Super Mario Maker 2 has just launched!
What are you doing first?
May I recommend the tutorial dojo with Yamamura the BASED pigeon? He'll teach you some tricks
Super Mario Maker 2 has just launched!
What are you doing first?
May I recommend the tutorial dojo with Yamamura the BASED pigeon? He'll teach you some tricks
I'm seeing if mystery mushrooms are still in. If not, immediate refund
they are not
My cock hurts
I did the beginner section of the dojo, and build 40% of the castle. Haven't made anything yet.
reposting pls criticize so i can try to make it better
Finished the tutorial and doing the story right now. It's really fun cause clearly they want to inspire you and spark your creativity with all of these "showcases".
I loved the undodog stage in the snow where you had to get through the stage without touching any claw. I think that's the first kind of level I'll make.
I might be retarded, where can I search courses by course ID?
play my levels anons!
>Super Shmup Bros.
>SMB1.5: 1-1 Goomba Valley
Wait, you can refund digital games on eshop?
you can, but it's a long process, not even guaranteed to work
two things
>online fixed WHEN
>portable level maker all controls WHEN
>didn’t want the game
>saw previous thread
>ordered and coming tomorrow
Fuck. I hope it comes today. I wanna play some shitty levels.
>not using the touch screen to make levels
are you disabled or something?
Don't worry Yea Forums got you covered
Why didn't you just go to the store?
>don't have many ideas for courses
>play story mode
>not even halfway done and already have a dozen ideas inspired by things I've seen
should i make another hard-ish traditional Mario level or a comfy night time 3D world level
really, Yea Forums sold me on RoR, Lobo-corp, Rain world and this one
and they are all splendid. good taste guys
Gonna be the start of a campaign I'm making, though the 32 stage upload limit may put a damper on that.
I'll give em a go
On the main course world menu its to the far right with the magnifying glass
Got some positive feedback from my Poison Surfing level in the last thread, so I thought I'd repost it here in case people want to check it out.
>go to sleep
>wake up after only like 4 hours
>can't go back
>my copy still isn't here
my inability to wake up at a reasonable time makes this wait unbearable
I actually sat thru most of the tutorials before making my first. Pretty insightful actually.
Going to plug said first course one more time today before I get home from work to start on second course.
Designed for versus. Tested and works for solo.
Can you make it through the saws on the see-saw and keep the hitchhikers at bay?
Thanks for playing to the anons who did! I'll bookmark this thread and be playing the ones posted here.
>desert levels
>no Pokey
>no quicksand pits
What's the point
The local multiplayer in this is shit. Can't do versus and you have to download courses beforehand. Can't even do multiplayer in story mode.
Yeah I'd say the advanced section of the tutorial isn't actually shabby, some of the things they teach people about how to lead players with coins, how to not get them stuck, how to not be unfair etc. should be good
I expect less shit levels from kids now!
Mr. Eraser just nutted himself to death to get rid of some blocks.
Why is this allowed in a Nintendo game?
Just spent a solid four hours on this one. Please give it a try! I tried to make it feel like you're going through an ant farm. Hope it's fun.
That's assuming kids will actually sit through the tutorials.
Don't have it yet posting ideas;
>SMB3: Level where you enter a pipe right at the start into a vertical sub area. You climb tower and exit a pipe, bringing you to the "roof." Cross between an aerial platform section, back into a pipe where you descend a second tower in the vertical sub area. A remake of a level I did in SMM where I had to use doors to simulate the verticality.
>SMW boo maze style level. Lots of areas that look identical with multiple doors an pipes leading you in circles.
>NMSB, a remake of a level I did in SMM called Piranha Plant Forest, but I did that in SMB style. Lots of Piranha variants, jungle vibes. May set it to night time this time.
Tried yo make a gimmick were you have to avoid the Moon until the very end of the stage. Don't know how people feel about it.
Rip the big lips twister that was shown in the first few trailers for Mario Maker 2
Damn Nintendo has some cool ideas themselves.
>that stage where you drop down to trigger thwomps to sideways kill spinies for the clear condition
I should have gone digital. Even if I did, I still got 8 hours of fucking work to get through before I can even play, but at least I could have spent this morning fucking around in-game.
I tried to do a campaign in SMM. Got bored and cut it to four worlds, all done using SMB style.
Is there an east way to upload screenshots of levels? I don't have twatter or FB.
I'm sure they'll increase the upload limit, it's a case of when not if. Cool level btw, although very very easy and maybe a bit too generous on coins/1-ups everywhere? Nicely designed though
How long are the tutorials? I jumped into other things first but I'm planning to watch them in one go when I have the time.
I'm surprisingly more interested in making levels than I expected.
I spent a while trying to get world records in the levels posted in the last thread, but I only got through about half of them.
Now I'm trying out Easy mode Endless, and quickly realizing it's just an endurance contest.
>far above 30°C all week long, next week too
>apartment under the roof
This is hell
How am I meant to enjoy video juegos in this heat
Skull Mountain Ascent
Thanks for the feedback last thread everyone, I'll check out some of the levels in this thread as well
I would say you can get through them in a bit over an hour if you them all for the nice completionist checkmarks next to all lessons
I am working until 5 first.
>every course is kaizo made by some nip or a troll level
Fucking hell it went to shit instantly
Nice try, not true at all.
is online unplayable for anyone else?
Uh oh, what kind of trouble is Mew2King getting into?
You weren't here for SMM were you? All kaizo, bullshit, or auto-levels. Nintendo knew what they were doing when you had to prove a level could be beaten before uploading it, at least.
How do I turn the Luigi popup off?
Fuck you, took me almost an hour to find a decent level
Never played the first game. Is it possible to make "groups" you can subscribe to where levels are shared among members? So we could have like a Yea Forums group or something?
Is there any more secret stuff to unlock in the maker, like the day night switch?
Also, what's that dotted line icon next to the autoscroll icon?
