from a series of games, except instead of minigames you fight each other using ability cards (not sure if there's also minigames, but there are rng board events for stepping on some tiles).

Warrior games are the east Call of Duty, shallow entertainment, some people hate them, some people love them. I think the most sound position, if you can stomach brainless "fun", is the same for both, getting the one every ~5 years when the slight improvements between games almost make it feel like a sequel

It's a rail shooter fps, but you can move backwards and forwards at your own pace and chose the path you take through the stage when it forks. You'll actually spend some time wandering around the stage to solve puzzles and shit. But yeah it's weird as fuck. I loved it but I'm still not sure what the hell.

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Should I pull the trigger?

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yeah the gameplay looks a bit shite but everything surrounding the shooting is what's got me curious

It means you have mainstream taste
don't worry tho fuck these try hard pretentious fucks

How did FF8 age? I remember playing it at a friend's place on his PSX like 20 years ago but that is all I can recall.

Best cutscenes in the world

Tropico 4 is way better than Tropico 3 and you can get it and all its DLC for about the same price.

BABA IS sale
YOU IS buy

is outlast 2 good? is it a good hillbilly horror game?

Dude, what's with the position of the egg carton? They're eggs! Fragiles are always on top!

Also, you've got heavy canned catfood pressing down onto cardboard boxes; Heavies on bottom.

Finally, never get perishables until the very end of your shopping run. You don't want those eggs to spoil.

guys will Rimworld go on sale?
it's literally the only game I was hoping would

don't quite think it'd be worth 35 doll hairs


Are The Silver Case and The 25th Ward any good?

I really want to but I had to give up on stephen's sausage roll after like puzzle 6 so I think I'm too brainlet for baba

no, the devs specifically said they will never put it on sale

I'm playing the silver case right now. If you like VNs with very little gameplay but interesting/bizarre story it's pretty good.

Egg cartons are pretty durable. Eggs can't take impacts, but they're reasonably good with pressure, and the cardboard spreads the stress evenly.

Yeah, especially if you're already aboard Suda's wild ride.

Attached: Suda.png (3696x2536, 1.69M)

is this a ruse?
that's lame if true
will pirate in that case

any game like mountain blade? let me take over the world?

you're right, it's worth double that

I don't think any game I've bought would be worth 70 dollars

i remember it for factorio and pretty sure the rimworld devs have the same stance, but need to confirm

if so, yes, pirate the fucking shit out of it

dump HK holy shit play tw3

It's PoE with good itemization

Is .hack//G.U. Last Recode worth going through? Always been interested in the series, but I remember review scores always being mediocre. Surprised to see all the positive reviews on the steam page, so I'm guessing this rerelease did something right.

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steam port is good enough for that, never had any problems with it

yeah I might as well
honestly though that's kind of turned me off from even trying it out
dev must think his shit doesn't stink

Steven's sausage roll is too dry, at least baba is more diverse. Baba is arguably easier.

blood money if u only have money for 1

guys, is ark worth it?

the first is the best though

Is Outward worth buying? Hows the story?

yeah, the same

it's just too retarded and crinjy to see devs like this, that think that charging more money allways = more revenue
fucking pathetic

I have Keys for Splinter cell 1 thru Conviction [spolier]for Uplay[/spoiler] Hit me up if you want to make a deal, Goy

Holy hell leveling the badge gets you SO MANY levels for your steam profile. Dear god. I went from like level 12 to 50 from leveling the fucking badge.

>Endless Space - Collection

It's a fully featured space themed 4X in the mold of Stellaris (though less complex) or Galactic Civilizations and it's actually pretty good. I've already gotten 3 hours of pure empire management bliss out of 99 cents, I have won the dollar to fun ratio value battle already.

fuck sake I've already spent enough this sale and now you're making me want to spend more on a game I'm fairly certain will hurt my brain

Anons, give me a quick rundown on Supraland.

This pic does NMH2 dirty, not to mention all the misspellings.
I appreciate the fact that it tries to introduce players to incrediby inaccessible stuff such as FSR, though.

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Alright, I've been hearing a lot of good things about Kingdom Come: Deliverance, is it actually worth playing?

Supraland has a demo! Give yourself a quick rundown instead of trusting our pack of slightly malevolent strangers.

Prime eurojank.

Well, I'm connoisseur of grid-based indie puzzles, and Stephen is my least favorite. What's better: CHANGING LAWS OF NATURE or meat handling?

What’s the verdict?

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Got elite dangerous with dlc pass(14 bucks total) and it is insanely comfy with VR (especially after you add an in-world monitor displaying tv shows or netflix) not to mention it feels like an expansive universe.

