Good game or overrated?

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It's good

good game with some jank.
also great atmosphere really feels like you're in the HRE in the 14/15th century.

It alright

Hey guys is the royal edition worth it?

Good game, shitty combat.

It's good, my only problem with it was that it has a lot of cutscenes.

based eurojank

It’s only good because there’s no black people

>It doesnt contain niggers
>It use the lack of niggers as a selling point


Good, it's underrated here.


I think the aggregators are around 7/10 which is an appropriate rating.

Great game but with a niche appeal.

It’s awesome

Good but overrated

I dont get this "underrated" thing. It sold pretty well for what it was expecting

I'm talking about v, who sperg out about the alt rights and "jank". "Quality" fags should neck themselves.

>It use the lack of niggers as a selling point
It doesn't.
It just makes realistic sense because Bohemia was in a very fucking isolated area of Europe, so even if a trader from Africa were to go there, they'd have to go through several war zones to get there. Which is high risk as fuck, so most just settled to go to the sea ports of Italy, Spain and France and trade there. Game journos are just retards that don't understand Geography and History and think good and safe transport existed back then and you didn't get attacked by bandits so easily.

This. The alt-right shit doesn't make sense because in every KCD thread I keep posting that same image of Daniel Vavra insulting a Nazi and saying Germans deserved to get exiled from Czechia after WWII, yet these faggots still insist he's alt-right despite how many times I've posted that image.

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"Kingdom Come: Deliverance"...?
More like: "Shitcum Dumb: Riverpiss"...!

The game was trash, I'd prefer shitting in the toilet.

You forgot the AVGN pic dude.


More like Kingdom Cum in my ass

Janky fuck american tv writing shlop

It's written by Czechs, retard

And? They're fucking hacks, and their shit reads like a bad TV drama. I don't give a fuck what europoor country they're from.

Good game. Showcased historical games don't need to be tidally locked shitty boring spreedsheet autism Total War and civilization trash but can actually be a fucking video game as an rpg.

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"Kingdom Come: Deliverance"...?
More like: "Shitcum Dumb: Riverpiss"...!

The game was trash, I'd prefer shitting in the toilet.

There I did your job you lazy fuck, pay me faggot.

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>I don't give a fuck what europoor country they're from."
>Plays Medieval European game
Based retard

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Hearing English voice actors try to speak Czech is the funniest shit

user, if you read the content of my post, I would hope the implication would be that I disliked it for the writing, not the location or time in which it takes place, or where the devs are located. I've been trying to explain this for the last two posts. Fucking neck yourself you illiterate fucking monkey.

It's O.K. to be white :)


>saying Germans deserved to get exiled from Czechia

What a piece of shit.

>Disliking a video game for it's writing
There's your problem. Try playing RE1 and see how well its writing has aged.

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You get ONE (You), pig!

"What goes around comes around"

He didn't exactly say that, but he was kind of implying that

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That's payment enough I suppose.

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>"g-g-germans started the war!"
>ignoring the fact that czechs were occupying slovakia and ethnic German sudeten territories and aggressively nationalistic Czechs were persecuting ethnic German minorities.

based, fuck nazis, cant we talk about vidya now?

A very good game.

I was on the same boat as you until this post
>>ignoring the fact that czechs were occupying slovakia and ethnic German sudeten territories and aggressively nationalistic Czechs were persecuting ethnic German minorities.
Where the fuck are you pulling this from your ass? The Czechoslovak combo was a union agreed by both countries, the President Masaryk pretty much cooperated with the Slovak president. Not sure where the fuck you got that idea from that they occupied it. I agreed with you that what Vavra said was retarded but this is just as equally retarded.
>aggressively nationalistic Czechs were persecuting ethnic German minorities
Citation needed?

Caring about your people is basically alt-right now so a Czech saying people who harmed Czechs deserved to be punished is seen as the equivalent of burning a cross.

You forget we live in a world where people think their national flags are racist and borders = genocide.

That's pretty retarded. Borders exist for a good reason, because if we had one Government everyone would have to suffer under one tyrant. National flags being racist is just as retarded. I guess Africa and Asia is racist now because they have their own flags and borders to be proud of. I bet most of these SJWs even think that marginalised groups like the Berbers are racist because they hold a flag and protest against Arabs that oppress them because one minority is more important than the other.
What a fucking shitshow we live in.

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"A whore to the end" ?
I know "predel" is often used as "limit", or "verge"

I fucked up the punctuation. It's supposed to be:

Kurva does indeed mean whore

Prdele means ass

But DO PRDELE means "FUCK" or "FUCK YOU"

I recall him saying this string of curses at one point in the game. Either that or it was another character Maybe one of the fighters in the Rattay Tourney since they curse this way when you gain the upper hand

It's good now.

I'm from the 14th century, can confirm.

It's a cool game riddled with bugs. Pretty good for eurojank. It's a shame all the background noise it got from angry incel communities, but I guess the main dev was encouraging it a bit to get sales. Can't fault him for that.