Trump Wall and Etika stages
I made 2 levels if anyone wants to give them a try.
World, Snow. A bit of a standard, easy level. A mix of platforming and some easy puzzle stuff. Feels like it wouldnt be too out of place in the real game as an early level, in my opinion.
NSMBU. This one is a bit more gimmicky, but interesting. A short but kind of challenging platforming segment followed by what I think is a cool boss fight. Far from Kaizo vut you might die a few times. I'm really curious what people think of this one, I kind of slapped it together but I like it.
Fun level. I softlocked on my first attempt after getting covered in boxes but the ant aesthetic was pretty cool.
I like the anthills.
Git gud
Am I retarded? How do I find my maker ID?
>ordered game like 20 hours ago
>already got it
On your game cartridge / in your eshop account if digital
Alot of frustration i've watched with the 1st game is getting soft locked. Either accidentally or intentionally. My biggest takeaway. Glad Yanamura mentioned it.
Not long. You can skip some of the ones that you feel confident don't need explanations. Some of the basic ones. Some of the advanced ones too. Im not a sadist and wont be making crazy hard levels anyway
These were both great. Especially liked the Shump one, thought the moon was a clever way to have like that all clear blast that those games usually have. Got the WR on the goomba one for now at least.
I hope so. The easiness is intentional, my other campaigns started on the easy side too but the levels will up in difficulty as they progress. That ones supposed to be like the intro level sorta playground where its more about getting used to the controls and such. All the one ups and stuff are incentives to explore, though I know outside of classic they don't really mean much.
Outside of those? Not really, could always just screencap with your phone or something.
This ones good, the skulls look trippy as fuck when you get them all waving.
This one was fun too, recommended.
I'll give this one a shot next
The hammer and Mario Land fire flower, gamexplain have videos of both
>got game over a day before official US launch
feels good, gave me a nice head-start on the levels I made
Making levels that actually feel like regular Mario levels is fucking hard. Oh my god.
>my first level is getting regular plays and likes
>the two levels that I've actually put effort into stand at 0 plays each
It's not fair.
Very cool game. I'll never understand how people can nitpick over shit like GayXplain did. This has a virtually infinite replayability and is the perfect game to switch to when you drink and just want something that doesn't require too much thinking. I don't care that there's not a lot of additions, 3D World is fucking cool
I made some SMW levels in SMM that a few people said felt like actual SMW. The point of the Maker is to make wacky outlandish shit you'd never see in a Mario game, and it's easy to just go nuts with crazy ideas.
I'm on the fence on this one, should I buy this game Yea Forums?
Do the tutorials, trust me
I'm Shmup user, thank you (I noticed your comments on the levels themselves also). I like your levels too, I remember some of them from SMM1, gunna follow for the new BC3 levels as well.
If you play the OG games those levels can be quite short.
Im in 2-3 in SM3 and noticing they are brief and sparse. Maybe its my memory but I thought they were longer? Or maybe they improve later?
anyone have a .nsp?
If you like 2D Mario games, yes
Nuts, I hope that doesn't happen often
What do you mean?
It tells you your maker name is already taken when you create your maker with the mii?
>post yfw you're holding the world record time of a popular course
>post yfw it has a 1% clear rate
Yeah it's retarded and giving you only 10 characters is even more ridiculous. I booted the game as soon as it unlocked and my name still got snatched up.
Hope no more, stage is great dood. I really liked that one room where you zoom up the pipe and it kinda gives you a preview of where all the red coins are. Only found 3 of the one ups though. Nice job man.
Right on man, gonna pull out all the stops for this one. I was wondering if anyone that played the stuff I made from the last game would show up. Following you too btw.
Too bad "John"
It's a good learning experience. It's pretty easy to avoid getting covered in boxes.
Why is Nina so lewd?
>not having a name so original that it would never be taken without having to use numbers or symbols.
Well, two of the 1UPs are from the flagpole and getting 100 coins, so if those are the two you were missing you got 'em all!
I want to warp her pipe if you know what I mean
Cat Mario controls like fucking garbage
I want to put my pipe in her and pump her full of plumbers
Also porn when?
I do but it doesn't fit into the small amount of space they give you
I don't like 2D Platformers, so I'm not playing it.
I hope Mario Maker 3 lets us make 3D Platforming Mario Stages.
Very cool. I really like the vertical room with the glass pipe where you can see the whole level before descending. Could use some more enemies in some parts, but I suppose you were going for a more chill atmosphere, so it's probably fine.
And yet every second course is built around it. I fucking hate 3D world style courses
Play my level, it's pretty gay
Anyone mind giving this level a shot?
GG6 - N0S - KNG
I have a part with two pipes spitting out parachute koopas at a slow rate and I'm not sure if that jump is too unforgiving or not.
I liked that ant hill colony level. Good job user
Mine does if i take out the space. Suck it nigger
I want to stick my penis inside her vagina if you know what I'm saying
It's been so long that I don't know what to make. I'm just redoing my Wiiu levels to get ideas.
Hope you like auto-scrollers
Reposting mine from last night. It’s pretty short but I wanted to get a feel for how 3D World controls.
I'm doing spingrab stage.
I crapped out this course about spin jumping on a sideways Thwomp as it flies through the level.
Play my course that I slapped together in an hour before I had to go to work
I didn't have a stylus either so I had to use my fucking finger. Got one now though.
How hard do you guys like your level?
Personally i like 'em hard.
How do you like my avar, lads?
>Amazon say it's delivered
>Didn't get anything
Holy fuck I am pissed. This is only game I've been look forward to for the past few months
>getting mad at dumb kids being dumb kids
Still better than a sloppy 1-1 remake that has Cat MArio in it.
Do you think only adults are playing the game?
I really hate avatars that tell me "Yep i'm a grown man with a beard who plays bing bong wahoo games." Facial hair on Miis should invoke some sort of punishment.
