What a waste of potential, absolute rubbish
What a waste of potential, absolute rubbish
>obsidrones praise DM and despise LR
DM is linear, short, and not even slightly difficult.
Lonesome Road is open ended, long, challenging.
>Lonesome Road is open ended
user what are you smoking they both essentially follow the same structure.
OWB and HH are the open-ended ones.
lonesome road is a massive hallway with a shitty fucking dust cloud over everything
deadmoney is a massive maze with a shitty fucking damage over time fog over everything
DM is focused, claustrophic, and dripping with atmosphere.
LR is a big empty muddled ugly brown smear.
That's not even taking their plots into account. There's no comparison there.
>Lonesome Road is open ended
That absolute state of Bethesdafags
Better than Dead Money.
Strangely accurate. It is 'Lonesome Road', not 'Lonesome Roads'. Meanwhile the Sierra Madre is a place you can't wait to leave.
It's also ugly, boring because once you kill all the enemies there's literally dick to do, and mindnumbing. That 'atmosphere' grates on the senses like bad sfx on repeat.
dead money
>Kill Elijah because he is evil
Nothing you do changes how it ends.
Lonesome Road
>Get ED-E back
>or leave him locked
>Kill Ulysses
>Talk Ulysses down from fighting you
>Stop the nukes
>Let the nukes launch at that intended target
>Change their target
>Nuke everything
Three different variables for four different endings.
1) That has nothing to do with the topic
2) That's an opinion
I thought you meant open ended as in non linear
In a y case if bullet sponge enemies and cheesing game mechanics is your idea of challenging and not just bullshit then I guess yeah, LR is quite challenging
>I thought you meant open ended as in non linear
You're so pissed that you can't even make sense of the post you're trying to reply to.
There's literally a choice at the end of Dead Money to join Elijah. It's the only DLC that adds another ending to the actual game.
ED-E and Ulysses don't change the fact that you're in front of a computer picking where to nuke. ED-E just enables you to totally stop the nukes instead of launching them, which you don't have to choose to do.
>There's literally a choice at the end of Dead Money to join Elijah
It's a fake choice, picking it leads to a game over, because right after it your last save is loaded.
>ED-E and Ulysses don't change the fact that you're in front of a computer picking where to nuke.
Ulysses can be found at the beginning of LR if he lives
There are plenty of choices in dead money that have more significance to the Grand plot than lonesome road. Wow you can redirect some missiles and save Ulysses. Who gives a shit? By the end of the dlc his character is so obnoxious and nonsensical I don't even want to continue the dlc. You can even join Elijah in one of the endings. Ulysses is probably the most poorly written, non compelling main character in the entire game. Avellone is a hack
Okay Yea Forums! Should I play this? I never touched the DLC in new vegas besides the one taking place in the canyon.
If you feel like replaying NV, sure. At the very least it has good loot.
You should play all the other DLCs and only play Lonesome Road if you're itching for more
Can I skip new world blues? I've played it for an hour and felt the reddit in me.
The elevator scene and the layout of Ulysses' temple were absolute kino, makes me wish they had a better combat engine.
>There are plenty of choices in dead money that have more significance to the Grand plot than lonesome road.
Name one
>Wow you can redirect some missiles and save Ulysses. Who gives a shit? By the end of the dlc his character is so obnoxious and nonsensical I don't even want to continue the dlc.
That's just your opinion then.
>You can even join Elijah in one of the endings.
It's not an ending see It's a fake choice, picking it leads to a game over, you are forced to kill Elijah.
>Ulysses is probably the most poorly written, non compelling main character in the entire game.
Again, that's your opinion.
>Avellone is a hack
he's a hack when he wrote Ulysses but not when he wrote Elijah?
Yeah you can skip that one too
Honestly only Dead Money and Honest Hearts are the essential DLCs
Bitches don't know about bull and bar
America fucking sleeps
>let's have a character sound like a huge fucking hypocrite so I can make a jab about players blindly following quest markers
unironically based and brainpilled
He's a crazy old man hopped up on chems.
based old man
based based poster
rude biased unbased poop poster
I liked LR because it felt like a nice conclusion to the whole Courier thing. Or is that just me?