Japanese game

>japanese game
>english voice acting is cringefest

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here's a hint, pal
>the jap voice acting is shit in the exact same way but you're incapable of understanding it and therefore incapable of understanding how bad it is

>he can't hear inflection

Why do japanese games even need english dubs? It’s just a waste of money on something that is just inferior most of the time.

not him but I know n3 level japanese and you are wrong. japanese voice acting is god tier gtfo

So play with Japanese voices.
Weren't they confirmed to be in?


>Metal Gear Rising
>Wonderful 101
>Nier Automata

Not even true for Platinum's own games, you can even go back to their Clover games. You should have been on board with Platinum english voice acting at least 10 years ago.

Metal gear solid series
Devil may cry series
The wonderful 101
No more heroes
Dead rising 1

JP acting tends to be overly dramatic and stereotypical. I think there's a more accessable surplus of talent, though.
But yeah, anime and video game dubs are almost never held up to the level of quality as cinema voicing, in part because mouth movements are either set in stone or disconnected from the sound entirely

>I don't know japanese so that means nobody else does

>zelda crying.mp4

Her english voice sounds the fuck worst when compared to literally every single other language in botw.

>he thinks he understands the tone of languages he cannot speak or read

This is wrong. The budgets for dubs are typically utter shit. Dubs are a low priority investment.
There is also very little incentive to improve things either, because people like you defend them anyway.

It's a ((((ruse)))).

((((They)))) want us to switch to the better produced nip shit and indoctrinate us to their subhuman culture. There is no other reason as to why they would half-ass the english dub.

>It’s just a waste of money on something that is just inferior most of the time.
what's wrong with people having options? just as you might not care for the english dub, someone else might not care for the japanese one.

bringing the original voices over would cost more licensing money, so they go with run of the mill VAs to save money
that and dyslexic retards insisting every voiced line to be in their language because glancing at the text for .5s seconds is too difficult for their vegetable brains

I think it depends more on whether the voices suit the characters. Even if the delivery is a bit stiff, if the voice fits it's not so obvious

>if i don't speak or read a language nobody does
the absolute state of monolingual sperms

Lads, we found an actual autistic.

*posts a pic of mad basedjak*
>ugh, the voice acting is so bad
>they should've got the cast of the avengers to do it so it's more like a movie
>that would've been amazeballz!!!

I keep checking my local community College for a jap class but when the offer one is clashes with my work schedule

English voice actors are just bad most of the time. Compare Fox in Ultimate during the intro cutscenes. English is timid and weak and just stating his lines. Jap sounds like he's ready to take on any task and is commanding an army.

>cannot fathom the thought of people understanding multiple languages

I think expected worldwide releases are starting to up the bottom line
Since game versions are more commonly all the same, it's impossible to obscure other languages and hope people don't notice
Maybe you should take an English class, buddy.

>japanese game
>english is the spoken language and the voice acting is great

Attached: 220px-Demon's_Souls_Cover.jpg (220x260, 19K)

This is how I know you're a zoomer because the quality of english dubs has improved so fucking much over the years it's insane.
I still use original language because I'm not a maniac but you have to be deaf to not hear how much video game VAs have gotten better.

Yeah. Completely the opposite in the real world btw.

Foxes can't speak in the real world you silly.

The voice acting industry fr games and anime is leagues above anything the west can ever achieve. Big name actors in japan are revered and respected and have a long history of roles they are in. Not to mention iconic. Also there is a big difference in the quality of the acting as they know how to emote properly and dont have that typical stifled stiffness western voices have.

You dont speak japanese and never will. Stop larping as one.

That's because they know how to actually hire good people to voice where as the west just picks shitty actors for cheap and it shows.

See xenoblade chronicles 1

Sometimes the west pulls through on voice acting. Dawn of War series and Chronicles of Riddick come to mind.

Attached: 164px-Kaptin_Bluddflagg.jpg (164x185, 7K)

Fuck off. I don't understand shit but Japanese is a kino language

You are so autistic it actually hurts me.

>You can't speak the language therefore you are deaf
Loving every laugh

English 9S >Japanese 9S

>>Metal Gear Rising
>>Wonderful 101
All made with English VO in mind. I first started Vanquish in Japanese but the unchanged lipsync quickly reminded me that it's a Platinum game and I'm doing it wrong.
>>Nier Automata

Games that are actually Western in origin usually don't have the problem.

Japanese performances are often overly dramatic and bombastic, which comes from Kabuki theater. Of course another language's performance is going to sound flat in comparison.

You mean 2? 1 wasn't as bad

>bringing the original voices over would cost more licensing money, so they go with run of the mill VAs to save money
Irrelevant when it's dual audio. The other point stands.


>being so retarded to not realize most VA talent in this industry is discovered mainly through JRPG dubs like Troy Baker, Laura Bailey or Yuri Lowenthall

You're such an ignorant nigger. Persona actors in general all get major roles afterwards. That Makoto actress for example is now a main character in Cyberpunk 2077. Stfu about things you don't understand.

Hes a legitimate autist. One of the key qualities of autism is that you cannot understand emotion in voice.

I'll defend Xenoblade's voice acting. It offers variety that literally nothing in Japan can come even close to, and it's fun because of that.

Im literally playing FF14 right now and the voice acting in the new expac is legit great.

No i mean 1 as an example of good english voice acting. 2 acting is kind of a joke, some good ones but dont get me started on pyra/mythras voice actor. i fucking hate that cunt

2 japanese voice actors have some big names voicing the characters which is why it is so good, just like most other games

I don't want to cope with the fact that we will have a mentally I'll browsing this board for another twenty years.