This, like half the levels I’ve played in versus mode are fucking 1-1 with a slight twist without fail.
cute bulge
Only temporarily to prevent level spam, they'll increase the limit after a while.
I know I should have made it longer but my battery was dying
ProTip: The only time a level feels too long is if the pacing is shit. If you have to make a player wait, at least give them a coin block or hidden block to hit multiple times to run up coins while a shell bounces around.
Check your bins, some delivery guys are retarded
Can you make night stages without the effects or does the night mode specifically add those special effects?
The levels are clearly made by children. "My first level" "EASY LEVEL" "RIP Etika" "and my personal favourite "Toad's unfortunate accident (Horror)" that was filled with grammatical errors. They're kids.
Does anyone translate moon? I got a comment and I'm curious what it says.
>does the night mode specifically add those special effects?
thanks nintendo
Let me try.
Do you realize you're a cat?
If anything a delivery man putting SM2 in the trash would be right in doing so.
Armada on a top 100 run lads:
>delivery status is still "in transit" instead of "out for delivery"
>it's almost 10:00 am
Any mailfags here? Am I likely to actually get my game today like Amazon says?
Post it
Amazon delivers until like 9 pm
Why did I buy this
I don't have the creativity to make levels
I love Apu from the Simpsons
Im going to need go plug my switch in to charge while making multiple level sessions. Shit barely made it through my first. And I ain't using dem controllers
Not really
One dedicated Yea Forumsirgin had a great idea for the original game. He split the full map up into sections, numbered them, and each user took a tile, designed it in their game, took a screenshot, posted it in the thread, and the Compilation user remade it block for block in one huge big level made by nerds.
It was really good. I have it saved on my Wii U
Fuck off it doesn't say that.
I love the nigger from the Simpsons
Maybe, but for me Amazon hasn't been totally reliable in the past year.
Costco delivered my shit yesterday afternoon. I'll be using them for new vidya releases if they keep that trend up.
Can you make pipes that move up and down?
Can you make those balance platforms/mushrooms that move up and down based on your weight?
Is there a discord for people discovering new kaizo tech?
That was fun
This is the closest any game has gotten to the first little big Planet IMO. It's really really good.
"I love Apu from the Simpsons"
To get a virtually unlimited super Mario stages? Even minus the absolute shit stages, the high end ones really hit well.
T'was fun
I shamelessly copied zun's concept and made a touhou inspired level in which you have to fly to the end and avoid things: 8M2-QCM-VVG
>Can't even do multiplayer in story mode.
Are you just complaining for the sake of complaining now? That's like scrapping the bottom of the barrel for things to complain about the game.
It's being delivered by USPS, not Amazon's own carrier.
>using pisscord
>it was fun desu
aww he's probably a little nip kid or some mentally handicapped nip.
No, you get an unlimited number of hot garbage stages.
Nah but you might like this tutorial
Didnt the orginal only increased with profile level?
"Notice Me Senpai", although the kanji used is a bit confusing and childish, it could also be translated as "notice me friendly milk-giver"
Don't be weird, everyone uses Discord these days.
So what's the point in Mario Maker 2. wasn't enough with the first one?
People who made good levels got more yeahs which let them upload more
>stuck in wage cage all day
Fuck I should have called in sick bros
I wanna be making and playing levels
hard but not kaizo or unfair
Nobody has a WiiU.
Do we know what the mystery game was?
Speak for yourself nigger.
I panicked when I realized it wasn't a fire clown car but it's short enough to not be a problem.
No, because it launched on a milquetoast console with not a huge playerbase.
This game is going to what the first should have been, and more to come considering MM1 had new things added in uodates post launch
That's pretty normal. You're more likely to create something fun when you're relaxed and having fun instead of all tensed up and trying too hard. When you're trying, you just created something more technically sound than unique.
Someone play my course
Anyone else copying over their good Mario maker 1 levels?
>Tfw no amiibo so theme levels are done but now I can add slopes and snow
Play it under your desk. If you don;t work at a desk fucking kill yourself.
I'll probably get it tomorrow
I'm starting to gather ideas, but I'll see what's easier to make first
How does the game know if my level is fun or not if it didn't recommend it to anyone? Literally no one has played them.
It's a miracle in itself that the first game did as well as it did on what was a completely dead console. This game is going to thrive like crazy on the switch
there are fire clown carts?
Thanks anons. Im glad this Japanese child likes my level and Apu from the Simpsons.
It's not in yet. We might get something around the holiday season.
What do you use then? Skype? Teamspeak?
>my first and only level has been played once
I just want validation.
It's release day. A lot of people's map are going to get lose in the tidal wave of new maps coming out. Why do you think people are posting their maps on here to get people to try out their maps?
Whoa thank you everyone for playing my ant colony level I didn't expect this kind of reception
Yeah. Never played the first game?
Start of the level is rough having to pray to Hammer Bro RNG but then it's just kind of dull having to wait for the scrolling.
Why are the germans so bad at making levels?
>What are you doing first?
Complain about Ashley not being playable.
God I fucking love the music for the snow theme in og mario bros.
Just cleared it. Had fun
some feedback:
Put a scroll stop at the beginning next time so players aren't rushed instantly to get in the pipe
Make sure not to leave naked pipes (aka pipes without blocks covering the bottom
good placement of the hammer bros, not too easy but not too hard either. However warning the player that they are coming at the beginning (for example boxing them into the ground below the pipe) would make people like them more
I was trying to make it similar to the ice climber games. Im going to make a series with different difficulties, maybe i’ll increase the speed.
Thanks for trying it out.
My dumbass thought the game autosaved your levels when you build them. Fucking lost a few hours work from last night.
I definitely wanted to stick to just the ants as enemies, and they're inherently pretty harmless. Glad you liked that room! Planning it was fun.
Alright I csn make those changes for the next version. Thanks
t. Doesn't know have the controls in 3d world
Never used the clown car, I'm making another level ASAP to try it out
Now you have me worried and wanting to do this right away, where do I go for that? I am just been systematically going through the tutorials so I haven't explored the other areas yet
why the FUCK isnt the one way gate thing not in the 3D World style
Not that guy. It literally says that almost exactly.