Prime boomercore distillates with some modern QoL stuff sprinkled in.

aka if you like Doom, Duke, Quake, Blood, etc. you want these bad mothafuckas in yo library

>in world monitor displaying Netflix
Why does this one sentence make me suddenly reconsider years of passing on this game? Fuck, I'm such a simp.

How are:
>Touhou Luna Nights
>Bloodstained Curse of the Moon

>all that canned food
>all those crackers
Wtf, do you not buy or make anything fresh?

Absolutely, if you don't mind roleplaying and true immersion. If your intent is to slay habitants of one cave after another, it's not for you.

Dusk is fantastic
I thought level design in Amid Evil wasn't quite as good and the movement didn't feel as smooth. The environments were aesthetic as fuck though. Overall I'd recommend. They're both pretty good.

Anybody know some arcade flight games other than Ace combat?

Probably have to wait another year or so. CapCom dropped DRM from RE7 after 2 years, so they might do the same then.

I wouldn't buy ark unless you have people to play it with

>start with 3000 capacity, boost and obrain 3000 tokens
only adds 100 per day
>Volvo realizes their mechanic to obtain the $5 discount is too complicated and that the amount of money each user would have to spend to farm enough tokens would make the discount negligible
>change the mechanics mid event so that there's no more capacity but just point you can farm from achievements in any games you own to me converted in tokens using boost
>articles even explain the much easier mechanic and how with just a week of sale you can easily obtain the discount farming 2000-2500 tokens per day.
>sign in yesterday
>100 daily points
>claim 4000 points form achievement, 1K at a time, boost 4 times, 4000 tokens
>im now at 7K
>sign in today
>no 100 daily points
>decide to claim my 9K points
>only 100 points go in the booster
>+100 tokens
>"Upgrade your maximum points or wait until tomorrow to claim your points"
what the fuck?

It's also very boring

All I got was the Borderlands bundle and FFXIV and it wasn't even on sale. Disappointed with this summer sale.

Go get 'em tiger.

blood money doesn't work with controllers


Both, but Chaos Theory is a better stealth game.

How so?

Hey guys, I'm looking for a game under 10 dollars that has good replayability. Interested in metroidvanias and stuff like Isaac. If anyone could help me out and rate my list I'd appreciate it.

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Good. Not very long, but good. Both have great music, CotM is a good classic Castlevania. LN has some neat gameplay mechanics, most based on the source material.

Is Lobotomy Corporation actually good?

Get Hollow Knight if you haven't.
Yakuza 0 is amazing, it's a steal at that price. I bought it at full price for the PS4 and don't regret it.

short but fun

Luna nights is like 2hours long. Literally its only fault.

no way, it runs like shit and it doesn't take long to get through its content in like 5 hours.

Yakuza 0 or Yakuza Kiwami ?

Yeah I already have HK, currently doing godhome. Anything else you'd recommend though?

>Stuff like Isaac
Enter the Gungeon maybe?

>130 GB
Oh fuck. Not falling for "you'll just need 250 gb for games" and buying 1TB SSD was a good decision.

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how does one do this.

F to pay respects to my wallet

Attached: F.png (502x188, 112K)

0 definitely

Ark alone: You're literally paying for a buggy, barely functional piece of shit that isn't nearly the best single player experience in the genre. AVOID AVOID AVOID
Ark with friends: Okay for a little while

If you already played Yakuza 1, get 0. It's a good place to start and will hold you over for a while. If you haven't Kiwami is a good buy. Honestly I'd say get both though

Is Killer 7s Steam Port any good?

There's nothing quite like HK, but Ori is also pretty good. I've heard good things about Momodora too.

It's a terrible game so it doesn't matter.

Hmm that looks interesting, I'll add it to my list.
I'll check those both out, thanks for the recommendations.

Environmental Station Alpha is like 3 bucks and is fantastic besides its low res meme graphics.
La-Mulana is just under 5 bucks, amazing game although its a lot more of a thinkin' mans game.
Hollow Knight is okay at best, but prepare to be bored out of your fucking mind for the first like 2-3 hours of content.

0 is the best for newcomers, and ignore the retards that say you need to play 1 (or K1) first, since it's a very dated game and story, and playing 0 before makes the story feel less random.

i got 25 gaben buckos what do i choose ?

Attached: what do i choose.jpg (598x300, 40K)

yes it's good

Environmental Station Alpha is a rad metroidvania, and Nuclear Throne or Monolith or Enter the Gungeon are like Isaac. Baba and Celeste aren't replayable, but I could recommend Baba.

Hard West is $2, it's a TBT game like XCOM with music by the guy who scored Witcher 3.

Why bother posting this? He's probably already played the game if he's interested in it hence him asking about the porting quality.

What is the best single player game in the genre?

