What do you want from Final Fantasty XVI? Should it be technology-based or fantasy-based? Turn based combat...

What do you want from Final Fantasty XVI? Should it be technology-based or fantasy-based? Turn based combat? Who do you want to direct it?

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Give nomura a real chance to make VS

I think SE would like to release another FF before 2040

Set in Afghanistan

>What do you want from Final Fantasty XVI?
For it to actually be fun for once

I unironically liked the idea of XV and I'm a bit disappointed it was such a trainwreck. Now they'll never go back to the cool ass modern world shit.

I want them to put summoners/witches in the spotlight again in a modern/sci-fi setting by making FF16 be based on their Agni's Philosophy tech demo.


Having it be a mature political epic by Matsuno would be ideal.

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No jobs no buy, they are the only good thing about this series.

>cool ass aesthetic
>then she flies out and there's a futuristic utopia in the background
Fuck you.

Can't have just one aesthetic in a game world, m8

Fuck no. Fuck no. Nomura is so overrated with zoomers I can't handle it.


I want square to go bankrupt.

Remake FF1,2,3

How many remakes do these games need, godfuckingdamn.

You can at least not juxtapose it so heavily.

shitty mobile ports don't count as remakes

Fuck that. If these cunts are remaking VII then they might aswell do a complete remake of VI.

>worked on 2 of the best FF

They did, though.

7 gets a full remake while 6 gets left with this. Truly the world is a fucked up place.

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Good Job System and good battle system for that Job System to work with or it can fuck off.

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>Still no mod that gives the original sprites and UI while keeping the Amano portraits and enchancements over the original game

>based Agni's Philosophy
>builds off of FFX's turn-based combat
>field encounters
>FFXII-like world design
>collab ost between Uematsu and Hamauzu
>directed by Kitase

He mostly did character design for 7. And the one he had more influence on 10 was dogshit. He has never been high up on something that turned out great.

a good game that has decent action combat that is more than FFXV levels of "Hold O to win" shit

>Who do you want to direct it?
I say give Motomu Toriyama another try.

Go away.


you have literally no idea what you’re talking about lol

Give me a fun and innocent adventure like FF9.

ATB or something like FFXII.

He has never directed something great. End of story. Keep him low on the totem pole.

>slums right next to city
Not that hard to believe.

I want Square Enix to basically make Dragon's Dogma except with crystals and rideable chickens.

hopefully a return to the old school medieval-ish crystal-related story type fantasy they had in 1-5, perhaps with a more traditional approach to their open world instead of the on rails road trip of XV.

The problem with that is it's literally a lush grasslands right next to a ruined area. Contrast with Midgar which absolutely doesn't suffer from this the same way.

I want the next FF game to not have lavish graphics.

When you have to voice and animate EVERYTHING with top notch graphics, you'll never have a world as dense as the Ps1-2 FF games.

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>Should it be technology-based or fantasy-based?
>Turn based combat?
>Who do you want to direct it?
It's not a movie

With the same combat as FF7R.
You can switch between turn based command mode and real time so both audience are pleased

I want it to have no voice acting. It's no coincidence FF died with X when VA started with X.

Final Fantasy XVI, as directed by me?
Well, here goes.

>Runs on the Radiance Engine (an upgraded version of the FFXIV engine, the most user-friendly version of Luminous by far), or probably UE4 if that engine is no longer workable
>Seamless overworld battles
>Active Dimension Battle ver. 2 but with combination attacks and Gambits disabled on the active player character, designed by Hiroyuki Itou and Akihiko Matsui
>Gambits that can be linked to form sequences of behavior like mini-Paradigms
>Somber story, with low-key personal goals but with daily life moments that bring awe and moments of joy into the game's world, snowballs into a narrative about people displaced by war and their efforts to make a life in a world in which their country no longer exists
>Directed by Kazutoyo Maehiro, FFXIV Heavensard writer and The Last Remnant director, written by Jun Akiyama, FFXII writer and Vagrant Story/KH1 in-game cutscene director
>Ensemble cast includes a girl adjusting to her new life in a foreign land after her traumatic past, a travelling dancer pursuing inspiration in spite of his lack of skill, a pint-sized Moogle general that leads a force defending a small pond of water, and a former spy turned gardener
>Characters designed by Kazuya Takahashi, FFXIV character artist (who in my opinion is the next Nomura)
>Art direction by Hideo Minaba and Hiroshi Minagawa, like a less ornate FFXII, with more togas and an airship buried in the sand
>An aesthetic derived from Ancient Rome, with lots of influences from North Africa and the Middle East, but with the customary influences from Japan and Korea in in-universe 'foreign countries'
>Chocobos captured UAE falcon-style, then breedable
>Lots of blue in the architecture to contrast with the golden arid sands of the desert
>No steampunk/cyberpunk influences because that can be explored in another numbered Final Fantasy game I'll make a proposal for, just straight up swords-and-sorcery fantasy

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>Who do you want to direct it?
No one who worked on X-15.

