Why do consoles exist?

Why do consoles exist?

Attached: console killer.png (1358x550, 60K)

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>Radeon RX 580
Wow, you can almost play Skyrim at full settings

ease of access

They used to be a viable way to play great, exclusive games you simply could not get elsewhere, now they exist because normies are retarded and can't into PC/emulation.

name one game that you cant play in 1080p with highest settings and comfortable framrate using rx580

Because PC has like, one worthwhile exclusive per year while each console has several

Because once you add the cost of a mechanical drive and controller you may as well just get a PS4 Pro.

Because they have standardized hardware which makes it easier (overall) for developers to build around, since they already know about the many limitations. Not to mention piracy isn't even remotely as much of a problem as it is on PC.

Ease of access and exclusives. That's literally it. As long as people are lazy and propagate console fanboyism, consoles will always be a thing.

Because somewhere along the line, early on in the vidya bubble, some megacorporations decided to take advantage of the millions of "muh plug n' play" braindead normies out there.
Of course nowadays, with day-1 DLC sized patches, digital renting platforms, paid online and inferior hardware, plug n' play is nothing but a myth of the distant past.

But don't let the console shitters know that, they might question buying 3-digit turdboxes with hardware inferior to smartphones.

>comfortable framrate

So LGBT have something to play

>Radeon RX 580
You'll spend $599 a month just to power that jet engine

Try to buy that in Europe and the price will double + you will have to pay a shit ton for shipping

I accept your admission of defeat.

There’s no point in a PC if you can’t get at least 60fps for everything

>mechanical drive

where the shit do you get a 580 for 110?

Imagine being this retarded.

>no windows 10
>no mouse
>no keyboard
>no monitor
>no poptarts

Lol that shit can't compete with a console


Attached: pasta la vista, baby.jpg (949x960, 92K)

Have fun toasting your PC within a month.

>paying for Windows
>add $20 for kb/m then
>do you include a tv price with your console
>hot pockets come for free with shilling

>much more CPU
>GPU equal to PS4 Pro

>>paying for Windows

Attached: smugdog.jpg (540x564, 67K)

nobody has a monitor lying around to use unlike a TV. if this was an upgrade, then its even more retarded buying a case and psu

>nobody has a monitor lying around to use unlike a TV.
What trailer trash just has a TV sitting around in 2019? The only people I know who still watch shit on a television are poor or old.

that's nothing tho?
especially when you compare how much console gamers have to pay monthly to use their internet they already paid for.

Carmack himself said, for the same price, you should just get a console if you're a poorfag. Also you didn't account for a mouse, keyboard and monitor.
A ps4/xbox with 3 games and a controller is 200/250 nowadays.
The point is, if you're going to get a PC, don't be a cheap fuck. It's very easy to beat consoles just by spending 700-800.

the better question is, why are you pc fats always trying to convert people? like i realize your platform is dead, and that you would like to play with someone other than a pirate or a cheater, but holy shit, you neckbeards sound like those jahovah witnesses always knocking on your door. NOBODY FUCKING CARES.

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580 is overkill for 60fps at 1080p. cpu could be a piece of shit 2500k at 4ghz and you'd still get constant 60fps.

To date AC odyssey runs at 50 ish and SOTTR also struggles to stay in 60 those two games are the only ones that i had problem with .

>Why do consoles exist?
So poor people can also play video games

Because PC is full of pirates. Now that Denuvo has won and no new game has been cracked in 7 month, people might actually make pc games again.

Then again consoles are more comfy.

Because brainlets (and children) exist.

Just got to turn down most settings like AA so it looks like a jagged mess and then you will get 60fps :^).

Monster Hunter World.

tf u talking about, brother?
70+ FPS tf r u talking, bro?

AC is terribly optimized and one of the few current gen games that is super CPU heavy

>America is the entire world
Those prices only exist for america

I have a 7700k though


Yeah, and then not be able to salvage parts, need to pay online and buy every game.