>japanese game
>devs can hire all the best voice actors japan has to offer since they cost like 300yen to hire
>english dub
>all the top voice actors cost a fortune or will just never dub a game like that in general
>sometimes the budget gets blown on a single celebrity who voices a random minor character in 1 scene


>Tricks are for kids Kun.
>Your a bad player
>Its Friday night

God is there anything that can be more kino then Killer seven?

Attached: It was hard back then.png (600x513, 326K)

>game looks good
>switch only

That's not true though.
I am assuming you are a native english speaker, so you usually don't have to deal with localisations outside of anime.
Let me tell you this: Writing dialogue that does not sound jarring and artificial is pretty hard.
That's because it's very hard to write the way people actually speak. If you read this post aloud, it would sound weird "not how people talk" as they say. Writing in a way that sounds naturally when spoken is already a challenge. Many writers fail there already.

Now TRANSLATING dialogue to not sound jarring and artificial is nigh impossible.
Look at stuff like the English dub of Money Heist.
Fucking weird. Everyone talks so weird. Because it was translated and then recorded with just this whole other level of separation on top of all the initial weirdness.
Original Language sounds better always.

>white liberals that hate themselves and their culture

Attached: white liberals hate themselves.jpg (1200x533, 55K)

Just emulate it later.

>blacks prefer other blacks to all other groups
>hispanic prefer other hispanic to all other groups
>asians prefer other asians to all other groups
>white liberals prefer any other group to their own
>whites from any other group but liberals prefer other whites to any other group

>Stfu about things you don't understand.
And they're all failed actors who only got into voice acting because they couldn't do better.
Or they're the even worse variety, online fangirls without any legitimate schooling or training, shilling their "talent" until they get an actual job

They're fucking trash and you don't even realize it.
Fucking hell. And just compare it to cartoon industry and your videogame and anime dub actors have got nothing in comparison.

I think its english voice acting that sucks mostly not american. I had to switch to jap audio quick when playing Bloodstained or Xenoblade 2.

>he admits to being autistic
Never thought I'd see the day

>/pol/ has to inject their autism into unrelated thread

Every time


>"don't post facts, it makes us look bad!"

The West also has like ten voice actors who are all in different unions that demand that if you hire one from one union, your whole cast has to be in that union. Western voice actors are also entitled shits who think they deserve to be paid as much as face actors just for reading words off a script in a recording studio.

>hurr durr maybe if I change the subject he won't realize it

Damn you're making me smile now. The VA's I listed are some of the most sought after actors in the industry. Therefore, JRPG dubs are no worse than any other acting in the industry. Your argument now changed into "everything is trash". Not gonna argue with a nigger brainlet

No, your post is off-topic. There is an entire board for that.


>All made with English VO in mind.
They're still japanese games, written in japanese by japs and have with english voice acting like OP said. Platinum games all have solid english VA, I'm sure Astral Chain will follow tradition.

Shitty dubs is white culture? (whatever that is supposed to be, I know French, Russian, German, Polish cultures)

>I'm sure Astral Chain will follow tradition.
How about you actually go watch the videos. There's a reason OP made this thread the way he did.

Vanquish was pretty cool desu.

The best localisations of Japanese games are those where you have at least dual audio that you can switch between at any time. Prove me wrong. Pro Tip: You can't.

I saw it during E3 like everyone else, sounded like a Platinum game. If you think this is "le cringefest" I'm pretty sure cornball games like W101 and Bayo 2 would make you shove scissors in your ears.



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I really don't know, the english isn't THAT bad I guess? But other than the first guy speaking it's not great.

The problem with dubs are that 99% of the time, they have a voice director who dosen't know fuck all about what they're doing.

Hell, shit like that happens in Japan, too. Just compare the Umineko anime and PS3 port. Same seiyuus, two completely different results.

English voices are better.
We left bad English dub in the PS2 era.

ffx english dub is pretty good

you just lowered your standards after years of eating shit like capeshit movies and netflix series. You are so used to bad acting you behave like a bad actor yourself.

Some voices in FFX are good, some are not.

But then, we have games like...


Exactly my thought.

Funny thig, user. I don't watch Marvel movies, and I started using Netflix in April. Of 2019.

>Damn you're making me smile now. The VA's I listed are some of the most sought after actors in the industry.
I didn't change the subject. I called the voice actors you listed shit. They're only "the most sought after" because you've restricted the scope severely.

That's like calling the most sought after 60+ Rugby player one of the most sought after elite athletes. That's not how things work. Being the king of shit doesn't make you not shit. Just better than the other shit.

Imagine believing that. You don't need to understand english to tell this dub is shit.


The same goes for the jap dub.

Why would you assume the Japanese voice acting is any less cringe? Do you live in Japan, that you hear normal people speak Japanese and can accurately judge the quality of the voices?

Never heard of that game. Looks too... brown. Like SMT Nocturne or DDS, lol.

> because you've restricted the scope severely.

The absolute state of (You). My "severely restricted" scope was the entire industry you ignorant nigger.

Not OP, but as a German I think the English sounds incredibly cringy most of the time, even German voice acting (if there is any for the work in question) sounds better than the English ones more often than not (aside from "female teenager" voices, those suck in 95% of all German dubs). The Japanese ones generally are superior to both, though there are some exceptions where the English or German voices are about equal to the Japanese ones.

Nigger I've been living in Osaka for 4 years now, but even before I came here, I could notice the difference.
Why are you faggots so autistic?

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>was the entire industry
The entire western videogame VA industry*