>Where the fuck are you pulling this from your ass? The Czechoslovak combo was a union agreed by both countries, the President Masaryk pretty much cooperated with the Slovak president. Not sure where the fuck you got that idea from that they occupied it. I agreed with you that what Vavra said was retarded but this is just as equally retarded.

That's why Slovaks literally begged for independence in 1939 and again as soon as communism fell? So Czechs invading slovakia is fine but Germans invading Czech is suddenly oh no

>Citation needed?

Read Guderian's memoirs

>Begging independence means that you were invaded
I guess that England was invaded by the EU and Catalonia was invaded by Spain. Oh the horror! Eight second independence! Okay then. The final independence shit happened because of a spitting match between the two presidents tho and had nothing to do with the people. Also how the hell is bringing soldiers and tanks and invading a country the same as agreeing with another president to combine your two countries together? What logic are you using here? This is hyperbole at best.

>Heinz Guderian
>Hitler's personal advisor
Yeah like that's not biased at all. I am starting to think you're a Wehraboo, because if you had cited an actual German civilian I would've actually believed you, but you cited a German general who was Hitler's close advisor. All of the evidence you've shown so far is hyperbole and literally biased evidence.

I am not even Czech, I literally agreed with you that Vavra may have gone too far in his comments, but you seriously just lost any actual credibility you've had so far.

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Why the hell is Hitler wigging out in that gif?

8/10 and user ratings are higher than professional, which is a good sign

Slovaks never agreed to it, they wanted independence from the get go and were always the victims of Czech imperialism.

>Hitler's advisor

He was a German general who's family ancestral home was in the Polish corridor, he was fired by Hitler and clashed with him repeatedly. He blames many military disasters on Hitler, he's the last person to be pro-Hitler biased.

It's really fucking good, people might knock it for it's combat or lockpicking mechanics but those are mostly instant gratification seeking zoomers. Think it's great that a game actually makes you work for it to learn a skill.



Oh, the typo got be confused.Still, now i know something new.

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>Slovaks never agreed to it, they wanted independence from the get go and were always the victims of Czech imperialism.
You wot?
>Czech imperialism
What drugs are you on?
>At the outbreak of World War I, the Czechs and Slovaks showed little enthusiasm for fighting for their perceived respective enemies, the Germans and the Hungarians, against fellow Slavs, the Russians and the Serbs. Large numbers of Czechs and Slovaks defected on the Russian front and formed the Czechoslovak Legion, organised by Milan Rastislav Štefánik (a Slovak astronomer and general of the French army). In 1916, together with Edvard Beneš and Milan Rastislav Štefánik, Masaryk created the Czechoslovak National Council. Masaryk in the United States, Štefánik in France, and Beneš in France and Britain then worked to gain Allied recognition. When secret talks between the Allies and Austrian emperor Charles I collapsed, the Allies recognized the Czechoslovak National Council in the summer of 1918 as the supreme organ of a future Czechoslovak government.
Quit spreading this retarded propaganda, I literally know a fucking Slovak that says the complete opposite. Czechoslovakia started as a mutual agreement and ended in a mutual agreement. There was no "conquest". If you want to talk about something the Czechs were actually wrong in, talk about their war with the Poles before WWII. That's something with actual substance and worth complaining about.

> he was fired by Hitler and clashed with him repeatedly. He blames many military disasters on Hitler, he's the last person to be pro-Hitler biased.

Yet in his memoirs he insisted the Wehrmacht "didndu noffin" and literally removed any mention of him being with Hitler and of any war crimes. That's still being biased as shit, even if he did criticise Hitler, he was biased towards the regime he served.

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It's not rated particularly highly so I can't see how anyone could consider it overrated.

B-but... The Hussite Wars haven't happened yet

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>Yet his memoirs...

Nice summary of the Wikipedia page. Did you actually read his memoirs?

Not yet I haven't, I am still going through my WWII literature, but I can smell bullshit a mile away just from circumstantial evidence.

You haven't disproved my counter-argument for the Slovaks though, that was literal misinformation.

I'm not the guy you are arguing and I can't even point to Slovakia on a map. However, I can sense a Wikipedia scholar when I see one.

>I can't even point to Slovakia on a map.
Based and retardpilled

Nah, I just haven't read through all my backlog yet (reading through /his/ recommended reading, you can find the thread here: and by the time I read the literature and cite I need to read the thread will probably be dead and the argument will be over.
Besides the burden of proof lies on him, he already misinfo'd with the Slovakian shit, so he's the one that needs to provide the proof that the claims I claim are false with actual page numbers and citations. Pic related is the backlog I have to go through. My citation for the Czechoslovakian's founding can be found at Osprey's Czechoslovakian Legion book however, which in turn cites several works both in English, Czech, French, Italian and Russian. If one of those works claimed the things that he's claiming, surely it would've been included right?

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