As for how Versus XV would really play out which is what I () REALLY want, mind you:

>3 acts
>Like the 2013 demo, but with a Gambit system and character switching
>Magic functions like the cooldowns in Command Deck, but that's it
>Act 1 resembling what we got but with Stella and not Luna and an actual rivalry between Ravus/Lupus and Noctis depicted during the Insomnia invasion in the Room of the Crystal, Noctis witnessing Clarus killing Regis just before he tells him about Stella, ends with Gladio being killed by Ardyn
>Act 2 beginning with Gladio talking to Noctis, but with Prompto and Ignis asking Noctis who he's talking to and telling him that Gladio has been killed
>Noctis receiving his Focus through a dream planted by the Crystal
>Visions of Stella (AKA Noctis’s subconscious) causing Noctis to question what is real, and what isn’t
>Cor steps in to help Noctis control his powers just as soon as Noctis witnesses a dog transforming into a man, Prompto dying just before Noctis enters crystal stasis, also killed by Ardyn just after he killed Lupus
>Act 3 revealing that Stella was killed by Ardyn during the Battle of Altissia becomes the Knight of the Goddess, Noctis fights her, multiple times
>Only in the end is it revealed that Stella’s corpse has been reanimated by Etro, meant to kill Noctis before he can suffer any further
>Though Noctis wins he FAILS in their final battle and submits to his Focus and his inevitable death, which itself open’s Etro’s Gate, triggering a battle with monster Ardyn, Prompto, Gladio, Ignis and Cor back in the party one last time
>The True King dies alone in the end, writhing in pain and gasping for air, a sacrifice in agony
>CUT TO BLACK, roll credits
>the Light of Providence comes back to the land of Eos now ruled by Ignis and Cor
>Stella sits at the throne of Valhalla, forever sleeping (in the pose of the Amano art)
VERUM REX: Final Fantasy Versus XV

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>>Lots of blue in the architecture to contrast with the golden arid sands of the desert
gimme some gates of babylon

>Kazuya Takahashi, FFXIV character artist
I thought that was Akihiko Yoshida who was in charge of that?

And to add onto this, not whoever the fuck did Type-0.

Akihiko Yoshida did main character design, but Kazuya Takahashi did a lot of the promotional illustrations (and many familiar screens you see in-game). An extensive library of his work can be found here:

>good graphics, but not with a shit artstyle like the DS games or the stick characters we had in XIII
>regular ATB or CTB combat
>4 man parties
>6 characters as a whole, 3 male, 3 female, so you can switch up your party group like you want
>job system
>that actually changes the appearance of your group (imagine styling around with a group of red mages)
>jobs inspired by FF XI
>companions follow you around like in XV
>but when you enter a town because of plot they leave you and you can watch what they're doing via ATE's like IX did it
>focus is on story again, not open world garbage like XV did
>music comparable to what we got in the PS 1/2 era
Would be my perfect FF. It will never be true.

FFXV have decent fight system. Make real life modern time 2019 something like that. Or make Agni philosophy. Agni Philosophy looks great.

>FFXV have decent fight system

Hold O is decent?

Can we get another Final Fantasy Tactics instead?
Better yet, give me another Tactics Ogre/Ogre Battle