Fyi it becomes stronger with fire Mario(3 shots) and holding the button charges it up ans shoots powered up fireballs that can break blocks
Playing the Normal difficulty Endless Mario course is like submerging yourself in raw sewage.
The lag in multiplayer is really fucking bad, but I have noticed that every time someone gives up in a match all the lag completely disappears.
I hope they fix this shit soon.
"That was fun."
Here's my level: QX7-0K9-60G "Green Hills and Mushroom Tops", I'm bad at names.
Really short, my first level I've ever published.
Super expert must be raw sewage on fire then
>Fire Bros are 3D world exclusive
Who the fuck thought this was okay
I am shit at making levels, any tips?
I am going to make a level to memorialize a certain sweltering summer afternoon from the year of 1992.
Do the tutorials
God I hate 3D World
What's the most lewd level you can make?
>it's a japanese name
>it's the worst level you've ever played
Play the tutorials, they're actually pretty helpful, and the story mode is specifically made to give you ideas and inspirations, so play that.
Not a bad 1-1. Cleared and gave it a like
How is Nintendo's moderation? If I make a level with a swastika in it will it be removed? Will they ban me?
Try yamamura’s dojo, from what I’ve seen there’s some pretty important tips and lessons packed into it. It’s surprisingly fleshed out and covers a lot of topics.
use yamamura's dojo
use an idea generator and stick to just the elements it gives you (excluding ground, slopes, etc...)
Don't be afraid to make an easy level, easy levels get more stars a lot of the time
Not much you can do here. Everyone has to go as fast as the slowest person. Just pray to RNG you don't get some third worlder that's playing on their wifi.
Made a level that uses On/Off blocks on a global timer throughout the stage. Play it and tell me what you think:
I will play the levels of anyone who plays mine and leave feedback and maybe a stupid drawing or something.
Play the story mode for hands-on guide on how to use each stage element. Watch the tutorials if you're still stumped. Then finally, just start ripping off clever shit you see in popular maps.
Where's mario maker discord?
How do I get past the start screen with a gcn controller. I must be retarded or some shit
The only reason I was even interested in this game was for the multiplayer and it fucking blows.
i just assumed gcn didn't work when i tried
I was about to say the same thing, what is so fucking hard that makes it so fire bros can't be in all styles, they are literally just slightly different hammer bros. Why weren't they even in MM1
But multiplayer for the goddamn tutorial/story mode? That is quite literally nothing to be angry about here. The multiplayer is a hit or a miss but that's just an issue of people willing to pay for NSO yet somehow not for the ethernet adapter as well.
I’m able to play the title screen with it but it won’t let me get past that unless I use joycoins
I was able to skip through a huge part by jumping on a canonball after entering the ghost house for the first time. Also delete the three bob ombs, make the snake blocks longer and put an item before the boss fight.
Nice contraption for toggling the on/off switch
I couldn't get past the part where you have to time your advances and cant jump because of the spikes, but looking at the level preview I trust you made a good stage. Gave it a like
If I had one criticism it would be that 3D world beat blocks would have been better since they give you a better sense of when they are about to change
Did you try the c-stick?
I remember liking the CHILL AND SHILL titles of the threads from a few years ago a lot for some reason.
>But multiplayer for the goddamn tutorial/story mode?
Is story really just a tutorial? I thought it was supposed to be like a full-length NSMB game given they haven't made a new one since U.
Coo, coo.
(I will personally kill everyone who posts levels with bad level design)
My first level in 2 years
The snakeblock part is janky garbage but otherwise it’s decent.
Can you do Vertical Sub-Areas that go Top to Bottom? I have a few ideas I wanna try when I get home
I think my new least favorite level type is "4-way glass pipe maze that drops you to your death if you guess wrong"
tutorial mode and story mode are separate things
I like how Marina and Pearl designed some of the story courses.
You can.
I don't think that's the case here, it's definitely an issue on nintendo side.
EVERY single time someone gives up all the lag disappear completely and the match is smooth as fuck, otherwise it's a 10fps lag fest the whole match.
Yep, you can.
Haven't found a way to make the overworld vertical though
This is why I haven't bought it, un-ironically. If they're added in an update, I'll buy it then.
I considered it, but you can't configure the speed of the 3D Land beep blocks. I made it so the latter half of the level doubles the speed of the blocks swapping.
You can not
Yes you can, I'm making a downwards subterranean stage as we speak now
Very creative but a little too hard without a rhythm to go off of but then again I suck at this game...
There is probably porn of that mario maker girl already, isn't there?
Why are intendo fans so fucking horny?
Haven't played it yet so I don't know how long it is, but I assumed it was essentially meant as a "this is how Nintendo designs levels, this is what good design looks like, take notes" sort of thing so that people don't have any excuse anymore to not examine Nintendo's levels from the other games.
>yet somehow not for the ethernet adapter as well.
Why would you waste the money? Sure you have one, but if the 3 people you're playing with don't, it's the same as if you don't.
Is anyone playing with a stylus and if so which stylus did you get?
wow it does work, and i figured how to pass the title screen.
You have to use joycons but after the first screen you go home and change grip order.
If you wanted a link you should've just asked dude
>going to /pol/
>going to 8chs /pol/ of all things
yeah I eventually got to almost beat it and saw the section after the checkpoint
Guess you made it, it has 22 plays now. I'm the only one who beat it
Can you blame them though?
You need a capacitive stylus for the Switch. 3DS/Wii U stylus won't work.
