Man this game is awful

Man this game is awful

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>its popular so its bad!
name a better superhero game, inb4 cringily trying to name the most obscure game you can

It tries to be like the already awful arkham games but fails even at that
The side missions are godawful and so are the story missions. The combat feels so repetitive

You literally bought an action-adventure game that runs at 30fps. Were you expecting it to be GOOD?

>"Wow this game sucks"
>doesn't provide any arguments as to why he thinks it sucks

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60$ is asking too much.

-ly good.
Sorry guys accidentally dropped my phone and posted it prematurely. Speaking of premature I also don't last long in bed.

Guess I hit a nerve, sorry spergs


Arkham Asylum and City.


It's like the Arkham games except stealth fucking sucks and the game almost never lets you do it for a whole encounter, and the gadgets are never as useful as just jumping down and following the button prompts in the mind numbing combat. Impact and electric webs trivialize everything and most ways of getting creative are just different flavors of stun. Enemy variety is already a major issue and you can make it even worse by using an ability that just turns armed enemies into the same fucking normal drones.

Arkham Asylum

atleast shitpost better retard.
>posts opinion on a forum for conversation
>refuses to actually conversate

There's not much to do aside from swinging around and using very specific attacks. The thing that always gets me is how you use directional the camera is trying to spin in a 360 pattern.

It's $29 in most places and was around $19 during Days of Play.

you could literally say all of this about spiderman
capeshitter makes a cringe post, colour me surprised

>Thinking "its popular so its bad!" is a good argument
Jesus youre dumb

That IS about Spider-Man, nigger. The Arkham games at least have decent stealth and actual fucking level design.

>Gadgets aren't useful yet says some gadgets trivialise events
>Stealth is bad

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I mean that creative gadgets like the tripwire and drone are pointless compared to the basic ones. Similarly, web blossom and electric fists are unlocked fairly early on and are better than most of the suit powers available to you. Stealth is awful and the game basically admits it by only allowing you to stealth through the first phase of base encounters.

Your literally like the retards who go no your mad. i didnt even say anything about the game being good, i just said that you not actually having conversations and shit posting is sperg level shit go get a constructive hobby.

Jeus christ
Learn english before you start sperging out

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>awful arkham games
based retard

I wove supahewoes!!!!

>Arkham asylum at least had decent stealth and actual fucking level design.
Fixed the other Arkham games are shit spooder-man is better than those. asylum is the only great hambat game

Bruh the stealth is really fluid and easy to use. What issue are you having? With the bubble cloak or the no calls when alerted you can pull of some retarded shit and still never be spotted.

You sure got me lmao

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your actively turning Yea Forums into Reddit with threads that feel like they weren't made by real people

Good, fuck your hugbox

ok tranny

ok virgin

>gadgets are op since it allows for instakills early on
>4 hour story without cutscenes.
>god awful stealth, forces you into stealth (mj which is slow) or makes it meaningless (with spiderman)
>Story is ok
>looks like a bunch of shit was cut from the beginning of the game.
>A shitload of collectable shit put in randomly
>only one good side quest with tombstone
>ultimate is not that hard
>The combat is mashing triangle and then pressing circle when it tells you to do so
I payed 40 usd for this garbage and I want my money back.

did i hit a soft spot?
go dilate and go back also fun fact passing isn't a real thing. fun fact your gonna feel a intense need to kill yourself around 40 cause you ll be a sad ass going to nightclubs. have fun being a conversation piece to basic 40 year old white women. lolololololololo not spam

It's good, but all the stealth sections are cancer. I don't really care for the story all that much either.
>Side missions are awful


Having a get out of jail free card is not something that makes the stealth more engaging. The most you ever have to wrack your brain with stealth is spooging some webs around to pull guards from each other or using one of the two stealth suit powers if you don't feel like pulling.
Square. You're mashing square for 4-8 hours. Triangle is for instantly zipping to an enemy or disarming them.
I thought Taskmaster's stuff was okay. Probably the only time the game asked me think about things and then judged me for it.

thats gonna be a yikes from my guy

it's been a while.
triangle allows you to straight up teleport and dodge attacks .
hit triangle then square 4 times, circle then triangle

>capeshit is good
kys zoomer

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Side missions are lazy but I enjoyed the gameplay and main story a lot. Game is balanced pretty well on its hardest difficulty

too easy and short

>Arkham games
Escaped convicts holding hostages at gunpoint? Despite being able to record this footage, I better run off and collect evidence!

despite some retarded shit you said like "gadgets not being useful but some gadgets are OP," you generally have pretty decent points. i love the game, and the characters, but there are some major gameplay flaws that you made me aware of.
>electric web & web blossom
>stealth is very simple and you can only use it for the first part of any encounter
>side missions are lazy
>bland and samey enemies with no varied combat
despite loving spider-man and the game's story and characters, i hope they touch on these in the sequel. keep the writers though

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>Superhero games
>Name a better tasting shit!
Food analogy because you septic""human"" garbage don't deserve any better

Got it for 20 bucks but haven't felt like playing it at all. Should I just trade it and get a few PS2 games at a local shop?

It’s not that the gadgets were bad but just didn’t seem to fit anywhere.

Impact web was just an instant finisher
Spider Drone was never needed only used if you thought it was neat
Electric web had its story uses that’s it
Web bomb+Concussive blast ended larger fights
Trip mine was also an instant take down with no effort needed, just shoot it under them
Concussive blast+roof ended larger fight easily
Suspension matrix I personal never had to use these

None of them made combat interesting just made it easier.

