I'll cut out pokemon from the new game to save the pokemon franchise

I'll cut out pokemon from the new game to save the pokemon franchise.

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go back to vp, incel

and have sex

based shantae

How do I tranny?

It doesn't matter Pokémon died long ago

Thanks, hopefully the next game just has new pokemon and no old ones

It would only appeal to Zoomers like you that don't know or care about the old ones.

Based small indie dev Gamefreak, knowing when to cut costs and save work.

>Imagine buying a low effort game

yea i started with red long ass time ago but nice try

The old ones unironically do not matter. If I wanted to play with the old ones I would play the old games.

New Pokémons would also have lamer and not interesting designs compared to the old ones, so nice try.

The old regions had returning Pokémon from the previous one in the grass and no one complained about it as it should be.

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>guys it makes sense for all those Gen 3-5 Pokemon to not be in this new region because of the climate
>n-no all those Kanto mons fit in perfectly fine including their alolan forms

Playing devil's advocate here, he's not wrong. Ensuring all the Pokemon gets carried over to every new game is utterly unsustainable, especially if there is some new gimmick that all Pokemon can use. Best to just announce it and get it out of the way instead of dragging it out.

Shantae, stop raiding us

For what?, we have seen the
>High Quality Stages
>High Quality Animations

>everything after gen 1 gets deleted
there, saved the pokemon franchise
hard to maintain a franchise when "Gotta catch all 150 pokemon" stops being true

>It's not going to work my dear KANTOOOOOO user

retardpilled and bluecringed have cranney tringey sex

Should I play Yo-kai Watch 2 or 3, and what's the difference between the versions?

>Thanos does the snap to save the universe from overpopulation
>Plan won't work because he can't be bothered to account for differences in breeding rates between different species
>Masuda/Ohmori do the snap to save future Pokemon games from overpopulation
>Plan won't work because they can't be bothered to make a good fucking game

because it's fucking bloat

Don't play yo-kai watch 4
It has only 109 and cut most of Yo-kai
The new catching yo-kai system is also horrible

Attached: screenshot.jpg (1200x675, 93K)

B/W hooked me because it had enough pride and confidence in what it set out to do by only using Gen V mons.

Yes, but old Pokémon could be found in the postgame.

Still, that's after about 30-40 hours.