ITT: charming vidya details/stuff you like

ITT: charming vidya details/stuff you like

If there's small things in vidya you like but have nowhere to bring up or talk about, post them here

I personally love the way water and shallow water was animated and depicted in the early low-poly era

Attached: bugs.gif (500x375, 3.5M)

Other urls found in this thread:

I like the visual clarity of low poly games like op gif.

remake pls

Same. Maybe I’m just getting older but my difficulty with modern games is that it’s hard to distinguish things in the environment, there’s so much detail on screen.

looks like poopoo

Idle scenery in pixel art

Attached: 7p8c8gjuhr821.gif (480x446, 158K)

I love the style of lighting you saw in games like Doom 3/Riddick/FEAR/Chaos Theory because they remind me of the pre-rendered graphics of late 90s games but in real time.

Attached: 9050_screenshots_20180721125232_1.jpg (1920x1080, 205K)

>muh polygans
>muh resolution
>muh filters
>muh bloom
>muh ambient occlusion
>muh clutter
>muh shaders
>muh particle effects



I like the little multiplayer stuff in Dark Souls. Messages, bloodstains, silhouettes, hearing the sound of another player ringing one of the bells, getting one Estus if someone else kindles their bonfire in that same area, all that stuff is nice.

Hate this shit. It's empty and masturbatory.

Early Digimon games had fantastic menu interaction sounds,bconsistent throughout entries, it was comfy as fuck hearing them in a new game

All of this is possible because FROM rejected voice chat and I appreciate that they had the balls to do it.

On a similar subject I love non-verbal communication in multiplayer games, especially when it's improvised. Like how in fightcade people started using the insert credit sound as a de facto morse code.

>game where you can use guns
>shoot entire mag, reload
>shoot half of mag, reload
It's the little things

Attached: 5lpoqgk5mo631.png (349x768, 244K)

Dont know wat that means
But this video sucks
The water looks like blue floor

>Boomers actually played garbage like this

> Time Busters
My nigga, one of my favourite PS1 games and arguably one of the best collect-a-thon platformers.

>getting one Estus if someone else kindles their bonfire in that same area
I never knew

Is that Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time? I loved that game as kid.

There's also one more thing I forgot to mention, dropped and abandoned items/lost bloodstains with a lot of humanity appear in other people's worlds in the form of a special enemy. That's another cool thing I like. I just like indirect multiplayer interactions.

Played the shit out of it as a kid. Still remember the music.

Name me literally any game that does this. I love attention to detail like this

Arma 3

Attached: tumblr_pbjkkiouvY1rrftcdo1_500.png (500x476, 386K)