How do I unlock the two hidden power ups and also is there a way to make a question block giveyou a mushroom but if you are already large mario it gives you a flower instead
grabbed a 99 cent capacitive stylus from walmart and it works like a dream. don't waste money on anything fancy
I'm more pissed about the beat blocks. No fucking excuse there, they are fucking boxes
>How do I unlock the two hidden power ups
play story mode
>mushroom but if you are already large mario it gives you a flower instead
drag a mushroom onto the fireflower
Place a fire flower, press and hold on it, click the mushroom. The press and hold is how you change many things now like red vs green Koopas, pipe speeds, etc.
Does the pigeon fuck that SLUT?
The excuse is they only showed up in 3D World and Galaxy.
I'll never top the one I made in the first game. I don't understand how no one could beat it. I wanted to teach retarded kids how to use the cape.
>Cape feather is right next to the start, trapped between blocks so you can't miss seeing/grabbing it
>Huge arrow of coins pointing off the stage into the sky, along with coins that say "TAP LEFT" to teach people how to gain height in the air
>Like 2% actually complete the stage
There's not even obstacles or enemies.
>that fucking lag
I'm sure you were going for some epic "challenging" bullshit but honestly just learn to put indents above where you should jump so Mario doesn't keep bonking his head
First Clear!
That was a pretty fun level. I liked the design of the bridge the checkpoint was on.
>think of a concept that you really like
>try to make it
>isn't working out
>lose motivation to make level
>only 10 characters
Good, my usual name for shit is only 9.
You can search by region thankfully and filter out all the nip levels
That's a piss poor excuse and you know it.
Yes! It's appreciated.
Did you lockstep the seesaw with the spiny like intended, or bumrush across like works much better?
And did you solve the final room the easy but unintuitive way, or carefully balance the shell?
Jap levels are always shit. Always enemy spam, sound effect spam or "stand still" levels. Fucking retarded nips
would like to know this as well
First stage I ever gave up on.
never played SMM1
this game is fun, but I hate the soulless NSMB and 3D World styles, and I hate that the old styles have weird slippery physics
>Can't make Ashley stages, made like 20+ because I have a problem
>Can't make themed stages like "Olimar on Planet Mario" or shit like that
>Can't make "Sonic in Mario, isn't that fucking original" stages
I'm going to miss costumes.
Yeah, but its not no excuse.
Can you play with friends online yet or are they still patching it in?
any list on mii costume unlock conditions yet?
Don't forget to include moments to delight players to reward them for putting up with bullshit
They’re going to get added in for sure later right?
Thanks bro
>no more terrible costume levels that have mushrooms every 3 steps
easily the best change they could have made. learn how to make an actual level instead of "lol look at my amiibo collection" garbage
They’re still patching it in. I’d give it a few weeks, the first major update to the first game took a little less than a month to release.
Probably not, didn't they say at E3 that they wanted to focus on new content rather than take the time to bring amiibo costumes back?
I also heard (no proof) that they were removed because having all 4 characters use the same costume would make it hard to know who's who. Even though they could just give them colored outlines or some shit.
>Did you lockstep the seesaw with the spiny like intended, or bumrush across like works much better?
I assume you mean the part right after the checkpoint? I basically freed the spiny, put a little weight on the left, waited for the spiny to balance it a bit then rushed to the right.
>And did you solve the final room the easy but unintuitive way, or carefully balance the shell?
That's what the koopa was for? I assume he was there to kill the spiny with his shell. I basically stood in the middle of the platform, then rushed to the pipe right before it went up. By the way, did the bomb have a specific use?
>learn how to make an actual level instead of "lol look at my amiibo collection" garbage
Fuck off, I made actual levels. I never made amiibo showcases, the characters I used didn't even fucking have amiibo. I just liked using my favorite characters in my stages.
This. I like the idea of amiibo costumes but it always led to shitty costume levels topping the charts just for showcasing costumes, not even building a level around it.
Give me some level IDs to play.
>it always led to shitty costume levels topping the charts
This never happened. Chart toppers were always, ALWAYS YouTubers shilling their " lol troll xD" shit. From day one. You know it.
>reach the goal without taking damage
>put a lot of mushrooms before a section requiring you to be small mario to get through
>That's what the koopa was for? I assume he was there to kill the spiny with his shell. I basically stood in the middle of the platform, then rushed to the pipe right before it went up. By the way, did the bomb have a specific use?
Nah, the intended solution is just that if a balanced seesaw overlaps a spiky block, you can walk on it without upsetting the seesaw OR dying to the spiky block. Which I thought was unintuitive enough to make a fun joke final puzzle.
Everything else was red herrings. I thought of the use of the shell after adding it, and left it in as an escape route for anyone who couldn't get the real solution ('cause it sounds like a bitch to actually do).
based pigeon
do well-made Nintendo-like stages ever top the charts?
No. Never. It's always YouTubers. All they have to do is say "IF YOU PLAY MY LEVEL I'LL THINK YOU'RE AWESOME" then bam. Blame Game Grumps for this shit.
vary rarely but it did happen
It helps that her hair looks like an ejaculating penis.
get a job jason
I don't like this dog. His smug aura mocks me
No, it was a mix of auto levels, youtuber bait, kaizo cancer, and amiibo shit. It was never JUST youtuber shit and you know it.
Has anyone even tried making rooms with Yea Forums.
I bought the game thinking there would be plenty of those.
My ant colony level is in the 3000s right now somehow
You can't do online with friends yet.
Story mode has a loose plot about Undodog accidentally destroying Peach's Castle and Mario testing courses for Coins to help fund the rebuild.
It's basically a 100 Nintendo designed levels, but it's pretty fun.
Is celerity MC who I think it is?
First agent 1 and now this...
Well, guess it's off to play with randoms still.
Super Mario Bros. 2/USA theme when?
why the fuck do non-multiplayer tagged levels show up in multiplayer versus?
>Shoot em' up level but with only one vehicle
>Puzzle level the ends with a p-switch that I got to first
>but choosing to grab it makes you lose your position advantage
>now force everyone to time out by holding onto switch because no one backs off from blocks
Went to go buy a stylus for this game and holy shit, capacitive stylus' have some insane price range. You can get a pack of 20 of these things for 5 bucks yet some of these fuckers are charging up to $20 for a single one that has literally nothing that makes it any different from the others.