A Hat in Time and Wizard of Legend.

Yep la-mulana is great. Love that game. I'll check out ESA, looks interesting.
>nuclear throne
Oh shit yeah, forgot this existed. I'll add it to my list too. Regarding celeste, how long is it? I'm mainly wanting it because I'm craving platformers recently.

>refund to steam wallet
Oh no i wish i had gone with epic store oh no based todd or tim or chang wang dang mang or whoever please save me oh no

Ori is very lackluster as a metroidvania, it can pass only as a platforming game.

I dunno. I'd rather play The Forest over Ark.

Its been cheaper

There is also Synthetic. Don't know how long is Celeste, but N++ is massive, it scratched my platformer fix for years.

That's exaggerated. It is kind of linear and based around the platforming, but it still has the elements that make a great metroidvania. It's less linear than say, Metroid 2, which is one of the first examples of the genre.

Attached: off by one.png (600x597, 595K)

H3vr for gun sim with roguelike gamemodes.

Onwards for actual teamplay and tactical fps.
Unironically elite dangerous its fucking great.

Into the radius is pmuch stalker VR and its handed out for free until it comes on steam on their discord.

>being retarded enough to pay for shitrim again to get a shitty game with a vr mode devs literally spent 5 minutes on and "mods will fix it" attitude
lmaoing at youre life.

Which of these should I buy? Which should I not buy?

Attached: Untitled.png (619x589, 111K)

Holy shit that's on steam? Holy fuck buying immedietly

It's a non roomscale game where you control your characters body.

As you can guess without wiggle waggle its bottom tier shit.

it's got a weird name attached (N++ (NPLUSPLUS)) which doesn't seem to be the first thing to show up when you type it in search, so that's weird

Remove LGBT in Time.

Attached: grudge.jpg (1056x720, 289K)

payday vr is pretty fucking bad.

Thanks man, found it.

Attached: 1551332861037.jpg (401x333, 116K)

Challenge to everyone: name a metroidvania with worse exploration than Ori.

Blade and sorcery if you want medieval combat, it's not nearly at cartoony as for but still let's be be absolutely brutal

Am I fucking myself out of enjoying Amid Evil by starting on the hidden difficulty? It's not looking anywhere near Dusk-tier so far.

Metroid 2
Metroid Fusion
Monster Tale
Off the top of my head. I don't usually play shitty metroidvanias a lot, so I don't get to reach a point where exploration is noticeable.

Posted this before but could always use more opinions.

Attached: Steam_2019-06-27_03-11-39.png (630x548, 130K)

Squad is dead

Well, "hard" was kinda easy for me, so go with "evil".

1 & 2 are B, 3 is Q, 4 is M, 5 is Z.

Is it really?

Huh, okay. Thanks pal.

Remove Ragnarok and add the Grim Dawn expansions.

You're aware Thronebreaker is just a card game with a story, right? It's not a proper Witcher game

It it all except the pathfinder DLC. It’s not that good and the base game alone is already like a 200 hour game

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N++ literally broke my standards when it comes to platformers. It's so fucking great. I've been playing it on and off since it came out.
We need a goddamn 3D N, but if I recall I think the devs said the series is done for. I desperately want it not to be true.

>LGBT in Time
Nah, let's support our /agdg/ friends.

what do i choose to go with TWWH...
the Katana or the Wizard ?

Get Koumajou Densetsu

Yeah I fucking loved Gwent and I assumed it was pretty much the same as that

Got Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Divinity Original sin II, and Pathfinder Kingmaker so far. thoughts?

What does the DLC add?

Attached: f.png (790x651, 123K)

Play them.

I never understood the "beginning is boring" thing.
I mean, there's enough to learn and explore, and you're making non stop progress toward something.

Already spent like 28 bucks on some cheaper games, but eh fuck it I just got my paycheck.

What doth thou feel about these?

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i want a good rpg with tons of build variety and skills and shit
i dont care if its a crpg arpg jrpg whatever

Is Black Mesa worth it for $8?

Wizardry, Elminage and Grimrock are all pretty solid buys. Have fun exploran

Celeste takes about 25 hours to complete all the content if you're decent.
Similar games would be Super Meat Boy, Dustforce and Super-Cloudbuilt.

yet you've played all three

I'm tempted but how's the story?


Actually no.

Early game is just boring. Enemies are braindead, the first tool you get is one of the lamest tools in the game and should have come later rather than sooner, and the character writing (at first) just felt like a really cringey poor imitation of Dark Souls storytelling, although it does get better.

Its just a really poor introduction to the rest of the game and it takes a while to actually get fun.


pls respond
I keep hearing references to stalker, though, which has me intrigued.