Oh, and it has to feature this scene right here:
>flower in the storyboard replaced by the Sylleblossoms used in Tabata!FFXV, but with a scene approved by Nomura going like this:
>Noctis: Sylleblossoms... Stella liked that flower...
>*flashes back to a Ferrari-drawn custcene*
>Stella: Noctis-sama, do you know what this flower means?
>Noctis: Flowers have meanings?
>Stella: That's right, Noctis-sama! Every flower is part of a greater language of blossoms and buds. For example, red roses can mean love, while white pink roses can mean trust and assurance.
>Both of them look up to notice Ravus/Lupus walking to them. Ravus squats in order to make eye contact with Noctis and Stella. He gently clasps a sylleblossom, with care and delicacy.
>Ravus/Lupus: And this blue flower that Stella's holding means something too. Can you guess what this flower, Prince Noctis? Try and pay attention to the middle pistil.
>Stella: That's right! It looks like it's reaching!
>Noctis: It tries to touch the skies, but it can only grow so tall? Is that it?
>Ravus/Lupus: That's why the sylleblossom symbolizes yearning, Prince Noctis. It wants something it can never have, in any realm of possibility...
>*fade to white as Ravus/Lupus finishes his sentence*
>Ravus/Lupus: ...something I'm sure you'll understand someday.
>Cut back to Noctis staring at the brilliant purple lights of stars that dot the midnight sky.
>Noctis: Stella...
>Noctis sheds a single tear, desperate to be with someone beyond his reach.

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I've seen some of these before, yeah. Thanks for giving me a name.

It\s only for you. Also battle system can be upgraded. Turn based system fight was developed because of lack time and technology.

High Fantasy, turn-based, made by Yoshi-P

Or make it the next MMO

Honestly I'd just prefer 3D remakes of FF4-6 (especially 5) with full voice acting and cutscenes

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Also Parasite Eve have a good fighting system should be upgraded.

>3D remakes of FF4-6 (especially 5) with full voice acting and cutscenes

>Turn based system fight was developed because of lack time and technology.
Stop with this retarded bullshit that simply isn't true. Even NES games had active combat system (with functioning AI companions). Yet the FF games on SNES and later were still "turn based because technical limitations"? It's a design choice, shithead.

A more classic fantasy based title, more in line with FFV or FFIX. Combat could be a fast paced turn based system like X-2. None of these damn hybrids work so far. Director seat, Hiroyuki Ito please.

C'mon get on new level. Don't be black and white copy of previous games.


I would really like a 6 remake.
a man can dream

>Also battle system can be upgraded.

except you are not challenged/motivated to buy ANY of the advanced combat skills in XV.

Hell, you don't even need to take advantage of the weapon swapping of XV

their combat is okay. Granted PE is dead thanks to Tabata ruining it with Third Birthday

You're always welcome, my guy. You're always welcome.

- Your best ancom girl, Stellafag

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Lol like bro just make the setting Ivalice and we're good.

Given enough time it will happen. Perhaps only a couple decades to wait.

Design choice? Seriously? Even SMT games trying to expermentate with fighting system like in Raidou Kuzunoha.

Job switching, tactical combat (doesn't necessarily need to be ATB/turn-based, just not so action oriented), lean more towards fantasy than scifi/contemporary fantasy, likeable characters, and a decent plot. I want to see something that resembles III, V, or IX more than any of the other games in the series.

>Turn based system fight was developed because of lack time and technology.
this isn't true
Considering how much was ripped from DnD in JRPGs to this day I'm pretty sure it was a design choice. Real time combat existed.

Card games on chocobos.

Say something like this - voice acting not needed because of player reading dialogue.

No, that's silly. It's not always necessary but it sure as hell isn't for that reason.

5 and 9 were comfy

>lol if they deliberately chose this combat system then why come a spinoff game in a completely different series has action combat?!?!
I wish your mom would have "expermentated" with better birth control options.

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>No, that's silly. It's not always necessary but it sure as hell isn't for that reason.
Same with turn-based fighting system, new a new level.
What about First person look fighting system?


Your mom didn't say nothing about you, last night.

ffx style combat, CTB is based
sphere grid is also based, but we can see how badly they can fuck up a bootleg version of it with ff13's crystarium bullshit

>by Yoshi-P
Into the trash it goes.

Point was always need to experimentation with fighting system. Turn based combat was in Octopath Traveller and how this is ended?

What do I want? I want something that'll never happen.
Ah hell, why not.

