Just so we're on the same page, this whole EGS shilling and Steam bashing is just a big fun to troll the newfags, right...

Just so we're on the same page, this whole EGS shilling and Steam bashing is just a big fun to troll the newfags, right? Even among the notoriously braindead crowd of Yea Forums you'd be hard-pressed to find three anons monocellular enough to eat that shit up, or am I mistaken?

{spoiler]Paid Epic shills may ignore this thread, you are excused. I know you're just doing your job.[/spoiler]

Attached: epic-games-store.png (1400x788, 62K)

Is this heavily layered bait?

No, I unironically don't mind the EGS. It could use some more features like a cart and ability to organize library, but as long as it runs the games I bought it isn't that big of a deal. I use both Steam and Epic and I don't give a fuck what a game is exclusive to. I'll just download it on the launcher its on like a normal human being instead of whining on the internet over having to click a different icon to start the game.


I bet you also don't mind being datamined and getting 100 login attempts from china every month

I said no shills, make yourself a coffee or something.

EGS shilling is just your general low quality bait posting. It's just shitheads posting whatever is against the general consensus of Yea Forums or the thread they are in. These people think they are such clever trolls while anyone with half a brain can see their shit bait from miles away

Love how majority of the shills went quiet after that sale nonsense, felt so good

Attached: 1561414992756m.jpg (1024x768, 67K)

Go back and take your retarded conspiracy theories with you

t. Xi Jinping

You need to go back

I remember someone got flagged for fraud because he bought his games too quickly, one at a time.

While I think it's possible to be against borth steam and epic, as well as similar other platforms, I don't think there's anyone (beside tim sweeney) who is seriously against steam while rooting for Epic


Nah people like that exist, had some normie last week telling me how gog and egs are the key to taking down the steam monopoly, didn't even know people irl cared about that shit

You should tell that normie to stop reading kotaku

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I don't understand your post. You start with "no" as if to answer OP's question about whether "EGS shilling and Steam bashing" is just bait, but then you proceed with "I don't mind EGS" (which isn't really EGS shilling) and "I use both Steam and Epic" (which certainly isn't Steam bashing). It seems you're not the kind of person about whom OP is asking.

And yet multiple /pol/ trolls have replied to me with the Tiannamen Square copypasta. The real shills are the incels that spam "muh Chinese botnet conspiracy theory"

Reaching this hard for a (You), holy shit OP have sex asap.

It's a backlash against other people (not you) actually shilling Epic pretty hard on this board for several months.

>messes up spoiler
ctrl+s fucking noob