The Sinking City

Anyone played The Sinking City? It seems pretty based from what I've seen. I like those Sherlock games.

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You people are so brazen when it comes to shilling after getting shit on every thread for the Epic shit. It’s impressive really.

yes, the indie game developers from Ukraine who have their corporate headquarters in Dublin for tax purposes can definitely afford paid shills

>those prejudices were and still are wrong
What place does this have in a video game? Honestly. Tell me.

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With all the extra money Epic gave you, you sure can. Funny enough, they also paid for my copy of the game. Good thing too because it’s dogshit and not worth the cost.

Look at the poster count before you reply to yourself, retard. You’re not fooling anyone.


Attached: you.jpg (958x960, 255K)

7 posts and 2 (now 3) IPs.

That's just fucking embarrassing.

The only thing I’ll dilate is your paid shill asshole with my giant pirate cock.

Yikes! Thanks for the bump, Tom... I mean, Vanessa!

If it means more people coming to this thread to laugh at you, that's fine by me.

You'd get mad if they took them out entirely, and you get mad when they're included but critiqued.

Imagine, really imagine for a second, setting up two browsers and inventing two characters only to fail to differentiate the typing patterns of each one! Cringe!

Imagine, really imagine for a second, only using one browser and replying to yourself to shill your garbage game! Cringe!

So am I a shill, or am I trying to bait /pol/? Which is it, tranny?

So in my posts, just a retarded shill who doesn’t know how the board works and thinks you have some sort of high ground by acting like a retard when getting called a retard. I don’t give a fuck about /pol/.

Crack was released one day before the actual release date, played it a bit, it's pretty meh desu.


Hey OP why are you such a loser?

its a shit game and they knew it so they sucked on timmy tencents balls so they could hopefully break even.

i fucking hate you faggots so much


Was gonna buy it but the release date says 2020, at least it is already avaialable on the pirate bay store

No, it’s not. It’s an extremely forgettable DUDE FISH PEOPLE SO ELDRITCH AND EVIL waste of $60 and the reason it’s getting shilled so hard is nobody wants to buy it after they used Steam to advertise the Epic Store.

thank you

Anytime bro. Give it a pirate if you’re curious, but don’t waste any money on it.

You have to show why a thing is bad to say a thing is bad.