Well? Where the fuck is it?
Well? Where the fuck is it?
When Persona 5 on Switch happens.
>paying for emulators
Its called the 3DS.
Isn't the N64 Mini coming in september?
Why didn't you keep the original
um, but I already have one
>be current year
>in alternate reality timeline where a reality tv star is president because of a cartoon frog and and clown women
>not playing Perfect dark n64 in 1964 emulator for 60fps and perfect mouse and keyboard controls
Consider dilating less you dirty faggots
Last time someone asked Nintendo they said the NES and SNES were just little side experiments to kill time (read: have something to put in stores) before the Switch.
Now that its out and selling like hotcakes they don't need anymore Minis.
It's good the n64 emulation in the 3ds?
drink cyanide
Canned in favor of Nintendo Switch Online.
>New Folder
Then they should make N64 games available on eShop. Can't be too difficult for them holy fuck
>n64 emulation
Same place as the Saturn mini, switch virtual console and a good new sonic game.
It'll release right alongside SNES online for the switch
So never ever land?
Its coming. Hopefully soon. Nintendo flatout admits that just the NES on Switch Online isn't enough anymore.
Just emulate you fag. Legit takes less than 10 min. Even on a toaster
It was never a possibility
>classic line needs to end eventually
>why not stop at 3D?
>small library that hasn't aged as well as SNES and lacks the pick up and play novelty of NES
>small library is further crushed due to the removal of Rare games
>half the remaining games require 4 controllers so they would have to pack them in and raise the price
>implying anyone is going to have friends who are willing to waste an evening for the sole purpose of playing Mario Party 2
>controllers suck anyways
If there is a new classic system, it's going to be the Gameboy.
>He's never played new folder for the nintendo 64
they can't steal documentation from the community since it's shit
you'll have to wait a few years.
Do you ever play mario tennis? Like do you boot up and say I wanna fucking play the computer in tennis?
Simply epic
hell yes I do
>no ogre battle
>no sin and punishment
>no wonder project
>no blast corps
>no mischief makers
>no doom 64
>no hybrid heaven
Pleb taste, to be honest with you.
>Nintendo destroys the virtual console because fuck you, we want to sell mini-consoles with a limited selection
>don't sell most of them
I'm sure they got a net profit, too.
it would be very costly to any company or Nintendo to make a n64 mini: first the controllers are too big and stupid for today standars, thats almost 100 dollars for only 2 controllers; then the emulation of N64 games are actually pretty difficult than even with all the horsepower pc it can't acchieve 100% accurate emulation.
it would be more cheap just to rerelease brand news n64 if that what people really want for 300 dorus.