Yeah, the game is total shit. You can literally platinum it within less than half a day

No Arkham Knight? Not saying you gotta like it but I can't be crazy in thinking that it’s the best out of three, in terms of mechanics at least.

Don't get me wrong here, I genuinely enjoyed the story and set pieces, I love swinging around, and admire a lot of the work that went into the production value of the game. I just think the core combat and stealth are not engaging.

>I just think the core combat and stealth are not engaging.

You don’t have to just think that user, it’s the hard truth.

Really? That's kind of depressing.

I agree. Mary Jane looks like trash, the comedy sucks, black cat has no boobs, the entire story sounds like it was written by a scared cuckold surrounded by angry female SJWs, the swinging is stiff and feels automatic, the combat is ok at best but the mini cutscenes are repetitive as hell, there isn't proper day-night cycling, none of the quips are funny at all, there is too much focus on the gadgets, the cubemaps in buildings look ridiculous, reflections suck, etc

It's a really bizarre game. It's a blast for the first couple hours, until you realize the combat is literally effortless and all of the sidequests are awful. How do you fix it?

>Nerf gadgets or make them significantly harder to obtain.
>Reduce the number of suits and actually make them feel different; you stop getting excited about unlocking a new suit after the first couple hours.
>Add more of an emphasis on stealth.
>Give enemies more damage and more tricky shit to do.
>Make all the terrible MJ/Miles bits optional; sidequests.
>Spider-Man is literally one of the only characters who's supposed to be a quiplord; give him more dialogue, cheesier the better.

Story was decent though.

Well thankfully there's so much more to games than just mechanics. I feel you but it's an obvious step down from the others
>It’s not that the gadgets were bad but just didn’t seem to fit anywhere.
Yes exactly which is part of why the stealth is so bad. The worst is people defending gadgets saying
>but it's usefull [here] and [here]
but I platinumed the game and barely learned to use all the gadgets. If you have to force yourself to find places to use gadgets as a player that's bad game design.
Nah user he's exaggerating a little it's probably at least 20hrs but very ez

I actually think MJ is really cute, but she's a fucking idiot and the plot works to vindicate her. Peter was absolutely in the right given that she can't even be bothered to carry a fucking gun with her.

Someone explain why the fuck they renamed Ghost Spider as Spirit Spider? His name is literally Ghost Spider in the comics.

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>until you realize the combat is literally effortless
Someone hasn't run into the fucklords with rockets and jetpacks and stunshields. And the frequent fuckery the baton wielding shitkickers instantaneously whapping you in the face before you can dodge under them.

Combat is very satisfying when you can curb stomp everything in your way, but it's really easy to get overwhelmed.

Reminder, if Yea Forums says a game is good it's always bad.

So playing with yourself is actually really bad? Holy shit.

I don't get how you could think that. Combat is great and spider slinging feels good. Haven't played it since I beat it but still I think it's good.

The length of the game doesn't really bother me. I'm just not sure if it's worth putting up with bad combat and repetitive missions

>bad combat

PCfags are still seething over this?

Why would they be

>Someone hasn't run into the fucklords with rockets and jetpacks and stunshields. And the frequent fuckery the baton wielding shitkickers instantaneously whapping you in the face before you can dodge under them.

All beaten easily with gadgets. Don't get me wrong, I died like 4 times in a row on the first fight in the game and then a couple versus Kingpin, until I realized all of your problems can be solved with webbing. Gadgets trivialize all challenge.

>Combat is very satisfying when you can curb stomp everything in your way, but it's really easy to get overwhelmed.

Web literally prevents this from happening. And that's not even taking into consideration the ridiculous perks and suits you can get.

I want to love this game, because clearly a lot of love went into it. But the combat is just plain dull - you're absolutely unstoppable.

Combat is no mgr or dmc but its still leagues ahead of batman arkham games

Combat also lack depth, even in comparison to the Arkham games which at least allowed to mix gadget in which had different effect on the different types of enemies.

>I feel you but it's an obvious step down from the others
You’ve piqued my interest now. If only what way you think it’s a step down. I’ll say story overall was goofy and made more to justify the events, and the tank fit like a shotgun in knife collection but other than that everything felt like a step forward. Not disagreeing just interested in your thoughts.

Well, you're Spider-Man. Versus the schmucks in the game you're up against, you're supposed to be. Especially for a Spidey that's as experienced as this one is. It's actually kind of meta - his gadgets and powers, he knows how to use to trivialize a lot of this flack he goes up against.

Which is neat from a story telling perspective, but there's still difficulty in the game. Like I said, it is very is to get overwhelmed. Enemies will swarm you, the game will FUCK you, and out of nowhere a jetpack canoodling little shit will sanic his way across the screen and bop you in the air like he has a geyser up his ass, just to name a scenario.

The gadgets are limited and run out quickly, the suit powers that aren't useless have a set timer that you can't improve or get rid of, and enemies are damage sponges. What ones that can't be webbed, take far more webbing, and before you can focus on them you have spiner fire, automatic fire, lasers, regular fire, machine gun fire, or just some putz with a stun baton trying to fuck your ass.

I haven't played it but the vibe I get from the threads I've seen since release seems to be that it's worse than Arkham combat.

Not even going to lay down the 'play it yourself' thing, but the combat is far better. It's less stiff, more fluid. After getting this and AK on the recent sale I can't even go back to Arkham Knight. But that's just my personal taste, make your own.

I'll give it a chance, but I'm not really looking forward to it. I hope I'll be pleasantly surprised

Just give me the PS Spiderman 1 Venom in the sequel and make him playable

It's not awful. It's very very decent