What is the appeal of this console? Who actually has time for playing video games out of the house...

What is the appeal of this console? Who actually has time for playing video games out of the house? Even then why would you want to play a severely cut down experience (ie, sub 720p ports at sub 30 fps) just because it's "portable"?

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>Who actually has time for playing video games out of the house?
Losers who use public transportation

Travel a lot for work. Great to break out at the hotel.

why do people always assume like the portability is only useful for traveling? i like the portability because i like playing dark souls on the shitter or somewhere else inside my house instead of always at the same location

Would you rather play mobile fortnite or something? Actually, I'm sure you would.

>i like the portability because i like playing dark souls on the shitter
How long do you shit if you have time to play a game? Fucking American diets.

It's fun to be able to take it around the house or on the deck too and I know a lot of people through work who play during lunch and whatever because it's so portable.

>not shitting for 2 minutes but staying on the toilet for another 45 minutes
don't even reply to me, pleb

It has good games

>2 minutes
Fucking Americans man.

don't do this it creates mustard gas

belgian masterrace with 3plate bench, 4 plate squat and 5 plate deadlift here and i bet i still weigh less than you, fatso

>His job isn't a series of well-paid meetings with hotel downtime in between
How does it feel to be a plebian?

Nice larp

Neither is yours.

I'm playing on the Switch because I'm having fun and I know that bothers people like you, so I guess that's a bonus.

Fun is a buzzword

I'm not angry. Nice victim complex though, loser.

>I -I'm mm not a-angry, l-loser

Wagie detected. Do you really have no free time to do things?

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Like I said, it bothers you. So if you are not angry, what are you then? Jealous?

Being bothered is not the same thing as being angry. Also I have a Switch.


Because I don't criticize things without trying them.

Nintendo games are the appeal.

Is that why there have been no worthwhile games since Odyssey?


Why don't you sell it if you're unhappy with it?

Because I'm holding out for hypothetical future releases, and it's still the definitive way to play Switch games at the moment.

It's appearently the best consol to use if you can't put too much time into video games

Why even play video games if you're too casual to sit down and play them?

>if you dont play 12hours a day you cant play video games

I play it on the couch or on my bed, occasionally when doing overnight shifts

>Who actually has time for playing video games out of the house?

Why do you assume its getting played outside the house? Not everyone is a tween who festers in their bedroom all day long.

Some of us are adults with adult shit to do. I have a house, a wife, two kids and work to contend with. I have a magnitude of entertainment vying for my spare time - movies, books, TV shows, music, video games, the internet and so on.

I was ready to give up on games altogether because I just don't have the time anymore. I can't sit in my bedroom for days on end like I did as a tween.

But the Switch has given me that enthusiasm as back because it lets me game on MY terms. Its CONVENIENT. Where I'm working my study, cooking in the kitchen, chilling in the back yard, or relaxing in bed - the Switch is always there to fill in the cracks of my day. Its one of my most favourite gaming systems ever.

Kiddies will remain BAFFLED.

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literally me.

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I drive a car

So do I faggot. I didn't say I play on the bus or train.

You drive a car in your hotel room? You drive a car across the pacific ocean?

From sitting on your chair/couch to lying on your back.
Shit is beautiful.

Enjoy your fucked up spine and premature death.

To be real with you, it’s just great to be able to move it from room to room and play with the tv on while you lay on the couch and such. Much like an actual portable console which no one leaves the house with. You can homebrew it up for free games and emulators. The fact that it’s all free really helps a lot. And the games look better while portable due to them not being blown up. The traveling businessman shit that people try to sell is preposterous.

I work from home so I already sit at my desk all day. It's nice to be able to go lay out in the yard, decompress my spine, and play some BING BING WAHOOs

If there's a small indie game like Dead Cells or Baba is You, I'll get it on Switch even if it's a little more expensive than the Steam version.