Ivalice setting.
Party is you (adult male human[25+yo minimum]), a male human, a female human, and one party member from every other race, a mix of male or female.
Several of them secret or multi-staged quests to recruit them.
Characters have specific jobs, you choose your own but everyone else is locked (ie. moogle juggler)
All members are romanceable and "lockable" to a near-endgame marriage ceremony that serves as a sending off point to the last story boss.
Romance paths have multiple hours of scenes per character.
World map like every FF game before 10, with a proper on-foot -> chocobo -> land vehicle -> land&sea vehicle -> airship progression.
Main quest is as long as previous FF titles but only makes up a maximum of 50% of the content.
Side content is as well written and engaging as the main quest's story.
Both side and main quest content have plenty of multiple choice dialogue options that drastically change the ending, meaning if you rush to the end and don't touch the side stuff you get straight up obliterated and don't even get a cheevo for it.
Lots of fanservice on both the humans and other races. Beach swimsuit events and the "hot springs episode" trope, all that stuff. Hell, throw in a brothel and rate it M.
Kissable male moogle.

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Dude, old patterns. You already saw this in previous games.

Closest option is Agni Philosophy manga.

I hope for a Final Fantasy game with an anti-hero that makes fun of disabled people and the sick.

I would also like to see it do a nod to old Sword and Sorcery by setting it in the Bronze Age of Central and Northern Europe or at least part of it and having characters inspired by art like this.

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I don't remember that last point in any previous game.

Who need plot with ancient heroes doing barbarian shit.

1) Open world like either Xenoblade Chronicles X or Zelda: Breath of the Wild (absolutely NOT like FFXV)
2) Action combat like either KH or FF7Remake (absolutely NOT like FFXV)
3) 100% complete story with no chapters/episodes nor paid DLCs
4) No fetch/hunt quests, yes minigames like cards/chocobo stuff (no fishing please)
5) Fantasy setting, an original one, like FFX did, not another generic european medieval fantasy

This is actually not bad.

Agni Philosophy.

I think pic related or something similar.
But one thing I would really like to see is a more mature and manly protagonist, not someone who looks like a boy in puberty.
From Cloud to Noctis, they were all boyish, emotionally unstable fags.
Don't get me wrong, I don't mean it to have a westernized character necessarily, just someone like Spike from Cowboy Bebop, or Baltier.
FFXII was supposed to have something like this initially, but they screwd it by making Vaan the protagonist.

As for the world, I think it should be more like the Agnis Philosophy tech demo suggests. For some reason, it kinda of reminds me of the world in the Trigun anime.
With this in mind, I even have a world building idea for it:
>The majority of the world is composed of a desertic wasteland in which most of the population live in dire conditions.
>There are a few big kingdoms though (like the big sci fi city in the tech demo), which completely closed its borders to the outside world and monopolize the riches still left in it.
>Protagonist is a cowboy like mercenary who happens to run in a girl (Agnis) who was a member of a misterious cult and is able to control mythical beasts

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Are you fucking sick in the head?
Remakes and remasters are the cancer that's killing videogames (and Final Fantasy in particular) sucking time and resources from new titles, and you still ask for more of them???
We already lost at least 3 potentially great future mainline FFs because of FF7Remake!
If you really gotta ask for a remake, at least ask for a remake of something that actually needs it (unfinished games like FFXV or Xenosaga), not games who are already good and complete as they are.

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>From Cloud to Noctis, they were all boyish, emotionally unstable fags.
Cloud isn't really boyish or emotionally unstable (excluding the parts where anyone would go crazy) until the spin offs. I fear even if they wrote someone cool they'd immediately make them lame later on.

Modern fantasy is truly cursed isn't it? First VIII then XV.

Imagine not wanting to play a game.
But X was great, how did it died with it?

I hope the rumors that YoshiP is in charge of it are true. I want it to be largely fantasy based with a little scifi, like the old FF games.


Considering they're making VIIR more "realistic" and grounded in reality, I don't see why they wouldn't continue.

I just want a fucking chocobo as a party member. You'd have the job system and see the chocobo play dressup in black mage hats and thief bandanas. You could walk around town as the chocobo and only say "kweh" but everyone would respond as if they understood you. It'd be great.

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Just show trailer already of FF16, and don't back until 2029 with demo game. Also this is better be masterpiece, please.

Waiting for 2029, Oh shit. But of course art need it's time.

The last classic FF is 9. X might as well be a new series.

9 was shit and 10 was great.


Fuck off.

no offense but just give it up.


2021.5 with trailer soon.

>All members are romanceable
Stoped reading here. This would lead them including faggot romance in it, so fuck off.
Also, romance is better when it is completely written from the ground up between two characters. Romancable options are always shallow.

You'll probably look forward to Nomura's Versus, then. Don't worry, it's still coming.

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I don't even want the game, I just want all of the design docs to go public.