What kind of videogames does the Gen-Z/Tik-Tok generation prefers to play?
Do they watch Fortnite, DOTA, APEX Legends?
Do they like films like Zelda, Devil May Cry, Mario?
Or just mobile and 5-min games?
Gen z and Vidya
thanks for putting the name in the webm
god i wish i could touch some titties
Fortnite & APEX Legends. It runs so deep that even toddlers are trying to play Fortnite.
They're nice whenever you get too, women aren't nice to be around though
very passable whatever the hell she is you got there OP
Imagine the areola size!
She's 15 you pedos
her tits are way to big, her back must killing her
she needs a breast reduction asap
Should I stop using the internet to stop seeing what I can't find IRL ?
she's 16
but my goodness what are they putting in the water in Spain
>t. white knight incel
lmao just exercise
>she's 16
probably legal age over there
but look at those fucking tits though
Gen Z only care about the likes and heart reacts
pic related same girl.
They don't care about vidya, just social media
Imagine all the struggles she will go through in her young life....
Mesoamerican blood.
>she's 16
How the fuck?
The physical struggles into her clothes every morning?
Yep, I can imagine all the dicks.
>just social media
so what's her name/insta?
Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed.
Ugly af
You're letting roasties and (((them))) cuck you out of prime women by believing this lie.
>missing the point this badly
All this girl has going is her giant tits.
She will get a reduction and fade out of popularity. The sad fact is natural tits that size are unmanageable and lead to issues.
check OP
Hormones. All the hormones and additives in food have been making girls mature bigger and quicker. It's also has to do with birth control. When you're a girl who pees on birth control, the birth control and estrogen isn't filtered out of the pee when it goes through filtration systems. This gets back to the women, only adding more hormones and estrogen to them. That's why young women have such exaggerated features (big lips, asses, hips, tits).
This affects men too, except the birth control and estrogen has negative effects on them such as making your bodies much harder to get fit and affecting libido, or as you all like to call it "turning them into basedboys"
All the estrogen in the water every girl born after 1999 has huge tits. Make sure you eat a lot of beef boys
>That girl that started blossoming in middle school
>By 9th grade she was a drop dead gorgeous babe with D-cups
>But she was a social pariah through middle school and you were her only friend, so you got to touch them all you wanted when you came over to play Ape Escape and trade Pokemon cards
If I were god I would give every boy and gay girl a Steffy to be friends with.
Kinda sad she already realized she can milk her milkers for popularity
Wait, 21-28 isn't prime? 16 gotta deal with all the teen baggage we all come to loathe.
t. Virgin
post her
what is your point, retard
20-21 is prime iirc
still better than hating them and having them chopped off
t. chestlet
Kill me.
Before everyone starts beong pervs just letting you all know she 15
Too big
>tfw big titty goth jumped my bones in high school because I came over to her house and showed her how to get Knights of the Round in FF7
Not big enough in my opinion, chestlet.
getting a breast reduction as a chick is like getting a height reduction as a guy
Prime is Definitely 17-21 year old
If you can't get lost in them they're not big enough.
Is this achievable natty?
>That girl that recognized her sex appeal by the 10th grade and had manipulated every boy in your grade into hanging out with her in the hopes of getting some action so she could mooch pot money off of them
>Masturbated with your guitar hero controller and broke it from riding too hard
If I were God, I would remove the Jackies from the lives of every boy and gay girl. No one deserves that pain.
Too gay.
It isn't fair bros
Just a few more years and she'll he doing porn and have a "premium" snapchat and manyvids page like the whore shes already showing herself to be
I had G-cups by the time I was in 10th grade so yea.
She'll hate them when she's 24 with the personality of a wet carrot
>interacting in any shape or form with early 20s girls and their bullshit mindgames and immaturity
Hell naw
how do i protect myself from the hormonal jew?