I spend 3000h in this garbage time sink

I spend 3000h in this garbage time sink.
Every single time I thought I could "make it" and either have fun or climb, the harsh reality came back to me.
I can't be a shrink for 4 strangers for 40, even 50 minutes
What strategy game should I play?

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Matchmaking is filled with peruvians if you live in NA, turks and arabs with 45% winrate if you live in EU.
The boosting problem never get solved, instead Valve decided to add phone verification to limit smurfs but it never been effective

MMR was honestly a mistake. Back during the beta I said it would ruin the community, and everyone shit on me. "muh HoN" and all that. But I was fucking right.
I gave up on ranked a long time ago and just play the fun modes like all random, ability draft, etc. Also like the 12v12 custom map. It's a shame that Dota 2's custom map scene never went anywhere, Valve wasted its potential hard.

Dota Underlords
It's good really but Valve need to pour more efforts into it

Op here.
I spent a lot of time in unranked and that's clearly the opposite of sanity. Every game is imbalanced not only in terms of "hidden rating" but a 4-stack can meet a 2-2-1 party and it's just over at this point

I have chat muted and go hardlane every game

3000 hours you’ll never get back.

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Same but I go jungle instead so I don't have to deal with drows or invokers offlane

>Dota 2's custom map scene never went anywhere
>Spawns an entire new genre of videogames

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I don't even want to think about it

If it weren't for MMR, the game would'be been dead for years. They won't be able to launch tournaments or push players to play better/more if there wasn't any goal.

>It's a shame that Dota 2's custom map scene never went anywhere
Then why Auto-Chess is so popular nowadays?

Imagine Brood War, Tree Tag, or Vampirism launched today, those games wouldn't make the scene that they did back then because it's so easy to pirate, re-skin, and remake games now even in different platforms.

>Same but I go jungle instead
You deserve evething bad that ever happens to you

I wouldn't do that personally. If you win hardlane you can give your team a substantial boost since your easy lane is expected to win anyway

>If it weren't for MMR, the game would'be been dead for years. They won't be able to launch tournaments or push players to play better/more if there wasn't any goal.
>Muh number
It would happened throw in houses and we would be stuck with solo divas like RTZ

Also to add to that being a 3rd position is a lot more freeing. You are allowed and even encouraged to take risks and to die for team's sake

I played offlane for 2 years
And I'm just done with the shit I see in my high 3k (yes it sucks) games
How many times I had to convince jakiros and guys who wanted pos1 to not push the laned like a retard.

if you think you should be a high mmr but arent because "of your teammates" you are a delusional child

top players got there and you didnt and never will

>Jakiro buys basi, maxes liquid fire and pushes the lane early
What's so bad about it?
Regardless, "pushing the lane" never been a huge factor for me. I play on 4-5k

If you can't play the game well, then don't expect your teammates to do so. After all, everyone's gated only by their skill.
If you really are above that skill tier, then you would've climb even with 51% win rate.

Who the fuck wants a 51% winrate

>3k hrs
>125 days
>1\3 of a year
>forever gone

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kill all addicts

Thanks, I just gonna commit fubuki very soon anyway

Whoever the fuck wants to climb.
Unless you want to spend 3000 hours stuck in 3k MMR, then don't aim for at least 51% wr.

How to get high mmr fast
>learn meepo/huskar/brood
>make a new account
>pick mid and stomp calibration games

Kill your self

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Nope. My last offlaner was a 3/12 weaver with brown boots crystalis who just have enemy juggernaut additional 200 gpm every time he spawned.
I can't rely on anyone. Now it's mid or jungle.

>try ranked
>enemy mid meepo is 7 level above everyone
>next, ally huskar is betting on his 11th win in a row
>next, enemy mid is a chink MK booster

And it sounds like your only gonna make it worse for yourself. Either suck it up and learn to comeback or quit dota

I'm just making a new account since I dropped a shit ton of mmr due to tilt. It's sad I can't climb back on my account. But man, the boosters... Holy fuck, I never paid attention to ranked for years because I pussied out (muh precious number), but it's getting out of control.

you could be me and have spent 5,500 hours and 3000 hours Path of Exile

It's random factor. Sometimes you play against boosters but sometimes they are in your team which evens it out

It sucks then
Instead of doing 4W-2L I get 3-3 with 3 unwinnable games

Well you have 4 randoms in your team and 5 in the enemy one so... do the math