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Is monster hunter worth it if I dont have any friends to play it with or can I just pirate it and play solo?

Remove TQ expansion, you'll never find the time or willpower to play it.
Thronebreaker is good but only if you're a witcher fan, the gameplay is mediocre at best but everything else is great.

Attached: mylife.png (271x122, 66K)

There's matchmaking

On the offchance you're still around; it doesn't. Black bars as usual

Never take a chance with eggs or egg cartons. Fragiles on top; Heavies on bottom. Perishables always the last items you get a grocery store.

Yeah but I'm asking if pubs are worth or if theyr'e shit like in every game ever made.

>or if theyr'e shit like in every game ever made.

Playing solo is fun enough. I've never found online play very fun in MH.

They're complete trash, but you'll occasionally find a lobby full of competent people. The game is also very easy in SP so you're fine.

>Is monster hunter worth it if I dont have any friends to play it with
yes, also there are sos requests and match making for people like us

Thanks, pirate it is.


One is like a stand alone prequel, the other is an infinite dungeon and I’m not sure of the last one. I think it might be a new class

Shame we won't hunt together but have fun

What the fuck did I just activate

Grim Dawn expansions have weak discounts during this sale. Unless you're a die hard GD fan, you might consider waiting for a steeper discount later on.


got a pic?

SOS is RNG but there's tons of shitters out there, expect lots of carts on harder quests. You can find rooms online though and those tend to have more competent hunters, and the game also allows you to filter search for rooms so it's not as RNG-intensive as SOS

I need recommendations for cheap games that will rekindle my desire to play games.

Yup, still here and already found out the hard way.
I don't mind the black bars myself but taking screenshots or recording the game with Shadowplay will have black bars too which is annoying.
Usually I just set my game resolution to 16:9 AR and then there won't be any black bars on the screenshots or video but Vesperia doesn't even do proper scaling on my screen and just stretches the image to full panel.
Berseria had an option to lock aspect ratio so resolution won't be stretched but Vesperia doesn't have this option.
Still, I guess it is better compared to Nier Automata which always had stretched image on 16:10 with no way to fix it without a mod.

fuck you

Eh. It depends upon how much you enjoy a re-envisioned Half-Life 1. I played the freeware version and it was nice. I know that the freeware version has since been spruced up a little bit for the retail version... Maybe try out the freeware version and see if the concept is the right fit for you.

PoE is infinitely more replayable but its good for a run through or two

It was all this shit

Attached: Steam_mY2BWUVtbF.png (271x343, 49K)

For someone who has never played a Sonic game before, which ones are worth purchasing? My friend says Sonic Adventure 2 is one of the best, but the port sucks.

WASTED. Some user here recommended it to me 2 days ago.

Hope you weren't attached to that hard drive.

you got like, 20 games for free and you're complaining?

Attached: 1c7lfc.jpg (225x225, 8K)

I'm safe if I don't install any of them
Not really complaining, mostly confused.

Is Spelunky really that good? I see many people recommend it

Ni no Kuni 2 is fucking shit, wait for PC remake of the first one

Depends on what you like. I can't comment on the Adventure games, but the first 3 games and Mania are basically the same at their core. If you like one of them you'll probably like all of them.

Best low spec games?

HD version has an uglier artstyle and shittier music. Just download the free version.

Valkyrie Profile on steam what ?

Environmental Station Alpha costs fucking nothing and is a solid ass game. Don't let the simplistic graphics put you off.

Yes, all the others rogulites are mere imitations.

Recommend me something cheap and fun that I can play on short bursts

Fuck off with this meme

Coal Man Clicker

risk of rain 2 or even 1

But HD plays better and has more content. Can't argue with graphics and music part.


Also, I already have AC7 on PS4 but haven't had time to play it. Is it worth double dipping for the PC version? Also, are the timed missions really that bad?

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Castle Crashers, or any behemoth game.
This, remember that 2 is in Early Access though.

RoR1 is a steal

>Is it worth double dipping for the PC version?
Eh. Why?

Timed missions aren't that bad. At worst there's one that's kind of boringly easy.

>Can't argue with graphics and music part
Seriously, the music sounds like early DOS shit. Not knocking DOS music but it sounds fucking awful

Can anyone explain me why since the sale game change to be easier, today i could only get 100 tokens from my thousands points from achievements while yesterday i could farm 3K?
I did nothing different from yesterday

>Eh. Why?
120 FPS/1440p vs 1080p/60 on PS4 Pro

they gave 3k yesterday to people who suffered through the first two days

games uner $5 I have put 50+ hours into $2.49 $2.59 $1.39 $1.29

Don't insult good DOS music by this comparison. But this is literally not an issue since you can put your own music.

Oh, ok.