How do you feel about first person platforming Yea Forums?

How do you feel about first person platforming Yea Forums?

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Without fail the worst part of every single FPS.

First person is the most natural viewpoint. Feels good. I can't understand how people have difficulty with platforming in a FPS.

It sucks and it’s one reason nobody likes Xen

No issues so long as the game has good controls.

Can't fucking stand it. The only exception is Mirror's Edge, and that's because it was literally made for platforming.

Xen is the only good part of HL1.

It's very fun and immersive
Autistic boomer memes

It's okay in certain slower games but in shooters it's the worst part

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How contrarian do you have to be to think that Xen was the best part of hl1.

Fun but can be frustrating.

Bad unless double jumping or platforms big enough to calculate the jump. Mirror's Edge did it weve with the magnetic grabbing of edges. But in even games like Metroid Prime it could be insufferable so it's never perfect.

I don't like HL1 because it's boring as fuck. Xen on the other hand is actually interesting.

It's only bad when the player character decelerates at a flat rate, ie. as if they were on ice.

generally like it. used to play kz maps in 1.6. pretty fun overall, but certainly doesn't work in every game.

There should be more games like Mirror's Edge

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>mfw playing Hazardous Course 2 mod for the first time right now

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>no mention of dying light

Game was fps zombie survival game and actually the parkour platforming was pretty well done and fun. You were incentivized for the GOTTA GO FAST mentality. I had a blast zooming through the areas as fast as possible. Someone mentioned the magnetic ledge grabs like in mirrors edge and this game has that too. Works well for fps.

>tfw sun starts to go down and you're far from a safe zone

I don't understand how people get triggered by it so badly. I can't even say it's a zoomer thing because even back in 1998 people were bitching about the jumping puzzles in Half-Life 1.

Mostly garbage. Mirror's Edge did it pretty well, Half-Life's platforming is a shit heap because of how the game moves and all the dumb physics bullshit the engine has.

Amazing in anything Quake engine related.

In most first person games you don't even see your feet, so it's really hard to measure your jumps

i was ok with it in dark messiah, but that game is just great anyway

For the last fucking time, you're not supposed to jump more than once or twice in this part. You have to run towards the crates and let the momentum land you safely. If you jump you're just gonna slide way too much or collide with the chains and fall.
If you didn't get used to the game's physics by this point, you're beyond retarded.

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It's the best part of dying light.

It's been ages since i played mirror's edge, but I think it was mostly sort of automated. You almost have to try to fail. Sure it's fun, but no challenge.


Platformers and FPS are my favourite genres so it's the best combo.

It's pretty damn fun in Turok, I never had any problems with it and it adds variety to the gameplay. I do kind of hate Xen though.

Utterly despise it, major reason that I fucking hate Half-Life.

This. Fuck. I'd understand zoomers and console kiddies sucking at HL, but people who played the game years ago should know how to clear this section with ease. And yes, running without jumping gets the job done, at least for the last few crates.

>t. Zoomer

Made this a while back for this exact argument

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It's stupid and frankly it's retarded.

i feel like people who cant are brainlets

lmao. Xen is an half-assed attempt to make an alien world that you can finish in 15 minutes

It's only acceptable when you have good air control or a double jump, otherwise it's too frustrating.

Depends on the game and how it's implemented

I love it, if a game has a jump button I make it my mission to get to places that I shouldn't be. Discovering ways to platform yourself on top of untextured buildings and outside of maps just feels so good.

so does fapping doesn't mean you should do it

Same as water levels - they are the best.

As long as it's not precision platforming, I find it extremely fun. Landing on a needle is a lot harder in FPS games since it's harder to visualize where the feet will be, especially if you aren't even being shown your body.

It's pretty shit and should only exist to help make your secrets more obscure. It really wasn't that bad in HL1 though, as of the time when I played it (2018).

The original Turok has some intense platforming sections and its actually the hardest part of the game.

but you literally should jerk off if you can't have sex at least once a week or you risk fucking up your dick.

>once a week
that sounds like work

>not making two crates jump and loosing all momentum with single "s" tap,
fps platforming especialy in gldsrc and source engine games is perfectly fine, and if you complain you need to git gud

great - i love them

i love xen as well - after being sold on idea of earth invasion, getting sent to explore the alien worlds scratches that sci-fi explorer itch like nothing else

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ITT: People who have never played KZ/Kreedz

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i only watch these because i hope they'll fall

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Fuck off Yahtzee you shit gamer.

Quake is not only the best FPS. It's the best racing game. Reflex race in particular.

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is reflex still really low populated? i remember playing a while back and couldn't even find another person to play with.

Yeah, but there's always someone around to duel.

its much more fun than 2D and 3D platformers

Unless the whole game is built around it, it's garbage.
Though I guess you could say that about third-person platforming as well.

Sauce? I'm trying to reduce my fapping by quitting porn before I get married in a few months. I quit sugar too. Somehow my libido has completely fucking tanked. I want to get it back.

I abso-fucking-lutely love it.

It's easy as fuck if you're not mentally challanged.

git gud famalam

Depends on how friction and momentum work

my ass

Needs adequate body presence and mechanics to support it otherwise it's just a nuisance.

>git gud famalam
Who are you talking to?

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stabilize you blood pressure sys 120 dia 80 and have some fruits, magnesium + tonics (coffee, some spices etc.) if low on energy.

CS:S jump maps while listening to aphex twin were some of the comfiest times I've had

I never understood the meme about FPS platforming. I played through Turok 1 as a fucking kid and had no issues.