I've seen an Agent 2 as well.
Try my super easy desert level
just buy an Amazon Basics one, those work fine on Switch
I know, I'm just pointing out how ludicrous this shit is.
>*filters through a sea of doctors opining on the subject, ignoring all of them*
>*finds a single one that hates transgender people*
Nah, mate. You're cringe.
Maybe it doubles as a vibrator.
>Next stage is celerberty DJ and then agent 2 afterwards
Fuck it. There are Splatoon characters and nothing will tell me otherwise. i love this silly shit
I want to impregnate my waifu not be her
I'm undergoing a project to remake all of Wario Land 1 in this game. And while not perfect, got the first 2 courses made.
Rice Beach 1: NHW-26Y-YCG
Rice Beach 2: BLP-D52-T1G
Mind giving these some playthroughs and (you)s? Would be nice to see what people think of these so far before I move on to making the next levels after these.
>Can't edit downloaded levels anymore
Kaizo bullshit is sure to only get worse from here on. Now you can hide developer cheat blocks in some bullshit out of the way area while the rest of the level can be as impossible as you want.
I've had games where there's no lag with four players. I'm guessing whomever dropped might be the one causing the lag. Honestly, it's hard to tell since it's release day and everyone is playing. You need to wait a bit for things to mellow out before we can confirm or deny anything.
If you're already paying for NSO, then I dont see why you wouldn't pay a little extra to ensure a smooth connection on your end. It's like buying a fighting game on PC and not bothering with a controller under the assumption anyone else playing online is also using keyboard.
Is it just me or are shell jumps easier in SMM2 than in SMW?
Having fun making easy, exploration-type levels. Noticed the camera now stops if you place a complete wall of ground in horizontal stages.
Anyone know what this asian kid is saying?
Fun levels. Can't remember enough of Wario Land 1 to pick out the references though.
Btw your first code is incorrect here, it's actually NWH-26Y-YCG
"It's hard"
Here's my recreation of Inaba from P4. Hope you guys like it.
Just as I predicted, 3D World has a steep learning curve
Anyone have tips for it?
Kawamura isn't that great at creating levels.
Can you even play as builder Mario or other characters in story mode?
Does anyone have some levels to share? No recreations of official levels please.
Alright, guess I'll try some levels. Here's mine.
This one is a pretty standard Mario course with mushrooms and Koopa's. The low clear rate on this one depresses me.
This one is a rather tricky walljumping course.
Eight various challenges you have to beat in 100 seconds.
Thanks m8 for that. But yeah, so long as people enjoy/play these, it gives me enough motivation to do the rest.
These were nice. I loved Wario Land it was like the only game I had for my Gameboy growing up.
Fun to meander through and fun to speed run. Good job on the recreations they're pretty decent.
It's nice ain't it?
You can try mine, its on the easier side but its meant to be a warm up.
Cat characters can cLimb semi solid platforms indefinitely? This gives me an idea for a catastropic autoscroll
Nice idea but it's rather cramped in places making it a bit awkward to play.
It's alright.
Great Galoomba's Great Sky Tower: XF0-57J-QWG
I made a vertical theme level, it's not particularly hard I don't think. I spent a bunch of time just on aesthetics.
Wow this game is ugly when not played in handheld
It's pretty fun. Got a nice theme, builds up well in difficulty, gets kinda tense later on and you get to smack the Galoomba off its tower which is a cute touch.
A dozen or so people have played my level, but no one has beat it. It's not even that hard, I reckon it's around expert difficulty. Please beat it, Yea Forums.
>May I recommend the tutorial dojo with Yamamura the BASED pigeon? He'll teach you some tricks
Did this. Enjoyed it, too! Now I suffer from choice paralysis. That empty canvas is intimidating.
Why are the story mode levels all so fucking good and creative? How do I become like that?
I did what we all were thinking, enjoy!
Still at work so I won't be able to check it out until tonight. I figured playing with randos is probably a shitty lagfest, but given nintendo backtracked on the playing with friends thing, has anyone tried online yet with friends? Is that laggy as hell too? Can we even set up private lobbies?
>become sick right when mario maker 2 comes out
>too hot and fatigued to enjoy it after waiting so long for it
this sucks man
I felt it was too easy to stay ahead of some of the obstacles.
It’s not available yet.
Man, I am not bored enough with this game to grind out a precision platforming level.
Can't wait to starting making levels. Though the 32 level limit sucks
>busted my credit card limit and will only be able to buy the game Monday when it renews
Guess I will play SMB3 again until then
Made my first level.
A timing based level that you can take at your own pace. Second level attempt, accepting feedback
fucking hell, well at least I can make some multiplayer stages in the meantime
Haha you fucking retard
When should we expect the first upodate for the game? How long did it take for the first game to get updates?
muzukashii. Its hard.
Minigame level based on that Lil fungi town thing from superstar saga
Is everything unlocked from the get go or do you have to place a lot of things like in the first one?
>You still cant turn enemies around to walk to the right
Making a level with Ant Troopers is fucking annoying
A few secret powerups are unlockable, everything else is unlocked
I made this somewhat challenging level as my first level.
If anyone wants to share a few ideas or changes I should do, be my guest.
They will walk toward you upon spawning, so consider that if Mario is coming from the right
Some things are unlocked, I got the Super Hammer and a couple other things from Story mode.
How do I play local multiplayer on the course world levels? Or basically do anything multiplayer that's not stage building
You have to download the stages first.
you need to download the levels and play from course bot
I'm just gonna say it.
Nobody wants to play your fucking tedious Ghost House level.
I’m having fun but the online is maybe the worst I’ve ever seen. Shockingly bad. Wow.
how do I beat that level in the story mode where you can't jump? I get to the end with the springs and the monty mole and it fails me even though I didn't jump
wtf, that was ASS
Works fine for me.
