Why do they make these indie games so sad bros? i always shed a few tears like a faggot whenever the fat fuck holds ori

why do they make these indie games so sad bros? i always shed a few tears like a faggot whenever the fat fuck holds ori

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>i always shed a few tears like a faggot whenever the fat fuck holds ori

>look at me, im le edgy
stfu dude, i know you cried like a baby aswell

it makes you a human able to emphasize user. so you're not a lost cause like most of the anons here

Because they think depressing = deep. It's a problem with the more pretentious/artsy faction of any creative field.

I can't wait to cry my eyes out 8 months from now when Ori 2 finally releases!

>thinking shitposters play games

I honestly thought Ori's story was a bit too emotionally manipulative. Really wanted to make the player feel sad rather than it being organic. Didn't like the tree narration either. Music was also rather generic. Also the world design was uninspired. And the combat sucked. But the platforming was pretty good.

Because sadness is one of the easiest emotions to evoke from an audience and it's one of the easiest ways to create attachment to a story. It's literally emotional bait and it's usually a sign of a weak story writer and a shitty story overall.

You fell for normiest of shits. Be ashamed. I'm not saying crying per se is bad, I'm saying that Ori is irredeemable talentless crap.

>And the combat sucked
thats because its a pure platformer game, even the enemy's are there for platforming purposes.

You can't call it "pure" when there are points that you have to pew pew enemies.
Even the developer knew the combat was a flaw considering they're overhauling it in the sequel.

The combat wont suck in will of the wisps

My friend pedro wants to kill his sister so gives himself amensia[/spolier]
Hollow Knight just all around sad, everyone you like dies[/spolier]
Katana Zero war veteran who killed children now a junky[/spolier]

How do you write a sad story that's organic, then? Genuinely curious what you guys think because I'm writing one.

Fuck you.

Ori is a good game

No it's not

t. someone with better taste in vidya than you ;)

It's literally soulless, even worse - it tries to pretend that it has heaps of soul, and if you fell for this cheap faux-soul, you are a shallow moron.

>t. someone who THINKS
he has better taste in vidya

Give an outline at least, because Ori is what happens when your only drive is "to make something sad".

Why wouldnt it be a good game?

>good platforming
>good modding potential
>good ending i guess?
>a bit cringy and childish but good anyways story
>shitty combat unfortunately, but not a combat oriented game
>great art and collor pallet, and amazing soundtrack
>only true huge issue is the horrendous lack of side content

I dont see whats so bad.

Not really soulless. I mean did you even play past the prologue? Ending flashback thingy was gucci as fuck

Plus, okay, lets say the story is soulless, the gameplay is good

Situations like this don't happen in most people's lives so media can force emotions out of you.
It's just empathy, which is a type of critical thinking which is the only thing that sets us apart from wild animals.
You're still a bitch, but it's because you have emotional intelligence.
Which is a straight up weakness unless you use it to be a total pos.

You don't, not really, no painting is all black, no good story should be all sad. Making things always on an emotional tone leads to emotional detachment to said tone, nobody cares about the "grimdark of a distant future" on 40k because said grimdark is constant background noise. Eventually, people just stop caring. What usually decides whether a story is sad or not, while organic are the ending tones.

The music in the chase level is kino though

No, I do!

It's a story of someone seeking revenge after being wronged, but they're going after people who were once close to them. I have a hard time boiling it down to its themes, because there's several I think about.

>no painting is all black, no good story should be all sad. Making things always on an emotional tone leads to emotional detachment to said tone
That's a good point. I do have humor and positive moments written out, but I didn't consider that it's the contrasts that make it. That does give me a bit of confidence.

Also it's important that the sad moments are purposeless, stories aren't just some random tidbits that happen, they should have a message behind them, something that the reader or viewer can take from it to learn and grow. If there's a negative moment, it should be so that a character can grow.

>I have a hard time boiling it down to its themes, because there's several I think about.
If you can boil down themes easily, why bother with long story then? State your theme, and bam - work is done. I mean, this is perfetly normal to have struggles with theme, that's how it should be.

>It's literally soulless, even worse
Nice subjection. I should listen to Yea Forums more when they tell me what has soul and what doesn't.
Thanks a bunch, soulless jaded Yea Forums poster.

Not crying like a bitch over a video game is edgy?

I bet you think Toy Story had soul.

If you cried with Ori you should try To The Moon and Nier:Automata, probably the original Nier too but i havent played it yet

Toy Story is an alright movie. I like 2 better but wouldn't put it on a pedestal. 3 on the other hand is a pointless retread but it's watchable.

t. user with opinions :)