No fucking thanks. I can build a great gaming PC, pirate every game and play games at 120+fps at 1440p, buy a Switch, jailbrake it and play all the exclusives for free, buy a PS4 and only buy the exclusives when they go on sale ALL FOR THE PRICE ONE PS4 NIGGER SPENDS ON HIS GAMES AND ONLINE. Think about that you dirty niggerh

Because I want to play exclusive games found only on my console. And I also have a PC. That's normal. stop being poor

>1st gen Ryzen when 3rd gen is less than 2 weeks away
I hope you built this a while ago

Attached: 1464823370880.jpg (640x640, 22K)

>I would be able to buy a PS4 and only buy the exclusives when they go on sale
>for the price one PS4 nigger spends on his games
W-what? Are you a PS4 nigger in that scenario

Where is the bottleneck? Did you optimize your game, user?

Must suck to be a spic, my condolences.

PS4 niggers are """"people"""" who only have a PS4.

>PC "masterrace"
>has to emulate consoles because they have no exclusives of their own

>missing 4K Bluray drive
>missing keyboard and mouse (console comes w/ controller so you need to include that too)
>less storage than consoles
>RX580 doesn't use MSRP, should be $230
good bait
>CPU also not at MSRP, should be $220

It still runs like shit even on good hardware, Ubisoft games are all trash.

Where are you getting that price for that SSD?

Attached: Capture.png (648x547, 98K)

Why does the Switch exist when Nvidia Shield existed years before it came out?

Gotta buy kb/m and controller
Headset or speakers
That motherboard doesnt seem to have wifi
I assume youre plugging it into a tv and not a 144hz monitor?
Be sure to stay legal with Windows

>>missing 4K Bluray drive
Who the fuck uses physical media other than the console plebs ?

how much would i have to spend on a pc that can run all modern games in 720p30fps

where are you getting the prices on this list? almost everything is either more expensive when you try to actually find it.

Attached: Capture.png (343x586, 93K)

That motherboard doesn't seem to have wifi.


>amd gpu
this is just embarrasing

MHW is beyond fucked though, it takes a 1080ti to run that game at 60fps 1440p

imagine owning an intel cpu in 2019

He's not. Theres a reason buy is faded out on those options. Probably a scammer amazon reseller, where the item is 75% below market value, but the shipping is marked up 100%. Or a seller with 2 reviews, both saying "do not buy from".

>developer titles are pushed/bribed into releasing exclusively for a certain console
>games with PC ports delayed to a year just to make bank with console copy sales
It's so goddamn obvious that PC is the apex gaming platform when your competition has to resort to these kinds of tactics. Hell, PCs are the machines used to make the games consoles rely on. Consoles need PC more than PC needs consoles.

The better solution would be for Sony and Nintendo to make their own branded PCs, with their own OSes and drivers, instead of releasing this long-outdated tradition of one-trick game boxes.

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I notice something strange on RE2 Remake when i was fooling around my RX 580 , the game have insane stuttering , freezes and low frame rates (30-50) IF im using a mix of high-medium to in theory maximize performance but oddly enogh if i cranck everything to ultra the game runs at smothly 60 fps (v-sync) no stutter no freezes . fucking weird

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>1080ti to run that game at 60fps 1440p
That's not even possible without running on lowest graphics. I don't even think you'll get 60 fps even then.

I do. 3770k.

For you to complain about.

this would be at least 600+ in Canada.

>where is the monitor, where is the Operational System, where is the mouse, where is the keyboard, where is the headphone, where are the fans, where is the UPS


ryzen is good

That's a terrible fucking pc, is this bait?

Definitely bait.

To make (you) mad

I own high end PC and PS4.
where I play most of my time? on da PS4.
why? because the best games 85++++ is on PS4
high quality and good!
what do I have on PC? some indie shit, anime shit, 300000 store shit, fuckin niggerrrssssss

kill yourself in(t/c)el shill

>anime shit
Thats the Ps4 only value my friend , PC rarely get those niche jap games

Those prices exist anywhere. The problem is that shit is garbage

look at stream store... full of anime crappppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp

How do you guys feel about pcpartpicker?

It doesn't mean The PS4 doesnt have 10x that amount , the playstation is the OG weebo console

western aaa trash is garbage and useless anyway.

yeah, that's right mate! but most games I played was exclusively and these games is amazing! some of them like TLOU is borrrrrring af
man I wish I could play them on my PC.. fuckin 60FPS

Need monitor recommendations ~550USD

Convenience. Ease of access is more important to me than super hd blade of grass textures. I also hate struggling with glitches, bad ports and drivers and shit.

>what is saturn and dreamcast
lurk /vr/ ten years before posting