What did Blizzard do wrong?

What did Blizzard do wrong?

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Literally everything, say for widowmakers ass. And the porn, cant forget the porn.


catering to homosexuals, trannies, and liberals

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Catering to casuals. It invariably leads to a game that is very big at the start (because lots of casuals play it,) then dwindles fast, because a game that has casual appeal cannot have lasting appeal

>focus on esports instead of balancing the game
>blizzard wonders why the game died

Esports. They tried so hard to make it a thing. they tried to make their game default competitive, when the most fun was had early on where team limits and shit weren't a thing.
They then kept adding in new characters, while ignoring issues other already established characters had.
the only thing this game has is porn to offer, and even they know it, look at the fucking skins they add. its a shit game.

If you didn't get to play Overwatch during launch, you never got to play Overwatch.

I don't even use the mute button, I literally just lower the player audio volume until players sound like muffled noises. That way, I don't even have to individually mute people each game.

There's so much wrong with the core gameplay I can't even be bothered to get into it.

What is up with all the mediocre retail-working bad-at-videogames kids who cry at esports?

I have never seen this phenomenon anywhere besides video games. You don't see amateus football players crying that it's not fair that a professional league exists (and they will never be in it)

Focused on esports and waifus instead of making a good game. Splatoon has this exact same problem, where nobody cares about the actual game and the threads are just 500 posts of talking about squid cunny.

Meanwhile, TF2 remains the magnum opus of the entire genre, unbeaten by any game that came afterward.

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Valve did everything they could do ruin TF2 though
Fuck valve, i bought overwatch to spite them

Who cares at this point. It's clear as day no lessons were learned by those who decide where company will go from here.

Simple, they just made a shitty game.

The avoid as teammate button completely validated the notion that shit players are put on teams in a certain way to force losses and wins. Buying loot crates can alleviate the punishment from this system.

Too many stuns and CC as well.

i would say that 2018 was the dark age of Overwatch

>introduced moira
>introduced brig
>people figured out GOATS meta and was played in high ranked soloq till the big balance patch in 2019
>didnt add any key features that made the game more fun

i wouldnt say its unfixable tho, 2019 so far has been a great year for Overwatch

>Workshop is extremely fun and was one of the best features added to the game since 1 hero limit per team
>Replay system should have been in the very start and its a bit limited RN, but its still a key feature that was really needed
>OWL players are leaking that 2-2-2 role lock is coming in late july next month with seperate SR and rating for each role
>Overwatch 2 is probably shown in Blizzcon, we know nothing about it tho, is it a seperate game? A overwatch 2.0 upgrade like hots 2.0? we dont know
>the big balance patch in may was really succesfull and made nearly all heroes viable again in soloq

i think they need to add a pick/ban captain mode system like lol/dota/paladins/siege and then make it a bit less Ult oriented and reduce the cc a bit, also introduce aim to the last few heroes who stil dont need it like mercy and winston, then the game is gonna be a solid 9/10 team shooter

Even lawbreakers had more depth than overwatch

>Blizzard AND Nintendo combined couldn't beat a game that valve actively ignored

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Sounds like an excuse to work on their esports shit instead of the actual game
It's been like what? two years since this article popped up and OW is still notorious for it's "toxicity" and autism

gg ez

Core gameplay just sucks.

It wasn't meant to last. Consume and move on to consume the next thing.

Pandering to one group of people will always make a game bad. Also, they focus on esports, but make the game as casual as possible, it makes no sense.

Nintendo has a multiplayer FPS?

They should have gone full ape shit and release heroes and maps every 2 months or something.
>B-but muh balance
Nobody cares, they release 3 heroes a year because they don't want to ruin the balance but they fuck it anyways.

>Nobody cares, they release 3 heroes a year because they don't want to ruin the balance but they fuck it anyways.
Every fucking time, there's always some retarded shit that makes it out of PTR (when the whole point of PTR is to make sure nothing broken makes it into Live)
>nerfs roadhog because they wanted to avoid one shot kills
>adds doomfist into the game soon after
At this point anyone that still believes that excuse for slow content dripfeed is a blizzdrone and probably lootbox paypig

They attempted to create an esports scene and made a game for that purpose, rather than making a good game that people will keep coming back to and create a community around. Their heavy-handed OVERWATCH didn't help, nobody's having a good time when the teacher's chaperoning.

equality of outcome

reported enjoy yor ban

Do you ever feel like you've seen the same threads day after day?

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This board is some kind of feedback loop.

>Splatoon is a bad game.

infinite ammo, press-ult-to-win, focus on esport, tranies, liberals, blizzards inability to balance shit, maps with at least 1 choke point, shields
we have this thread everyday

i-i meant not enought of my wife pharah

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Basically: Appealing for snowflake Tumblr tranny faggots and casual players.
Team Fortress 2 Master Race, motherfucker. (Valve can suck a cock tho)

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>2019 so far has been a great year for Overwatch

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>9/10 where 10/10 is absolute perfection on every level

hardcounter balancing
i'm ok with counters in games when they are 4/6 or even 3/7. but 1/9 to 0/10 is fucking stupid.
and the fact that Blizzard balance philosophy is "we need to make this braindead character for people who just picked the game as good as a character that you need 2000+hours to master" enrages me, i'm still mad that Brigg is still a thing, that single character killed 80% of the roster of the game, why play anything else if you can do just as well with a character that i can play with a hand in my back?.
so now the meta only use easy to play heros , there is no point in playing a hard to play hero if one that requires no skill does just as good with less margin of error.
this makes the meta just the same 6 vs the same 6 every single time, having to go to quickplay if i want to play any other character that is not zenyata, brigg, diva, rein, zaria and lucio is fucking stupid, just try play anything else in comp, even if you win a match where are on fire with 3 golds, you get players crying "you didn't play the meta, report"
the only thing that this game has going for it is the extremely sexual blizzard female models, weird how they can get away with it in this day and age.
imgur.com/a/YDpfDbG not going to pay for a pass hiroshit

the problem is, even if the game becomes a literal definition of a perfect game, the game reputation is already ruined.
old players don't want to go back, and new players don't want to get in.

>Trying to cater to casuals and esports at the same time
>Shitty customer service
>Reliance of lootboxes
>Caring more about random users saying nigger than actually improving the game
>Changing the lore to the point where every character is unbearable
>Speaking of "character" no one besides Mcree, Reaper, and Junkrat has any
>Got BTFO in terms of replayability by fucking TF2
>Dated design philosophy as instead of balancing heroes they just released new ones, which in turn makes previous heros obsolete
>Meta either stays the same of wildly changes
>Maps are all the same designwise
>Game modes are all the same unless it is an event
>No one plays in custom servers except for RPers
>Shitty netcode
>Shitty competitive mode

I think it's the competitive system. I climbed into masters from silver and let me tell you they ALL PLAY THE SAME. Same bullshit no matter the rank. It's more enjoyable playing with your friends who are good and want to be good. I don't play it as much anymore. After 3 years of this game and ppl are still bad ...yea no thanks.