Did you ever stop to think that they quit because they had shitty connection, which then sorts the issue out? Not everyone has good Internet.
Wait until it goes up. When it goes back down, go on it. Wait until it goes back down AGAIN to get off
>32 course limit
is that with more stars or no? i heard on the giant bomb quick look that more stars = higher upload maximum
Please try out my minigames:
Mario Construction: Fast & Cheap
>little big planet
>infinite creativity
>super cringe maker
>heavily limited to Marioshit
Stopped bothering desu. You've got some good ideas but it's way too precise.
Super hard.
If you're gonna have a puzzle level where shells are essential, you really should have a pipe that keeps spawning them. That shell kick doesn't always reach and I can't be fucked to keep restarting the stage.
I'm tied between calling it cool and cruel. It's crool.
Just use on/off blocks with a shell bouncing between the switch and another block
>Estimated arrival time: 5:00pm
making shit in lbp usually just makes me want to make my own game instead. Dreams is great though.
What the hell
3 meme topics slammed into 1 image?
Somehow this is the most interesting thing in the thread to me.
Made a comfy winter level. It's my first one so I'm still getting used to it.
holy fuck! the online multiplayer is super fucking LAGGY!
I considered this, but since it's at the beginning of the level I didn't feel too bad. I also don't know how to do what you just suggested.
Do I need a good stylus or will any do
Should I save the one from my 3ds or get a fancy one
A little under a month.
Switch is a capacitive touch screen, so you'll need one with that type of tip
What suggestion, respawning Koopas?
I should add that the first major one was 2-3 months though.
Well, as of right now its got 129 stars, and the upload limit hasn't increased. So I dunno. Maybe they'll patch it in when they add online with friends
SMM2 is a downgrade from the previous one. Not surprising from Shitendo.
What is with this dog's levels? the fuck is this poison swamp junk
I just came across a pretty neat level in expert. I think you all should give it a try.
this game would've been 10/10 with a bunch more enemies
so now its just a 9/10
Any good 3D Kino levels yet?
Chain Chomp tech demo
>made by a jap
Yes. I also just replayed it and if you look, even if you fail the 2nd shell you can still make the jump from the blue platform after hitting the p-block.
Hako is my Waifu!
The NSMB community levels end up getting a lot better as time goes on. At least that's what happened with the first mario maker. 3D world has a lot of potential with the long jump as well.
the big coin limit is kinda gay
Same here. I took the level being seen from the main menu after leaving build mode to mean it's autosaved
Kill me, Pete
Fuck whoever it is at Nintendo that made that no jumping level in the story mode. It's not even hard just not fun.
Well they have plenty of time to get it there, I just hope they do decide to add more enemies and stuff
Also it would be nice if they added a couple of levels to story mode with them too
Where the FUCK is Pokey
In earthbound
Downgrade deez nuts haha gottem
Put a Koopa in a pipe to make it respawn.
>go to walmart pickup mario maker 2
>it's $49.99
>bing bing WAHOOO
>stop by my moms to walk dog
>come back and play my switch
>wi fi won't connect
>go home, wi fi still won't connect
Did this fucking game just break my switch?
freshly made made level:
>SMB1.5: 1-2 Koopa Cavern
previous levels here why?
>t. Doesn't know have controls in 3d world
First time making a level,, tell me what you think.
Shell jumps in it?
>Super Mario Maker games are heavily restricted to Mario platforming
No shit. Please stop giving the rest of us LBP fans such a retarded look.
SMB1 Mario can't slide down slopes?
3D World courses are the new NSMBU courses.
Anyone from the original SMM threads in SMM2 already? Waiting to get it physically this evening along with a stylus.
I like the first one but that upside down section on the second is cancer
Absolutely based pigeon shitting on that gamer girl trash
>Intentionally breaks her controller just to make a point
Fucking savage
Bowser Jr’s Airship Assault. SMW Sky theme, you move through Bowser Jr.’s different airships and can go in them for extra coins and stuff. Wanted to start with my standard Airship level before moving on. Time to start playing some Yea Forums levels.
Yep, I'm Toying with levels and wondering how some of the shit gets so may plays/comments in endless mode
>Chain Chomp Chiller
God damn it why is Nintendo so clever I could never come up with this shit
>got it last night
>Try to play
>Fail on easy story mode levels way too much
Holy shit I'm out of practice.
>Hey big bro, you fucking suck at video games. Wanna cheat to beat this baby level, you fucking stupid bitch?
Some precision required
Getting not found
Anyone else in the same boat as me?
>never had a Wii U so never played Mario maker personally
>didn’t touch a Mario game except yosjis island since the game it advanced
>but I’ve been watching people play Mario maker for over a year because it’s fun
>launch Mario maker 2 last night
>go straight to expert
>get fucked by cape levels because I’ve never played with capes before and the controls are totally new
>still manage to beat the cape levels after a few tries
I can’t wait to get better at the actual controls. My impression was to do a spin jump you has to press A and while in the air you press Y.
is there a built in campaign or multiple? how long is it?
>At first sad that i couldn't recreate my level due to the start having to compensate for 4 plays
>Remembers they added that hard block scroll stopper
Secretly the best feature of Mario maker 2
Big retard question, how do I have these on/off switches off by default?
I'm going to play online with my friends
Oh wait
Please never use the green and blue snakes in your maps.
Just beat it. Love bonking koopa shells to make them smash into tons of bricks so I really liked it
Cape has a few moves
>hold jump to glide down slowly
>press run to spin your cape and bash enemies
>spin jump to fall while bashing enemies
>when running at full speed you can fly with either jump (lets you glide, see below)
>or spin jump fly
>when glide flying you eventually stop flying and start a glide
>from there you catch air to keep your altitude by pressing back on the dpad once mario has leaned forward enough
>if you time it right you will actually gain height and this lets you fly indefinitely if you are skilled
What if use them creatively do they don't overstay their welcome?
