Gimme some RPG recommendations. Pic unrelated

Gimme some RPG recommendations. Pic unrelated.

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when did mcfatties have sesame seed buns?

Thoughts on Icewind Dale?


Fuck, I'm hungry.


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I never go there, but haven't they always?

I love looking at food when I'm hungry. Love torture.

>Pic unrelated.
No, pic very related, play Earthbound

McDonalds fries are fucking garbage. The anons that have said otherwise need to kill themselves ASAP.

Also, try out Long Days Gone if you haven't OP.

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What are those things at the top right and top centre?

Two all beef patties
Special Sauce
on a Sesame Seed BUN

fuck you now i want mcdonalds

Alien excrements.

i would eat all that in one sitting

Yanks are fucking disgusting tubes of lard. All of them.

this but unironically

Fallout New Vegas

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I'm a real fat boy and even I wouldn't be able to eat all that in one sitting. That's way too much.

Last time I checked (which was years ago) it was only on the bigger burgers. You could request them on a dollar menu item, though. Of course, last time I checked, that dollar menu was a list of things items about 4 deep.

i didn't have breakfast so maybe im just saying this out of hunger

fast food food is grosser than you realize.

t. former burger king employee

is it because i was poor as hell when i was a kid and mcdonalds was a luxury for us that this pic looks delicious as fuck?

fast food is pretty tasty

t. current addict

enjoy your termite wings and floor dirt, fatty.