Pc fats have to stay in an uncomfortable chair

>pc fats have to stay in an uncomfortable chair
>console chads stay comfy

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>weebfag doesn't know shit about technology
Like clockwork

>he paid for a gaymer laptop
oh nonono

>she didn’t hook up her PC to the big screen so she could play on a lapboard in a recliner

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Hot tip from a guy, painted toenails look gross and it only attacts footfags. If you must paint them, paint them black. It's the only colour that makes it so you don't look like you have fungal nail.

This a setup for a disabled fat person, not for a normal person

What's the board? I made one out of wood but it's a bit clumsy.

It’s my wife. I don’t care.

She was placed on bedrest late in pregnancy and had to work from home, so you’re not far off.

Corsair K63 Gaming Lapboard

I run a hdmi cable to my TV from my PC. Select the right input and the computer switches over to the TV. Got a wireless keyboard and mouse to launch games, playing bloodstained this way at 4k/60

>wireless keyboard and mouse to launch games
How are you going to use a keyboard on a fucking couch? Don't pretend you're a mongoloid please.

>playing PC games at 4K on your fuckhuge TV with surround sound
Truly living the dream. I pity the fags hunched in their chairs in front of their 27-inch monitors.

Well it's a touch pad built into the keyboard. With that said I have used a regular mouse on the arm of my sofa for rts games without issue.

Only thing I play at my desk is fps because mouse blows a joystick away for fps combat

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yeah, that's a good setup i guess.


>he doesn't have a comfortable office chair
I do get it though, because I can game in the couch as well, but my desk is rather big and it's not uncomfortable in the slightest

PChads are stoic
Consolettes are lazy fatfucks.

your wife looks like she eats ham and cheese sandwiches with mayo and smells like she hasnt bathed in 5 days

>office chair
Pick one.

as opposed to a GAMER chair?

As opposed to a couch/armchair, like console chads do.

I play my consoles at my computer desk and don't have a sofa or television.

She can’t eat lunch meat (listeria) or bread (gestational diabetes) at the moment. She only showers every other day, though, since she literally can’t leave the house, so why bother? I do the same thing on the weekends.

We have a really nice $500 office chair in the upstairs study collecting dust since we hooked up the PC in the living room with a recliner. No matter how comfy it is (and is right, most office chairs are uncomfy as fuck), it will never beat a recliner.

I'd much rather sit in front of my 144hz monitor when I'm playing fps/rts games.

Who in this day and age doesn't have both?

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gay. 30 fps is enough for gaming.

baiting or not, you're missing out

>set up Steam Big Picture Mode
>Get a cheap $30 wireless controller
>Recline on luxury leather sofa.
>enjoy gaming

Keep seething console fuckwits.

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I wish I was a cute girl wearing pantyhose

>all those dangling wires
I’m not saying you’re doing the wrong setup, but goddamn what an eyesore.

>tfw vidya is ruining your back, wrists, legs, eyesight, genitals, and brain

name a more dangerous hobby

I wish I could wear pantyhose. Not gay or a tranny, they just look comfy but men can't wear them I guess.

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I love triggering ocd autists on Yea Forums

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yeah, nice try playing ALL games on steam autist.

I have a Hermann-Miller Aeron. It's more comfortable than any couch I've ever sit in.

Oh no I can't play Bloodborne and Spider Man. Whatever shall I do.

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>Angels fall first
Holy shit, I didn't think anyone else owned that game

>showering every other day
Disgusting fucks

are those british outlets? look very strange to a scandinavian

jesus christ man, get a zip tie, some velcro, A FUCKING TWIST TIE

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I wish they weren't so expensive desu

Why? Every dermatologist recommends that.
Showering every day is bad for the skin.


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If I don't shower everyday I get all greasy and smelly, I live in tropical area though.

>rts games
but those are dead.

>steam link

you'll have to get a group of people to play with, but I'm mostly playing singleplayer nowadays

Reminder that consolefags are the phoneposting wojack shitters dragging this board down

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Poor retard. He'll never understand.

Dawn of War Ultimate Appocylpse and the Ultimate Warhammer mod for Men of War Assault Squad 2 are the greatest RTS games of all time.



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These video always make me feel uneasy because I'm afraid that the candles may stab their eyes and blind them.

No one else plays it so I just play it with bots. It's a worthy sucessor to the original Star Wars Battlefront 2 and the space battles with pilotable capital ships are KINO!

That's what happened in that video, it cuts off before it's shown

Yes, you get it

My desk is literally just a couple feet away from my bed.

In fact, I've got a wireless mouse and keyboard by my bed while I play Tails of Vesperia in bed with my Wii u Pro.

You can buy them second-hand for $400

>not having your PC next to your bed

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>that comfy belly

absolute waifu material

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Not in my country

How are the bots? I wanted that game so bad but never got it because it's dead.

Serviceable. On the harder difficulty they do all the things they need to do but tend to rush objectives. Other than that it's better than nothing. Just don't expect FEAR's AI.

This is the least comfy shit Ive ever seen. You cant even extend your arms to the side while typing because your pc gets in the way, why is it not on the ground. Its not the only thing that sucks about your setup but I dont care to finish this po

i only extend my right arm when typing my left stays still for the keys on that side

Yeah and guess who's trying to sell you creams and lotions?

>calling others fat when you brag about staying in your bed all the time like one of those 600 pound tubs of lard

Put it on the ground, might get brain cancer from the EMFs it's emitting.

100ft hdmi cable + usb + ethernet
All hidden in the suspended ceiling

PC is in my bedroom to play FPS and RTS
Big screen is in the basement to play platformers and movies

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>implying pc users aren't fattest of them all
Shut up fatty.


are gayming chairs worth it Yea Forums?

Not worth it, it's fake leather and it peel after a month. Go to a used office furniture supply. Most of the stock comes from bankrupt companies and are like new.

this the chair i have been using for a few years is an old office chair and even with my crippling back pain i can sit in it for hours before i need to lie down