Can you do the castle in co-op mode?
Maybe it takes a bit to upload? Just double checked and the ID is definitely right. Thanks for trying though.
I like it. You got a pretty good idea of how to make an official-feeling Mario level. If I had to be nitpicky, having those two Koopas on the same platform as those three question blocks felt a little bit cramped.
Never happens.
koopas are really fun to make levels with, I swear you can make entire levels just about them alone
>having those two Koopas on the same platform as those three question blocks felt a little bit cramped.
hm, you're right. Oh well, I can't edit the upload. Did you find the secret 50 coin?
Can you give me your maker ID so I can look for the course on your page?
Go to the maker button, press Y and then press more info near your mii and it will show up
>Have to wait until hours of wageslaving servitude are over to pick up my copy
Any other anons suffering with me?
120 levels, I believe. Some are pretty short though.
Is it above the level? Cause I was pretty sure there was something up there but didn't bother to check
Had to re-upload Mario Construction. The new code is 4FV-HYW-XDF.
I would really appreciate if someone gave it a try.
Any criticism welcome
>laggy, shitty servers likely to never improve
>can't join friends
>can't make multiplayer-only levels
>can't choose a difficulty before matchmaking, so beginners are often dragged into super expert and vice versa
>levels with checkpoints and autoscroll are practically impossible with more than one player
>no unique checkpoints, so you can't make levels where the players are split up and cooperate with P-switches l, POW blocks or on/off switches unless you choose to add zero hazards
I didn't think it was possible to design such an incompotent multiplayer functionality.
Fucking bravo, Nintendo, you really outdid yourselves this time around.
How do I trigger the scroll stopper? Trying to make a sub-area in my level with a little boxed in challenge.
Oh also can't forget that everyone bounces off each other, ruining any form of cooperation near hazards. It's like they read zero criticisms of NSMBW
>tfw started Endless on normal the first thing when I booted up the game
>at 50 lives with over 50 levels cleared
>want to do other stuff but been conditioned to not stop playing unless I either win or lose
>neither can happen in this mode
I wish it would start serving me expert and super expert levels or something.
just block off the part with walls on both sides
what happened to it?
Line of solid blocks/ground all the way to the end perpendicular to the scroll direction
Is there anyway to stop hammer bros from jumping down off of platforms?
Took me way too long to upload this lole
>instakilled by block trap
>going on Yea Forums at work
Are we hitting peak autism?
you can create some genuinely good stages with NSMB and 3D World styles. i personally prefer 3 the most since it's such a pretty art style but don't knock them till you try them.
just jump bro lol
Story mode. How the fuck do you deliver the stone in that level with Yoshi? I can't get it over the wall.
it's times like this that make me miss QR codes like the 3ds. just upload a pic and point the camera at it. rip 3ds
you can't, just switch all the on elements to be off and the off to be on instead
user just quit and go to expert
>not playing my level
>3D World
That’s some shit taste you have there.
does the old mario maker still work? did they cut off access to people with wii u who want to still download random levels?
I had the same issue Turns out I was retarded and forgot about tounging it from the other side of the wall
You could kluge it with something offscreen at the very start to trigger a switch block.
>Gamexplain complained how there's not as much soul / weirdness in Mario Maker 2
>get worried
>tfw the whole story mode
Are those fuckers blind?
i really hate that they didn't add reznor, considering that he already appeared in a NSMB game and wouldn't be hard to program.
"Oh wait, I don't have any friends"
It still works and should still have active servers for at least several years if not more.
mediocre, felt a bit random and the scrolling vertical section had too much going on that you could mostly run past anyway. I don't really get what you were going for, but I recommend you check out some of the level design guides.
i mean objectively it's just the core game and none of the weird inconsequential shit that MM1 had
This is the kind of brilliant use of game mechanics that most player made maps lack. Instead of creating some over elaborate death trap that uses 20 different pieces, something this simple is all that is needed to challenge the player.
Give a mushroom next time
Okay I will. Thank you for pushing me out of this limbo.
My first course I finished at work.
I'm really tempted to try my hand at a good 3D World stage. The hammer powerup seems pretty fun and Meowser is a nice boss for chase based stages without needing an autoscroll.
The autist behind the review had over 800 hours in the original and was probably burned out because of it. They should’ve had someone with some experience with the first game rather than someone who was sick of the game.
>tfw Nintendo Online NES controller works with all game styles since they added shoulder buttons
I pity those of you not using the best D-pad ever made. shut up it's not buyer's remorse god damn it
How's the online for you guys so far? I've been hearing mixed reviews so far
only one I'm mad about is pokeys being absent, desert levels just aren't the same without them
>tfw not a single person has played your levels yet
Snowy Coin Hunt
I mean shit I would have expected at least one random player by now
Pretty shitty for me so far, laggy and some communication errors. Also multiplayer and single player levels really should be completely separate categories instead of just having the barely functional tag system.
I actually did fuck up my codes earlier, holy shit sorry guys.
Bowser Jr’s Airship Assault
0CL - FG5 - QJG
It's choppy as fuck and there's noticeable lag, but it's pretty fun. Definitely room for improvement, but the core concept is solid.
>playing multiplayer on levels clearly built around single player to an autistic degree to the point of requiring perfect inputs and precise platforming
What a god damn nightmare
>3D World
Also the SMB level is extremely basic
Jungle Jumping
>haven't seen any levels outside of story mode use the new SML powerup in SM1
its not exclusive to story is it?
When it works it’s a shitshow, but it’s a really chaotic and fun shitshow. When the online shits itself, it’s not even worth the trouble. Even levels that don’t really work with people end up being fun which shows the potential of the mode, but it’s held back by Nintendo’s fucking awful online practices.
it's poorly implemented, although on the plus side when it's not lagging horribly it can make the basic/shitty levels far more enjoyable.
you have to play through story mode to unlock it, which most people probably haven't